Questõesde UFMS sobre Inglês

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UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The irony of the comic lies in the fact that:

Read Text to answer question.

The article analyzes the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the public policy of Social Assistance (AS) in Brazil. Based on data collected during field work carried out in 2014, will analyze the case of the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the first part, I characterize the unequal relationship between society and national state with Indigenous Peoples to, then approach the Welfare State politics as an opportunity to face the violation of rights resulting from the colonial siege. Then we will see if Dourados to illustrate the dilemmas and possibilities of autonomy and indigenous role faced with this public policy. It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews.

(BORGES, Júlio César. Brazilian society has made us poor: Social Assistance and ethnic autonomy of Indiggenous Peoples. The case of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Horiz. antropol. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

no segundo quadrinho, o personagem principal não passa todas as informações solicitadas pelo Prof. Smith no primeiro quadrinho.
Prof. Smith não se incomoda com os horários disponíveis do personagem principal.
o personagem principal fica ansioso com a resposta do Prof. Smith, que acaba cancelando a reunião.
Prof. Smith tem que se adequar aos horários disponíveis do personagem principal.
Prof. Smith marca a reunião no único horário em que o personagem principal não pode comparecer.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

According to Text, translate the sentences correctly: “It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews”. 

Read Text to answer question.

The article analyzes the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the public policy of Social Assistance (AS) in Brazil. Based on data collected during field work carried out in 2014, will analyze the case of the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the first part, I characterize the unequal relationship between society and national state with Indigenous Peoples to, then approach the Welfare State politics as an opportunity to face the violation of rights resulting from the colonial siege. Then we will see if Dourados to illustrate the dilemmas and possibilities of autonomy and indigenous role faced with this public policy. It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews.

(BORGES, Júlio César. Brazilian society has made us poor: Social Assistance and ethnic autonomy of Indiggenous Peoples. The case of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Horiz. antropol. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

Espera-se contribuir com a discussão em torno da estatalidade, apontando casos concretos em que a implementação local da política de AS é permeável, em maior ou menor medida, às demandas dos povos indígenas por adequação às suas organizações sociais e visões de mundo.
Espera-se que contribua para a discussão sobre o Estado, apontando casos concretos em que a implementação local da política de AS são permeáveis, em maior ou menor extensão, às demandas das pessoas indígenas, por meio da adaptação às suas organizações sociais e visões de mundo.
É esperado para contribuição para a discussão sobre o Estado, apontando casos concretos em que a implementação local da política é impermeável, em maior ou menor extensão, às demandas das pessoas indígenas, por meio da adaptação às suas organizações sociais e do mundo.
É esperado para contribuir para a discussão do Estado, apontando concretos casos onde a implementação local da política é permeável, a um maior ou menor grau, às demandas das pessoas indígenas por adaptação às suas organizações sociais e do mundo.
Esperamos contribuir com a discussão da estatal, apontando concretos casos onde a implementação local da política é permeável, a um maior ou menor grau, às demandas das pessoas indígenas por adaptação às suas organizações sociais e visões amplamente espalhadas pelo mundo.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente perfeito | Present perfect, Presente simples | Simple present , Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Passado simples | Simple past, Orações condicionais | Conditional Clauses

Read Text II to answer question.    

    Cleir Avila Ferreira Júnior was born in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. He is a self-taught artist. He has painted professionally since he was 18 years old. He has begun his artistic works with a hyperrealist influence, where he portrayed some regional and ecological themes, especially the Pantanal nature, presented in almost all his art.
    In 1994, he started his mural work on the sides of some Campo Grande’s buildings, as example: the great "Onça Pintada" (50m high and 220m2) took him and his team a month of execution, and the "Tuiuiús" (40m high and 300m2) was his second mural.
    In 1995, he painted the "Blue Macaw" (45m high and 430m2).
    In 1996, he built the "Macaws’ Monument" in front of the international airport in Campo Grande, MS.
    In 1998, he painted a mural of 700m2 in Corumbá, MS, where he portrayed the red macaw in one of its walls and in the other two a big gold fish. Therefore, he did uncountable art around Mato Grosso do Sul State, mainly into the touristic cities.

(FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Cleir Avila. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

Based on part of the Text II, answer the question: In which verb tense are the following sentences?

“In 1995, he painted the ‘Blue Macaw’ (45m high and 430m2 ). In 1996, he built the ‘Macaws Monument’ in front of the international airport in Campo Grande, MS. In 1998, he painted a mural of 700m2 in Corumbá, MS, where he portrayed the red macaw in one of its walls and in the other two a big gold fish. Therefore, he did uncountable art around Mato Grosso do Sul State, mainly into the touristic cities”.  

Read Text to answer question.

The article analyzes the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the public policy of Social Assistance (AS) in Brazil. Based on data collected during field work carried out in 2014, will analyze the case of the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the first part, I characterize the unequal relationship between society and national state with Indigenous Peoples to, then approach the Welfare State politics as an opportunity to face the violation of rights resulting from the colonial siege. Then we will see if Dourados to illustrate the dilemmas and possibilities of autonomy and indigenous role faced with this public policy. It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews.

(BORGES, Júlio César. Brazilian society has made us poor: Social Assistance and ethnic autonomy of Indiggenous Peoples. The case of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Horiz. antropol. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

Presente Simples.
Presente Perfeito.
Passado Simples.
Condicional Simples.
Voz Passiva.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read Text II to answer question.    

    Cleir Avila Ferreira Júnior was born in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. He is a self-taught artist. He has painted professionally since he was 18 years old. He has begun his artistic works with a hyperrealist influence, where he portrayed some regional and ecological themes, especially the Pantanal nature, presented in almost all his art.
    In 1994, he started his mural work on the sides of some Campo Grande’s buildings, as example: the great "Onça Pintada" (50m high and 220m2) took him and his team a month of execution, and the "Tuiuiús" (40m high and 300m2) was his second mural.
    In 1995, he painted the "Blue Macaw" (45m high and 430m2).
    In 1996, he built the "Macaws’ Monument" in front of the international airport in Campo Grande, MS.
    In 1998, he painted a mural of 700m2 in Corumbá, MS, where he portrayed the red macaw in one of its walls and in the other two a big gold fish. Therefore, he did uncountable art around Mato Grosso do Sul State, mainly into the touristic cities.

(FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Cleir Avila. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

The genre of text that tells the story of someone's life is called biography (bio is life, and graphy is written). It is a mixture between journalism, literature and history, in which the history of a person's life is reported and recorded, emphasizing the main facts.

So, considering Text II, what kind of genre was it written on?  

Read Text to answer question.

The article analyzes the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the public policy of Social Assistance (AS) in Brazil. Based on data collected during field work carried out in 2014, will analyze the case of the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the first part, I characterize the unequal relationship between society and national state with Indigenous Peoples to, then approach the Welfare State politics as an opportunity to face the violation of rights resulting from the colonial siege. Then we will see if Dourados to illustrate the dilemmas and possibilities of autonomy and indigenous role faced with this public policy. It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews.

(BORGES, Júlio César. Brazilian society has made us poor: Social Assistance and ethnic autonomy of Indiggenous Peoples. The case of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Horiz. antropol. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

Diário pessoal.
Diário de aventuras.
É um gênero de narrativa não ficcional.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the comic to answer question.

According to the comic, it is correct to affirm that:

Read Text to answer question.

The article analyzes the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the public policy of Social Assistance (AS) in Brazil. Based on data collected during field work carried out in 2014, will analyze the case of the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. In the first part, I characterize the unequal relationship between society and national state with Indigenous Peoples to, then approach the Welfare State politics as an opportunity to face the violation of rights resulting from the colonial siege. Then we will see if Dourados to illustrate the dilemmas and possibilities of autonomy and indigenous role faced with this public policy. It is expected to contribute to the discussion of statehood pointing concrete cases where the local implementation of AS policy is permeable to a greater or lesser extent, the demands of Indigenous Peoples by adaptation to their social organizations and worldviews.

(BORGES, Júlio César. Brazilian society has made us poor: Social Assistance and ethnic autonomy of Indiggenous Peoples. The case of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. Horiz. antropol. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).

os personagens da tirinha estão marcando uma reunião na próxima semana para discutir assuntos acadêmicos.
os personagens da tirinha estão marcando um encontro durante a semana para discutir assuntos de negócios.
o personagem principal está marcando uma consulta médica na quarta-feira às 10 horas da manhã.
os personagens da tirinha estão marcando uma viagem de negócios na próxima semana.
os personagens estão marcando uma confraternização para o próximo final de semana às 10 horas da manhã.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the text below.

Taking the news into account, consider the following statements.

I - Jennifer Rocca, a high school librarian in Brookfield, Connecticut, was among several supporters who urged lawmakers to pass the legislation.

II - Jennifer Rocca’s digital literacy course, a requirement for freshmen, challenges students to evaluate the credibility of online sources so they can spot falsehoods and biased information. She requires students to cite their sources when conducting research and explain why each would have the authority to be credible.

III - The Lawmakers have pushed schools to incorporate media literacy — including the ability to evaluate and analyze sources of information.

IV - Studies show many children spend hours every day online but struggle to comprehend the content that comes at them.

It is correct what is stated on:

Read the text below.

III, only.
I and II, only.
III and IV, only.
I, II and IV, only.
I, II, III and IV.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the text below

It is important to emphasize that it isn’t a question of changing an ethnocentric focus wellmarked from European root by an African, but rather of broadening the focus on the school curricula to the Brazilian cultural, racial, social, and economic diversity. For this, it is necessary to be sure that Art. 26-A added to Law n. 9.394/ 1996 provokes much more than an inclusion of new contents, it requires rethinking about ethnic-racial, social, pedagogical relations, teaching procedures, conditions offered for learning, tacit and explicit goals of the education offered by schools (BRASIL, 2014). 

The multiculturalism in art teaching implies a broad conception of art, capable of encompassing multiple and differentiated artistic manifestations, and the same is placed on a specific field of musical education. A broad conception of music is, on the one hand, a necessary condition for that musical education can respond to the multicultural perspective. On the other hand, the conception of multiculturality contributes to the expansion of the conception of music that guides our educational position. In its origins, the multicultural movement is basically linked to ethnic issues, but little by little it "gives space to other aspects of cultural domination" (GONÇALVES; SILVA, 2000, p. 28). 

PENNA, Maura. Poéticas musicais e práticas sociais: reflexões sobre a educação musical diante da diversidade. Revista da ABEM, Porto Alegre, V. 13, 7-16, set. 2005. Adaptado. Versão nossa.

Considering the presented text, evaluate the following statements and the relation proposed between them.

I - The multiculturalist posture must embrace the diversity of artistic and musical productions, linked to different social groups that produce or adopt certain musical poetics such as theirs, whether these groups are marked by particularities of class, region or generation, for example. As a consequence of this position, the references to pedagogical practices in music education can’t be restricted to classical music, which is rooted in European culture. It is essential to embrace the diversity of musical manifestations, including the popular ones and those of the media. 


II- The music, as well, in the play of its configurations, presents modes of engenderment that are typical from the poetic function of language, namely projections of similarity, in their most diverse possibilities of updating, on the axis of contiguity. [...] Poetry and music are constructions of forms, games of structuring, echoes and reverberations, progressions and retrogradations, overlaps, inversions, in short, poets and musicians are visual designers of the language (SANTAELLA, 2002, p. 46-47, versão nossa). 

Regarding these statements, mark the correct alternative:

Read the text below.

The statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification of I.
The statements I and II are true propositions, but II isn’t a correct justification of I.
The statement I is a true proposition, and II is a false proposition.
The statement I is a false proposition, and II is a right proposition.
The statements I and II are false propositions.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the text below.

    Over the 19th century, since the rupture of the colonial statute and the beginning of the construction of the national state in Brazil, put the need of developing a literary historiography, able not only to justify the existence of a Brazilian literature, how to think and point out their characters and specificities. From Ferdinand Denis to Ferdinand Wolf, from Gonçalves Magalhães to Joaquim Norberto, passing by Santiago Nunes Ribeiro and Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen with the collaboration of many other, a historical-literary tradition was conceived with an important ideological role in the national construction. Collective construct, this operation involved many intellectuals and a decisive action of the state for a few decades.

   This critical collection was re-elaborated in the last decades of the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century, by several other intellectuals, in their studies about the history of Brazilian literature, among them, Sílvio Romero, Araripe Júnior and José Veríssimo. Absorbing conceptions of the positivism, the naturalism and the evolutionism - especially by Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer and Hippolyte Taine -, their formulations are impregnated with notions of race, language and culture. Notwithstanding the determinism of analysis and elaboration, these Brazilian authors become a basic or even paradigmatic reference for literary histories, until at least, the middle of the twentieth century.

   It was only in the fifties of that century, that these references were to be reworked and surpassed by Antonio Candido, in the book Formation of Brazilian Literature, in 1959. In this study, the author, starting from the previous historical-critical heritage and incorporating many of its elements, rethought the chronological and cultural frame of the emergence of literature in Brazil, that is, its decisive moments – 18th century (Arcadism) and XIX (Romanticism) - together with the establishment of a literary system.

   Fifty years after the publication of the important study by Antonio Candido, it is opportune and necessary to rediscuss and redefine the historical limits of the creation or formation of the national or Brazilian literature, through a various reading about the process of the State and nation organization in Brazil. LEONEL, M. C.; SEGATTO, J. A. Organização do Estado e formação da literatura – Fev. 2009. Disponível em: . Adaptado. Versão nossa.

Choose the alternative that represents the correct time-frame from the Brazilian Literary Schools.

Read the text below.

Quinineism, Arcadism, Romanticism, Baroque, Realism, Naturalism, Parnassianism, Symbolism.
Arcadism, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Parnassianism, Symbolism, Quinineism, Baroque.
Quinineism, Baroque, Arcadism, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Parnassianism, Symbolism.
Parnassianism, Symbolism, Arcadism, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Quinineism, Baroque.
Romanticism, Baroque, Realism, Quinineism, Arcadism, Naturalism, Parnassianism, Symbolism.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the text below.

The methodological suggestions presented by the official documents about education in Brazil, the National Curriculum Parameters, point to a socio-interactionist practice regarding the language teaching. To produce texts, therefore, is to act symbolically for the world, producing meanings for the other. In this production, the man, as a social being, acts in an ordered and organized manner in relation to the other. It is, thus, established what is called social interaction about which Marcuschi claims not to be "a chaotic activity, neither random or mechanical, but directed, coordinated and intentional." Social interaction is one of the most important devices for the social construction of reality, because the participants of the interaction are social constructors who use language as a facilitator way in this relationship to reach their various purposes and objectives. In this social practice, considering the different forms of language manifestation, one can not deny the undoubted presence of technology, which advances in the relations of interaction, especially among young people, through the social networks at the Internet. PRIETO, Sandra. A importância dos gêneros digitais na escola. Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro. São Paulo, São Paulo, 05658-080, Brasil. (adaptado, tradução nossa). Disponível em: .$/risci/pdfs/CB844PO14.pdf.

According to this text, consider the following statements.

I - Technology, especially with the arise of the Internet, redefined an immense virtual social network, that connects the most diverse individuals by the most diversified forms at an astonishing speed.

II - The new scenery of digital technology relativized the need for physical presence at human beings’ relations and at their social life. This gives a new notion of social interaction, which can be achieved in digital media, through, among other, social media. In addition to this new format of social interaction, it brings to reflection a new way of using as the language in writing as an interactive practice.

III - The spaces of learning in the digital age are integrated not only between the social spaces (home, family, friends, leisure, physical community in general), but also with all virtual space and, so that one can live better into the society of knowledge, information and communication, it isn’t necessary to develop specific skills for the written interaction that allows the individual to pass through, occupy and interact, efficiently all these social contexts.

IV - There are the need and the importance of the school's role in relation to these new textual supports that emerge new digital genres, which should be incorporated into the academic context for a formation for the whole life.

It is correct what is stated on:

Read the text below.

III, only.
I and II, only.
III and IV, only.
I, II and IV, only.
I, II, III and IV.
UFMS 2018 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions, Palavras conectivas | Connective words

Read the text below. Fill in the blanks with the right conjunctions.

n today's world, (I) _________ just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem (II)_________ it's a misnomer to even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. (III) __________, despite how far technology has taken humans and no matter (IV) ______ convenient it may make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access.

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes (V)_______ once required dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense educational research into medical matters.

Cost efficiency is an advantage in some ways and a disadvantage in others. (VI) _______ technology improves on existing processes and showcases new ways to accomplish tasks, machines are able to produce the same -- if not more -- output (VII) _______ humans in certain industries. This results in cost savings for business owners, allowing them to invest in growth in other areas of the business, (VIII) _________ contributes on a positive level to the economy as a whole.

Available at:

Mark the correct alternative.

Read the text below.

where; (II) and; (III) however; (IV) when; (V) that; (VI) to; (VII) than; (VIII) much.
where; (II) as though; (III) however; (IV) how; (V) that; (VI) as; (VII) than; (VIII) which.
of; (II) as though; (III) more; (IV) as; (V) where; (VI) as; (VII) which; (VIII) what.
when; (II) into; (III) if; (IV) how; (V) through; (VI) at; (VII) than; (VIII) that.
always; (II) to; (III) whatever; (IV) so; (V) whereas; (VI) near; (VII) than; (VIII) so on.