Questõesde UNESP sobre Inglês

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UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The phenomenon E-democracy [electronic democracy] is well known and well used in Sweden. E-democracy is a solution that makes it easier for the population to vote or to participate in different questions, or just to make themselves heard. E-democracy is used a lot of municipalities as a simple way for the inhabitants to participate in the local debate. E-democracy is often argued as a tool that makes participation more available for everyone.

(“E-democracy and digital gaps”.

A ferramenta apresentada no excerto remete a uma característica da política ateniense no período clássico, que diz respeito

ao poder irrestrito de um único indivíduo.
ao peso da retórica nas tomadas de decisão na pólis.
à decisão soberana de um líder religioso.
ao domínio de um grupo financeiramente privilegiado.
à igualdade de participação nas decisões políticas.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

As long as it operated as a cheap factory, China’s growth was welcomed by the US, and its emergence as a new market for consumer goods was eagerly anticipated. However, in the mid-2010s the relationship between the rising nation and the incumbent superpower became more competitive. With the election in 2016 of Donald Trump on an “America First” platform, the gloves came off. Unhappy with the trade imbalance, the US president kicked off a trade war in 2018. The fallout for companies has been considerable.

(Lucy Colback., 28.02.2020. Adaptado.)

O excerto descreve mudanças nas relações geopolíticas entre Estados Unidos e China nas últimas décadas. Essas mudanças resultaram em

barreiras aos investimentos de empresas norte-americanas em território chinês, com o confisco de máquinas destinadas à produção.
medidas unilaterais e protecionistas do governo norte- -americano, com a adoção de tarifas adicionais aos produtos chineses.
soluções sustentáveis para setores industriais tradicionalmente poluidores, com o compartilhamento de fontes de insumos renováveis entre os dois países.
incentivos para a criação de indústrias binacionais, com o intercâmbio facilitado de trabalhadores qualificados.
sanções econômicas e diplomáticas do governo norte- -americano, que restringiram o comércio da China com outros países.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

No trecho “And the costs of closure are staggering”, o termo sublinhado equivale, em português, a

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms

No trecho “who are less likely to attend online lessons”, o termo sublinhado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

No trecho “As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen”, o termo sublinhado indica

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O trecho “West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price” indica que, na região,

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
as crianças ainda sofrem as consequências do fechamento das escolas.
a recuperação escolar das crianças está em curso.
algumas escolas fechadas ainda não reabriram após a epidemia de Ebola.
a epidemia de Ebola poderá ressurgir mais forte em uma segunda onda.
a epidemia de Ebola ainda não acabou.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O cartum dialoga com o seguinte trecho do texto “Education for Sustainable Development”:

Education for Sustainable Development

Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development.

    With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future.
    UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world.

( Adaptado.)
“UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development”.
“Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think”.
“Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges”.
“what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future”.
“a world population of 7 billion people”.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Analise o cartum.

A fala do personagem

apresenta um questionamento sobre a relevância do desenvolvimento econômico para a população do planeta.
coloca em dúvida o custo do desenvolvimento econômico para a preservação do meio ambiente.
sugere uma alternativa viável para o desenvolvimento econômico sustentável.
expõe uma constatação sobre a importância da preservação do meio ambiente em benefício do equilíbrio da economia.
revela um posicionamento a respeito do impacto do sistema capitalista no meio ambiente.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the second paragraph, one of sustainable development initiatives to be tackled by education should be to

Education for Sustainable Development

Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development.

    With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future.
    UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world.

( Adaptado.)
develop skills necessary for work.
add climate change themes into school dynamics.
help people acquire basic and general knowledge.
enforce quality education in some specific contexts.
stimulate creativity, art and acting.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, o fechamento das escolas devido à pandemia de covid-19 prejudicou, principalmente,

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
os pais, já que precisaram se engajar em teletrabalho além de ajudar os filhos com aulas a distância.
as próprias escolas, uma vez que ficaram sem utilização
as crianças mais novas e as mais pobres, pois deixaram de aprender e ficaram sem refeições.
os jovens, pois acabaram de entrar na universidade e perderam o semestre.
as crianças, pois 75% delas deixaram de frequentar a escola.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The chart shows that the average share of population connected to internet

*TV and/or radio

     Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily on the youngest, who among other things miss out on picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may be missing meals as well as classes. West African children whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in 2014 are still paying the price.

(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
does not make much difference in remote-learning type, considering all income groups.
impacts significantly the segment of online-only learning both in the low and high income populations.
is equivalent to radio only access in low-income population.
is inversely proportional to income.
is lower than expected among high-income population.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the first paragraph, it is important to promote a sustainable development because

Education for Sustainable Development

Projects from Botswana, Brazil and Germany win UNESCO-Japan prize on Education for Sustainable Development.

    With a world population of 7 billion people and limited natural resources, we, as individuals and societies, need to learn to live together sustainably. We need to take action responsibly based on the understanding that what we do today can have implications on the lives of people and the planet in future. Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future.
    UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education on sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts, to transform society by reorienting education and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed for sustainable development. It is about including sustainable development issues, such as climate change and biodiversity into teaching and learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity and contribute to creating a more sustainable world.

( Adaptado.)
there are far too many people for too little natural resources.
individual needs should be considered above social needs.
people will always keep the way they are in the world.
most of the 7 billion people are not aware of sustainability
it is too costly to achieve without incentives.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Examine o meme publicado pela comunidade “The Language Nerds” em sua conta no Instagram em 28.02.2020.

Para se evitar o qualificativo de “psicopata”, seria aconselhável seguir a recomendação do meme e inserir uma vírgula logo após

UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Examine o cartum de Christopher Weyant, publicado em sua conta no Instagram em 16.08.2018.

O recurso expressivo que contribui de maneira decisiva para a compreensão do cartum é

a ironia.
o eufemismo.
a antítese.
a hipérbole.
o paradoxo.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No livro Sapiens: A brief history of humankind, do autor Yuval Noah Harari, há o seguinte trecho:

Like it or not, we are members of a large and particularly noisy family called the great apes. Our closest living relatives include chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. The chimpanzees are the closest. Just 6 million years ago, a single female ape had two daughters. One became the ancestor of all chimpanzees, the other is our own grandmother.

(Sapiens: A brief history of humankind, 2014.)

Em trecho anterior, o autor indica que o surgimento de organismos vivos data de 3,8 bilhões de anos atrás. Comparada a essa informação anterior, a expressão “Just 6 million years ago”, presente no trecho transcrito, justifica-se por indicar que a origem da espécie humana é ____________ , pois corresponde a __________ do período do surgimento dos organismos vivos.

Os termos que completam as lacunas da frase são, respectivamente:

antiga – mais de dois terços.
recente – pouco mais de 1 milésimo.
recente – precisamente 15 centésimos.
antiga – aproximadamente 63%.
precoce – aproximadamente 1%.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The United Nations (UN) publication mentioned in the text provides

The business of climate change

    A UN assessment published this week on the progress made in stemming the global loss of species made depressing reading. Not one of the 20 targets adopted by 196 countries in a convention on biodiversity in 2010 has been met. And the latest biennial Living Planet Report from the WWF, an environmental group, found that animal populations worldwide shrank by an average of two-thirds between 1970 and 2016. The falls were greatest in the tropics. In Latin America and the Caribbean animal populations fell by 94%, on average, during the period. It is some comfort that around the world biodiversity and climate change have become big political issues. In Australia koala bears have almost brought down a state government.

(, 18.09.2020.)

criticism about the 20 targets adopted in a convention.
bad news concerning biodiversity loss.
interesting ideas on biodiversity preservation to be followed.
an encouraging climate perspective.
a discussion about political views on global heating.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The chart shows details about the following excerpt from the text:

The business of climate change

    A UN assessment published this week on the progress made in stemming the global loss of species made depressing reading. Not one of the 20 targets adopted by 196 countries in a convention on biodiversity in 2010 has been met. And the latest biennial Living Planet Report from the WWF, an environmental group, found that animal populations worldwide shrank by an average of two-thirds between 1970 and 2016. The falls were greatest in the tropics. In Latin America and the Caribbean animal populations fell by 94%, on average, during the period. It is some comfort that around the world biodiversity and climate change have become big political issues. In Australia koala bears have almost brought down a state government.

(, 18.09.2020.)

“In Latin America and the Caribbean animal populations fell by 94%, on average, during the period”.
“In Australia koala bears have almost brought down a state government”.
“Not one of the 20 targets adopted by 196 countries in a convention on biodiversity in 2010 has been met”.
“A UN assessment published this week on the progress made in stemming the global loss of species”.
“It is some comfort that around the world biodiversity and climate change have become big political issues”.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt “Deforestation often follows a fishbone pattern”, the underlined word expresses

Analise o mapa para responder à questão.

UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O retângulo destacado no mapa e seu texto informam que, muitas vezes, o desmatamento

Analise o mapa para responder à questão.

precede a abertura de estradas para o escoamento de madeira ilegal.
ocorre em entradas perpendiculares após a construção de estradas.
provoca a morte de peixes em rios e igarapés próximos.
provoca desertificação nas regiões que margeiam as estradas.
toma forma de espinha de peixe ao longo das margens de rios.
UNESP 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The country covered by the Amazon rainforest presented in the map that displays less signs of forest clearing is

Analise o mapa para responder à questão.

French Guiana.