Questõessobre Tradução | Translation

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IF-RS 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Considere as afirmações abaixo.

I - A frase “John demurs.” (l. 04), significa, “John discorda.”, visto que ele tem atitude contrária a do narrador sobre a manutenção de motocicletas.

II - A forma nominal “building” na frase “The building stops” (l. 11) refere-se à conversa que se desenrola na frase “the conversation just naturally builds pleasantly” (l. 10) e que é interrompida.

III - As palavras “surface” (l. 17) e “underneath” (l. 17) têm sentidos opostos, sendo seus significados, respectivamente, “superfície” e “sob a superfície”.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Apenas I está incorreta.
Apenas II está incorreta.
Apenas III está incorreta.
I, II e III estão incorretas.
I, II e III estão corretas.
Univap 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Na história em quadrinhos, acima, a palavra "tank" significa

As questão é referente às imagens abaixo.

carro forte.
camiseta regata.
Univap 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

O significado de palavra “kind” no texto acima é

A questão é referente ao texto abaixo.

Long trip with no money

A man decided to test lessons, which he learned from the Dalai Lama, and he went on a pilgrimage. He and others went on a 322- kilometre journey from London to Glastonbury. The people had no money – they wanted to see if it was possible to live through kindness. It seems, that in 21st century Britain, it is. The man talked about their experience – he said that when you smile at people, take time to understand their story, then they will come forward and are naturally kind. One woman gave them rice and a man brought them all tea. And one time, a person even gave them the keys to his flat!
Disponível em
UPE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

No trechoLend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai …’ (texto 3), a expressão grifada corresponde, em português, a

Text 3


Care for Elephants

Asian elephants face many threats – especially loss of habitat due to encroaching development, which can lead to conflict with humans. Today the elephant population in Thailand is estimated at only 3,000 to 4,000. Lend a hand with the least fortune of these animals at the Elephant Nature Park outside Chiang Mai. As a sanctuary for orphaned and disabled elephants, some of which have been abused as work animals, the center invites visitors to help feed and bathe the gentle giants, as well as assist with general maintenance around the park.[…]

Text 4


Explore the Badlands

Over the past half million years, erosion has sculpted sediment deposited by the ancient sea that once stretched across the Great Plains into buttes, spires, and pinnacle formations, leaving us the Badlands. Named by the Lakota for its unwelcoming terrain that they believed was riddled with the remains of a mythological horned serpent, the striking landscape inspires awe among visitors today, especially during the magic hours of sunrise and sunset, and under a full moon.[…] 

Text 5


Rescue Sea Turtles

Commercial fishing, coastal development, humans harvesting eggs, marine debris, oil spills: The threats to sea turtles are staggering. Only an estimated one in 1,000 to 10,000 survives to adulthood, which is why conservationists around the world depend on volunteers to give these primordial creatures the best shot possible. Help conduct nightly patrols along the black-sand beaches of Tortuguero National Park on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, one of the most important nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere.[…] 

(In: Places That Will Change Your Life. Produced by National Geographic Partners, Washington, DC: 2016. Adaptado.)

emprestar algo.
dar uma mão, ajudar.
meter os pés pelas mãos.
tomar emprestado.
passar a mão, levar sem permissão.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Considerando o contexto, assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz o trecho “Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized...”.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?

By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016

Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?  

     A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.

    But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.

   We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing. 

    We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.

     After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.


Toda vez que uma nova carga de produtos de grife falsificados é apreendida...
Cada vez que um novo lote de bons produtos é produzido...
Toda vez que um novo lote de artigos destinados a designers de moda é produzido...
Toda vez que um novo roubo de produtos de grife é noticiado...
Cada vez que um novo cartel de designers é denunciado...
IF-MT 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Tradução | Translation

De acordo com o contexto, considere o significado das palavras nas opções abaixo:

I. “junk food” (L. 14) significa “comida sem valor nutritivo” .

II. “pupils” (L. 14) é sinômimo de “students”.

III. “ultimately” (L. 04) significa “ultimamente”.

IV. “committed” (L.14) significa “engajado”.

Estão corretas:


I, II e IV, apenas.
II, III e IV, apenas.

I e III, apenas.

II e IV, apenas.
I e II, apenas.
Univap 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

A palavra “while” na fala de Sun Tzu significa

A questao refere-se ao texto abaixo.

se bem que.
Univap 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

A palavra "Screamed" siginifica

A questão referem-se ao quadrinho abaixo.

IF-MT 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Qual opção abaixo representa a melhor tradução para o trecho: “We must pursue reconciliation, understanding and respect regardless of skin color, ethnicity or religious or political views” (linhas 10 a 12)?


(Source: Adapted from: The New Work Times. Available at: <>. Accessed on: August 30, 2017
As opiniões políticas e religiosas, assim como a cor da pele, devem ser motivo de discriminação.
A cor da pele define a etnia e, muitas vezes, as opiniões religiosas e a visão política.
Para nós, a reconciliação e o respeito devem ocorrer apenas entre os membros de uma mesma etnia e com mesma cor de pele.
Nós não devemos buscar a reconciliação, a compreensão e o respeito, independentemente da cor da pele, de etnia ou opiniões religiosas ou políticas.
Nós devemos buscar a reconciliação, a compreensão e o respeito, independentemente da cor da pele, de etnia ou opiniões religiosas ou políticas.
IF-MT 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

De acordo com o texto e com os recursos linguísticos e gramaticais da Língua Inglesa, assinale a alternativa que está INCORRETA.


(Source: Adapted from: The New Work Times. Available at: <>. Accessed on: August 30, 2017
Participation (linha 04), president (linha 06) e candidate (linha 31) são palavras cognatas, ou seja, possuem escritas semelhantes e o mesmo significado que as correspondentes em Português.
A tradução para Friday (linha 02) é “sexta-feira”.
Parents (linha 17) é uma falsa cognata, pois sua tradução é “pais” e não “parentes”
A melhor tradução para Non-white (linhas 20 e 21) é “brancos”.
No trecho "He announced a new State Department policy" (linha 18), “announced” é um verbo regular no passado.
Fadba 2013 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

A palavra ''supply'', de acordo com o texto anterior, em português quer dizer:

FATEC 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Na oração The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn, presente no terceiro parágrafo do texto, Toffler afirma que, no século 21, serão consideradas letradas as pessoas que souberem

Leia o texto para responder
à questão.

The Skills You Need To Succeed In 2020
By Avil Beckford – Aug 6, 2018.

     The World Economic Forum reports that you need ten skills to thrive in 2020: complex problem solving; critical thinking; creativity; people management; coordinating with others; emotional intelligence; judgement and decision making; service orientation; negotiation; cognitive flexibility.

     The ten skills on this list make sense fo r the age that we are living in. Of these, you want to focus on creative work, because that is where you are likely to remain employable. Every professional can be creative in the work she does.

     You might have started to realize that you will need more than the ten skills listed earlier. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

     In some instances, relearning could be adapting what you know to a new reality. Take cell phones as an example. When they first came out, they were used solely as communications devices. Convergence happened, and now our smartphones are minicomputers. People had to relearn how to use a phone.

     In terms of work, you will have to adapt some of your skills to the jobs of the future, and you will also have to learn new skills. Here are some of the additional skills that you will need to succeed in 2020. 

     Learning how to learn. Since skills are constantly changing, you have to learn how to learn. 

     Analyzing information. When you take good and detailed notes, you can review them to pick out the big ideas, understand, and make sense of information.

     Spotting patterns and trends. I recommend that you combine ideas from the different books that you read. By doing this, you may be able to spot ideas and trends.

Communicating – written and oral. You can combine ideas that once seemed unrelated to communicate them to influencers, who can help you to shape and implement them.

Understanding and leveraging technology. Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, so you need to understand and keep on top of it.

<> Acesso em: 15.10.2018. Adaptado.
ler, reescrever e aprender.
ler, escrever e desaprender.
reaprender, reler e reescrever.
escrever, desaprender e reaprender.
aprender, desaprender e reaprender.
UEG 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Considerando os aspectos semânticos presentes no texto, verifica-se que a construção

This is how UN scientists are preparing for the end of capitalism

           Capitalism as we know it is over. So suggests a new report commissioned by a group of scientists appointed by the UN secretary general. The main reason? We’re transitioning rapidly to a radically different global economy, due to our increasingly unsustainable exploitation of the planet’s environmental resources and the shift to less efficient energy sources .
    Climate change and species extinctions are accelerating even as societies are experiencing rising inequality, unemployment, slow economic growth, rising debt levels, and impotent governments. Contrary to the way policymakers usually think about these problems these are not really separate crises at all.
        These crises are part of the same fundamental transition. The new era is characterized by inefficient fossil fuel production and escalating costs of climate change. Conventional capitalist economic thinking can no longer explain, predict or solve the workings of the global economy in this new age.

Energy shift

       Those are the implications of a new background paper prepared by a team of Finnish biophysicists who were asked to provide research that would feed into the drafting of the UN Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), which will be released in 2019.
          For the “first time in human history”, the paper says, capitalist economies are “shifting to energy sources that are less energy efficient.” Producing usable energy (“exergy”) to keep powering “both basic and non-basic human activities” in industrial civilisation “will require more, not less, effort”.
        At the same time, our hunger for energy is driving what the paper refers to as “sink costs.” The greater our energy and material use, the more waste we generate, and so the greater the environmental costs. Though they can be ignored for a while, eventually those environmental costs translate directly into economic costs as it becomes more and more difficult to ignore their impacts on our societies.
         Overall, the amount of energy we can extract, compared to the energy we are using to extract it, is decreasing across the spectrum – unconventional oils, nuclear and renewables return less energy in generation than conventional oils, whose production has peaked – and societies need to abandon fossil fuels because of their impact on the climate.
         Whether or not this system still comprises a form of capitalism is ultimately a semantic question. It depends on how you define capitalism.
          Economic activity is driven by meaning – maintaining equal possibilities for the good life while lowering emissions dramatically – rather than profit, and the meaning is politically, collectively constructed. Well, this is the best conceivable case in terms of modern state and market institutions. It can’t happen without considerable reframing of economic-political thinking, in short words: rethinking capitalism as it is nowadays.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2019. (Adaptado).

feed into the drafting, em língua portuguesa, pode ser compreendida como “auxiliar na elaboração”.
production has peaked, em português, pode ser compreendida como “a produção tem aumentado”.
slow economic growth pode ser compreendida em português como “crescimento econômico regular”.
across the spectrum, em língua portuguesa, pode ser compreendida como “em todos os aspectos”.
sink costs pode ser compreendida, em língua portuguesa, como “custos operacionais”.
FAMERP 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

De acordo com o contexto do terceiro tópico, o trecho “the most bang for their buck” pode ser entendido como:

Leia o infográfico para responder à questão.

(Karmen Clair., 03.04.2019. Adaptado.)
o destino mais exótico.
o destino mais seguro.
o destino mais procurado.
a tarifa mais baixa.
o melhor custo-benefício.
UFAC 2011 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

“They can’t put up with this any longer” means:

Eles não podem ir mais longe.
Eles não irão colocar isto lá.
Eles não podem ir adiante.
Eles não agüentam mais isto.
Eles não conseguem levá-lo.
FAMEMA 2019 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

No trecho do último parágrafo “while doing so might soothe you for a second”, o termo sublinhado equivale, em português, a

               An increasing body of evidence suggests that the time we spend on our smartphones is interfering with our sleep, self-esteem, relationships, memory, attention spans, creativity, productivity and problem-solving and decision-making skills. But there is another reason for us to rethink our relationships with our devices. By chronically raising levels of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, our phones may be threatening our health and shortening our lives.

          If they happened only occasionally, phone-induced cortisol spikes might not matter. But the average American spends four hours a day staring at their smartphone and keeps it within arm’s reach nearly all the time, according to a tracking app called Moment.

         “Your cortisol levels are elevated when your phone is in sight or nearby, or when you hear it or even think you hear it,” says David Greenfield, professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and founder of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction. “It’s a stress response, and it feels unpleasant, and the body’s natural response is to want to check the phone to make the stress go away.”

          But while doing so might soothe you for a second, it probably will make things worse in the long run. Any time you check your phone, you’re likely to find something else stressful waiting for you, leading to another spike in cortisol and another craving to check your phone to make your anxiety go away. This cycle, when continuously reinforced, leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. And chronically elevated cortisol levels have been tied to an increased risk of serious health problems, including depression, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, fertility issues, high blood pressure, heart attack, dementia and stroke.

(Catherine Price., 24.04.2019. Adaptado.)

FMP 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

A tradução adequada para “a wit” (linhas 5/6); “a subject for wit” (linha 11); e “witty” (linha 12) é, respectivamente:

uma sagacidade; um sujeito de sagacidade; sagaz.
uma sagacidade; um sujeito sagaz; pequena sagacidade.
uma pessoa sagaz; um sujeito sagaz; sagaz.
uma pessoa sagaz; objeto de sagacidade; sagaz.
uma sagacidade; objeto de sagacidade; pouco sagaz.
UNIFESP 2016 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

No trecho inicial do quarto parágrafo “As poorer countries develop and the world’s population grows”, o termo em destaque tem sentido equivalente, em português, a

Reducing food waste would mitigate
climate change, study shows

April 7, 2016
   Reducing food waste around the world would help curb emissions of planet-warming gases, lessening some of the impacts of climate change such as more extreme weather and rising seas, scientists said on Thursday.
   Up to 14% of emissions from agriculture in 2050 could be avoided by managing food use and distribution better, according to a new study from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). “Agriculture is a major driver of climate change, accounting for more than 20% of overall global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010,” said co-author Prajal Pradhan. “Avoiding food loss and waste would therefore avoid unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions and help mitigate climate change.”
   Between 30 and 40% of food produced around the world is never eaten, because it is spoiled after harvest and during transportation, or thrown away by shops and consumers. The share of food wasted is expected to increase drastically if emerging economies like China and India adopt western food habits, including a shift to eating more meat, the researchers warned. Richer countries tend to consume more food than is healthy or simply waste it, they noted.
   As poorer countries develop and the world’s population grows, emissions associated with food waste could soar from 0.5 gigatonnes (GT) of carbon dioxide equivalent per year to between 1.9 and 2.5 GT annually by mid-century, showed the study published in the Environmental Science & Technology journal. It is widely argued that cutting food waste and distributing the world’s surplus food where it is needed could help tackle hunger in places that do not have enough - especially given that land to expand farming is limited.
   But Jürgen Kropp, another of the study’s co-authors and PIK’s head of climate change and development, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation the potential for food waste curbs to reduce emissions should be given more attention. “It is not a strategy of governments at the moment,” he said.

( Adaptado.)
devido ao fato de.
mesmo que.
à medida que.
MACKENZIE 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

A alternativa que melhor expressa a idéia da frase “had he been able to start all over again, he would have begun with culture” é:

Monica Grigorescu*
Our time has proved to be amazingly effective in gropingly building up a civilization which it has proved amazingly inept at putting in order. (André Maliaux)

    After so many crises which have followed each other in as many areas, we ought to admit that industrial and technological civilization is creating as many problems as it is capable of resolving. The myth of progress, one of the founding myths of our civilization, also appears to have collapsed as a myth. The development of modern society, spectacular as it is from an economist’s angle of vision, has not been able to society; stop a slide into human and moral underdevelopment. A deterioration of quality in relation to quantity makes only those things that can be actually measured appear to be real; unfortunately, things like poetry, suffering, or love are hardly quantifiable.

    Towards the end of his eventful life, Jean Monnet, a remarkable figure of the twentieth century, reasoned that, had he been able to start all over again, he would have begun with culture. A founding father of what was later to become the European Union, he expressed that belated belief in the pre-eminent role of culture as a part of greater civilization after he had tried for several decades to build a prosperous Europe in economic terms in the aftermath of a devastating war.

*Director of the House of Latin America of the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Romania.
Revista Direito Mackenzie
Ele teria começado pela cultura se tivesse sido convencido a recomeçar.
A cultura teria sido revista se ele tivesse sido capaz de fazê-lo.
Ele daria um “start” na cultura caso tivesse sido capaz.
Cultura é por onde ele iniciaria caso pudesse recomeçar.
Sua habilidade de reiniciar teria sido posta em prática se ele tivesse mais cultura.
UFVJM-MG 2019 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

No contexto, a frase "Parents must get off the sidelines and get involved!" (linhas 22 e 23) pode ser entendida como:

Leia este texto para responder a questão.

Os pais devem ficar de fora e se envolver!
Os pais devem ficar ao lado e se envolver!
Os pais devem sair da linha e se envolver!
Os pais devem sair da margem e se envolver!