Assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente a análise crítica de Papeis avulsos, de Machado de Assis.
Assinale a opção correta, caso o verbo em negrito seja mudado para “tivéssemos” em: “Se tivermos em mente que muitas das maiores e mais habitadas cidades do mundo estão localizadas em
litorais, pode-se imaginar que efeito isso terá num tempo não tão longo”:
Assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente o significado da palavra “alvissareiras” em “Foram
boas e alvissareiras as notícias anunciadas durante a Cúpula do Clima realizada no final de setembro em Nova York...”
Pode-se afirmar que o autor, diante das condições do meio ambiente, sugere:
Assinale a opção que apresenta corretamente, um subtítulo para o texto.
Segundo o texto, a atitude mundial para com as mudanças climáticas, por ora, está no nível:
O gráfico a seguir apresenta aspectos da utilização do solo no Brasil entre 1985 e 2017. A
partir das informações disponibilizadas, é correto afirmar que:

O gráfico a seguir apresenta aspectos da utilização do solo no Brasil entre 1985 e 2017. A partir das informações disponibilizadas, é correto afirmar que:
No dia 20/08/2018, entrou em vigor uma reforma econômica na Venezuela com o objetivo de
combater a inflação, que alcançou 1.000.000% nos sete primeiros meses de 2018. A principal
medida adotada foi a divisão da unidade monetária por 100.000, o que, simplificadamente,
resultou no corte de cinco zeros na unidade monetária local (Bolívar), com a mudança do
nome para Bolívar Soberano. De acordo com matéria divulgada no jornal Folha de S.Paulo,
em 20/08/2018, um frango de 2,4kg custava o equivalente a 14,6 milhões de bolívares
(14.600.000,00). Com a nova unidade monetária, o preço do frango ficaria em:

O Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) passou a divulgar nas estatísticas
sobre o mercado de trabalho uma nova informação: o número de desalentados. Esse grupo
corresponde a pessoas que desistiram de procurar emprego, mas gostariam de trabalhar.
Bahia e São Paulo são os estados com o maior número de pessoas nessa condição. De acordo
com a representação gráfica, é correto afirmar que:
O Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) passou a divulgar nas estatísticas
sobre o mercado de trabalho uma nova informação: o número de desalentados. Esse grupo
corresponde a pessoas que desistiram de procurar emprego, mas gostariam de trabalhar.
Bahia e São Paulo são os estados com o maior número de pessoas nessa condição. De acordo
com a representação gráfica, é correto afirmar que:
Exam ine the follow ing cartoon to answ er question.

Sobre o cartoon, qual das afirmações a seguir é FALSA?
Exam ine the follow ing cartoon to answ er question.
Sobre o cartoon, qual das afirmações a seguir é FALSA?
O que propõe a frase “But the generation after milíenniais is still so ill-defined (probably
because of the whole name issue) that an accurate count has not yet been established”?
Tell Us What to Call the Generation After Millennials {Please)
Millennials are getting older. Not that much older, of course. We're a roughly defined generational cohort, but arguably the oldest members of our demographic set are just beginning to reach the age of 40.
Meanwhile, the American generation behind millennials has started to move intothe workplace. And while some have proposed names for this group born in 1995 and after — Generation Z, PostMillennials, The Homeland Generation, iGeneration — all of these names are bad. The first two don't even strive for originality! Come on. Then again, it's hard to know what makes a generational name stick.
"Millennial" was coined in the late 1980s by the consultants Neil Howe and William Strauss, both baby boomers, before the term Generation X was even popularized. (They wanted to call them "13th Gen," but that didn't stick, and neither did "slackers."
But their term "millennial" did not become the dominant name for the huge generation after those two until much later. "In retrospect, it's easy to see that names that people gravitate to say something," Mr. Howe said in a recent interview. "Either the name itself or the way in which it was adapted."
But Malcolm Harris, the millennial author of "Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials," argues that those most interested in naming generations are those trying to sell things to that cohort.
"Generations are really only understood in retrospect," Mr. Harris said. "Some people have a financial interest in naming them as soon as possible, people trying to sell stuff. That's the first perspective we get on any cohort, and I don't think it's necessarily a very good one."
One stumbling block is a lack of agreement about the birth years for each generation. People on the fringes can feel as if they've got almost nothing in common with the rest of the group. A few years' difference can determine if you could have been drafted for Vietnam, watched the first MTV videos, or were born into a world of instant messaging.
In 2015, the Census Bureau said that there were 83.1 million American millennials (born between 1982 and 2000), exceeding the 75.4 million baby boomers (between 1946 and 1964), and the 65 million that Pew Research said belong in Generation X (between 1965 and 1980). But the generation after millennials is still so ill-defined (probably because of the whole name issue) that an accurate count has not yet been established.
And a good name? Nope.
Fonte: New York Times. Publicado em 23/01/2018. Disponível em: https://www.nytimes.
Qual das afirmações a seguir é FALSA?
Tell Us What to Call the Generation After Millennials {Please)
Millennials are getting older. Not that much older, of course. We're a roughly defined generational cohort, but arguably the oldest members of our demographic set are just beginning to reach the age of 40.
Meanwhile, the American generation behind millennials has started to move intothe workplace. And while some have proposed names for this group born in 1995 and after — Generation Z, PostMillennials, The Homeland Generation, iGeneration — all of these names are bad. The first two don't even strive for originality! Come on. Then again, it's hard to know what makes a generational name stick.
"Millennial" was coined in the late 1980s by the consultants Neil Howe and William Strauss, both baby boomers, before the term Generation X was even popularized. (They wanted to call them "13th Gen," but that didn't stick, and neither did "slackers."
But their term "millennial" did not become the dominant name for the huge generation after those two until much later. "In retrospect, it's easy to see that names that people gravitate to say something," Mr. Howe said in a recent interview. "Either the name itself or the way in which it was adapted."
But Malcolm Harris, the millennial author of "Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials," argues that those most interested in naming generations are those trying to sell things to that cohort.
"Generations are really only understood in retrospect," Mr. Harris said. "Some people have a financial interest in naming them as soon as possible, people trying to sell stuff. That's the first perspective we get on any cohort, and I don't think it's necessarily a very good one."
One stumbling block is a lack of agreement about the birth years for each generation. People on the fringes can feel as if they've got almost nothing in common with the rest of the group. A few years' difference can determine if you could have been drafted for Vietnam, watched the first MTV videos, or were born into a world of instant messaging.
In 2015, the Census Bureau said that there were 83.1 million American millennials (born between 1982 and 2000), exceeding the 75.4 million baby boomers (between 1946 and 1964), and the 65 million that Pew Research said belong in Generation X (between 1965 and 1980). But the generation after millennials is still so ill-defined (probably because of the whole name issue) that an accurate count has not yet been established.
And a good name? Nope.
Fonte: New York Times. Publicado em 23/01/2018. Disponível em: https://www.nytimes.
De acordo com o texto:
Tell Us What to Call the Generation After Millennials {Please)
Millennials are getting older. Not that much older, of course. We're a roughly defined generational cohort, but arguably the oldest members of our demographic set are just beginning to reach the age of 40.
Meanwhile, the American generation behind millennials has started to move intothe workplace. And while some have proposed names for this group born in 1995 and after — Generation Z, PostMillennials, The Homeland Generation, iGeneration — all of these names are bad. The first two don't even strive for originality! Come on. Then again, it's hard to know what makes a generational name stick.
"Millennial" was coined in the late 1980s by the consultants Neil Howe and William Strauss, both baby boomers, before the term Generation X was even popularized. (They wanted to call them "13th Gen," but that didn't stick, and neither did "slackers."
But their term "millennial" did not become the dominant name for the huge generation after those two until much later. "In retrospect, it's easy to see that names that people gravitate to say something," Mr. Howe said in a recent interview. "Either the name itself or the way in which it was adapted."
But Malcolm Harris, the millennial author of "Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials," argues that those most interested in naming generations are those trying to sell things to that cohort.
"Generations are really only understood in retrospect," Mr. Harris said. "Some people have a financial interest in naming them as soon as possible, people trying to sell stuff. That's the first perspective we get on any cohort, and I don't think it's necessarily a very good one."
One stumbling block is a lack of agreement about the birth years for each generation. People on the fringes can feel as if they've got almost nothing in common with the rest of the group. A few years' difference can determine if you could have been drafted for Vietnam, watched the first MTV videos, or were born into a world of instant messaging.
In 2015, the Census Bureau said that there were 83.1 million American millennials (born between 1982 and 2000), exceeding the 75.4 million baby boomers (between 1946 and 1964), and the 65 million that Pew Research said belong in Generation X (between 1965 and 1980). But the generation after millennials is still so ill-defined (probably because of the whole name issue) that an accurate count has not yet been established.
And a good name? Nope.
Fonte: New York Times. Publicado em 23/01/2018. Disponível em: https://www.nytimes.
O texto discute principalmente:
Tell Us What to Call the Generation After Millennials {Please)
Millennials are getting older. Not that much older, of course. We're a roughly defined generational cohort, but arguably the oldest members of our demographic set are just beginning to reach the age of 40.
Meanwhile, the American generation behind millennials has started to move intothe workplace. And while some have proposed names for this group born in 1995 and after — Generation Z, PostMillennials, The Homeland Generation, iGeneration — all of these names are bad. The first two don't even strive for originality! Come on. Then again, it's hard to know what makes a generational name stick.
"Millennial" was coined in the late 1980s by the consultants Neil Howe and William Strauss, both baby boomers, before the term Generation X was even popularized. (They wanted to call them "13th Gen," but that didn't stick, and neither did "slackers."
But their term "millennial" did not become the dominant name for the huge generation after those two until much later. "In retrospect, it's easy to see that names that people gravitate to say something," Mr. Howe said in a recent interview. "Either the name itself or the way in which it was adapted."
But Malcolm Harris, the millennial author of "Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials," argues that those most interested in naming generations are those trying to sell things to that cohort.
"Generations are really only understood in retrospect," Mr. Harris said. "Some people have a financial interest in naming them as soon as possible, people trying to sell stuff. That's the first perspective we get on any cohort, and I don't think it's necessarily a very good one."
One stumbling block is a lack of agreement about the birth years for each generation. People on the fringes can feel as if they've got almost nothing in common with the rest of the group. A few years' difference can determine if you could have been drafted for Vietnam, watched the first MTV videos, or were born into a world of instant messaging.
In 2015, the Census Bureau said that there were 83.1 million American millennials (born between 1982 and 2000), exceeding the 75.4 million baby boomers (between 1946 and 1964), and the 65 million that Pew Research said belong in Generation X (between 1965 and 1980). But the generation after millennials is still so ill-defined (probably because of the whole name issue) that an accurate count has not yet been established.
And a good name? Nope.
Fonte: New York Times. Publicado em 23/01/2018. Disponível em: https://www.nytimes.
Em 2017 o Brasil recebeu 33,8 mil solicitações de refúgio. Mais da metade sao de venezuelanos
que deixaram seu país par motivações econômicas e políticas. De janeiro a dezembro do ano
passado, foram 17,8 mil pedidos de refúgios feitos ao Ministério da Justiça por pessoas com
essa nacionalidade.
Adaptado de: https://g1
Quanto a esse fluxo migratório recente ao Brasil, é correto afirmar que:
Entre as escolas de samba do carnaval carioca de 2018, as campeãs se destacaram, também,
por apresentar conteúdos de crítica social O samba-enredo Meu Deus, meu Deus, está
extinta a escravidão?, da vice-campeã, Paraíso do Tuiuti, fazia referência ao fato de o Brasil
ter sido o último país das Américas a abolir a escravidão e, 130 anos depois, o País estava
na iminência de aprovar uma legislação que reduz benefícios e facilita a contratação de
empregados terceirizados e temporários.
Ao relacionar o lento processo de
abolição da escravatura com a reforma
da lei trabalhista, é correto afirmar que
a Escola criticou a maneira como o País,
historicamente, lida com:

Entre as escolas de samba do carnaval carioca de 2018, as campeãs se destacaram, também, por apresentar conteúdos de crítica social O samba-enredo Meu Deus, meu Deus, está extinta a escravidão?, da vice-campeã, Paraíso do Tuiuti, fazia referência ao fato de o Brasil ter sido o último país das Américas a abolir a escravidão e, 130 anos depois, o País estava na iminência de aprovar uma legislação que reduz benefícios e facilita a contratação de empregados terceirizados e temporários. Ao relacionar o lento processo de abolição da escravatura com a reforma da lei trabalhista, é correto afirmar que a Escola criticou a maneira como o País, historicamente, lida com:
Em 02 de setembro de 2018, um incêndio consumiu a maior parte do acervo do Mluseu
Nacional, no Rio de Janeiro. Esse fato foi amplamente noticiado e comentado pela mídia nos
dias subsequentes.
Sobre a tragédia envolvendo o Museu Nacional, assinale a alternativa correta:
Em 02 de setembro de 2018, um incêndio consumiu a maior parte do acervo do Mluseu Nacional, no Rio de Janeiro. Esse fato foi amplamente noticiado e comentado pela mídia nos dias subsequentes.
Sobre a tragédia envolvendo o Museu Nacional, assinale a alternativa correta:

A charge da cartunista Laerte remete à nova situação das relações trabalhistas criada
recentemente no Brasil, e alude:
A charge da cartunista Laerte remete à nova situação das relações trabalhistas criada
recentemente no Brasil, e alude: