Questõesde UNESP 2010

Foram encontradas 180 questões
UNESP 2010 - Geografia - Geografia Econômica

Desde a década de 1980 vários governos brasileiros adotaram planos econômicos que pretendiam controlar a inflação. Entre as características destes planos, podemos destacar

o Plano Cruzado, implementado em 1986, que eliminou a inflação, congelou preços, proporcionou aumento salarial e gerou recursos para o pagamento integral da dívida externa.
o Plano Collor, implementado em 1990, que determinou o confisco de ativos financeiros e eliminou incentivos fiscais em vários setores da economia.
o Plano Real, implementado em 1994, que reduziu as taxas inflacionárias, estabilizou o valor da moeda, proibiu aumentos de preços no varejo e provocou forte crescimento industrial.
o Plano de Metas, implementado em 2006, que projetou um desenvolvimento industrial acelerado e a inserção ativa do Brasil no mercado internacional.
o Plano de Aceleração do Crescimento, implementado em 2007, que apoiou projetos imobiliários, determinou investimentos em infraestrutura e estimulou o crédito.
UNESP 2010 - Geografia - Geografia Política

Cerca de 90% da população do Oriente Médio é muçulmana. O Islã, no entanto, está longe de ser uma fé monolítica. (...) Ainda que não disponhamos de estatísticas confiáveis, um cálculo crível aponta que 65% dos muçulmanos do Oriente Médio são sunitas e uns 30%, xiitas.

(Dan Smith. O Atlas do Oriente Médio. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2008.)

Maior grupo religioso (dados por país, 2005)

Em relação aos conflitos religiosos do Oriente Médio, é possível afirmar que

a disputa religiosa entre judeus e muçulmanos nunca atrapalhou o amplo intercâmbio comercial na região.
os muçulmanos se mantêm politicamente unidos e xiitas e sunitas jamais se opuseram ou se enfrentaram.
islamismo, judaísmo e cristianismo nasceram na região, mas só os muçulmanos conservaram seus lugares santos.
os judeus reivindicam o controle territorial completo do Oriente Médio, pois são maioria em todos os países da região.
a maior população muçulmana não impediu a formação de um Estado judeu, nem proporcionou a criação de um Estado palestino.
UNESP 2010 - História - Período Colonial: produção de riqueza e escravismo, História do Brasil

Sobre o emprego da mão de obra escrava no Brasil colonial, é possível afirmar que

apenas africanos foram escravizados, porque a Igreja Católica impedia a escravização dos índios.
as chamadas “guerras justas” dos portugueses contra tribos rebeldes legitimavam a escravização de índios.
interesses ligados ao tráfico negreiro controlado pelos holandeses forçavam a escravização do africano.
os engenhos de açúcar do Nordeste brasileiro empregavam exclusivamente indígenas escravizados.
apenas indígenas eram escravizados nas áreas em que a pecuária e o extrativismo predominavam.
UNESP 2010 - História - História do Brasil, Brasil Monárquico – Segundo Reinado 1831- 1889

Entre as várias rebeliões ocorridas no período regencial, destacase a chamada Guerra dos Farrapos, iniciada em 1835. O conflito

prosseguiu até a metade da década seguinte, quando o governo do Segundo Império aumentou os impostos de importação dos produtos bovinos argentinos e anistiou os revoltosos.
demonstra que as disputas comerciais entre Brasil e Argentina se iniciaram logo depois da independência e desde então se agravaram, até atingir a atual rivalidade entre os dois países.
permitiu a adoção de um regime federalista no Brasil, uma vez que as negociações entre o governo imperial e os rebeldes determinaram a autonomia política riograndense.
revela a impossibilidade de estabelecer relações políticas e diplomáticas na América Latina após a independência política e durante o período de formação dos estados nacionais.
impediu a continuação do período regencial e levou à aceitação de outra exigência dos participantes da revolta: a antecipação da maioridade do futuro imperador Pedro II.
UNESP 2010 - História - História Geral

O Haiti se tornou livre da França em 1804. Cuba libertou-se da Espanha apenas em 1898, quase um século depois. Sobre os dois processos de independência, é possível afirmar que

a ação autonomista dos senhores de escravos determinou a precocidade da independência do Haiti e a demora na de Cuba.
as lutas emancipacionistas nos dois países receberam ajuda militar e financeira de países do Ocidente europeu.
a libertação do Haiti nasceu de uma rebelião escrava e a de Cuba contou com participação norte-americana.
as lavouras canavieiras das duas colônias foram totalmente destruídas durante os conflitos de independência.
a independência de Cuba permitiu a instalação do socialismo na ilha e a do Haiti gerou o cenário miserável da atualidade.
UNESP 2010 - História - História Geral, Revolução Intelectual do século XVIII: Iluminismo

Este considerável aumento de produção que, devido à divisão do trabalho, o mesmo número de pessoas é capaz de realizar, é resultante de três circunstâncias diferentes: primeiro, ao aumento da destreza de cada trabalhador; segundo, à economia de tempo, que antes era perdido ao passar de uma operação para outra; terceiro, à invenção de um grande número de máquinas que facilitam o trabalho e reduzem o tempo indispensável para o realizar, permitindo a um só homem fazer o trabalho de muitos.

(Adam Smith. Investigação sobre a Natureza e as Causas da

Riqueza das Nações (1776), in Adam Smith/Ricardo.

Os pensadores. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1984.)

O texto, publicado originalmente em 1776, destaca três características da organização do trabalho no contexto da Revolução Industrial:

a introdução de máquinas, a valorização do artesanato e o aparecimento da figura do patrão.
o aumento da mercado consumidor, a liberdade no emprego do tempo e a diminuição na exigência de mão de obra.
a escassez de mão de obra qualificada, o esforço de importação e a disciplinarização do trabalhador.
o controle rigoroso de qualidade, a introdução do relógio de ponto e a melhoria do sistema de distribuição de mercadorias.
a especialização do trabalhador, o parcelamento de tarefas e a maquinização da produção.
UNESP 2010 - História - História Geral, Antiguidade Ocidental (Gregos, Romanos e Macedônios)

A Ilíada, de Homero, data do século VIII a.C. e narra o último ano da Guerra de Troia, que teria oposto gregos e troianos alguns séculos antes. Não se sabe, no entanto, se esta guerra de fato ocorreu ou mesmo se Homero existiu. Diante disso, o procedimento usual dos estudiosos tem sido:

desconsiderar os relatos atribuídos a Homero, pois não temos certeza de sua procedência, nem se eles nos contam a verdade sobre o passado grego.
identificar na obra, apesar das dúvidas, características da sociedade grega antiga, como a valorização das guerras e a crença na interferência dos deuses na vida dos homens.
desconfiar de Homero, pois ele era grego e assumiu a defesa de seu povo, abrindo mão da completa neutralidade que todo relato histórico deve ter.
acreditar que a Guerra de Troia realmente aconteceu, pois Homero não poderia ter imaginado tantos detalhes e personagens tão complexos como os que aparecem no poema.
descartar o uso da obra como fonte histórica, pois, mesmo que a guerra tenha ocorrido, a Ilíada é um relato literário e não foi escrita com rigor e precisão científica.
UNESP 2010 - Literatura - Barroco, Escolas Literárias

A cada canto um grande conselheiro,

Que nos quer governar cabana, e vinha,

Não sabem governar sua cozinha,

E podem governar o mundo inteiro.


Estupendas usuras nos mercados,

Todos, os que não furtam, muito pobres,

E eis aqui a Cidade da Bahia.

(Gregório de Matos. “Descreve o que era realmente naquelle tempo

a cidade da Bahia de mais enredada por menos confusa”,

in Obra poética (org. James Amado), 1990.)

O poema, escrito por Gregório de Matos no século XVII,

representa, de maneira satírica, os governantes e a desonestidade na Bahia colonial.
critica a colonização portuguesa e defende, de forma nativista, a independência brasileira.
tem inspiração neoclássica e denuncia os problemas de moradia na capital baiana.
revela a identidade brasileira, preocupação constante do modernismo literário.
valoriza os aspectos formais da construção poética parnasiana e aproveita para criticar o governo.
UNESP 2010 - História - Medievalidade Europeia, História Geral

[Na Idade Média], chamava-se ‘lepra’ a muitas doenças. Toda erupção pustulenta, a escarlatina, por exemplo, qualquer afec- ção cutânea passava por lepra. Ora, havia, com relação à lepra, um terror sagrado: os homens daquele tempo estavam persuadidos de que no corpo reflete-se a podridão da alma. O leproso era, só por sua aparência corporal, um pecador. Desagradara a Deus e seu pecado purgava através dos poros.

(Georges Duby. Ano 1000 Ano 2000. Na pista de nossos medos.

São Paulo: Unesp, 1998.)

O texto mostra a associação entre doença e religião na Idade Média. Isso ocorre porque os homens do período

abandonaram o conhecimento científico, acumulado na Antiguidade, sobre saúde e doença; daí a época medieval ser apropriadamente chamada de “era das trevas”.
recusavam-se a admitir que as condições de higiene então existentes fossem inadequadas e preferiam criar explicações astrológicas para os males que os afligiam.
estigmatizavam os portadores de doenças e os isolavam, ao contrário do que ocorre hoje, quando todos os doentes são aceitos no convívio social e recebem tratamento adequado.
eram marcados pelo imaginário cristão, que apresentava o mundo como um espaço de conflito ininterrupto entre forças divinas e forças demoníacas.
rejeitavam a medicina, pois a associavam a práticas mágicas e a curandeirismo, preferindo recorrer a exorcistas a aceitar os tratamentos prescritos nos hospitais.
UNESP 2010 - História - Medievalidade Europeia, História Geral

Com a ruralização, a tendência à autossuficiência de cada latifúndio e as crescentes dificuldades nas comunicações, os representantes do poder imperial foram perdendo capacidade de ação sobre vastos territórios. Mais do que isso, os próprios latifundiários foram ganhando atribuições anteriormente da alçada do Estado.

(Hilário Franco Jr. O feudalismo. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1986. Adaptado.)

A característica do feudalismo mencionada no fragmento é

o desaparecimento do poder militar, provocado pelas invasões bárbaras.
a fragmentação do poder político central.
o aumento da influência política e financeira da Igreja Católica.
a constituição das relações de escravidão.
o estabelecimento de laços de servidão e vassalagem.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

As palavras unknown, beseech, survive e interstellar podem ser entendidas, respectivamente, como

Instrução: Leia a letra da música Calling occupants of interplanetary craft para responder a  questão.

                                        Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

In your mind you have capacities you know

To telepath messages through the vast unknown

Please close your eyes and concentrate

With every thought you think

Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth

And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth

And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you

Only a landing will teach them

Our earth may never survive

So do come, we beg you

Please interstellar policeman

Oh won’t you give us a sign

Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm

You close your eyes, you concentrate

Together that’s the way

To send the message

We declare world contact day

Calling occupants

Calling occupants

Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We are your friends


desconhecido, benzer, sobrenatural e interestelar.
estranho, benzer, suplicar e interplanetário.
conhecido, suplicar, sobreviver e interplanetário.
estranho, benzer, sobrenatural e interplanetário.
desconhecido, suplicar, sobreviver e interestelar.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Em qual alternativa todas as palavras se relacionam à ideia de “comunicação”?

Instrução: Leia a letra da música Calling occupants of interplanetary craft para responder a  questão.

                                        Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

In your mind you have capacities you know

To telepath messages through the vast unknown

Please close your eyes and concentrate

With every thought you think

Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth

And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth

And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you

Only a landing will teach them

Our earth may never survive

So do come, we beg you

Please interstellar policeman

Oh won’t you give us a sign

Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm

You close your eyes, you concentrate

Together that’s the way

To send the message

We declare world contact day

Calling occupants

Calling occupants

Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We are your friends


Calling, telepath, energy e contact.
Calling, messages, transmit e energy.
Calling, telepath, transmit e contact.
Energy, messages, reached e together.
Telepath, messages, contact e together.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

De acordo com a letra da música, qual das seguintes afirmações é totalmente correta?

Instrução: Leia a letra da música Calling occupants of interplanetary craft para responder a  questão.

                                        Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

In your mind you have capacities you know

To telepath messages through the vast unknown

Please close your eyes and concentrate

With every thought you think

Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth

And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth

And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you

Only a landing will teach them

Our earth may never survive

So do come, we beg you

Please interstellar policeman

Oh won’t you give us a sign

Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm

You close your eyes, you concentrate

Together that’s the way

To send the message

We declare world contact day

Calling occupants

Calling occupants

Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We are your friends


Os seres extraterrestres podem se comunicar com os terráqueos por meio de energia mental, de modo semelhante a uma telepatia.
Os terráqueos têm observado os seres extraterrestres e gostariam de estabelecer contato com eles por meio de um tipo de linguagem musical.
Os terráqueos não podem se comunicar com os seres extraterrestres porque suas línguas são completamente diferentes.
Por meio de concentração e olhos fechados, é possível se entender a língua falada pelos seres extraterrestres.
Os seres extraterrestres têm observado o planeta Terra na tentativa de aprender a utilizar energia mental para se comunicar com os terráqueos.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

O verso Only a landing will teach them indica que

Instrução: Leia a letra da música Calling occupants of interplanetary craft para responder a  questão.

                                        Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

In your mind you have capacities you know

To telepath messages through the vast unknown

Please close your eyes and concentrate

With every thought you think

Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth

And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth

And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you

Only a landing will teach them

Our earth may never survive

So do come, we beg you

Please interstellar policeman

Oh won’t you give us a sign

Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm

You close your eyes, you concentrate

Together that’s the way

To send the message

We declare world contact day

Calling occupants

Calling occupants

Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We are your friends


não há interesse em receber extraterrestres no planeta Terra.
os extraterrestres somente vigiarão o planeta Terra.
somente os extraterrestres podem nos ensinar como sobreviver.
há um temor de que os extraterrestres venham ao planeta Terra.
o planeta Terra não sobreviveria a uma visita de extraterrestres.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O verso que melhor se alinha, em termos de sentido, com We are your friends é:

Instrução: Leia a letra da música Calling occupants of interplanetary craft para responder a  questão.

                                        Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

In your mind you have capacities you know

To telepath messages through the vast unknown

Please close your eyes and concentrate

With every thought you think

Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You’ve been observing our earth

And we’d like to make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary ultra-emissaries

We’ve been observing your earth

And one night we’ll make a contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you

Only a landing will teach them

Our earth may never survive

So do come, we beg you

Please interstellar policeman

Oh won’t you give us a sign

Give us a sign that we’ve reached you

With your mind you have ability to form

And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm

You close your eyes, you concentrate

Together that’s the way

To send the message

We declare world contact day

Calling occupants

Calling occupants

Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We are your friends


Please close your eyes and concentrate.
And please come in peace, we beseech you.
We’ve been observing your earth.
Upon the recitation we’re about to sing.
We declare world contact day.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Qual dos fatos listados constitui, segundo o texto, uma experiência científica sobre a possibilidade de vida em outros planetas?

Instrução: Leia o texto Is there life on other planets? para responder a  questão.

                                              Is there life on other planets?

                                                                                                              Hans Bodlaender

      There are many science fiction movies, television series and books about creatures from other planets. In most of these books and movies, aliens have spaceships that allow them to travel between different star systems, and on planets in these other systems, intelligent creatures live and look like people, but are different. We all know that reality is different from books. Physics tells us that strange things happen when we travel with a speed somewhat close to the speed of light – and, if modern physics is correct, it is impossible for humans to travel between star systems. If other creatures live on other planets, then they have to face the same type of problems, so it seems impossible for them to travel from their planets to ours. If there are intelligent creatures living on planets in other star systems, it seems, according to modern science, that we won’t meet them.

      If there is life on other planets, how did it originate? I see three hypotheses:

1. On the other planet, life started in the same way as the evolution theory says that it started here. Apart from the fact that the evolution theory is not the well-rounded and totally scientifically proven theory that people want us to believe, in general, followers of the theory tell that the chance of life starting on a planet is rather small. A term sometimes used is: A magnificent accident. I believe the probability is even smaller than they say, too small to assume that it actually can have happened by accident, but even if you believe life on earth was such a magnificent accident, the chances that this has happened more than once are too small to assume that it may have happened.

2. Life on different planets has a common origin. Say, some very primitive form of life originated somewhere travels to another planet, developing there into an intelligent form of life. There are quite a lot of questions to be asked of such a theory, and, again, calculating the probabilities seems to make it unlikely.

3. Life on earth has been created by God. Possibly, God has also created life on other planets. If God has created life on earth, he may have created life on other planets too. As far as I can tell, the Bible does not say anything about this, so this remains possible. If there are intelligent beings on other planets, I would assume they would know God. Would they also have a fall to sin, like the humans? Would we meet them in heaven? Would there be atheists and religious extraterrestrials? We cannot know.

      So, if there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings, or, even, other types of life on planets outside our solar system, then to me, that would be a new proof of the existence of God. But I cannot understand atheists that sincerely state they follow standard evolution theory and are at the same moment on a search for intelligent life on other planets.

      Finally, is there life on other planets in our solar system? Well, I guess, yes: probably on Mars, there now will be bacteria brought to the planet from earth by one of the Mars-expeditions that were recently carried out.

                                                                ( Adaptado.)

Bactérias trazidas de Marte à Terra por uma expedição espacial.
Seres humanos viajarem a uma velocidade superior à da luz.
Bactérias levadas da Terra a Marte por uma expedição espacial.
Seres humanos viajarem a uma velocidade inferior à da luz.
Fatos estranhos ocorrem quando extraterrestres viajam pelo espaço.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Na terceira hipótese sobre vida em outros planetas, afirma-se que,

Instrução: Leia o texto Is there life on other planets? para responder a  questão.

                                              Is there life on other planets?

                                                                                                              Hans Bodlaender

      There are many science fiction movies, television series and books about creatures from other planets. In most of these books and movies, aliens have spaceships that allow them to travel between different star systems, and on planets in these other systems, intelligent creatures live and look like people, but are different. We all know that reality is different from books. Physics tells us that strange things happen when we travel with a speed somewhat close to the speed of light – and, if modern physics is correct, it is impossible for humans to travel between star systems. If other creatures live on other planets, then they have to face the same type of problems, so it seems impossible for them to travel from their planets to ours. If there are intelligent creatures living on planets in other star systems, it seems, according to modern science, that we won’t meet them.

      If there is life on other planets, how did it originate? I see three hypotheses:

1. On the other planet, life started in the same way as the evolution theory says that it started here. Apart from the fact that the evolution theory is not the well-rounded and totally scientifically proven theory that people want us to believe, in general, followers of the theory tell that the chance of life starting on a planet is rather small. A term sometimes used is: A magnificent accident. I believe the probability is even smaller than they say, too small to assume that it actually can have happened by accident, but even if you believe life on earth was such a magnificent accident, the chances that this has happened more than once are too small to assume that it may have happened.

2. Life on different planets has a common origin. Say, some very primitive form of life originated somewhere travels to another planet, developing there into an intelligent form of life. There are quite a lot of questions to be asked of such a theory, and, again, calculating the probabilities seems to make it unlikely.

3. Life on earth has been created by God. Possibly, God has also created life on other planets. If God has created life on earth, he may have created life on other planets too. As far as I can tell, the Bible does not say anything about this, so this remains possible. If there are intelligent beings on other planets, I would assume they would know God. Would they also have a fall to sin, like the humans? Would we meet them in heaven? Would there be atheists and religious extraterrestrials? We cannot know.

      So, if there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings, or, even, other types of life on planets outside our solar system, then to me, that would be a new proof of the existence of God. But I cannot understand atheists that sincerely state they follow standard evolution theory and are at the same moment on a search for intelligent life on other planets.

      Finally, is there life on other planets in our solar system? Well, I guess, yes: probably on Mars, there now will be bacteria brought to the planet from earth by one of the Mars-expeditions that were recently carried out.

                                                                ( Adaptado.)

se a vida na Terra foi criada por Deus, a criação da vida em outros planetas provavelmente também foi criação divina.
se há seres em outros planetas, eles provavelmente não acreditam na existência de Deus.
se a vida na Terra foi criada por Deus, provavelmente não existem seres inteligentes em outros planetas.
se há seres inteligentes em outros planetas, eles provavelmente não gostam dos pecados cometidos pelos seres humanos.
se há vida inteligente em outros planetas, não sabemos porque a Bíblia não faz nenhuma menção a essa possibilidade.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A terceira hipótese sobre vida em outros planetas

Instrução: Leia o texto Is there life on other planets? para responder a  questão.

                                              Is there life on other planets?

                                                                                                              Hans Bodlaender

      There are many science fiction movies, television series and books about creatures from other planets. In most of these books and movies, aliens have spaceships that allow them to travel between different star systems, and on planets in these other systems, intelligent creatures live and look like people, but are different. We all know that reality is different from books. Physics tells us that strange things happen when we travel with a speed somewhat close to the speed of light – and, if modern physics is correct, it is impossible for humans to travel between star systems. If other creatures live on other planets, then they have to face the same type of problems, so it seems impossible for them to travel from their planets to ours. If there are intelligent creatures living on planets in other star systems, it seems, according to modern science, that we won’t meet them.

      If there is life on other planets, how did it originate? I see three hypotheses:

1. On the other planet, life started in the same way as the evolution theory says that it started here. Apart from the fact that the evolution theory is not the well-rounded and totally scientifically proven theory that people want us to believe, in general, followers of the theory tell that the chance of life starting on a planet is rather small. A term sometimes used is: A magnificent accident. I believe the probability is even smaller than they say, too small to assume that it actually can have happened by accident, but even if you believe life on earth was such a magnificent accident, the chances that this has happened more than once are too small to assume that it may have happened.

2. Life on different planets has a common origin. Say, some very primitive form of life originated somewhere travels to another planet, developing there into an intelligent form of life. There are quite a lot of questions to be asked of such a theory, and, again, calculating the probabilities seems to make it unlikely.

3. Life on earth has been created by God. Possibly, God has also created life on other planets. If God has created life on earth, he may have created life on other planets too. As far as I can tell, the Bible does not say anything about this, so this remains possible. If there are intelligent beings on other planets, I would assume they would know God. Would they also have a fall to sin, like the humans? Would we meet them in heaven? Would there be atheists and religious extraterrestrials? We cannot know.

      So, if there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings, or, even, other types of life on planets outside our solar system, then to me, that would be a new proof of the existence of God. But I cannot understand atheists that sincerely state they follow standard evolution theory and are at the same moment on a search for intelligent life on other planets.

      Finally, is there life on other planets in our solar system? Well, I guess, yes: probably on Mars, there now will be bacteria brought to the planet from earth by one of the Mars-expeditions that were recently carried out.

                                                                ( Adaptado.)

baseia-se em afirmações bíblicas sobre seres extraterrestres.
descarta a possibilidade de Deus ter criado vida em outros planetas.
baseia-se em contradições bíblicas sobre seres extraterrestres.
sugere que seres extraterrestres também acreditem em Deus.
sugere a possibilidade de vida humana em outros planetas.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com base na segunda hipótese sobre vida em outros planetas, entende-se que

Instrução: Leia o texto Is there life on other planets? para responder a  questão.

                                              Is there life on other planets?

                                                                                                              Hans Bodlaender

      There are many science fiction movies, television series and books about creatures from other planets. In most of these books and movies, aliens have spaceships that allow them to travel between different star systems, and on planets in these other systems, intelligent creatures live and look like people, but are different. We all know that reality is different from books. Physics tells us that strange things happen when we travel with a speed somewhat close to the speed of light – and, if modern physics is correct, it is impossible for humans to travel between star systems. If other creatures live on other planets, then they have to face the same type of problems, so it seems impossible for them to travel from their planets to ours. If there are intelligent creatures living on planets in other star systems, it seems, according to modern science, that we won’t meet them.

      If there is life on other planets, how did it originate? I see three hypotheses:

1. On the other planet, life started in the same way as the evolution theory says that it started here. Apart from the fact that the evolution theory is not the well-rounded and totally scientifically proven theory that people want us to believe, in general, followers of the theory tell that the chance of life starting on a planet is rather small. A term sometimes used is: A magnificent accident. I believe the probability is even smaller than they say, too small to assume that it actually can have happened by accident, but even if you believe life on earth was such a magnificent accident, the chances that this has happened more than once are too small to assume that it may have happened.

2. Life on different planets has a common origin. Say, some very primitive form of life originated somewhere travels to another planet, developing there into an intelligent form of life. There are quite a lot of questions to be asked of such a theory, and, again, calculating the probabilities seems to make it unlikely.

3. Life on earth has been created by God. Possibly, God has also created life on other planets. If God has created life on earth, he may have created life on other planets too. As far as I can tell, the Bible does not say anything about this, so this remains possible. If there are intelligent beings on other planets, I would assume they would know God. Would they also have a fall to sin, like the humans? Would we meet them in heaven? Would there be atheists and religious extraterrestrials? We cannot know.

      So, if there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings, or, even, other types of life on planets outside our solar system, then to me, that would be a new proof of the existence of God. But I cannot understand atheists that sincerely state they follow standard evolution theory and are at the same moment on a search for intelligent life on other planets.

      Finally, is there life on other planets in our solar system? Well, I guess, yes: probably on Mars, there now will be bacteria brought to the planet from earth by one of the Mars-expeditions that were recently carried out.

                                                                ( Adaptado.)

formas de vida inteligente viajam de um planeta a outro.
seja comum haver formas de vida inteligente em diversos planetas.
formas de vida inteligente também originaram a vida.
uma forma de vida primitiva não poderia evoluir em outro planeta.
uma forma de vida primitiva possa ter originado a vida.
UNESP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com a primeira hipótese do texto sobre vida em outros planetas,

Instrução: Leia o texto Is there life on other planets? para responder a  questão.

                                              Is there life on other planets?

                                                                                                              Hans Bodlaender

      There are many science fiction movies, television series and books about creatures from other planets. In most of these books and movies, aliens have spaceships that allow them to travel between different star systems, and on planets in these other systems, intelligent creatures live and look like people, but are different. We all know that reality is different from books. Physics tells us that strange things happen when we travel with a speed somewhat close to the speed of light – and, if modern physics is correct, it is impossible for humans to travel between star systems. If other creatures live on other planets, then they have to face the same type of problems, so it seems impossible for them to travel from their planets to ours. If there are intelligent creatures living on planets in other star systems, it seems, according to modern science, that we won’t meet them.

      If there is life on other planets, how did it originate? I see three hypotheses:

1. On the other planet, life started in the same way as the evolution theory says that it started here. Apart from the fact that the evolution theory is not the well-rounded and totally scientifically proven theory that people want us to believe, in general, followers of the theory tell that the chance of life starting on a planet is rather small. A term sometimes used is: A magnificent accident. I believe the probability is even smaller than they say, too small to assume that it actually can have happened by accident, but even if you believe life on earth was such a magnificent accident, the chances that this has happened more than once are too small to assume that it may have happened.

2. Life on different planets has a common origin. Say, some very primitive form of life originated somewhere travels to another planet, developing there into an intelligent form of life. There are quite a lot of questions to be asked of such a theory, and, again, calculating the probabilities seems to make it unlikely.

3. Life on earth has been created by God. Possibly, God has also created life on other planets. If God has created life on earth, he may have created life on other planets too. As far as I can tell, the Bible does not say anything about this, so this remains possible. If there are intelligent beings on other planets, I would assume they would know God. Would they also have a fall to sin, like the humans? Would we meet them in heaven? Would there be atheists and religious extraterrestrials? We cannot know.

      So, if there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings, or, even, other types of life on planets outside our solar system, then to me, that would be a new proof of the existence of God. But I cannot understand atheists that sincerely state they follow standard evolution theory and are at the same moment on a search for intelligent life on other planets.

      Finally, is there life on other planets in our solar system? Well, I guess, yes: probably on Mars, there now will be bacteria brought to the planet from earth by one of the Mars-expeditions that were recently carried out.

                                                                ( Adaptado.)

há grande possibilidade de que a vida tenha se iniciado em diversos planetas por acidente.
segundo a teoria da evolução, a possibilidade de haver vida em outros planetas é pequena.
segundo a teoria da evolução, a vida na Terra pode ter se iniciado repetidas vezes.
segundo a teoria da evolução, a possibilidade de haver vida em outros planetas é grande.
segundo os cientistas, há pouca possibilidade de que a teoria da evolução esteja correta.