Questõesde UECE 2014

Foram encontradas 462 questões
UECE 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

While scientific research and brain gaming companies are not working with the same assumptions, Dr. Doraiswamy recommends that people


    For a $14.95 monthly membership, the website Lumosity promises to “train” your brain with games designed to stave off mental decline. Users view a quick succession of bird images and numbers to test attention span, for instance, or match increasingly complex tile patterns to challenge memory.

    While Lumosity is perhaps the best known of the brain-game websites, with 50 million subscribers in 180 countries, the cognitive training business is booming. Happy Neuron of Mountain View, Calif., promises “brain fitness for life.” Cogmed, owned by the British education company Pearson, says its training program will give students “improved attention and capacity for learning.” The Israeli firm NeurMuch of the focus of theonix is developing a brain stimulation and cognitive training program that the company calls a “new hope for Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Much of the focus of the brain fitness business has been on helping children with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. An effective way to stave off memory loss or prevent Alzheimer’s — particularly

    The problem, Dr. Doraiswa if it were a simple website or video game — is the “holy grail” of neuroscience, said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, director of the neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. The problem, Dr. Doraiswamy added, is that the science of cognitive training has not kept up with the hype. “Almost all the marketing claims made by all the companies go beyond the data,” he said. “We need large national studies before you can conclude that it’s ready for prime time.”

    For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first few years of life — that by adulthood the brain was largely immutable. But over the past two decades, studies on animals and humans have found that the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life. But questions remain whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, studying a new language or improving skill on a video game — can really raise intelligence or stave off normal memory loss.

    A series of studies in recent years has suggested that certain types of game training can improve a person’s cognitive performance. In February 2013, however, an analysis of 23 of the best studies on brain training, led by the University of Oslo researcher Monica Melby-Lervag, concluded that while players do get better, the increase in skill hasn’t been shown to transfer to other tasks. In other words, playing Sudoku or an online matching game makes you better at the game, but it doesn’t make you better at math or help you remember names or where you left your car keys.

    But other studies have been more encouraging. Last September, the journal Nature published a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that showed a driving game did improve short-term memory and longterm focus in older adults. The findings are significant because the research found that improvements in performance weren’t limited to the game, but also appeared to be linked to a strengthening of older brains over all, helping them to perform better at other memory and attention tasks.

    In addition, brain monitoring during the study showed that in older participants, game training led to bursts in brain waves associated with attention; the patterns were similar to those seen in much younger brains.

    Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health invited applications to more rigorously test brain fitness training to stave off cognitive decline. Researchers say they hope the effort will help establish a consistent standard for determining whether a brain-training intervention works.

    But while the science remains unclear, entrepreneurs have seized on what is likely to be a sizable marketing opportunity. In May, hundreds of researchers and businesses will gather in San Francisco for the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo to explore the latest research and the newest technology.

    While there is no real risk to participating in the many unproven brain-training games available online and through smartphones, experts say, consumers should know that the scientific jury is still out on whether they are really boosting brain health or just paying hundreds of dollars to get better at a game.

    “I’m not convinced there is a huge difference between buying a $300 subscription to a gaming company versus you yourself doing challenging things on your own, like attending a lecture or learning an instrument,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “Each person has to personalize for themselves what they find fun and challenging and what they can stick with.”

From:, March 10, 2014

should not worry much about brain fitness.
wait to do something about this only when studies show irrefutable evidence.
choose something amusing and challenging that they can keep on doing.
get a subscription to a gaming company as soon as possible.
UECE 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Among the promises made by websites for their cognitive training programs, one may list


    For a $14.95 monthly membership, the website Lumosity promises to “train” your brain with games designed to stave off mental decline. Users view a quick succession of bird images and numbers to test attention span, for instance, or match increasingly complex tile patterns to challenge memory.

    While Lumosity is perhaps the best known of the brain-game websites, with 50 million subscribers in 180 countries, the cognitive training business is booming. Happy Neuron of Mountain View, Calif., promises “brain fitness for life.” Cogmed, owned by the British education company Pearson, says its training program will give students “improved attention and capacity for learning.” The Israeli firm NeurMuch of the focus of theonix is developing a brain stimulation and cognitive training program that the company calls a “new hope for Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Much of the focus of the brain fitness business has been on helping children with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. An effective way to stave off memory loss or prevent Alzheimer’s — particularly

    The problem, Dr. Doraiswa if it were a simple website or video game — is the “holy grail” of neuroscience, said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, director of the neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. The problem, Dr. Doraiswamy added, is that the science of cognitive training has not kept up with the hype. “Almost all the marketing claims made by all the companies go beyond the data,” he said. “We need large national studies before you can conclude that it’s ready for prime time.”

    For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first few years of life — that by adulthood the brain was largely immutable. But over the past two decades, studies on animals and humans have found that the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life. But questions remain whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, studying a new language or improving skill on a video game — can really raise intelligence or stave off normal memory loss.

    A series of studies in recent years has suggested that certain types of game training can improve a person’s cognitive performance. In February 2013, however, an analysis of 23 of the best studies on brain training, led by the University of Oslo researcher Monica Melby-Lervag, concluded that while players do get better, the increase in skill hasn’t been shown to transfer to other tasks. In other words, playing Sudoku or an online matching game makes you better at the game, but it doesn’t make you better at math or help you remember names or where you left your car keys.

    But other studies have been more encouraging. Last September, the journal Nature published a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that showed a driving game did improve short-term memory and longterm focus in older adults. The findings are significant because the research found that improvements in performance weren’t limited to the game, but also appeared to be linked to a strengthening of older brains over all, helping them to perform better at other memory and attention tasks.

    In addition, brain monitoring during the study showed that in older participants, game training led to bursts in brain waves associated with attention; the patterns were similar to those seen in much younger brains.

    Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health invited applications to more rigorously test brain fitness training to stave off cognitive decline. Researchers say they hope the effort will help establish a consistent standard for determining whether a brain-training intervention works.

    But while the science remains unclear, entrepreneurs have seized on what is likely to be a sizable marketing opportunity. In May, hundreds of researchers and businesses will gather in San Francisco for the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo to explore the latest research and the newest technology.

    While there is no real risk to participating in the many unproven brain-training games available online and through smartphones, experts say, consumers should know that the scientific jury is still out on whether they are really boosting brain health or just paying hundreds of dollars to get better at a game.

    “I’m not convinced there is a huge difference between buying a $300 subscription to a gaming company versus you yourself doing challenging things on your own, like attending a lecture or learning an instrument,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “Each person has to personalize for themselves what they find fun and challenging and what they can stick with.”

From:, March 10, 2014

improvement of attention and lifetime brain fitness.
capacity for learning and negotiating skills.
prevention of Alzheimer’s and effective communication abilities.
increase of intelligence and reduction of shyness.
UECE 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Recent research undertaken with older adults at the University of California presented significant results in relation to cognitive training using a certain driving game. They are significant due to the evidence that


    For a $14.95 monthly membership, the website Lumosity promises to “train” your brain with games designed to stave off mental decline. Users view a quick succession of bird images and numbers to test attention span, for instance, or match increasingly complex tile patterns to challenge memory.

    While Lumosity is perhaps the best known of the brain-game websites, with 50 million subscribers in 180 countries, the cognitive training business is booming. Happy Neuron of Mountain View, Calif., promises “brain fitness for life.” Cogmed, owned by the British education company Pearson, says its training program will give students “improved attention and capacity for learning.” The Israeli firm NeurMuch of the focus of theonix is developing a brain stimulation and cognitive training program that the company calls a “new hope for Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Much of the focus of the brain fitness business has been on helping children with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. An effective way to stave off memory loss or prevent Alzheimer’s — particularly

    The problem, Dr. Doraiswa if it were a simple website or video game — is the “holy grail” of neuroscience, said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, director of the neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. The problem, Dr. Doraiswamy added, is that the science of cognitive training has not kept up with the hype. “Almost all the marketing claims made by all the companies go beyond the data,” he said. “We need large national studies before you can conclude that it’s ready for prime time.”

    For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first few years of life — that by adulthood the brain was largely immutable. But over the past two decades, studies on animals and humans have found that the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life. But questions remain whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, studying a new language or improving skill on a video game — can really raise intelligence or stave off normal memory loss.

    A series of studies in recent years has suggested that certain types of game training can improve a person’s cognitive performance. In February 2013, however, an analysis of 23 of the best studies on brain training, led by the University of Oslo researcher Monica Melby-Lervag, concluded that while players do get better, the increase in skill hasn’t been shown to transfer to other tasks. In other words, playing Sudoku or an online matching game makes you better at the game, but it doesn’t make you better at math or help you remember names or where you left your car keys.

    But other studies have been more encouraging. Last September, the journal Nature published a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that showed a driving game did improve short-term memory and longterm focus in older adults. The findings are significant because the research found that improvements in performance weren’t limited to the game, but also appeared to be linked to a strengthening of older brains over all, helping them to perform better at other memory and attention tasks.

    In addition, brain monitoring during the study showed that in older participants, game training led to bursts in brain waves associated with attention; the patterns were similar to those seen in much younger brains.

    Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health invited applications to more rigorously test brain fitness training to stave off cognitive decline. Researchers say they hope the effort will help establish a consistent standard for determining whether a brain-training intervention works.

    But while the science remains unclear, entrepreneurs have seized on what is likely to be a sizable marketing opportunity. In May, hundreds of researchers and businesses will gather in San Francisco for the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo to explore the latest research and the newest technology.

    While there is no real risk to participating in the many unproven brain-training games available online and through smartphones, experts say, consumers should know that the scientific jury is still out on whether they are really boosting brain health or just paying hundreds of dollars to get better at a game.

    “I’m not convinced there is a huge difference between buying a $300 subscription to a gaming company versus you yourself doing challenging things on your own, like attending a lecture or learning an instrument,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “Each person has to personalize for themselves what they find fun and challenging and what they can stick with.”

From:, March 10, 2014

older adults’ brains do not react to such stimuli as games.
level of performance in the game could not be transferred to other tasks.
better performance in the game also meant better performance in other memory and attention activities.
young adults had, in a previous study, performed similar tasks with equivalent results.
UECE 2014 - Biologia - Vírus e bactérias, Identidade dos seres vivos

Mesmo para os casais apaixonados, os beijos podem ser a porta de entrada de diversas doenças. Dentre as opções abaixo, são transmitidas somente pela saliva:

hidrofobia e hepatite A.
cólera e caxumba.
herpes labial e hepatite C.
gengivite e mononucleose.
UECE 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The idea that the brain ceases to develop at a very young age


    For a $14.95 monthly membership, the website Lumosity promises to “train” your brain with games designed to stave off mental decline. Users view a quick succession of bird images and numbers to test attention span, for instance, or match increasingly complex tile patterns to challenge memory.

    While Lumosity is perhaps the best known of the brain-game websites, with 50 million subscribers in 180 countries, the cognitive training business is booming. Happy Neuron of Mountain View, Calif., promises “brain fitness for life.” Cogmed, owned by the British education company Pearson, says its training program will give students “improved attention and capacity for learning.” The Israeli firm NeurMuch of the focus of theonix is developing a brain stimulation and cognitive training program that the company calls a “new hope for Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Much of the focus of the brain fitness business has been on helping children with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. An effective way to stave off memory loss or prevent Alzheimer’s — particularly

    The problem, Dr. Doraiswa if it were a simple website or video game — is the “holy grail” of neuroscience, said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, director of the neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. The problem, Dr. Doraiswamy added, is that the science of cognitive training has not kept up with the hype. “Almost all the marketing claims made by all the companies go beyond the data,” he said. “We need large national studies before you can conclude that it’s ready for prime time.”

    For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first few years of life — that by adulthood the brain was largely immutable. But over the past two decades, studies on animals and humans have found that the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life. But questions remain whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, studying a new language or improving skill on a video game — can really raise intelligence or stave off normal memory loss.

    A series of studies in recent years has suggested that certain types of game training can improve a person’s cognitive performance. In February 2013, however, an analysis of 23 of the best studies on brain training, led by the University of Oslo researcher Monica Melby-Lervag, concluded that while players do get better, the increase in skill hasn’t been shown to transfer to other tasks. In other words, playing Sudoku or an online matching game makes you better at the game, but it doesn’t make you better at math or help you remember names or where you left your car keys.

    But other studies have been more encouraging. Last September, the journal Nature published a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that showed a driving game did improve short-term memory and longterm focus in older adults. The findings are significant because the research found that improvements in performance weren’t limited to the game, but also appeared to be linked to a strengthening of older brains over all, helping them to perform better at other memory and attention tasks.

    In addition, brain monitoring during the study showed that in older participants, game training led to bursts in brain waves associated with attention; the patterns were similar to those seen in much younger brains.

    Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health invited applications to more rigorously test brain fitness training to stave off cognitive decline. Researchers say they hope the effort will help establish a consistent standard for determining whether a brain-training intervention works.

    But while the science remains unclear, entrepreneurs have seized on what is likely to be a sizable marketing opportunity. In May, hundreds of researchers and businesses will gather in San Francisco for the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo to explore the latest research and the newest technology.

    While there is no real risk to participating in the many unproven brain-training games available online and through smartphones, experts say, consumers should know that the scientific jury is still out on whether they are really boosting brain health or just paying hundreds of dollars to get better at a game.

    “I’m not convinced there is a huge difference between buying a $300 subscription to a gaming company versus you yourself doing challenging things on your own, like attending a lecture or learning an instrument,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “Each person has to personalize for themselves what they find fun and challenging and what they can stick with.”

From:, March 10, 2014

has been contested since the nineteenth century.
was developed and gained many supporters in the last decades.
is the reason of much dispute still nowadays.
was refuted by studies evidencing lifetime neural development.
UECE 2014 - Biologia - Esponjas e Cnidários, Identidade dos seres vivos

Os recifes de corais são ecossistemas de grande biodiversidade, formados principalmente por carbonato de cálcio, proveniente de esqueletos de animais e algas coralinas que se depositam nos oceanos ao longo de milhares de anos. Sobre os recifes de corais, pode-se afirmar corretamente que

somente se desenvolvem em águas frias e representam uma barreira natural que protege a terra da erosão causada pelo mar, pois diminuem a força das ondas.
quando afetados pela poluição, recuperam-se rapidamente devido à grande capacidade regenerativa dos animais que os compõem.
se desenvolvem melhor em águas pobres em nutrientes que permitem uma melhor penetração da luz.
uma de suas maiores ameaças são microrganismos conhecidos como zooxantelas, que se instalam nos pólipos, em uma relação conhecida como parasitismo.
UECE 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to Dr. Doraiswamy, from the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, the problem about many of the cognitive training programs being offered nowadays is that


    For a $14.95 monthly membership, the website Lumosity promises to “train” your brain with games designed to stave off mental decline. Users view a quick succession of bird images and numbers to test attention span, for instance, or match increasingly complex tile patterns to challenge memory.

    While Lumosity is perhaps the best known of the brain-game websites, with 50 million subscribers in 180 countries, the cognitive training business is booming. Happy Neuron of Mountain View, Calif., promises “brain fitness for life.” Cogmed, owned by the British education company Pearson, says its training program will give students “improved attention and capacity for learning.” The Israeli firm NeurMuch of the focus of theonix is developing a brain stimulation and cognitive training program that the company calls a “new hope for Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Much of the focus of the brain fitness business has been on helping children with attention-deficit problems, and on improving cognitive function and academic performance in healthy children and adults. An effective way to stave off memory loss or prevent Alzheimer’s — particularly

    The problem, Dr. Doraiswa if it were a simple website or video game — is the “holy grail” of neuroscience, said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, director of the neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. The problem, Dr. Doraiswamy added, is that the science of cognitive training has not kept up with the hype. “Almost all the marketing claims made by all the companies go beyond the data,” he said. “We need large national studies before you can conclude that it’s ready for prime time.”

    For centuries, scientists believed that most brain development occurred in the first few years of life — that by adulthood the brain was largely immutable. But over the past two decades, studies on animals and humans have found that the brain continues to form new neural connections throughout life. But questions remain whether an intervention that challenges the brain — a puzzle, studying a new language or improving skill on a video game — can really raise intelligence or stave off normal memory loss.

    A series of studies in recent years has suggested that certain types of game training can improve a person’s cognitive performance. In February 2013, however, an analysis of 23 of the best studies on brain training, led by the University of Oslo researcher Monica Melby-Lervag, concluded that while players do get better, the increase in skill hasn’t been shown to transfer to other tasks. In other words, playing Sudoku or an online matching game makes you better at the game, but it doesn’t make you better at math or help you remember names or where you left your car keys.

    But other studies have been more encouraging. Last September, the journal Nature published a study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, that showed a driving game did improve short-term memory and longterm focus in older adults. The findings are significant because the research found that improvements in performance weren’t limited to the game, but also appeared to be linked to a strengthening of older brains over all, helping them to perform better at other memory and attention tasks.

    In addition, brain monitoring during the study showed that in older participants, game training led to bursts in brain waves associated with attention; the patterns were similar to those seen in much younger brains.

    Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health invited applications to more rigorously test brain fitness training to stave off cognitive decline. Researchers say they hope the effort will help establish a consistent standard for determining whether a brain-training intervention works.

    But while the science remains unclear, entrepreneurs have seized on what is likely to be a sizable marketing opportunity. In May, hundreds of researchers and businesses will gather in San Francisco for the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo to explore the latest research and the newest technology.

    While there is no real risk to participating in the many unproven brain-training games available online and through smartphones, experts say, consumers should know that the scientific jury is still out on whether they are really boosting brain health or just paying hundreds of dollars to get better at a game.

    “I’m not convinced there is a huge difference between buying a $300 subscription to a gaming company versus you yourself doing challenging things on your own, like attending a lecture or learning an instrument,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “Each person has to personalize for themselves what they find fun and challenging and what they can stick with.”

From:, March 10, 2014

scientific studies are far ahead from what is being offered.
companies advertise results that have not been proven by scientific studies yet.
cognitive training has proved to effectively avoid memory loss, but not Alzheimer’s.
children with attention-deficit problems cannot benefit from brain fitness programs.
UECE 2014 - Biologia - Hereditariedade e diversidade da vida, Introdução à genética: 1ª e 2ª leis de Mendel

A probabilidade de um casal ter quatro filhos, sendo o segundo filho do sexo masculino e os demais do sexo feminino é de

UECE 2014 - Biologia - Briófitas e Pteridófitas, Gimnospermas e Angiospermas, Identidade dos seres vivos

O Reino Vegetal é formado por diferentes tipos de plantas. Nesse Reino, a principal característica que diferencia samambaias e cajueiros é

a presença de xilema e de floema.
a ocorrência de alternância de gerações.
o desenvolvimento de sementes.
a presença de diferentes tipos de clorofila em seus cloroplastos.
UECE 2014 - Biologia - A química da vida, Moléculas, células e tecidos

Atente para as informações abaixo.

I. As sementes de plantas superiores representam excelentes modelos no estudo da relação entre envelhecimento e Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio (ROS) (Kranner,2006).
II. O melhor mecanismo que retira ROS em plantas inclui a biomolécula catalase (CAT) (Willekens, et al., 1997; Bowler et al., 1992).
III. Trabalho científico aponta que catalase em Vigna unguiculata (feijão de corda) tem sua atividade e expressão em nível de RNAm e está envolvida com o processo de envelhecimento, apontando que a calatalase exerce papel protetor contra danos oxidativos (Aragão, 2007).

A biomolécula referida nas informações é um(a)

proteína de defesa.
UECE 2014 - Biologia - Hereditariedade e diversidade da vida, Herança ligada ao sexo

Se um cientista deseja escrever um artigo sobre o mecanismo de transferência de genes, e o gene em questão é o que expressa uma anomalia denominada hemofilia, o tipo de herança que ele deve estudar para esse feito é a herança

ligada ao sexo.
UECE 2014 - Química - Relações da Química com as Tecnologias, a Sociedade e o Meio Ambiente

As florestas fornecem bens diretos, como frutos, óleos, madeiras e fibras, que resultam em alimento e matéria prima para as indústrias farmacêuticas, de construção e de cosméticos. A respeito desses bens fornecidos pelas florestas, é correto afirmar que

a celulose, (C6H10O5)n, é um dos principais constituintes das paredes celulares das plantas (cerca de 33% do peso da planta). É um polímero de cadeia curta, classificado como glicerídio.
a banana é uma fruta rica em teor de hidratos de carbono que varia de acordo com a espécie.
o benzoato de sódio, C6H5COONa, usado na indústria farmacêutica como conservante em xaropes, é um éter.
o dodecanal, CH3(CH2)10CHO, muito utilizado na indústria de cosméticos, é uma cetona.
UECE 2014 - Química - Transformações Químicas: elementos químicos, tabela periódica e reações químicas, Transformações Químicas

Em jogos de futebol, é comum os jogadores usarem chuteiras com travas de borracha (para gramado seco) e travas de alumínio (para dias de chuva). Com relação ao alumínio, assinale a afirmação correta.

Sua leveza, condutividade elétrica, resistência à corrosão e baixo ponto de fusão lhe conferem uma multiplicidade de aplicações.
O alumínio não possui isótopos.
É um dos elementos mais abundantes na crosta terrestre, cuja principal ocorrência se dá na forma de hidróxido de alumínio, Al(OH)3.
Forma o óxido de alumínio, Al2O3, usado como produto medicinal antiácido que reage com o excesso de ácido clorídrico no estômago, reduzindo sua acidez.
UECE 2014 - Química - Surfactantes, Química Orgânica, Principais Funções Orgânicas: Funções Oxigenadas: Cetona, Aldeído, Éter, Éster, Ácido Carboxílico, Anidrido Orgânico e Cloreto de Ácido., Propriedades Físicas dos Compostos Orgânicos: Polaridade das Ligações e Moléculas, Forças Intermoleculares, Ponto de Fusão e Ponto de Ebulição, Solubilização das Substâncias Orgânicas.

Para que uma horta produza bons legumes e frutas, é necessário que ela esteja distante de árvores e livre de pedras e insetos. No combate aos insetos, devem ser aplicadas soluções aquosas de sabão, puras ou com querosene. No que diz respeito a estas substâncias, assinale a afirmação verdadeira.

Sabão é uma substância orgânica pertencente à família dos hidrocarbonetos.
Querosene é obtido do petróleo, que pertence à família dos alcenos.
Sabão é formado por moléculas que possuem uma cadeia carbônica longa, apolar, contendo o grupo carboxílico, que é polar, e, portanto, solúvel em água.
Querosene é uma mistura de alcanos que possuem cadeias carbônicas contendo de 6 a 10 átomos de carbono (C6 a C10).
UECE 2014 - Química - Equilíbrio Químico, Sistemas Homogêneos: Equilíbrio Químico na Água: pH e pOH, Indicadores Ácido-Base, Solução Tampão.

Em 1909, o químico dinamarquês Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen (1868-1939) introduziu na literatura química o termo pH, que significa potencial hidrogeniônico e afere a acidez, a alcalinidade, ou a neutralidade de uma solução a uma determinada temperatura. Sabe-se, por exemplo, que o produto iônico da água neutra a 45°C é igual a 4,0 x 10-14 e log 2 = 0,30 (aproximadamente). Sobre o pH da água, assinale a afirmação FALSA.

Em meio alcalino, a qualquer temperatura, [OH-] > [H+] e pOH > pH.
Em meio neutro, a qualquer temperatura, [H+] = [OH-].
O pH da água neutra a 45°C é, aproximadamente, 6,7 mol/L.
Quanto menor sua concentração hidrogeniônica, menor sua acidez.
UECE 2014 - Química - Substâncias e suas propriedades, Interações Atômicas: Geometria Molecular, Polaridade da ligação e da Molécula, Forças Intermoleculares e Número de Oxidação.

Uma lâmina de barbear das antigas flutua quando deitada cuidadosamente sobre a superfície da água contida em um copo. Este fenômeno é explicado por uma causa imediata que é

a pequena polaridade das moléculas da água.
a tensão superficial da água.
a simetria das ligações de hidrogênio.
o princípio da ação e da reação.
UECE 2014 - Física - Campo e Força Magnética, Magnetismo

Um fio condutor reto é percorrido por uma corrente elétrica constante, que gera um campo magnético nas suas proximidades. Nessa situação, é correto afirmar que

as linhas de campo magnético são paralelas à direção do fio, e o campo elétrico no interior do condutor é diferente de zero.
as linhas de campo magnético são perpendiculares à direção do fio, e o campo elétrico no interior do condutor é zero.
as linhas de campo magnético são paralelas à direção do fio, e o campo elétrico no interior do condutor é zero.
as linhas de campo magnético são perpendiculares à direção do fio, e o campo elétrico no interior do condutor é diferente de zero.
UECE 2014 - Física - Estática e Hidrostática, Hidrostática

A densidade de um sólido incompressível é

independente de sua massa.
inversamente proporcional a sua massa.
proporcional ao seu volume.
proporcional à razão entre seu volume e sua massa.
UECE 2014 - Química - Radioatividade: Reações de Fissão e Fusão Nuclear, Desintegração Radioativa e Radioisótopos., Transformações Químicas: elementos químicos, tabela periódica e reações químicas, Transformações Químicas e Energia, Transformações Químicas

Atente para a seguinte manchete da Folha de São Paulo em 06.12.2006: “Morte de ex-espião russo torna polônio 210 conhecido no mundo”. Segundo o periódico, Alexander Litvinenko foi envenenado com uma dose da substância, descoberta pelo casal Curie, ministrada junto com o chá por ele ingerido. Apesar de ser raro, o polônio é encontrado no cigarro e emite radiações α (alfa). Sobre o polônio, assinale com V (verdadeira) ou F (falsa) as afirmações abaixo.

( ) Sua distribuição eletrônica é [Kr] 4f14 5d10 6s26p4 .
( ) Trata-se de um elemento transurânico.
( ) Sua radiação pode ser detida por uma folha de papel.
( ) Só é letal quando ingerido ou inalado.
( ) É mais eletronegativo do que o selênio e o telúrio.

A sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é:

V, F, F, F, V.
F, V, V, F, V.
F, F, V, V, F.
F, V, V, F, F.
UECE 2014 - Física - Resistores e Potência Elétrica, Eletricidade

Duas placas metálicas idênticas estão submetidas a potenciais elétricos diferentes. As placas são sobrepostas uma à outra com um isolante elétrico entre elas. O dispositivo assim formado comporta-se como um(a)
