
Foram encontradas 1070 questões
CEDERJ 2020 - Biologia - Hereditariedade e diversidade da vida

Segundo os geneticistas, o processo de aclimatação fisiológica à altitude é um exemplo clássico do conceito intitulado:

Texto para a questão.

A temida altitude: Flamengo só venceu um dos cinco jogos acima de 3000 metros na libertadores.

Com apenas 26,6% de aproveitamento nas maiores alturas do continente, o Rubro-Negro já experimentou diferentes tipos de aclimatação à altitude desde 1983. Único triunfo foi em 2008 no Peru. Preocupada, a diretoria do Flamengo preparou uma força-tarefa anti-altitude que envolve: vitaminas e exercícios respiratórios com os jogadore ; escolta de ambulância durante toda a estadia em Oruro; 10 cilindros de oxigênio, que só serão usados em eventuais emergências e não serão exibidos para não assustar os atletas. Além disso, para minimizar os efeitos dos 3.700 metros, o Flamengo ficará em Santa Cruz de la Sierra - 400 metros acima do mar - até horas antes do jogo. 

Disponível em: noticia/a-temida-altitude-flamengo-so-venceu-um-dos-cinco-jogosacima-de-3000-metros-na-libertadores.ghtml Acesso em 16/05/2020. Adaptado

crossing over
norma de reação
CEDERJ 2020 - Biologia - Respiração celular e fermentação, Moléculas, células e tecidos

A função primordial do gás contido nos 10 cilindros, citados na reportagem , durante a respiração celular dos atletas é:

Texto para a questão.

A temida altitude: Flamengo só venceu um dos cinco jogos acima de 3000 metros na libertadores.

Com apenas 26,6% de aproveitamento nas maiores alturas do continente, o Rubro-Negro já experimentou diferentes tipos de aclimatação à altitude desde 1983. Único triunfo foi em 2008 no Peru. Preocupada, a diretoria do Flamengo preparou uma força-tarefa anti-altitude que envolve: vitaminas e exercícios respiratórios com os jogadore ; escolta de ambulância durante toda a estadia em Oruro; 10 cilindros de oxigênio, que só serão usados em eventuais emergências e não serão exibidos para não assustar os atletas. Além disso, para minimizar os efeitos dos 3.700 metros, o Flamengo ficará em Santa Cruz de la Sierra - 400 metros acima do mar - até horas antes do jogo. 

Disponível em: noticia/a-temida-altitude-flamengo-so-venceu-um-dos-cinco-jogosacima-de-3000-metros-na-libertadores.ghtml Acesso em 16/05/2020. Adaptado

impedir a alcalinização citoplasmática
atuar como aceptor final de elétrons e íons H+
catalisar a produção de monóxido de carbono
saturar o lactato mitocondrial
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

One of the main objectives of the text is to discuss:

Social Distancing, Without the Police

Letting members of the community enforce social distancing is the better way.

   Of the 125 people arrested over offenses that law enforcement officials described as related to the coronavirus pandemic, 113 were black or Hispanic. Of the 374 summonses from March 16 to May 5, a vast majority — 300 — were given to black and Hispanic New Yorkers.
   Videos of some of the arrests are hard to watch. In one posted to Facebook last week, a group of some six police officers are seen tackling a black woman in a subway station as heryoung child looks on. “She's got a baby with her!” a bystander shouts. Police officials told The Daily News the woman had refused to comply when officers directed her to put the mask she was wearing over her nose and mouth.
   Contrast that with photographs across social media showing crowds of sun-seekers packed into parks in wealthy, whiter areas of the city, lounging undisturbed as police officers hand out masks.
   So it is obvious that the city needs a different approach to enforcing public health measures during the pandemic. Mayor Bill de Blasio seems to understand this, and he has promised to hire 2,300 people to serve as social distancing “ambassadors.”
   Hopefully, the mayor will think bigger.
  One promising idea , promoted by City Councilman Brad Lander and others, is to build quickly a kind of “public health corps" to enforce social-distancing measures.
  In this approach, specially trained civilians could fan out across the neighborhoods and parks, helping with pedestrian traffic control and politely encouraging New Yorkers entering parks to protect one another by wearing masks and keeping their distance. Police Department school safety agents, who are not armed, could help. Such a program could also provide muchneeded employment for young people, especially with New York's summer jobs program, which serves people 14 to 24, threatened by budget cuts.
   Another method to help social-distancing efforts may be the community-based groups that have been effective in reducing gun violence in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods.
   The Police Department would play only a minimal role in this approach, stepping in to help with crowd control, for example, something it does extremely well.
   Without a significant course correction, the department's role in the pandemic may look more and more like stop-and-frisk, the policing tactic that led to the harassment of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, most of them black and Hispanic, while rarely touching white New Yorkers. Mr. de Blasio has scoffed at the comparison, though it's not clear why.
   Aggressive police enforcement of socialdistancing measures is nearly certain to harm the health and dignity of the city's black and Hispanic residents. 
   It could also diminish respect for the Police Department. Which is why it makes sense that the city's largest police union has said that its members want little to do with social-distancing enforcement. “The N.Y.P.D. needs to get cops out of the socialdistancing-enforcement business altogether,” Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, said in a statement on May 4. On this issue, Mr. Lynch gets it.
   New York is facing a public health crisis, not a spike in crime. Black and Hispanic New Yorkers are already suffering disproportionately from the coronavirus. They don't need more policing. They need more help. 

Available at Accessed May 18,2020. 
the widespread dissemination of misinformation about COVID-19 and the social isolation on the internet
the way police officers approach citizens who disrepect social-distancing measures in the New York City Subway system
Mayor Bill de Blasio's role in the New York Police Department administration before during and after the lockdown period
alternative ways to enforce social-distancing measures in New York City without an agressive involvement of the police force
CEDERJ 2020 - Biologia - Sistema Circulatório Humano, Identidade dos seres vivos

O processo de aclimatação fisiológica à altitude citado no texto provoca, a longo prazo, o aumento da produção de uma importante célula sanguínea denominada:

Texto para a questão.

A temida altitude: Flamengo só venceu um dos cinco jogos acima de 3000 metros na libertadores.

Com apenas 26,6% de aproveitamento nas maiores alturas do continente, o Rubro-Negro já experimentou diferentes tipos de aclimatação à altitude desde 1983. Único triunfo foi em 2008 no Peru. Preocupada, a diretoria do Flamengo preparou uma força-tarefa anti-altitude que envolve: vitaminas e exercícios respiratórios com os jogadore ; escolta de ambulância durante toda a estadia em Oruro; 10 cilindros de oxigênio, que só serão usados em eventuais emergências e não serão exibidos para não assustar os atletas. Além disso, para minimizar os efeitos dos 3.700 metros, o Flamengo ficará em Santa Cruz de la Sierra - 400 metros acima do mar - até horas antes do jogo. 

Disponível em: noticia/a-temida-altitude-flamengo-so-venceu-um-dos-cinco-jogosacima-de-3000-metros-na-libertadores.ghtml Acesso em 16/05/2020. Adaptado

CEDERJ 2020 - Biologia - Relações ecológicas, Ecologia e ciências ambientais

Mamíferos de grande porte, como a onçap-intada e o lobo-guará, precisam de grandes quantidades de alimento e demandam áreas extensas para viver, por isso a disputa por recursos entre eles se torna particularmente acirrada, em função da destruição de habitats. O desaparecimento desses animais resulta no aumento na população de suas presas, como ratos e camundongos, que carregam diversos patógenos. Assim, muitas das doenças zoonóticas com as quais se têm lidado nos últimos tempos - como Covid-19, ebola, gripes suína e aviária - possuem uma relação direta com o impacto humano em habitats naturais.

As relações ecológicas que envolvem onças-pintadas/lobos-guará, onças-pintadas/camundongos e ratos/agentes patogênicos são, respectivamente:

predatismo, comensalismo e mutualismo
sociedade, parasitismo e protocooperação
com petição intraespecífica, amensalismo e colônia
competição interespecífica , predatismo e parasitismo
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Conceição Evaristo, escritora contemporânea brasileira, é conhecida por sua habilidade com o foco narrativo. Um procedimento adotado no texto que evidencia essa habilidade é:


Saraivada de balas, de instantes em instantes, retumbam no interior da casa, ameaçando a diversão da mãe de Bica e de Idago. Dona Esterlina levanta irritada e muda de canal de televisão. Lá fora, balas e balas, independente do desejo da mulher, executam continuadamente a mesma e seca sonata. Uma programação mais amena vai entorpecendo os sentidos da mulher.

O que mais gosto na televisão é de novela. Acho a maior bobeira futebol, política, carnaval e show. Bobagem também reportagem, campanha contra a fome, contra o verde, contra a vida, contra-contra. Contra e não. Contra-mão. Ando sentindo dores nas pernas. Também! “Lata d'água na cabeça, lá vai Maria”. Sobe o morro, desce o morro e não se cansa dessa dança.

EVARISTO, Conceição. Olhos D’ Água. Rio de Janeiro: Palias, 2016, p. 101 (Fragmento)

expectativa de futuro melhor
descrição idealista do espaço
evocação da memória da infância
inserção do pensamento da personagem
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

A passagem do primeiro para o segundo parágrafo é responsável por uma alteração brusca da atenção do narrador sobre diferentes informações da realidade, representadas respectivamente por:


Saraivada de balas, de instantes em instantes, retumbam no interior da casa, ameaçando a diversão da mãe de Bica e de Idago. Dona Esterlina levanta irritada e muda de canal de televisão. Lá fora, balas e balas, independente do desejo da mulher, executam continuadamente a mesma e seca sonata. Uma programação mais amena vai entorpecendo os sentidos da mulher.

O que mais gosto na televisão é de novela. Acho a maior bobeira futebol, política, carnaval e show. Bobagem também reportagem, campanha contra a fome, contra o verde, contra a vida, contra-contra. Contra e não. Contra-mão. Ando sentindo dores nas pernas. Também! “Lata d'água na cabeça, lá vai Maria”. Sobe o morro, desce o morro e não se cansa dessa dança.

EVARISTO, Conceição. Olhos D’ Água. Rio de Janeiro: Palias, 2016, p. 101 (Fragmento)

conflito armado e crítica cultural
expectativa amorosa e repressão policial
saneamento precário e crítica jornalística
programação televisiva e militância ecológica
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

O poema Navio negreiro, de Castro Alves, é uma obra decisiva dentro do projeto abolicionista na literatura brasileira. O trecho apresentado é re p re se n ta tivo dessa im p o rtâ n cia , devido à expressão, pelo eu lírico, de um:


E existe um povo que a bandeira empresta
P’ra cobrir tanta infâmia e cobardia!...
E deixa-a transformar-se nessa festa
Em manto impuro de bacante fria!...
Meu Deus! meu Deus! mas que bandeira é esta,
Que impudente1 na gávea tripudia?
Silêncio. Musa... chora, e chora tanto
Que o pavilhão se lave no teu pranto!...

Auriverde pendão de minha terra,
Que a brisa do Brasil beija e balança,
Estandarte que a luz do sol encerra
E as promessas divinas da esperança...
Tu que, da liberdade após a guerra,
Foste hasteado dos heróis na lança
Antes te houvessem roto na batalha,
Que servires a um povo de mortalha!...

Fatalidade atroz que a mente esmaga!
Extingue nesta hora o brigue imundo
O trilho que Colombo2 abriu na vaga,
Como um íris no pélago3 profundo!
Mas é infâmia de mais!... Da etérea plaga4
Levantai-vos, heróis do Novo Mundo!
Andrada5! arranca esse pendão dos ares!
Colombo! fecha a porta dos teus mares!

ALVES, Castro. Obra Completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1986. p. 283-284.

1. que não tem pudor
2. Cristóvão de Colombo (1451-1506), navegador e explorador italiano, responsável por liderar a frota que alcançou o continente americano em 1492
3. abismo
4. região, lugar, país
5. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838), o patriarca da Independência do Brasil
projeto elitista e conservador
instinto revolucionário e violento
caráter discriminatório e eugenista
sentimento humanitário e reivindicatório
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

O poema de Castro Alves não só constrói uma crítica contundente ao tráfico de africanos escravizados, como também realiza uma crítica ao sentimento nacionalista romântico, uma vez que associa a imagem da bandeira do país à:


E existe um povo que a bandeira empresta
P’ra cobrir tanta infâmia e cobardia!...
E deixa-a transformar-se nessa festa
Em manto impuro de bacante fria!...
Meu Deus! meu Deus! mas que bandeira é esta,
Que impudente1 na gávea tripudia?
Silêncio. Musa... chora, e chora tanto
Que o pavilhão se lave no teu pranto!...

Auriverde pendão de minha terra,
Que a brisa do Brasil beija e balança,
Estandarte que a luz do sol encerra
E as promessas divinas da esperança...
Tu que, da liberdade após a guerra,
Foste hasteado dos heróis na lança
Antes te houvessem roto na batalha,
Que servires a um povo de mortalha!...

Fatalidade atroz que a mente esmaga!
Extingue nesta hora o brigue imundo
O trilho que Colombo2 abriu na vaga,
Como um íris no pélago3 profundo!
Mas é infâmia de mais!... Da etérea plaga4
Levantai-vos, heróis do Novo Mundo!
Andrada5! arranca esse pendão dos ares!
Colombo! fecha a porta dos teus mares!

ALVES, Castro. Obra Completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1986. p. 283-284.

1. que não tem pudor
2. Cristóvão de Colombo (1451-1506), navegador e explorador italiano, responsável por liderar a frota que alcançou o continente americano em 1492
3. abismo
4. região, lugar, país
5. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838), o patriarca da Independência do Brasil
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text it is true that:

Social Distancing, Without the Police

Letting members of the community enforce social distancing is the better way.

   Of the 125 people arrested over offenses that law enforcement officials described as related to the coronavirus pandemic, 113 were black or Hispanic. Of the 374 summonses from March 16 to May 5, a vast majority — 300 — were given to black and Hispanic New Yorkers.
   Videos of some of the arrests are hard to watch. In one posted to Facebook last week, a group of some six police officers are seen tackling a black woman in a subway station as heryoung child looks on. “She's got a baby with her!” a bystander shouts. Police officials told The Daily News the woman had refused to comply when officers directed her to put the mask she was wearing over her nose and mouth.
   Contrast that with photographs across social media showing crowds of sun-seekers packed into parks in wealthy, whiter areas of the city, lounging undisturbed as police officers hand out masks.
   So it is obvious that the city needs a different approach to enforcing public health measures during the pandemic. Mayor Bill de Blasio seems to understand this, and he has promised to hire 2,300 people to serve as social distancing “ambassadors.”
   Hopefully, the mayor will think bigger.
  One promising idea , promoted by City Councilman Brad Lander and others, is to build quickly a kind of “public health corps" to enforce social-distancing measures.
  In this approach, specially trained civilians could fan out across the neighborhoods and parks, helping with pedestrian traffic control and politely encouraging New Yorkers entering parks to protect one another by wearing masks and keeping their distance. Police Department school safety agents, who are not armed, could help. Such a program could also provide muchneeded employment for young people, especially with New York's summer jobs program, which serves people 14 to 24, threatened by budget cuts.
   Another method to help social-distancing efforts may be the community-based groups that have been effective in reducing gun violence in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods.
   The Police Department would play only a minimal role in this approach, stepping in to help with crowd control, for example, something it does extremely well.
   Without a significant course correction, the department's role in the pandemic may look more and more like stop-and-frisk, the policing tactic that led to the harassment of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, most of them black and Hispanic, while rarely touching white New Yorkers. Mr. de Blasio has scoffed at the comparison, though it's not clear why.
   Aggressive police enforcement of socialdistancing measures is nearly certain to harm the health and dignity of the city's black and Hispanic residents. 
   It could also diminish respect for the Police Department. Which is why it makes sense that the city's largest police union has said that its members want little to do with social-distancing enforcement. “The N.Y.P.D. needs to get cops out of the socialdistancing-enforcement business altogether,” Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, said in a statement on May 4. On this issue, Mr. Lynch gets it.
   New York is facing a public health crisis, not a spike in crime. Black and Hispanic New Yorkers are already suffering disproportionately from the coronavirus. They don't need more policing. They need more help. 

Available at Accessed May 18,2020. 
Mayor de Blasio does not understand what New York city needs
the police should play a bigger role during the pandemic crisis
New York is facing a public health crisis, not a criminal one
police officers want to arrest as much people as possible
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The sum of “113” (paragraph 1) refers to:

Social Distancing, Without the Police

Letting members of the community enforce social distancing is the better way.

   Of the 125 people arrested over offenses that law enforcement officials described as related to the coronavirus pandemic, 113 were black or Hispanic. Of the 374 summonses from March 16 to May 5, a vast majority — 300 — were given to black and Hispanic New Yorkers.
   Videos of some of the arrests are hard to watch. In one posted to Facebook last week, a group of some six police officers are seen tackling a black woman in a subway station as heryoung child looks on. “She's got a baby with her!” a bystander shouts. Police officials told The Daily News the woman had refused to comply when officers directed her to put the mask she was wearing over her nose and mouth.
   Contrast that with photographs across social media showing crowds of sun-seekers packed into parks in wealthy, whiter areas of the city, lounging undisturbed as police officers hand out masks.
   So it is obvious that the city needs a different approach to enforcing public health measures during the pandemic. Mayor Bill de Blasio seems to understand this, and he has promised to hire 2,300 people to serve as social distancing “ambassadors.”
   Hopefully, the mayor will think bigger.
  One promising idea , promoted by City Councilman Brad Lander and others, is to build quickly a kind of “public health corps" to enforce social-distancing measures.
  In this approach, specially trained civilians could fan out across the neighborhoods and parks, helping with pedestrian traffic control and politely encouraging New Yorkers entering parks to protect one another by wearing masks and keeping their distance. Police Department school safety agents, who are not armed, could help. Such a program could also provide muchneeded employment for young people, especially with New York's summer jobs program, which serves people 14 to 24, threatened by budget cuts.
   Another method to help social-distancing efforts may be the community-based groups that have been effective in reducing gun violence in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods.
   The Police Department would play only a minimal role in this approach, stepping in to help with crowd control, for example, something it does extremely well.
   Without a significant course correction, the department's role in the pandemic may look more and more like stop-and-frisk, the policing tactic that led to the harassment of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, most of them black and Hispanic, while rarely touching white New Yorkers. Mr. de Blasio has scoffed at the comparison, though it's not clear why.
   Aggressive police enforcement of socialdistancing measures is nearly certain to harm the health and dignity of the city's black and Hispanic residents. 
   It could also diminish respect for the Police Department. Which is why it makes sense that the city's largest police union has said that its members want little to do with social-distancing enforcement. “The N.Y.P.D. needs to get cops out of the socialdistancing-enforcement business altogether,” Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, said in a statement on May 4. On this issue, Mr. Lynch gets it.
   New York is facing a public health crisis, not a spike in crime. Black and Hispanic New Yorkers are already suffering disproportionately from the coronavirus. They don't need more policing. They need more help. 

Available at Accessed May 18,2020. 
New York citizens arrested over offenses related to coronavirus pandemic
Black/Hispanic people arrested over offenses related to coronavirus pandemic
citizens summoned over crim es related to coronavirus pandemic in the USA
Black/Hispanic enforcement officials working at the New York Police Department
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

The adverb that best conveys the of the underlined word in the sentence "Hopefully, the mayor will think bigger" (paragraph 5) is:

Social Distancing, Without the Police

Letting members of the community enforce social distancing is the better way.

   Of the 125 people arrested over offenses that law enforcement officials described as related to the coronavirus pandemic, 113 were black or Hispanic. Of the 374 summonses from March 16 to May 5, a vast majority — 300 — were given to black and Hispanic New Yorkers.
   Videos of some of the arrests are hard to watch. In one posted to Facebook last week, a group of some six police officers are seen tackling a black woman in a subway station as heryoung child looks on. “She's got a baby with her!” a bystander shouts. Police officials told The Daily News the woman had refused to comply when officers directed her to put the mask she was wearing over her nose and mouth.
   Contrast that with photographs across social media showing crowds of sun-seekers packed into parks in wealthy, whiter areas of the city, lounging undisturbed as police officers hand out masks.
   So it is obvious that the city needs a different approach to enforcing public health measures during the pandemic. Mayor Bill de Blasio seems to understand this, and he has promised to hire 2,300 people to serve as social distancing “ambassadors.”
   Hopefully, the mayor will think bigger.
  One promising idea , promoted by City Councilman Brad Lander and others, is to build quickly a kind of “public health corps" to enforce social-distancing measures.
  In this approach, specially trained civilians could fan out across the neighborhoods and parks, helping with pedestrian traffic control and politely encouraging New Yorkers entering parks to protect one another by wearing masks and keeping their distance. Police Department school safety agents, who are not armed, could help. Such a program could also provide muchneeded employment for young people, especially with New York's summer jobs program, which serves people 14 to 24, threatened by budget cuts.
   Another method to help social-distancing efforts may be the community-based groups that have been effective in reducing gun violence in some of the city's toughest neighborhoods.
   The Police Department would play only a minimal role in this approach, stepping in to help with crowd control, for example, something it does extremely well.
   Without a significant course correction, the department's role in the pandemic may look more and more like stop-and-frisk, the policing tactic that led to the harassment of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, most of them black and Hispanic, while rarely touching white New Yorkers. Mr. de Blasio has scoffed at the comparison, though it's not clear why.
   Aggressive police enforcement of socialdistancing measures is nearly certain to harm the health and dignity of the city's black and Hispanic residents. 
   It could also diminish respect for the Police Department. Which is why it makes sense that the city's largest police union has said that its members want little to do with social-distancing enforcement. “The N.Y.P.D. needs to get cops out of the socialdistancing-enforcement business altogether,” Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, said in a statement on May 4. On this issue, Mr. Lynch gets it.
   New York is facing a public health crisis, not a spike in crime. Black and Hispanic New Yorkers are already suffering disproportionately from the coronavirus. They don't need more policing. They need more help. 

Available at Accessed May 18,2020. 
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Funções morfossintáticas da palavra COMO

“E as regiões onde já vemos os sinais vermelhos, como partes do Amazonas e do Ceará”
Nessa frase, a palavra como introduz expressão com função de:

A Covid-19 e a desigualdade

   Conforme o coronavírus se espalha, vemos mais diferenças ressaltadas. Em grande parte dos EUA, outro grupo de risco surgiu. Morrem proporcionalmente bem mais negros e latinos. O que não parece ser obra do vírus, mas sim das pessoas. Alguns índices de saúde dos EUA sempre foram os piores dos países de primeiro mundo, como a maior mortalidade infantil de filhos de mães jovens. Isso é uma média entre famílias brancas com números próximos dos outros países mais desenvolvidos e famílias negras e latinas que ficam próximas de países bem mais pobres.
  Além disso, negros e latinos exercem mais trabalhos essenciais, têm menos condições financeiras de ficar em casa, vivem em densidades maiores, têm mais diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e outros complicadores da Covid-19.
   O mesmo deve acontecer no Brasil. Pesquisadores do grupo M ave, da Fiocruz, calcularam o índice de vulnerabilidade de brasileiros considerando acesso à saúde, esgoto tratado, eletricidade, IDH e outros indicadores de qualidade de vida. Todos são fatores necessários para as medidas mais importantes para barrar a pandemia e promover o distanciamento e higiene constante.
   Difícil ficar em casa quando é preciso andar quilômetros para ter água para lavar as mãos. E as regiões onde já vemos os sinais vermelhos, como partes do Amazonas e do Ceará, em que o sistema de saúde já está entrando em colapso, estão entre as regiões mais vulneráveis que observaram.
Atila lamarino (Trecho extraído e adaptado de: Folha de São Paulo, 19/04/2020)
introduzir uma causa
contestar uma opinião
exemplificar uma ideia
estabelecer uma concessão
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Sintaxe, Concordância verbal, Concordância nominal

Em “estão entre as regiões mais vulneráveis que observaram” (4° parágrafo), o verbo observaram encontra-se no plural por concordar com a seguinte expressão mencionada no texto: 

A Covid-19 e a desigualdade

   Conforme o coronavírus se espalha, vemos mais diferenças ressaltadas. Em grande parte dos EUA, outro grupo de risco surgiu. Morrem proporcionalmente bem mais negros e latinos. O que não parece ser obra do vírus, mas sim das pessoas. Alguns índices de saúde dos EUA sempre foram os piores dos países de primeiro mundo, como a maior mortalidade infantil de filhos de mães jovens. Isso é uma média entre famílias brancas com números próximos dos outros países mais desenvolvidos e famílias negras e latinas que ficam próximas de países bem mais pobres.
  Além disso, negros e latinos exercem mais trabalhos essenciais, têm menos condições financeiras de ficar em casa, vivem em densidades maiores, têm mais diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e outros complicadores da Covid-19.
   O mesmo deve acontecer no Brasil. Pesquisadores do grupo M ave, da Fiocruz, calcularam o índice de vulnerabilidade de brasileiros considerando acesso à saúde, esgoto tratado, eletricidade, IDH e outros indicadores de qualidade de vida. Todos são fatores necessários para as medidas mais importantes para barrar a pandemia e promover o distanciamento e higiene constante.
   Difícil ficar em casa quando é preciso andar quilômetros para ter água para lavar as mãos. E as regiões onde já vemos os sinais vermelhos, como partes do Amazonas e do Ceará, em que o sistema de saúde já está entrando em colapso, estão entre as regiões mais vulneráveis que observaram.
Atila lamarino (Trecho extraído e adaptado de: Folha de São Paulo, 19/04/2020)
fatores necessários
pesquisadores do grupo Mave
partes do Amazonas e do Ceará
outros indicadores de qualidade de vida
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Coesão e coerência

“Isso é uma média entre famílias brancas com números próximos dos outros países mais desenvolvidos e famílias negras e latinas que ficam próximas de países bem mais pobres” (1° parágrafo).
A palavra isso retoma a seguinte ideia:

A Covid-19 e a desigualdade

   Conforme o coronavírus se espalha, vemos mais diferenças ressaltadas. Em grande parte dos EUA, outro grupo de risco surgiu. Morrem proporcionalmente bem mais negros e latinos. O que não parece ser obra do vírus, mas sim das pessoas. Alguns índices de saúde dos EUA sempre foram os piores dos países de primeiro mundo, como a maior mortalidade infantil de filhos de mães jovens. Isso é uma média entre famílias brancas com números próximos dos outros países mais desenvolvidos e famílias negras e latinas que ficam próximas de países bem mais pobres.
  Além disso, negros e latinos exercem mais trabalhos essenciais, têm menos condições financeiras de ficar em casa, vivem em densidades maiores, têm mais diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e outros complicadores da Covid-19.
   O mesmo deve acontecer no Brasil. Pesquisadores do grupo M ave, da Fiocruz, calcularam o índice de vulnerabilidade de brasileiros considerando acesso à saúde, esgoto tratado, eletricidade, IDH e outros indicadores de qualidade de vida. Todos são fatores necessários para as medidas mais importantes para barrar a pandemia e promover o distanciamento e higiene constante.
   Difícil ficar em casa quando é preciso andar quilômetros para ter água para lavar as mãos. E as regiões onde já vemos os sinais vermelhos, como partes do Amazonas e do Ceará, em que o sistema de saúde já está entrando em colapso, estão entre as regiões mais vulneráveis que observaram.
Atila lamarino (Trecho extraído e adaptado de: Folha de São Paulo, 19/04/2020)
os EU A não apresentam grupo de risco significativo
a população de negros e latinos está mais protegida da doença
o coronavírus se espalha de maneiras diferentes nos continentes
a taxa de mortalidade infantil de filhos de mães jovens é maior
CEDERJ 2020 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

A discussão central do texto está baseada na relação entre:

A Covid-19 e a desigualdade

   Conforme o coronavírus se espalha, vemos mais diferenças ressaltadas. Em grande parte dos EUA, outro grupo de risco surgiu. Morrem proporcionalmente bem mais negros e latinos. O que não parece ser obra do vírus, mas sim das pessoas. Alguns índices de saúde dos EUA sempre foram os piores dos países de primeiro mundo, como a maior mortalidade infantil de filhos de mães jovens. Isso é uma média entre famílias brancas com números próximos dos outros países mais desenvolvidos e famílias negras e latinas que ficam próximas de países bem mais pobres.
  Além disso, negros e latinos exercem mais trabalhos essenciais, têm menos condições financeiras de ficar em casa, vivem em densidades maiores, têm mais diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e outros complicadores da Covid-19.
   O mesmo deve acontecer no Brasil. Pesquisadores do grupo M ave, da Fiocruz, calcularam o índice de vulnerabilidade de brasileiros considerando acesso à saúde, esgoto tratado, eletricidade, IDH e outros indicadores de qualidade de vida. Todos são fatores necessários para as medidas mais importantes para barrar a pandemia e promover o distanciamento e higiene constante.
   Difícil ficar em casa quando é preciso andar quilômetros para ter água para lavar as mãos. E as regiões onde já vemos os sinais vermelhos, como partes do Amazonas e do Ceará, em que o sistema de saúde já está entrando em colapso, estão entre as regiões mais vulneráveis que observaram.
Atila lamarino (Trecho extraído e adaptado de: Folha de São Paulo, 19/04/2020)
origem étnica e vida longa
risco de adoecer e fragilidade social
oportunidade de emprego e juventude
espaço geográfico e direito à moradia
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The "3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme” (2nd paragraph) includes the following group of people:

What about the artists?

The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020

The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives

      On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.

     The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.

     The interviewer’s question was specifically about musicians - a third of whom have been ineligible for the selfemployed support scheme. So even if, as he later asserted, Mr Sunak was talking about the workforce as a whole rather than cultural workers in particular when he spoke of the need to retrain, he certainly gave a strong impression of indifference to and ignorance of musicians’ plight. This was reinforced on Monday when a government-backed advertisement went viral, launching hundreds of derisive parodies. Aiming to recruit workers into cybersecurity roles, it showed a dancer doing up her ballet shoes. It read: "Fatima’s next job could be in cyber (she just doesn’t know it yet)”. 
     The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, was forced to condemn the advertisement as "crass” as his day of good news descended into farce and contumely. The government seems unable to grasp that putting money into the arts infrastructure is only part of the solution; creatives themselves need to be helped to survive economically too. Though some institutions are putting work on stage - and will be helped to do so in the months to come by the rescue package - these events will necessarily be small-scale, representing a drop in the ocean compared with the industry working at full tilt.
     New digital business models are being explored, but they are in their infancy and are not going to pay next month’s rent. Moreover, performance dates in the diary - that is, employment opportunities for freelancers - amount to perilous bets against the future course of the virus. As infections soar, organisations are bound, quite rightly, to be cautious, particularly in the face of the catastrophic failure of the government’s test-and-trace scheme.
     Meanwhile, musicians and others are certainly "adapting” - often to unskilled, low-paid work, though there is not much of that to go around. The government’s continued implication that musicians and other creative workers - many of whom have trained since childhood for some of the most demanding, competitive and highly skilled work in the economy - are somehow not "viable” is both insulting and ignorant. Underlying Mr Sunak’s remarks was the tired old Tory notion that creative jobs are not "real jobs”, and are undertaken by some fantastical species who are not, in fact, real people. Perhaps the chancellor should ask his family’s music teacher what it’s really like for artists right now - and actually listen to the answer.

Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.

all cultural workers
all cultural associations
all people considered eligible
all self-employed artists
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The second and first paragraphs are linked by a notion of contrast, which is explicitly conveyed by the linking word "though” (2nd paragraph). The contrast refers to the difference in treatment between::

What about the artists?

The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020

The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives

      On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.

     The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.

     The interviewer’s question was specifically about musicians - a third of whom have been ineligible for the selfemployed support scheme. So even if, as he later asserted, Mr Sunak was talking about the workforce as a whole rather than cultural workers in particular when he spoke of the need to retrain, he certainly gave a strong impression of indifference to and ignorance of musicians’ plight. This was reinforced on Monday when a government-backed advertisement went viral, launching hundreds of derisive parodies. Aiming to recruit workers into cybersecurity roles, it showed a dancer doing up her ballet shoes. It read: "Fatima’s next job could be in cyber (she just doesn’t know it yet)”. 
     The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, was forced to condemn the advertisement as "crass” as his day of good news descended into farce and contumely. The government seems unable to grasp that putting money into the arts infrastructure is only part of the solution; creatives themselves need to be helped to survive economically too. Though some institutions are putting work on stage - and will be helped to do so in the months to come by the rescue package - these events will necessarily be small-scale, representing a drop in the ocean compared with the industry working at full tilt.
     New digital business models are being explored, but they are in their infancy and are not going to pay next month’s rent. Moreover, performance dates in the diary - that is, employment opportunities for freelancers - amount to perilous bets against the future course of the virus. As infections soar, organisations are bound, quite rightly, to be cautious, particularly in the face of the catastrophic failure of the government’s test-and-trace scheme.
     Meanwhile, musicians and others are certainly "adapting” - often to unskilled, low-paid work, though there is not much of that to go around. The government’s continued implication that musicians and other creative workers - many of whom have trained since childhood for some of the most demanding, competitive and highly skilled work in the economy - are somehow not "viable” is both insulting and ignorant. Underlying Mr Sunak’s remarks was the tired old Tory notion that creative jobs are not "real jobs”, and are undertaken by some fantastical species who are not, in fact, real people. Perhaps the chancellor should ask his family’s music teacher what it’s really like for artists right now - and actually listen to the answer.

Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.

musicians and arts organizations
big and small arts organizations
musicians and other creative workers
arts organizations and self-employed artists
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considering the expression of happenings in the past, verbs vary following time precision or imprecision. The example extracted from the editorial that reflects unspecified time is:

What about the artists?

The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020

The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives

      On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.

     The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.

     The interviewer’s question was specifically about musicians - a third of whom have been ineligible for the selfemployed support scheme. So even if, as he later asserted, Mr Sunak was talking about the workforce as a whole rather than cultural workers in particular when he spoke of the need to retrain, he certainly gave a strong impression of indifference to and ignorance of musicians’ plight. This was reinforced on Monday when a government-backed advertisement went viral, launching hundreds of derisive parodies. Aiming to recruit workers into cybersecurity roles, it showed a dancer doing up her ballet shoes. It read: "Fatima’s next job could be in cyber (she just doesn’t know it yet)”. 
     The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, was forced to condemn the advertisement as "crass” as his day of good news descended into farce and contumely. The government seems unable to grasp that putting money into the arts infrastructure is only part of the solution; creatives themselves need to be helped to survive economically too. Though some institutions are putting work on stage - and will be helped to do so in the months to come by the rescue package - these events will necessarily be small-scale, representing a drop in the ocean compared with the industry working at full tilt.
     New digital business models are being explored, but they are in their infancy and are not going to pay next month’s rent. Moreover, performance dates in the diary - that is, employment opportunities for freelancers - amount to perilous bets against the future course of the virus. As infections soar, organisations are bound, quite rightly, to be cautious, particularly in the face of the catastrophic failure of the government’s test-and-trace scheme.
     Meanwhile, musicians and others are certainly "adapting” - often to unskilled, low-paid work, though there is not much of that to go around. The government’s continued implication that musicians and other creative workers - many of whom have trained since childhood for some of the most demanding, competitive and highly skilled work in the economy - are somehow not "viable” is both insulting and ignorant. Underlying Mr Sunak’s remarks was the tired old Tory notion that creative jobs are not "real jobs”, and are undertaken by some fantastical species who are not, in fact, real people. Perhaps the chancellor should ask his family’s music teacher what it’s really like for artists right now - and actually listen to the answer.

Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.

" arts organisations finally heard” (1st paragraph)
" he mentioned retraining schemes” (2nd paragraph)
" the welcome announcement has been marred” (2nd paragraph)
"a government-backed advertisement went viral” (3rd paragraph)
CEDERJ 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The opinion editorial above advances the following position:

What about the artists?

The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020

The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives

      On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.

     The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.

     The interviewer’s question was specifically about musicians - a third of whom have been ineligible for the selfemployed support scheme. So even if, as he later asserted, Mr Sunak was talking about the workforce as a whole rather than cultural workers in particular when he spoke of the need to retrain, he certainly gave a strong impression of indifference to and ignorance of musicians’ plight. This was reinforced on Monday when a government-backed advertisement went viral, launching hundreds of derisive parodies. Aiming to recruit workers into cybersecurity roles, it showed a dancer doing up her ballet shoes. It read: "Fatima’s next job could be in cyber (she just doesn’t know it yet)”. 
     The culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, was forced to condemn the advertisement as "crass” as his day of good news descended into farce and contumely. The government seems unable to grasp that putting money into the arts infrastructure is only part of the solution; creatives themselves need to be helped to survive economically too. Though some institutions are putting work on stage - and will be helped to do so in the months to come by the rescue package - these events will necessarily be small-scale, representing a drop in the ocean compared with the industry working at full tilt.
     New digital business models are being explored, but they are in their infancy and are not going to pay next month’s rent. Moreover, performance dates in the diary - that is, employment opportunities for freelancers - amount to perilous bets against the future course of the virus. As infections soar, organisations are bound, quite rightly, to be cautious, particularly in the face of the catastrophic failure of the government’s test-and-trace scheme.
     Meanwhile, musicians and others are certainly "adapting” - often to unskilled, low-paid work, though there is not much of that to go around. The government’s continued implication that musicians and other creative workers - many of whom have trained since childhood for some of the most demanding, competitive and highly skilled work in the economy - are somehow not "viable” is both insulting and ignorant. Underlying Mr Sunak’s remarks was the tired old Tory notion that creative jobs are not "real jobs”, and are undertaken by some fantastical species who are not, in fact, real people. Perhaps the chancellor should ask his family’s music teacher what it’s really like for artists right now - and actually listen to the answer.

Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.

Government is not dealing with the problem of economic survival in the field of arts properly.
Government should stop providing funds to arts organizations and support self-employed people.
Government should invest more in retraining schemes so that cultural workers can adapt to the new reality.
Cultural workers should get additional qualification in education to start working with private lessons.