Questõesde UFGD sobre Inglês

Foram encontradas 24 questões
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Dado o contexto deste artigo, a interpretação mais plausível para a oração “the investors welcomed strong earnings from Google and geared up an onslaught of fresh economic data” é

O texto a seguir é a reprodução da parte inicial de um artigo publicado pela rede CNN. Você irá usá-lo para responder à questão. 

(Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 14 out. 2011).
Os investidores deram boas-vindas aos ganhos da Google e se envolveram numa luta por dados econômicos recentes.
Os investidores comemoraram os fortes ganhos da Google e motivaram um ataque de novos dados econômicos.
Os investidores dão boas-vindas aos lucros da Google e entram na batalha por novos dados econômicos.
Os investidores dão boas-vindas à Google e motivam novos empreendimentos econômicos.
Os investidores da Google dão boas-vindas aos lucros fortes e procuram novos dados econômicos do mercado.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Relacionando as informações oferecidas pelo excerto acima, pode-se afirmar que

O texto a seguir é a reprodução da parte inicial de um artigo publicado pela rede CNN. Você irá usá-lo para responder à questão. 

(Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 14 out. 2011).
o gráfico representa visualmente as informações contidas no texto, refletindo a demanda dos investidores da Google, mesmo antes das 9h30, quando a bolsa de valores de Nova York é aberta oficialmente.
as informações do gráfico não se referem especificamente à Google, apesar de o texto mencionar, por duas vezes, o nome da empresa, relacionando-o a lucros que chegam a 6% no pré-mercado.
o gráfico mostra as oscilações das ações da Google no mercado de ações ocorridas da meia-noite às 8 horas da manhã, período chamado de pré-mercado. As boas notícias chegam, porém, após a abertura do mercado, quando são reportados lucros, o que gera o aumento do preço das ações da Google.
as informações apresentadas pelo gráfico representam visualmente as tendências que o mercado de ações pode seguir naquele dia, tendo como base as operações que ocorrem antes mesmo da abertura da bolsa de valores em Nova York. O texto acrescenta informações a respeito de alguns índices econômicos em destaque em 14 de outubro.
na sexta-feira, os investidores da empresa Google tiveram lucros no mercado, como se pode notar na linha ascendente do gráfico, que volta a subir mesmo após uma ligeira queda. Tal tendência deve se manter após a abertura da bolsa de valores.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Analyze the editorial cartoon and answer question.

(Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011.)

Which current social episode is the editorial cartoon an allusion to? 

It is an allusion to the power of Wall Street over New York city.
It shows how unhappy the immigrants are in the United States.
It refers to the population approval to the government‘s strategy.
It is a connection to the working class strike in front of Wall Street.
It is allusive to the protest where people have occupied Wall Street.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In 2009, Steve Jobs underwent a liver transplant due to the progression of his neuroendocrine tumor. This information as well as the title of the text above imply that

Jobs‘s Unorthodox Treatment
Published: Oct 5, 2011

     Steve Jobs was right to be optimistic when, in 2004, he announced that he had cancer in his pancreas. Although cancer of the pancreas has a terrible prognosis—half of all patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within 10 months of the diagnosis; half of those in whom it has metastasized die within six months—cancer in the pancreas is not necessarily a death sentence. 
     The difference is that pancreatic cancers arise from the pancreatic cells themselves; this is the kind that killed actor Patrick Swayze in 2009. But cancers in the pancreas, called neuroendocrine tumors, arise from islands of hormone-producing cells that happen to be in that organ. Jobs learned in 2003 that he had an extremely rare form of this cancer, an islet-cell neuroendocrine tumor. As the name implies, it arises from islet cells, the specialized factories within the pancreas that produce and secrete insulin, which cells need in order to take in glucose from the food we eat. Unlike pancreatic cancer, with neuroendocrine cancer ''if you catch it early, there is a real potential for cure,'' says cancer surgeon Joseph Kim of City of Hope, a comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California.
     But although neither Apple nor those close to Jobs were willing to discuss the treatments he elected or the course of his disease, interviews with experts on neuroendocrine tumors suggest that some of the choices he made did not extend his life and may have shortened it. [...] Despite the expert consensus on the value of surgery, Jobs did not elect it right away. He reportedly spent nine months on ―alternative therapies,‖ including what Fortune called ―a special diet.‖ But when a scan showed that the original tumor had grown, he finally had it removed on July 31, 2004, at Stanford University Medical Clinic. In emails to Apple employees immediately after, Jobs said his form of cancer ―can be cured by surgical removal if diagnosed in time (mine was),'' and told his colleagues, ―I will be recuperating during the month of August, and expect to return to work in September.'' 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011).
he decided to stop his treatment because of his liver.
he had a more complex disease in his liver by the time.
he tried to remove the sick cells from the liver in the surgery.
he had to remove all organs which were with cancer in 2009.
he tried nonstandard and hard forms of procedures to be cured.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the subject of the text, which pair of words summarize it?

Jobs‘s Unorthodox Treatment
Published: Oct 5, 2011

     Steve Jobs was right to be optimistic when, in 2004, he announced that he had cancer in his pancreas. Although cancer of the pancreas has a terrible prognosis—half of all patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within 10 months of the diagnosis; half of those in whom it has metastasized die within six months—cancer in the pancreas is not necessarily a death sentence. 
     The difference is that pancreatic cancers arise from the pancreatic cells themselves; this is the kind that killed actor Patrick Swayze in 2009. But cancers in the pancreas, called neuroendocrine tumors, arise from islands of hormone-producing cells that happen to be in that organ. Jobs learned in 2003 that he had an extremely rare form of this cancer, an islet-cell neuroendocrine tumor. As the name implies, it arises from islet cells, the specialized factories within the pancreas that produce and secrete insulin, which cells need in order to take in glucose from the food we eat. Unlike pancreatic cancer, with neuroendocrine cancer ''if you catch it early, there is a real potential for cure,'' says cancer surgeon Joseph Kim of City of Hope, a comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California.
     But although neither Apple nor those close to Jobs were willing to discuss the treatments he elected or the course of his disease, interviews with experts on neuroendocrine tumors suggest that some of the choices he made did not extend his life and may have shortened it. [...] Despite the expert consensus on the value of surgery, Jobs did not elect it right away. He reportedly spent nine months on ―alternative therapies,‖ including what Fortune called ―a special diet.‖ But when a scan showed that the original tumor had grown, he finally had it removed on July 31, 2004, at Stanford University Medical Clinic. In emails to Apple employees immediately after, Jobs said his form of cancer ―can be cured by surgical removal if diagnosed in time (mine was),'' and told his colleagues, ―I will be recuperating during the month of August, and expect to return to work in September.'' 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011).
hormone / cells
cancer / disease
pancreas / cells
choices / treatment
orthodox / treatment
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

What is the meaning of the verb underlined in the following sentence? 

... so that patients do not forgo eating or purge their meals.

Read the New York Times article and answer question.

Eating Disorders a New Front in Insurance Fight
Published: October 13, 2011

     People with eating disorders like anorexia have opened up a new battleground in the insurance wars, testing the boundaries of laws mandating equivalent coverage for mental illnesses. 
     Through claims and court cases, those with severe cases of anorexia or bulimia are fighting insurers to pay for stays in residential treatment centers, arguing that the centers offer around-the-clock monitoring so that patients do not forgo eating or purge their meals.
     But in the last few years, some insurance companies have re-emphasized that they do not cover residential treatment for eating disorders or other mental or emotional conditions. The insurers consider residential treatments not only costly — sometimes reaching more than $1,000 a day — but unproven and more akin to education than to medicine. Even some doctors who treat eating disorders concede there are few studies proving that residential care is effective, although they believe it has value. 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011).
To give up breakfast and lunch in order to have small meals instead.
To decide to not drink during meals because it is unhealthy.
To decide to not do or have something, especially something enjoyable.
To forget eating all the meals during the day while in residential treatment.
To decide to not forget any one of the daily meals.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which is the best option to replace the adjective „akin to‟ in the article?

Read the New York Times article and answer question.

Eating Disorders a New Front in Insurance Fight
Published: October 13, 2011

     People with eating disorders like anorexia have opened up a new battleground in the insurance wars, testing the boundaries of laws mandating equivalent coverage for mental illnesses. 
     Through claims and court cases, those with severe cases of anorexia or bulimia are fighting insurers to pay for stays in residential treatment centers, arguing that the centers offer around-the-clock monitoring so that patients do not forgo eating or purge their meals.
     But in the last few years, some insurance companies have re-emphasized that they do not cover residential treatment for eating disorders or other mental or emotional conditions. The insurers consider residential treatments not only costly — sometimes reaching more than $1,000 a day — but unproven and more akin to education than to medicine. Even some doctors who treat eating disorders concede there are few studies proving that residential care is effective, although they believe it has value. 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011).
closely different from.
deep and far away.
controversial to.
closely similar to.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

It is correct to say that the main idea of the newspaper article deals with

Read the New York Times article and answer question.

Eating Disorders a New Front in Insurance Fight
Published: October 13, 2011

     People with eating disorders like anorexia have opened up a new battleground in the insurance wars, testing the boundaries of laws mandating equivalent coverage for mental illnesses. 
     Through claims and court cases, those with severe cases of anorexia or bulimia are fighting insurers to pay for stays in residential treatment centers, arguing that the centers offer around-the-clock monitoring so that patients do not forgo eating or purge their meals.
     But in the last few years, some insurance companies have re-emphasized that they do not cover residential treatment for eating disorders or other mental or emotional conditions. The insurers consider residential treatments not only costly — sometimes reaching more than $1,000 a day — but unproven and more akin to education than to medicine. Even some doctors who treat eating disorders concede there are few studies proving that residential care is effective, although they believe it has value. 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 out. 2011).
eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and depression which are treated by residential care.
people with eating problems who are struggling for insurance coverage to residential care.
people with eating problems who are fighting against depression and loneliness.
eating disorders treatments that receive complete support from insurance companies.
patients with eating disorders who receive educational treatment in the insurance company.
UFGD 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considere a charge a seguir e responda à questão.

First Trader: “I’ve got a stock here that could really excel.”
Crowd: “Really excel?” – “Excel?” – “Sell?” – “Sell, sell, sell!”
Second Trader: “This is madness! I can’t take this any more! Good bye!”
Crowd: “Good bye?” – “Bye?” – “Buy, buy, buy!“ 

(Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 04 out. 2011)

De acordo com a charge, a oscilação de preços, oferta e procura no mercado de ações tem origem

no efeito cascata causado por rumores ou mal entendidos, o que faz demandas e preços oscilarem.
nas informações colhidas na fase de pré-mercado, que são repassadas aos investidores por telefone.
em rumores surgidos a partir da má compreensão de mensagens, que se espalham gerando outras mensagens, bem diferentes das originais.
nas conversas entre corretores e investidores, que passam a vender e comprar de acordo com as demandas.
em informações sigilosas que são repassadas aos corretores de ações, influenciando o fechamento de negócios.
UFGD 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Unhappy Employees Outnumber Happy Ones By Two To One Worldwide
If you don’t like your job, you are not alone. According to a massive report released yesterday by Gallup, the Washington, D.C. - based polling organization, there are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers who love their jobs.
Since the late 1990s, Gallup has been measuring international employee satisfaction through a survey it has been honing over the years. In total it has polled 25 million employees in 189 different countries. The latest version, released this week, gathered information from 230,000 full-time and part-time workers in 142 countries.
Overall, Gallup found that only 13% of workers feel engaged by their jobs. That means they feel a sense of passion for their work, a deep connection to their employement and they spend their days driving innovation and moving their company forward. The vast majority, some 63%, are “not engaged”, meaning they are unhappy but not drastically so. In short, they’re checked out. They sleepwalk through their days, putting little energy into their work.
A full 24% are what Gallup calls “actively disengaged”, meaning they pretty much hate their jobs. They act out and undermine what their coworkers accomplish.
Fonte: Forbes Magazine. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28/set/ 2016 (adaptação).

O texto informa o leitor que:

na última pesquisa Gallup, o número de empregados ativamente desengajados é de 55.200 em relação ao total de empregados entrevistados.
a pesquisa Gallup revela que 86% dos entrevistados se sentem, de alguma forma, engajados em relação a seus empregos.
a pesquisa vem se aprimorando com o passar dos anos, pois não é fácil extrair uma amostra confiável em diferentes países com culturas distintas.
a pesquisa Gallup constatou que 25 milhões de trabalhadores se sentem envolvidos no trabalho, porém aponta que apenas 24% têm a sensação de paixão e de profunda ligação a suas carreiras.
29.900 trabalhadores sofrem de sonambulismo, fato que os impede de desenvolver habilidades motoras mais complexas durante o trabalho.
UFGD 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Considere o trecho “[...] propels your ears, as well as your eyes, deep into the multicolored fantasy of Abreu’s second feature film[...]” e assinale a alternativa que apresenta sentido equivalente para a expressão destacada.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
Leia-o atentamente e escolha a alternativa que melhor expressa as ideias nele contidas.

An Exclusive Character Design Gallery from ‘Boy and the World,’ Opening Today in LA and NYC
By Cartoon Brew Connect | 12/11/2015 5:27 pm | 0
An extraordinary feature from award-winning Brazilian director, Alê Abreu, Boy and the World looks, thinks, and feels like no other animated film you’ll see this year.
An urgent critique of industrialization, urbanization, and consumption, Boy and the World is a morally complex fable set in a wonderland so imaginative and intricate that you’ll be tempted to pause at every frame. But Abreu’s kaleidoscopic visuals — a dizzying mix of hand-drawn animation and cut-out collage — are only one dimension of his film’s sensory experience. Its lush sonic landscape, ranging from Brazilian samba to hip hop, propels your ears, as well as your eyes, deep into the multicolored fantasy of Abreu’s second feature film.
Fonte: Acesso em: 25/ set/ 2016 (adaptação).

Fonte: Acesso em 29 set. 2016. 
as much as
in addition to
so that
as long as
in that
UFGD 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O excerto “- a dizzying mix of hand-drawn animation and cut-out collage -” pode ser substituído, sem prejuízo de sentido, por:

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
Leia-o atentamente e escolha a alternativa que melhor expressa as ideias nele contidas.

An Exclusive Character Design Gallery from ‘Boy and the World,’ Opening Today in LA and NYC
By Cartoon Brew Connect | 12/11/2015 5:27 pm | 0
An extraordinary feature from award-winning Brazilian director, Alê Abreu, Boy and the World looks, thinks, and feels like no other animated film you’ll see this year.
An urgent critique of industrialization, urbanization, and consumption, Boy and the World is a morally complex fable set in a wonderland so imaginative and intricate that you’ll be tempted to pause at every frame. But Abreu’s kaleidoscopic visuals — a dizzying mix of hand-drawn animation and cut-out collage — are only one dimension of his film’s sensory experience. Its lush sonic landscape, ranging from Brazilian samba to hip hop, propels your ears, as well as your eyes, deep into the multicolored fantasy of Abreu’s second feature film.
Fonte: Acesso em: 25/ set/ 2016 (adaptação).

Fonte: Acesso em 29 set. 2016. 
- which is a confusing mixture of handmade animation and chopped-out photomontage -
- that is a clear element of manufactured cartoons and designed DIY -
- who is a soothing mix of handcrafted animation and glued collage -
- a clear balance of a painted fable composition and scissored DIY -
- which are a vertiginous mix of handmade animation and clipped-out collage -
UFGD 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Sobre o texto é correto afirmar que se trata de

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
Leia-o atentamente e escolha a alternativa que melhor expressa as ideias nele contidas.

An Exclusive Character Design Gallery from ‘Boy and the World,’ Opening Today in LA and NYC
By Cartoon Brew Connect | 12/11/2015 5:27 pm | 0
An extraordinary feature from award-winning Brazilian director, Alê Abreu, Boy and the World looks, thinks, and feels like no other animated film you’ll see this year.
An urgent critique of industrialization, urbanization, and consumption, Boy and the World is a morally complex fable set in a wonderland so imaginative and intricate that you’ll be tempted to pause at every frame. But Abreu’s kaleidoscopic visuals — a dizzying mix of hand-drawn animation and cut-out collage — are only one dimension of his film’s sensory experience. Its lush sonic landscape, ranging from Brazilian samba to hip hop, propels your ears, as well as your eyes, deep into the multicolored fantasy of Abreu’s second feature film.
Fonte: Acesso em: 25/ set/ 2016 (adaptação).

Fonte: Acesso em 29 set. 2016. 
um texto crítico, publicado no jornal americano The New York Times, a respeito do processo desenfreado de industrialização, urbanização e consumo que vem ocorrendo no Brasil desde 2015.
um editorial publicado no jornal USA Today sobre alguns gêneros musicais brasileiros, que vão do samba ao hip-hop.
uma reportagem no site Cartoon Brew sobre uma animação de um diretor brasileiro.
um artigo opinativo publicado no jornal americano LA, cujo principal objetivo é divulgar o filme de Alê Abreu, ganhador do Oscar de melhor animação.
uma resenha informativa sobre a fábula O Menino e o Mundo, ganhadora do Oscar de melhor animação adaptada.
UFGD 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the editorial cartoon below. Then answer the following question

The escalating war of words between the US and North Korea, and Donald Trump's warning of "fire and fury" if Kim Jong-un overtly threatens China. Syrian refugees are afraid of the nuclear tests effects and its significant threat to Earth's climate.
Huge quantities of money have been invested in ballistic missile defence. There is a global network of satellite sensors and relays able to spot and track a missile launch.
It is ironic and telling about a time of acute strategic risk and uncertainty, when the rhetoric, assessments and actions of national leaders are likely to carry profound significance for regional and global security.
The importance of diplomacy and signs that the North Koreans are open to dialogue.
Any US president has to accept that the North poses an "unreal and distant" danger to north-east Asia and America's key allies. Globalization brought about serious feelings of insecurity.
UFGD 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Leia o texto a seguir.

Pornography is now only an internet search away, and is becoming ever more immersive. How is it changing people’s behaviour, relationships and desires?

By Jessica Brown

Few things are truly universal. But while people across the world speak different languages, eat different foods and even feel different emotions, millions across the world watch porn. Despite being so widely consumed, porn is maligned as the source of society’s ills. It’s even been labelled a public health hazard by politicians in Utah. Porn has transformed over the past few decades, due to the availability of the internet and faster web connections. It is also becoming more immersive than ever before. Take virtual reality. Earlier this year, researchers from Newcastle University in the UK pointed out that VR changes the experience of porn from detached observer to protagonist. They warned that this has the potential to blur the line between reality and fantasy, perhaps damaging relationships and encouraging harmful behaviour. […] So what does the more recent research say? One review of more than 80 studies in 2009 concluded that evidence of a causal link between porn use and violence is slim, and any findings proving a connection are often exaggerated by the media and politicians. “It is time to discard the hypothesis that pornography contributes to increased sexual assault behaviour”, wrote the authors.

Available in: Accessed: Sep. 25, 2017.

According to the text, which is the correct option.

The effects of pornography on people behaviour are discussed but the evidences on some studies afirm that alleged increases in violence are not totally related to porn use.
Pornography has been largely debated by politicians, religious leaders, activists, and academics.
The relationship between sexual violence and pornography has been of particular concern to researchers.
Midia and politicians have argued that pornography is associated with violence against women and contributes to the high incidence of rape in the UK.
Evidence documenting the harmful effects of pornography for people across the world has led politicians and some researchers to organize and fight against the pornography industry in a variety of ways.
UFGD 2010 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

Qual é o significado do substantivo sublinhado na seguinte oração?

"The neatness of the feline solution has been captured".

                         FOR CATS, A BIG GULP WITH A TOUCH OF THE TONGUE

             It has taken four highly qualified engineers and a bunch of integral equations to figure it out, but we now know how cats drink. The answer is: very elegantly, and not at all the way you might suppose. Cats lap water so fast that the human eye cannot follow what is happening, which is why the trick had apparently escaped attention until now. With the use of high-speed photography, the neatness of the feline solution has been captured. The act of drinking may seem like no big deal for anyone who can fully close his mouth to create suction, as people can. But the various species that cannot do so - and that includes most adult carnivores - must resort to some other mechanism. Dog owners are familiar with the unseemly lapping noises that ensue when their thirsty pet meets a bowl of water. The dog is thrusting its tongue into the water, forming a crude cup with it and hauling the liquid back into the muzzle.
             Cats, both big and little, are so much classier, according to new research by Pedro M. Reis and Roman Stocker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, joined by Sunghwan Jung of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Jeffrey M. Aristoff of Princeton. Writing in the Thursday issue of Science, the four engineers report that the cat’s lapping method depends on its instinctive ability to calculate the balance between opposing gravitational and inertial forces. What happens is that the cat darts its tongue, curving the upper side downward so that the tip lightly touches the surface of the water.
             The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it. Just at the moment that gravity finally overcomes the rush of the water and starts to pull the column down - snap! The cat’s jaws have closed over the jet of water and swallowed it. The cat laps four times a second - too fast for the human eye to see anything but a blur - and its tongue moves at a speed of one meter per second. Being engineers, the cat-lapping team next tested its findings with a machine that mimicked a cat’s tongue, using a glass disk at the end of a piston to serve as the tip. After calculating things like the Froude number and the aspect ratio, they were able to figure out how fast a cat should lap to get the greatest amount of water into its mouth. The cats, it turns out, were way ahead of them - they lap at just that speed. To the scientific mind, the next obvious question is whether bigger cats should lap at different speeds.

WADE, Nicholas. For cats, a big gulp with a touch of the tongue. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 nov. 2010.

Organização cuidadosa e detalhada.
Organização descuidada e pouco detalhada.
Organização parcialmente ordenada.
Organização completamente desordenada.
Organização bagunçada e suja.
UFGD 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The main goal of the scientific text above is to reveal how:

                         FOR CATS, A BIG GULP WITH A TOUCH OF THE TONGUE

             It has taken four highly qualified engineers and a bunch of integral equations to figure it out, but we now know how cats drink. The answer is: very elegantly, and not at all the way you might suppose. Cats lap water so fast that the human eye cannot follow what is happening, which is why the trick had apparently escaped attention until now. With the use of high-speed photography, the neatness of the feline solution has been captured. The act of drinking may seem like no big deal for anyone who can fully close his mouth to create suction, as people can. But the various species that cannot do so - and that includes most adult carnivores - must resort to some other mechanism. Dog owners are familiar with the unseemly lapping noises that ensue when their thirsty pet meets a bowl of water. The dog is thrusting its tongue into the water, forming a crude cup with it and hauling the liquid back into the muzzle.
             Cats, both big and little, are so much classier, according to new research by Pedro M. Reis and Roman Stocker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, joined by Sunghwan Jung of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Jeffrey M. Aristoff of Princeton. Writing in the Thursday issue of Science, the four engineers report that the cat’s lapping method depends on its instinctive ability to calculate the balance between opposing gravitational and inertial forces. What happens is that the cat darts its tongue, curving the upper side downward so that the tip lightly touches the surface of the water.
             The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it. Just at the moment that gravity finally overcomes the rush of the water and starts to pull the column down - snap! The cat’s jaws have closed over the jet of water and swallowed it. The cat laps four times a second - too fast for the human eye to see anything but a blur - and its tongue moves at a speed of one meter per second. Being engineers, the cat-lapping team next tested its findings with a machine that mimicked a cat’s tongue, using a glass disk at the end of a piston to serve as the tip. After calculating things like the Froude number and the aspect ratio, they were able to figure out how fast a cat should lap to get the greatest amount of water into its mouth. The cats, it turns out, were way ahead of them - they lap at just that speed. To the scientific mind, the next obvious question is whether bigger cats should lap at different speeds.

WADE, Nicholas. For cats, a big gulp with a touch of the tongue. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 nov. 2010.

os gatos escolhem a hora e o lugar para beber água.
os gatos sofrem para beber água por conta de suas línguas.
os gatos desenvolvem um mecanismo fenomenal para beber.
os gatos bebem leite usando a língua virada para baixo.
os gatos desenvolvem a língua para beber água e leite.
UFGD 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O título “For cats, a big gulp with a touch of the tongue” resume como os gatos bebem água. Entretanto, o segredo dessa ação ocorre devido à

                         FOR CATS, A BIG GULP WITH A TOUCH OF THE TONGUE

             It has taken four highly qualified engineers and a bunch of integral equations to figure it out, but we now know how cats drink. The answer is: very elegantly, and not at all the way you might suppose. Cats lap water so fast that the human eye cannot follow what is happening, which is why the trick had apparently escaped attention until now. With the use of high-speed photography, the neatness of the feline solution has been captured. The act of drinking may seem like no big deal for anyone who can fully close his mouth to create suction, as people can. But the various species that cannot do so - and that includes most adult carnivores - must resort to some other mechanism. Dog owners are familiar with the unseemly lapping noises that ensue when their thirsty pet meets a bowl of water. The dog is thrusting its tongue into the water, forming a crude cup with it and hauling the liquid back into the muzzle.
             Cats, both big and little, are so much classier, according to new research by Pedro M. Reis and Roman Stocker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, joined by Sunghwan Jung of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Jeffrey M. Aristoff of Princeton. Writing in the Thursday issue of Science, the four engineers report that the cat’s lapping method depends on its instinctive ability to calculate the balance between opposing gravitational and inertial forces. What happens is that the cat darts its tongue, curving the upper side downward so that the tip lightly touches the surface of the water.
             The tongue is then pulled upward at high speed, drawing a column of water behind it. Just at the moment that gravity finally overcomes the rush of the water and starts to pull the column down - snap! The cat’s jaws have closed over the jet of water and swallowed it. The cat laps four times a second - too fast for the human eye to see anything but a blur - and its tongue moves at a speed of one meter per second. Being engineers, the cat-lapping team next tested its findings with a machine that mimicked a cat’s tongue, using a glass disk at the end of a piston to serve as the tip. After calculating things like the Froude number and the aspect ratio, they were able to figure out how fast a cat should lap to get the greatest amount of water into its mouth. The cats, it turns out, were way ahead of them - they lap at just that speed. To the scientific mind, the next obvious question is whether bigger cats should lap at different speeds.

WADE, Nicholas. For cats, a big gulp with a touch of the tongue. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 nov. 2010.

habilidade deles em calcular a captação de água usando a língua no ar.
alta velocidade durante o período em que está bebendo.
postura clássica e elegante durante o ato de beber água.
habilidade instintiva para calcular o equilíbrio entre forças opostas.
habilidade instintiva para calcular a quantidade de água sobre a língua.
UFGD 2010 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

Leia o seguinte trecho.

"...The frenzy to collect more of those votes is causing Lula’s left-wing workers party to mull whether to back off its commitment to see abortion rights debated in congress,..."

Dentre as alternativas apresentadas, qual a que melhor traduz para o português as palavras grifadas?

o frenesi, ala reformista, demolir, considerar, cumplicidade.
o delírio, ala esquerdista, suprir, manobrar, comprometimento.
a agitação, ala extremista, intervir, cobrar, comprometedor.
o furor, ala esquerdista, ponderar, retirar, compromisso.
a loucura, ala conservadorista, negociar, negligenciar, comprobatório.
UFGD 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The adverb “mistakenly” is between quotations in the cartoon above because there is the evidence of...

a slip of the tongue which was probably on purpose.
an innocent gaffe and a mispronounced word.
an illegal accusation generated by an innocent gaffe.
a grammar mistake which was not just a joke.
a slip of the tongue between two similar verbs.