Questão 4e9de396-fd
Prova:FGV 2015
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
With respect to the “elderly, middle-class woman” mentioned in paragraph 3, which of the
following is most supported by the information in the article?
With respect to the “elderly, middle-class woman” mentioned in paragraph 3, which of the
following is most supported by the information in the article?

Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.
Adapted from Foreign Affairs, July/August 2014.
She was an American intelligence official who had been sent to Chile to destabilize that
country’s democratically elected government.
Though apparently a simple, inoffensive Chilean woman, she was in reality helping the CIA in
its efforts against Salvador Allende’s government.
She fooled the author of the article into giving her money to organize a “small” street protest
against Salvador Allende’s government.
The success of the street protest that she organized surprised her as much as it did the author
of the article.
Her family had suffered greatly because of the activities of leftist radicals in Chile’s