Questõesde FAG sobre Inglês

Foram encontradas 79 questões
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following quotations below would best conform to the methodological concept expressed in the text 1?

Text 1

Of prime importance in reading is vocabulary skill. The reader must know the meanings of enough of the words in a sentence for it to make sense and also know how to combine individual word meanings within a sentence. Once the student is past the initial stages of reading, he spends a large percentage of his time encountering new vocabulary, which can be approached in a number of ways. The teacher can give the meaning for each new word, as is common in teaching reading to non-native students.
Or, also common, the student may spend hours with a dictionary writing native-language glosses into his text. For the native speaker of English, the most common form of vocabulary building is guessing from context and/or word formations.
In many settings in which English is taught as a foreign language (EFL) there are high degrees of emphasis on rote memorization. Because vocabulary development skills are seldom specifically taught, the student is not aware of the skills or their benefits. Most students have been trained to panic. Their first
reaction on encountering a new word in a text is to stop and ask for a definition, even if the rest of the sentence defines it. The student of English as a foreign language cannot begin to read with full comprehension until he has been taught to conquer the unknown word by using contextual aids, that is, the formation of the word itself and the environment in which it is found.
(Adapted from Vocabulary in Context, by Anna Fisher Kruse, in Long, Michael H. and Richards, Jack (eds.), Methodology in TESOL – A Book of Readings. New York: Newbury House, 1987)
“The meaning of a word is primarily what it refers to in the real world, its denotation.”
“To solve the problem of polysemy students need to see and practice words in context.”
“Connotation refers to associations or feelings a word evokes, which may or may not be indicated in a dictionary definition.”
“Words enter into meaningful relations with other words around them.”
“Knowing a word involves knowing its spoken and written forms.”
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing, Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

In the sentence “Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today” the verb need preceded the subject we because:

Text 2

First and Second Inaugural Addresses

    This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. day by day.
    I see millions whose daily lives in city and on farm continue under conditions labeled indecent by a so-called polite society half a century ago.
    I see millions denied education, recreation, and the opportunity to better their lot and the lot of their children.
    I see millions lacking the means to buy the products of farm and factory and by their poverty denying work and productiveness to many other millions.
    I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.
    It is not in despair that I paint you that picture, I paint it for you in hope – because the Nation, seeing and understanding the injustice in it, proposes to paint it out. We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country’s interest and concern; and we will never regard any faithful, law-abiding group within our borders as superfluous. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
The sentence has an interrogative idea.
The verb that comes after the subject requires it.
The sentence starts with a negative expression.
There was the omission of an auxiliary.
There was the omission of a subjunctive.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the excerpt read above

Text 1

Of prime importance in reading is vocabulary skill. The reader must know the meanings of enough of the words in a sentence for it to make sense and also know how to combine individual word meanings within a sentence. Once the student is past the initial stages of reading, he spends a large percentage of his time encountering new vocabulary, which can be approached in a number of ways. The teacher can give the meaning for each new word, as is common in teaching reading to non-native students.
Or, also common, the student may spend hours with a dictionary writing native-language glosses into his text. For the native speaker of English, the most common form of vocabulary building is guessing from context and/or word formations.
In many settings in which English is taught as a foreign language (EFL) there are high degrees of emphasis on rote memorization. Because vocabulary development skills are seldom specifically taught, the student is not aware of the skills or their benefits. Most students have been trained to panic. Their first
reaction on encountering a new word in a text is to stop and ask for a definition, even if the rest of the sentence defines it. The student of English as a foreign language cannot begin to read with full comprehension until he has been taught to conquer the unknown word by using contextual aids, that is, the formation of the word itself and the environment in which it is found.
(Adapted from Vocabulary in Context, by Anna Fisher Kruse, in Long, Michael H. and Richards, Jack (eds.), Methodology in TESOL – A Book of Readings. New York: Newbury House, 1987)
to prevent their students from panicking when coming across a new word, EFL teachers should encourage students to ask for a definition.
EFL teachers usually refer their students to the best skills for vocabulary development such as memorization or dictionary use.
effective EFL teachers should always be available to provide their students with English definitions or synonyms for new words.
successful EFL reading is best achieved when students can infer the meaning of new words from textual clues.
the best dictionary to be used by EFL students are the monolingual ones so as to prevent them from using their native language.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

It is correct to state that both of the text 2 fragments:

Text 2

First and Second Inaugural Addresses

    This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. day by day.
    I see millions whose daily lives in city and on farm continue under conditions labeled indecent by a so-called polite society half a century ago.
    I see millions denied education, recreation, and the opportunity to better their lot and the lot of their children.
    I see millions lacking the means to buy the products of farm and factory and by their poverty denying work and productiveness to many other millions.
    I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.
    It is not in despair that I paint you that picture, I paint it for you in hope – because the Nation, seeing and understanding the injustice in it, proposes to paint it out. We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country’s interest and concern; and we will never regard any faithful, law-abiding group within our borders as superfluous. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
Were parts of speeches delivered by an American politician.
Share the idea that all men are created equal.
Request the presence of new leaderships.
Introduced a canditate’s campaign promisses.
Assure prosperity and opportunity to all citizens.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text 3:

I. Facebook is a website created merely for chatting.
II. Everyone is allowed to have an account according to the site´s terms of service.
III. The website is actively growing in North America.
IV. Facebook was created by a Harvard student.

The alternative that shows the correct items is:

Text 3

Facebook is a social networking service and Web site launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of July 2011, Facebook has more than 800 million active users. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Really Good Friends". The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The Web site's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. However, based on on May 2011, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts, violating the site's terms of service.
A January 2009 study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users, followed by MySpace. Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-thedecade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?" Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011. According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account. Nevertheless, Facebook's Market growth started to stall in some regions, with the site losing 7 million active users in the United States and Canada in May 2011.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Statements I, II, III, and IV are correct.
Statements II and IV are correct.
Statements I and III are correct.
Just statement III is correct.
Just statement IV is correct.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text 1, judge the items and choose the CORRECT answer.

I. People are cycling more because they want to lose weight.
II. In the UK, people are choosing two wheels over four just because it’s cheaper.
III. Cycling is a sustainable way of getting about and this means that cause no damage to the environment.
IV. China has grown economically because of its major transportation method.

Text 1:


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?
Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends?
How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?
For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China.
Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car.
Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.
Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about".
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years.
Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!
There is just one correct affirmative.
Just the affirmatives I and II are correct.
Just the affirmatives II and III are correct.
Just the affirmatives II and IV are correct.
All the affirmatives are correct.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information from the text 1, it is correct to say that:

I. for Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are the most common activity for british people.
II. despite cycling has long been the preferred form of transport in China, car ownership has increased a lot because of country’s economic growth.
III. it’s very important to wear a helmet while cycling.
IV. in the UK, some estimates say the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last twenty five years.
V. London mayor often cycles to work.

Text 1:


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?
Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends?
How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?
For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China.
Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car.
Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.
Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about".
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years.
Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!
Just the affirmatives I, II and III are true.
Just the affirmatives I and II are true.
Just the affirmatives II and V are true.
Just the affirmatives II, III and IV are true.
Just the affirmatives I and V are true.
FAG 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

As regards capitalist policies for drug patents, the author, according text 2:

Text 2

Here is a response to a debate on patents and medicine:

Mr. Przemek Kordasiewicz,
I agree wholeheartedly with your recommendation of a ban on all patents on all life saving medical discoveries. Again, I would take it a step further. I think that the virtues of a purely capitalist system seem to have fallen apart at this point. In this literal life-anddeath issue, ethics take priority over everything else.
Just as Congress stepped forward to place a ban on the patenting of surgical procedures, they need to step forward and place a similar ban on these new medical patents (drugs, procedures and human genome work) which are having the identical effect. Additionally, Congress need to heavily legislate in favor of patients worldwide to keep drug patents limited, short, and drug prices at an affordable level. Something in the system is wrong when drug companies are the most profitable of all publicly traded companies and huge populations across the world are living in pain and dying because they are unable to afford the sky-high drug prices, inflated by the patent holders’ monopoly. The government needs to look into the situation independently and take a stand for the well-being of the taxpayers and citizens they suppose to be representing. Thank you, Benjamin (Mako) Hill.
(Intellectual Property in Cyberspace 2000,
supports them
criticizes them
defines them
advertises them
modifies them
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Leia o trecho abaixo.

A fix for handbag addicts

A Miami-based web site has come up with a clever – and cost effective – solution for women who are addicted to designer handbags. It’s called, a business that charges members a monthly fee to borrow handbags from Prada, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, among others, for as long as they like.
The members are divided into three categories – Trendsetters ($19,95 a month), Princess ($49,95 a month), and Diva ($99,95 a month) – each offering different access to different bags. (Speak up n°210).

Assinale a opção que não está de acordo com o texto: 

O site foi criado para atender um público específico.
Os membros participantes pagam uma mensalidade por mês
e estão divididos em três categorias.
Cada categoria oferece acesso a diferentes bolsas.
É possível comprar as bolsas pelo site.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, the underlined word “rough” is:


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?

Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends? How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?

For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China. Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car. Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.

Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about". In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years. Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!


a verb.
an adjective.
a noun.
an adverb.
a phrasal verb.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information from the text, it is correct to say that:

I- for Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are the most common activity for British people.
II- despite cycling has long been the preferred form of transport in China, car ownership has increased a lot because of country’s economic growth.
III- it’s very important to wear a helmet while cycling.
IV- in the UK, some estimates say the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last twenty five years.
V- London mayor often cycles to work.


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?

Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends? How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?

For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China. Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car. Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.

Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about". In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years. Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!


Just the affirmatives I, II and III are true.
Just the affirmatives I and II are true.
Just the affirmatives II and V are true.
Just the affirmatives II, III and IV are true.
Just the affirmatives I and V are true.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, judge the items and choose the CORRECT answer.

I- People are cycling more because they want to lose weight.
II- In the UK, people are choosing two wheels over four just because it’s cheaper.
III- Cycling is a sustainable way of getting about and this means that cause no damage to the environment.
IV- China has grown economically because of its major transportation method.


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?

Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends? How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?

For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China. Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car. Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.

Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about". In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years. Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!


There is just one correct affirmative.
Just the affirmatives I and II are correct.
Just the affirmatives II and III are correct.
Just the affirmatives II and IV are correct.
All the affirmatives are correct.
FAG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text 1, choose the best reason why the author wrote this article:

Text 1:

“ Autism affects one in 45 children in the United States, almost twice the rate from a few years ago, said a survey Friday that uses a new approach to assess the frequency of the developmental disorder. The latest figures may reflect a more accurate picture of autism spectrum disorder, said the report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics, and so does not necessarily mean that there is a ballooning autism epidemic.
In fact, the study found that while autism spectrum diagnoses are more frequent than in the past, the overall number of people affected by neurodevelopment problems has not risen, but has remained steady over time. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that may cause a person to have difficulty behaving, learning, communicating and interacting with people. It is believed to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors, though scientists do not fully understand all its causes.”
To help find a cure for autism by informing the ages that the disorder may attack the victim.
To inform the reader about the symptoms of the disorder, helping with their diagnosis.
To inform the reader what places to go when autism is present in their lives.
To compare today’s growth of the disorder the past.
Teach English.
FAG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

If you use a SPF above 50 the increase is:

Text 2 - How to Tell if Your Sunscreen Protects You From the Sun - Here’s what you need to know.

    Don’t go overboard with the SPF. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using an SPF of at least 30, but most experts agree to not go over 50. It’s not that a higher SPF doesn’t provide any more protection, but once you get above 50, that increase is negligible. Case in point: SPF 50 blocks about 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 100 blocks about 99%.
    But most sunscreen users don’t think about that; rather, they see a number that’s twice as high and assume they’ll get twice as much protection or that the protection will last twice as long, which cultivates a false sense of security that could lead to a bad burn. “SPF values above 50 are really misleading,” Lunder says. “They offer a very small increase in sunburn [UVB] protection, and they don't offer better UVA protection.” She says that the FDA is considering a rule to cap SPF values at 50, but nothing has been finalized.
    And then there’s the fact that, although the increase in SPF doesn’t add much protection, it could increase your chances of negative side effects from the ingredients. “We do not recommend SPF of 50 or higher, as the minimal added protection does not outweigh the exponentially more active ingredients required to do so,” Chris Birchby, the founder of the sun-care line Coola, tells Teen Vogue. “More active ingredients increase the chances of skin irritation.”
Severely impressive and needs to be taken into consideration.
Slight but still important.
Important but should be neglected.
Too slight or small to be important.
So important it shouldn´t be neglected.
FAG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Chris Birchby, founder of sun-care Coola argues that:

Text 2 - How to Tell if Your Sunscreen Protects You From the Sun - Here’s what you need to know.

    Don’t go overboard with the SPF. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using an SPF of at least 30, but most experts agree to not go over 50. It’s not that a higher SPF doesn’t provide any more protection, but once you get above 50, that increase is negligible. Case in point: SPF 50 blocks about 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 100 blocks about 99%.
    But most sunscreen users don’t think about that; rather, they see a number that’s twice as high and assume they’ll get twice as much protection or that the protection will last twice as long, which cultivates a false sense of security that could lead to a bad burn. “SPF values above 50 are really misleading,” Lunder says. “They offer a very small increase in sunburn [UVB] protection, and they don't offer better UVA protection.” She says that the FDA is considering a rule to cap SPF values at 50, but nothing has been finalized.
    And then there’s the fact that, although the increase in SPF doesn’t add much protection, it could increase your chances of negative side effects from the ingredients. “We do not recommend SPF of 50 or higher, as the minimal added protection does not outweigh the exponentially more active ingredients required to do so,” Chris Birchby, the founder of the sun-care line Coola, tells Teen Vogue. “More active ingredients increase the chances of skin irritation.”
The higher the values of the SPF the lower the chances are of skin irritation.
SPF under 50 are not recommended because they contain more active ingredients which could cause skin irritation.
The higher the values for SPF the lower is the risk of skin irritation.
The protection of SPF above 50 is so effective that it outweighs the chances of skin irritation.
The extra ingredients used on SPF above 50 could increase the chances of skin irritation
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the text, the expression target language means:

Texto 2

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to ‘get things done’ in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
The learner´s native language.
A subject, such as history and mathematics.
The teacher´s goals.
Accuracy in using certain grammatical rules.
The language being learned.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, lessons taught in communicative instruction environments focus on:

Texto 2

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to ‘get things done’ in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
Instruction and learning of specific grammatical structures.
Communicating successfully.
Error correction.
Talking about the language itself.
Developing learners´ knowledge in order to pass an examination.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Texto 1:

The right to drive or the right to breathe?

Politicians have taken some steps to cut deaths from dirty air, but more are needed.

In 1554, a band of wandering Jesuits, after sweating through southern Brazil’s forested coastal hills, stopped by a river on the high Piratininga plateau and, delighted at its fresh, cool air, founded the city of São Paulo. Were they to return now, for much of the year they would find a grey-brown smog shrouding a metropolis of 18m people and 6m vehicles. The foul air kills thousands of people a year and inflicts chronic illness on countless others. Mexico city has long been notorious for its polluted air. Fuel burns less efficiently at high altitudes, and thermal inversions mean that the surrounding mountains trap a layer of cold air above the city, preventing the dispersal of fumes.
But the surge in car ownership throughout Latin America since the 1970s means that São Paulo and other Latin American capitals are no longer far behind. Though at lower altitudes, both São Paulo and Santiago suffer from thermal inversions, too. Acesso em 30 de Abril de 2014.

The pollution in São Paulo has worsened because of:

an increase in car sales;
the dispersal of polluting fumes;
too little fuel burning;
generalised global warming;
local government policies.
FAG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Consider the following statements:

I. Learning a language in a natural environment is similar to learning it in a traditional classroom.
II. Traditionally, learning a language in the classroom means focusing on the language itself, that is, its grammar and vocabulary.
III. Communicative instruction environments focus on using the language.
IV. In communicative instruction environments, learners´ mistakes are often corrected.

According to the text:

Texto 2

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to ‘get things done’ in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
Only statement I is correct.
Only statement II is correct.
Only statements II and IV are correct.
Only statements II and III are correct.
Only statement IV is correct.
FAG 2013 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The pronoun THEY in “If they don't benefit from the fruits of the digital revolution they will fall far behind” (fifth paragraph) refers to:

Call for more help for poorest farmers

The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has said that the international community's efforts to fight hunger and poverty are inefficient and outdated. He said advances made by the digital revolution needed to be harnessed to help the world's poorest farmers more effectively.
Mr Gates said more needs to be done to support poor farmers in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere. He said there was a lack of coordination between governments, aid donors and the UN's agencies, like the World Food Programme. Mr Gates called for the setting up of what he called a “public score card” system.
This would make it easier to tell how well, or how badly, different countries and agencies were performing in the fight to reduce poverty.
He said the effort to help small farmers also needs to harness the power of advances made in digital technology. In an age when satellites can tell instantly exactly how much wheat is in a field, he said, it was a shame that people were still being sent out with pen, paper and tape measures to try to do the same job.
Mr Gates said that the stakes couldn't be higher for the families of poor farmers. If they don't benefit from the fruits of the digital revolution they will fall far behind. But Mr Gates believes that if they can be connected to some of the latest breakthroughs in science they will have a chance to leapfrog foward.
(Adapted 27th February 2012
the stakes.
the latest breakthroughs.
the families of poor farmers.
the fruits of the digital revolution.
different countries and agencies.