Questão 4fb1aece-b1
Prova:FATEC 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Leia o trecho do relato de um imigrante ao jornal britânico
The Guardian.
I’ve never thought of myself as an immigrant,
although I suppose technically I am one. I’m a
British citizen, and happy to be, although, in a
deeper sense, I might describe myself, nationally
speaking, as homeless – and proud of it. There’s
much to be said for the philosophical notion of
homelessness or the “other”. I’m committed to my
family, to certain moral values, to people who share
them, to my work, less so to nations or flags as such.
I left Israel for the first time as a boy, in 1967, after
the six-day war. I lived in Berkeley, in the US, came
back to Israel, left for good as a graduate student
and came to study classics in Oxford.
<> Acesso em: 15.02.2017. Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, o imigrante
Leia o trecho do relato de um imigrante ao jornal britânico
The Guardian.
I’ve never thought of myself as an immigrant,
although I suppose technically I am one. I’m a
British citizen, and happy to be, although, in a
deeper sense, I might describe myself, nationally
speaking, as homeless – and proud of it. There’s
much to be said for the philosophical notion of
homelessness or the “other”. I’m committed to my
family, to certain moral values, to people who share
them, to my work, less so to nations or flags as such.
I left Israel for the first time as a boy, in 1967, after
the six-day war. I lived in Berkeley, in the US, came
back to Israel, left for good as a graduate student
and came to study classics in Oxford.
se queixa de não ter uma família.
deixou Israel pela primeira vez quando ainda era
um garoto.
não se adaptou aos valores morais de sua nova pátria.
depois de morar em Berkeley, não retornou mais
a Israel.
não foi aceito para estudar em Oxford.