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FGV 2015 - História - Período Colonial: produção de riqueza e escravismo

[...] se o interesse da Coroa estava centralizado na atividade minerária, ela não poderia negligenciar outras atividades que garantissem sua manutenção e continuidade. É nesse contexto que a agricultura deve ser vista integrando os mecanismos necessários ao processo de colonização desenvolvidos na própria Colônia, uma vez que, voltada para o consumo interno, era um meio de garantir a reprodução da estrutura social, além de permitir a redução dos custos com a manutenção da força de trabalho escrava.

Guimarães, C. M. e REIS, F. M. da M. “Agricultura e mineração no século XVIII”,
in Resende, m.e.l. e VILLALTA, L.C. (orgs.) História de Minas Gerais. As minas setecentistas.
Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora/Companhia do Tempo, 2007, p. 323. 

Assinale a alternativa que interpreta corretamente o texto.  

Para o desenvolvimento das atividades de exploração das minas foi decisiva a permissão dada pela metrópole ao desenvolvimento técnico e industrial da região.
Os caminhos entre as minas e Salvador, além de escoar a produção mineradora e permitir a entrada de escravos, ficaram marcados pelo aparecimento de importantes vilas e povoados.
A produção agrícola na região das minas desenvolveu-se a ponto de se tornar um dos principais itens da pauta de produtos exportados no período colonial.
Apesar do crescimento da agricultura e da pecuária, o mercado interno não se desenvolveu no Brasil colonial, cuja produção se manteve estritamente voltada ao mercado externo.
As atividades agrícolas e a pecuária desenvolveram-se de certo modo integradas ao desenvolvimento da mineração e da urbanização da região mineradora.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to the “elderly, middle-class woman” mentioned in paragraph 3, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

She was an American intelligence official who had been sent to Chile to destabilize that country’s democratically elected government.
Though apparently a simple, inoffensive Chilean woman, she was in reality helping the CIA in its efforts against Salvador Allende’s government.
She fooled the author of the article into giving her money to organize a “small” street protest against Salvador Allende’s government.
The success of the street protest that she organized surprised her as much as it did the author of the article.
Her family had suffered greatly because of the activities of leftist radicals in Chile’s countryside.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, in protests similar to the first “March of the Empty Pots and Pans,”

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

leftist students, knowing they had the government’s support, inevitably showed up to attack the women taking part in the demonstrations.
Chile’s armed forces were sometimes brought out to make sure that no violence would take place.
men and women in equal numbers joined together to demonstrate against Salvador Allende’s government.
the demonstrators would sometimes accuse the military of actively promoting Salvador Allende’s socialist agenda.
the women participating demonstrated that they were dissatisfied not only with the government, but also, to a certain extent, with the armed forces.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The “publicity nightmare” mentioned at the end of paragraph 3 most likely refers to the fact that

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

housewives had publicly demonstrated against the disappearance of basic food and household items from Chile’s supermarkets.
students and housewives had joined together to commit acts of violence in a massive antigovernment street demonstration in Chile.
students in Chile had committed acts of violence against women engaged in a peaceful street demonstration.
Chile’s government had actively encouraged students to commit acts of violence against women protesters.
Chile’s government had tried to censure information about the violent middle-class opposition to Salvador Allende’s socialist policies.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to to the Revolutionary Left Movement, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

It tried to expel the Christian Democrats from Salvador Allende’s ruling coalition.
At times it acted in accordance with ideas favored by some members of Salvador Allende’s government.
As it constituted Chile’s most radical party, it tried to take control of Salvador Allende’s coalition government by force.
It often killed property owners in order to take their land.
It hoped to foment a nationwide socialist revolution through mass hunger and acts of terrorism.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, Salvador Allende’s economic policies led to all of the following except

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

a strong increase in consumption that created serious inflationary problems.
in the first year, a GDP increase of less than 10% and production increase of more than 10%.
increased uncertainty in Chile’s real estate sector.
beginning in 1971, a probable decrease in Chile’s aggregate stock of business and commercial information.
beginning in 1971, increased difficulties for the Chilean people in finding the items that they used in their daily lives.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to the future of printed books, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

Printed books will continue to be more popular than e-books, no matter how attractive ebooks become.
In a technologically advanced world, printed books will one day be irrelevant.
Even though bookstores will eventually disappear, printed books will continue to be sold through different means.
The inherent qualities of printed books mean that probably there will continue to be a place for them.
In the end, the book industry will be unable to escape the same destiny that nearly destroyed the music industry.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

By weakening Salvador Allende politically and economically, the CIA, more than any other organization, guaranteed his fall from power.
The CIA’s covert efforts to remove Salvador Allende from power, while effective, were clearly illegal.
Salvador Allende was deposed because the members of Chile’s elite were strongly influenced by the CIA.
By mishandling Chile’s economy, Salvador Allende created a situation in which Chileans of many classes opposed him.
By imposing disastrous socialist economic policies in Chile, Salvador Allende lost the formerly strong support of the country’s wealthy, middle, and working classes.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, which of the following might have been the reason that Salvador Allende went ahead so quickly with his new government’s program?

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.

He was convinced that the CIA was planning to remove him immediately from power.
In order to keep the support of Chile’s middle and working classes, he needed to improve the country’s rapidly deteriorating economy.
He was afraid that if he didn’t take immediate action, his coalition government would lose the support of its leftist members, who were demanding the implementation of socialism.
He wanted to discourage conservative members of Chile’s armed forces who were trying to remove him from power.
Since he didn’t have strong nationwide support, he thought that only by acting immediately could he implement the ideas that he believed would make Chile a socialist country.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to the act of reading itself, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

The pleasure of reading may be affected by more than words.
Reading appeals to all of the senses, not just to sight.
The reluctance to read e-books in fact has nothing to do with an aversion to technology.
A sense of tradition and nostalgia is the main reason that most people avoid reading e-books.
Reading a printed book is neither harder nor easier than reading an e-book.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In paragraph 3, the phrase “The differences are small…” most likely refers to which of the following?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

The levels of reading comprehension associated with printed books are a little lower than those associated with e-books.
Nowadays, people have only a few reasons to prefer e-books to printed books.
Printed books offer some slight but significant advantages over e-books.
People may find it hard to understand the advantages of reading printed books.
Statistics indicate that there is only small difference between e-book sales and printed book sales.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

For most people, reading something on a screen is as pleasurable as is reading it on a page.
It is easier to read quickly and superficially with an e-book than it is with a printed book.
There is no better way to gain profound understanding of a difficult idea than by reading a printed book.
The convenience and facility offered by e-books more than compensate any possible loss of comprehension that may result from using that technology.
Reading something in a printed book tends to encourage greater understanding of the material than does reading it in an e-book.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In paragraph 3, “This” in the sentence “This may be just a prejudice that will vanish as e-books become more common” most likely refers to which of the following?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

Many people don’t know how easy it is to carry around a great number of e-books.
Most people think that low cost is the only really attractive feature of e-books.
Most people limit their use of e-books to whatever they read for leisure.
It is still hard to find many serious works of literature in an e-book version.
Some people mistakenly think that the light used in e-books is prejudicial to the eyes.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, the Codex Group’s research data supports all of the following except

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

at the moment, the Internet is not the most popular alternative for people interested in searching for something new to read.
if given a choice between buying a book in the electronic version or in the printed version, people still inevitably prefer the printed version.
the vast majority of people who read e-books are still attracted to printed books.
among the people who often purchase books, only a relatively small proportion limit themselves exclusively to e-books.
instead of representing a broad spectrum of literature and published material, e-book sales are still dominated by certain kinds of books.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In paragraph 2, the article most likely includes the phrase “last year…e-book sales rose just fortyfour per cent” in order to

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

weaken the argument that e-books will substitute printed books in the near future.
support the idea that continued technological advances will make e-books more and more popular with the general reading public.
compare the sales problems of the book industry today with those of the music industry some years ago.
call into question the sales statistics presented by industry trade groups.
help explain why e-book sales are currently so vigorous.
FGV 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to independent bookstores, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from The New Yorker, July 29, 2013. 

They have recently become more profitable than online booksellers.
They have never been so profitable as they are nowadays.
They have had to enter into strategic partnerships with book publishers in order to avoid bankruptcy.
They have been able to strengthen their business by both selling to customers and providing them with information.
They have become even more important because they advise customers on which authors to read and publishers on which authors to publish.
FGV 2015 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Ao caracterizar determinada obra literária brasileira, assim se pronunciou o crítico Roberto Schwarz:

“Entre a limitação do narrador e a inteligência de sua escrita o desacordo é total, e a conjunção é forçada. Este é o X estético do livro.” Adaptado.

Costuma-se reconhecer que esse contraste entre a mentalidade estreita do narrador e a qualidade de sua prosa pode ser verificado também, não obstante as diferenças, sobretudo na seguinte obra:

Memórias de um sargento de milícias.
O Ateneu.
Quincas Borba.
São Bernardo.
FGV 2015 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

No início do texto, o pai do narrador revela pensar que a experiência do mundo é centrada na luta. Consideradas as diferenças, também vê o mundo principalmente sob esse prisma a personagem

    “Vais encontrar o mundo, disse-me meu pai, à porta do Ateneu. Coragem para a luta.” Bastante experimentei depois a verdade deste aviso, que me despia, num gesto, das ilusões de criança educada exoticamente na estufa de carinho que é o regime do amor doméstico; diferente do que se encontra fora, tão diferente, que parece o poema dos cuidados maternos um artifício sentimental, com a vantagem única de fazer mais sensível a criatura à impressão rude do primeiro ensinamento, têmpera brusca da vitalidade na influência de um novo clima rigoroso. Lembramo-nos, entretanto, com saudade hipócrita, dos felizes tempos; como se a mesma incerteza de hoje, sob outro aspecto, não nos houvesse perseguido outrora, e não viesse de longe a enfiada das decepções que nos ultrajam. 
    Eufemismo, os felizes tempos, eufemismo apenas, igual aos outros que nos alimentam, a saudade dos dias que correram como melhores. Bem considerando, a atualidade é a mesma em todas as datas.

Raul Pompeia, O Ateneu.  
Fernando, de Senhora.
Jerônimo, de O cortiço.
Macunaíma, de Macunaíma.
Paulo Honório, de São Bernardo.
Macabéa, de A hora da estrela.
FGV 2015 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Uma nota pessoal do autor de O Ateneu, Raul Pompeia, registra que, na sua concepção, “a prosa tem de ser eloquente, para ser artística, tal como os versos”. Essa concepção 

I manifesta-se na composição do trecho de O Ateneu, aqui reproduzido;
II orienta igualmente a prosa machadiana de Quincas Borba;
III contraria o ideal estilístico do autor de São Bernardo, Graciliano Ramos. 

Está correto o que se indica em 

    “Vais encontrar o mundo, disse-me meu pai, à porta do Ateneu. Coragem para a luta.” Bastante experimentei depois a verdade deste aviso, que me despia, num gesto, das ilusões de criança educada exoticamente na estufa de carinho que é o regime do amor doméstico; diferente do que se encontra fora, tão diferente, que parece o poema dos cuidados maternos um artifício sentimental, com a vantagem única de fazer mais sensível a criatura à impressão rude do primeiro ensinamento, têmpera brusca da vitalidade na influência de um novo clima rigoroso. Lembramo-nos, entretanto, com saudade hipócrita, dos felizes tempos; como se a mesma incerteza de hoje, sob outro aspecto, não nos houvesse perseguido outrora, e não viesse de longe a enfiada das decepções que nos ultrajam. 
    Eufemismo, os felizes tempos, eufemismo apenas, igual aos outros que nos alimentam, a saudade dos dias que correram como melhores. Bem considerando, a atualidade é a mesma em todas as datas.

Raul Pompeia, O Ateneu.  
I, somente.
II, somente.
I e III, somente.
II e III, somente.
I, II e III.
FGV 2015 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Costuma-se considerar que O Ateneu, de Raul Pompeia, embora tenha como subtítulo “Crônica de saudades”, pertence à modalidade literária conhecida como romance de formação, cujo modelo ou paradigma é a narrativa do percurso de aprendizagem de um jovem, no qual ele forma seu caráter, supera os problemas encontrados e prepara sua inserção harmônica na sociedade.
Admitindo-se esse paradigma, a reflexão sobre o tempo apresentada pelo narrador na abertura do livro, aqui reproduzida, indica que O Ateneu irá se configurar como um romance de formação

    “Vais encontrar o mundo, disse-me meu pai, à porta do Ateneu. Coragem para a luta.” Bastante experimentei depois a verdade deste aviso, que me despia, num gesto, das ilusões de criança educada exoticamente na estufa de carinho que é o regime do amor doméstico; diferente do que se encontra fora, tão diferente, que parece o poema dos cuidados maternos um artifício sentimental, com a vantagem única de fazer mais sensível a criatura à impressão rude do primeiro ensinamento, têmpera brusca da vitalidade na influência de um novo clima rigoroso. Lembramo-nos, entretanto, com saudade hipócrita, dos felizes tempos; como se a mesma incerteza de hoje, sob outro aspecto, não nos houvesse perseguido outrora, e não viesse de longe a enfiada das decepções que nos ultrajam. 
    Eufemismo, os felizes tempos, eufemismo apenas, igual aos outros que nos alimentam, a saudade dos dias que correram como melhores. Bem considerando, a atualidade é a mesma em todas as datas.

Raul Pompeia, O Ateneu.  