Questõesde FATEC sobre Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
A respeito da U. S. Robot and Mechanical Men, Inc.
é correto afirmar, de acordo com o texto, que essa
De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar corretamente que
Na visão de Susan Calvin, e segundo as informações
presentes no texto, os robôs
Comparando o “mundo sem robôs” com o estágio
da história da humanidade em que a entrevista é
concedida, o texto afirma que
Leia o trecho do relato de um imigrante ao jornal britânico
The Guardian.
I’ve never thought of myself as an immigrant,
although I suppose technically I am one. I’m a
British citizen, and happy to be, although, in a
deeper sense, I might describe myself, nationally
speaking, as homeless – and proud of it. There’s
much to be said for the philosophical notion of
homelessness or the “other”. I’m committed to my
family, to certain moral values, to people who share
them, to my work, less so to nations or flags as such.
I left Israel for the first time as a boy, in 1967, after
the six-day war. I lived in Berkeley, in the US, came
back to Israel, left for good as a graduate student
and came to study classics in Oxford.
<> Acesso em: 15.02.2017. Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, o imigrante
De acordo com o texto, dentre as dez habilidades apontadas
como necessárias para os profissionais prosperarem em
2020, a habilidade que apresenta maior probabilidade
para que uma pessoa se mantenha empregada é
De acordo com o texto, algumas habilidades adicionais
serão necessárias para os empregos do futuro.
A capacidade de fazer anotações detalhadas, selecionar
ideias principais, entender e dar sentido às informações
refere-se à habilidade de
Na oração In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of
your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to
learn new skills, presente no quinto parágrafo do texto,
a expressão will have to indica
Na oração The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those
who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn, and relearn, presente no terceiro parágrafo
do texto, Toffler afirma que, no século 21, serão
consideradas letradas as pessoas que souberem
Na frase, The World Economic Forum reports that you need
ten skills to thrive in 2020…, presente no primeiro parágrafo
do texto, a palavra thrive pode ser substituída por
Analise a charge.
As expressões I’m not lacking leadership e
Everyone else is lacking, para expressar o
sarcasmo da charge, demonstram que o
profissional em questão
No último quadrinho, conclui-se que, ao dizer I’m not, o personagem
Leia a tirinha para responder à questão.
<> Acesso em: 23.02.2016. Original colorido
No primeiro quadrinho da tirinha, um dos personagens comunica a sua decisão de
No primeiro quadrinho da tirinha, um dos personagens comunica a sua decisão de
Leia a tirinha para responder à questão.
<> Acesso em: 23.02.2016. Original colorido
No segundo quadrinho da tirinha, o personagem diz que
Leia a tirinha para responder à questão.
<> Acesso em: 23.02.2016. Original colorido
De acordo com o texto, o Manchester United
De acordo com o texto, o Haiti tenta resolver o
problema das crianças cujos pais morreram no
O antropólogo Glenn Smucker
O texto afirma que a cidade de Porto Príncipe está
O pronome relativo whose, em negrito no terceiro parágrafo, refere-se a
Learn ‘n’ go
How quickly can people learn new skills?
Jan 25th 2014 – from the print edition
In 2012, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee took a ride in one of Google’s driverless cars. The car’s performance, they report, was flawless, boring and, above all, “weird”. Only a few years earlier, “We were sure that computers would not be able to drive cars.” Only humans, they thought, could make sense of the countless, shifting patterns of driving a car – with oncoming1 traffic, changing lights and wayward2 jaywalkers3 .
Machines have mastered driving. And not just driving. In ways that are only now becoming apparent, the authors argue, machines can forecast home prices, design beer bottles, teach at universities, grade exams and do countless other things better and more cheaply than humans. (…)
This will have one principal good consequence, and one bad. The good is bounty4 . Households will spend less on groceries, utilities and clothing; the deaf will be able to hear, the blind to see. The bad is spread5 . The gap is growing between the lucky few whose abilities and skills are enhanced6 by technology, and the far more numerous middle-skilled people competing for the remaining7 jobs that machines cannot do, such as folding towels and waiting at tables. (…) People should develop skills that complement, rather than compete with computers, such as idea generation and complex communication. (…)