Questõesde IFF sobre Inglês

Foram encontradas 24 questões
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Nas frases a seguir, observe os sujeitos em destaque. Em seguida, verifique qual a sequência correta dos pronomes pessoais que podem substituí-los.

I- My cousin and my sister are students.
II- John likes to swim.
III- Mary buys a dictionary every year.
IV- Peter and I travel to the beach.
V- My cat drinks milk every day.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

They, she, it, he, you.
He, she, it, we, they.
It, we, you, he, it.
They, he, she, we, it.
She, they, he, it, you.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Abuse does not always mean physical violence

In fact, there are several different definitions of what can qualify as abuse, ranging from physical to verbal and even digital.
“A lot of people think of abuse as just getting hit, but it’s a lot of different things,” Dr. Phil explains. The Aspire Initiative, a free domestic violence education curriculum for tweens, teens and adults, to reduce the level of intimate relationship violence in the United States, founded by Robin McGraw through her When Georgia Smiled foundation, offers these definitions for five different types of abuse, courtesy of
Physical Abuse: Any intentional use of physical force with the intent to control a partner through fear or injury.
Emotional/Verbal Abuse: An attempt to control a partner through the manipulation of their self-esteem, sense of personal security, relationships with others, and/or their perception of reality. Often it results in the victim feeling worthless and responsible for the abuse.
Sexual Abuse: Any behaviors that impact a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs.
Digital Abuse: This is a form of emotional/verbal abuse that uses technology or social media to intimidate, harass, bully, stalk or threaten a current or ex-partner.
Financial Abuse: The use of finances or access to finances to control a partner. It’s one of the powerful forms of abuse, and common method of entrapping a partner in the relationship. It’s often given as the reason that victims of abuser stayed in or returned to an abusive relationship.
Disponível em: Acesso em 21 de outubro de 2016.

Com base no texto, infere-se que:

I – O Dr. Phill explica que se criou uma cultura do abuso, mas nem tudo é abuso. Ele afirma ainda que o tema deve ser criteriosamente estudado.
II – O Dr. Phill explica que muitas pessoas pensam que o abuso é apenas um golpe físico, mas o abuso pode ser muitas coisas diferentes.
III – O texto trata de pelo menos cinco tipos de abusos e suas características.
IV – O texto informa que a melhor maneira de prevenir e combater os abusos é através de denúncias e diálogos com profissionais de saúde mental.

Estão corretos APENAS os itens:

I, III e IV.
I, II e III.
II e IV.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Futuro simples | Simple future

Qual é o tempo verbal predominante na charge de “Barack Obama”?

Observe a charge a seguir e marque a alternativa correta.

Future perfect.
“Going to” future.
Simple future.
Future progressive.
Simple present.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com relação ao tema, podemos afirmar que:

I- O quadrinho acima retrata o personagem Obama se deparando com uma dificuldade imensa em cessar a guerra do Afeganistão, ano após ano.

II- No primeiro quadrinho, o personagem usa o verbo modal Will, que é empregado para expressar uma ação que será tomada no futuro.

III- No primeiro quadrinho, o personagem usa o verbo modal Will, que é empregado para expressar uma ação no tempo presente progressivo.

IV- No segundo quadrinho, Obama afirma que tratados internacionais são assuntos confidenciais, pois podem colocar em risco a segurança mundial.

Com base nos enunciados, assinale a alternativa correta. 

Observe a charge a seguir e marque a alternativa correta.

Apenas os itens II e IV estão certos.
Apenas os itens I e II estão certos.
Os itens I, II e IV estão certos.
Apenas os itens III e IV estão certos.
Apenas os itens I e III estão certos.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

<>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017.

A charge apresentada relaciona-se corretamente com a seguinte alternativa:

Segundo a manchete do jornal, os furacões Irma e Harvey deram início à crise dos EUA com a Coreia do Norte.
Na opinião do repórter, os eventos climáticos atuais Irma e Harvey podem vir a destruir o mundo inteiro.
Segundo o telejornal, os furacões em questão convergem na crise entre Estados Unidos e Coreia do Norte.
Segundo a mulher, o maior desafio pode não ser os furacões, e sim a crise entre EUA e Coreia do Norte.
De acordo com a opinião do homem, os furacões Irma e Harvey podem tornar o planeta Terra inabitável.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

Marque o item que NÃO apresenta a tradução adequada para as expressões retiradas do texto:

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

“the livelihoods of ordinary Americans” = os meios de subsistência dos americanos comuns.
“to pile up at the door” = acumular-se à porta.
"to overturn a policy” = revogar uma política.
“the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather” = as marcas inconfundíveis das condições climáticas extremas.
"the wind-ravaged homes” = as casas abrigadas do vento.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Observe as palavras grifadas nos trechos abaixo. Releia o texto atentamente e marque a alternativa em que a referência contextual está INCORRETA:

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

“As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month…” (its = the US).
“...Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama…” (his = Barack Obama).
“ help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change.” (which = the risks of flooding).
It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.” (it = hurricane).
“...but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse.” (it = climate change).
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Os jornais costumam destacar acontecimentos importantes que são veiculados diariamente na internet. O texto acima, retirado do “The Guardian”, relata o assunto mencionado nas alternativas abaixo, EXCETO:

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

Os recentes furacões Irma e Harvey e as consequências por eles trazidas à administração de Donald Trump.
Os fenômenos Irma e Harley, furacões ocorridos na Flórida em agosto passado, que causaram sérios prejuízos aos americanos.
A insistência do presidente americano em negar a ocorrência dos furacões e os bilhões de dólares em danos causados.
O impacto implacável dos furacões Irma e Harvey, que deveriam ter suavizado a arrogância de Trump, no que tange às políticas climáticas.
Os danos materiais e os impactos que os furacões recentes trazem para a discussão sobre mudanças climáticas.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, escolha a alternativa que fornece apenas informações corretas:

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

The damage from both hurricanes has reached billions of dollars, therefore the population and government will be paying for its costs.
The major weather disaster ever of the United States has been caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
Irma and Harvey hurricanes have convinced the American community of agreeing with Donald Trump's denial on climate change effects.
An overturn of a helping policy has been already signed by Barack Obama just days before Harvey.
Harvey and Irma have already forced the president to recognize his complacency in canceling researches and scientific analysis.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Marque a opção que apresenta o significado INCORRETO dos termos usados no texto 1.

Texto 1


By plus55 on Feb 13, 2017

Thauane Cordeiro never thought she’d face accusations of cultural appropriation after posting a selfie with a turban. Diagnosed with cancer, the treatments left this Brazilian teen bald. So she styles up her baldness with colorful turbans when she heads out of the house. However, after one picture of herself wearing a turban on Facebook, she faced unexpected backlash.

While most turban-wearers in Brazil are black, Cordeiro is white. But instead of letting her haters put her down, Cordeiro explained just why she wore a turban that day. And it wasn’t about stealing black culture.

Here’s a translation of her post: Turban love

I’ll explain what happened yesterday so you know why I’m so angry with this whole cultural appropriation thing. I was at the station with this pretty turban, feeling like a diva. And I started to notice that there were a lot of black women around, beautiful by the way, who were looking at me funny, like “look over there the little white girl appropriating our culture”. Anyway, one of them came over to tell me I shouldn’t use a turban because I’m white. I took off the turban and said “are you seeing this bald head, this is called cancer, so I use what I want! Bye.” I grabbed my turban and walked off leaving her in shock. #EverybodyWearsTurbans

The post went up last week and already has 104,000 likes and 30,000 shares.

Fonte: <>. Acesso em: 15 abr 2017. 

“So she styles up her baldness…” = estilizar
“…instead of letting her haters put her down…” = colocar para baixo
“…like “look over there the little white girl appropriating…” = olhar para lá
“…one of them came over to tell me…” = aproximar-se
“… and walked off leaving her…” = fugir
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto 2, escolha a alternativa que fornece informações INCORRETAS.

Texto 2


[ …]

Drones are becoming smaller, cheaper to make, can zoom around on their own, and gather in groups of hundreds, even thousands, to fly like a flock of birds. They’re called swarms – get enough of them together, and they could save your life, or they could be a deadly collaborative force on the battlefield.

[ …]

Plus there is no leader (1) or commander in a swarm; the swarm is a self-organising system in which allows drones to fly together without colliding. And only one operator (2) is needed to control the whole swarm.

Swarms are tough. One missile can bring down an aircraft, but a swarm can lose dozens of members and keep going. Air defences with a limited (3) supply (4) of missiles can be overwhelmed by enough opponents.

But drones will soon be swarming in many other situations too, from rock concerts to barnyards. In fact, you probably already have seen swarms of drones in everyday life. Chinese company eHang claimed the record for the biggest swarm, in a spectacular New Year show in which 1,000 drones formed a map of China and the Chinese character for 'blessings' (5). 

Drone swarms may even have a place on the farm. They can spot plant disease and help manage water use, or spray pesticides and herbicides only in the exact spot needed, all working cooperatively to cover the area and fill in gaps.

So, what does the future hold for swarming (6) drones? Swarming drone technology is still very much in their infancy. But it’s evolving fast. In fact, they could one day live alongside us.

Fonte: adapted from: <>.

Acesso em: 02 maio 2017.  

In the future, one man will probably be able to control hundreds and thousands of drones.
The swarm is a system that is fully tested and can be used in all different fields immediately.
Although militaries continue finding effective counters to small drones, some suggest that tactical swarms may rule the future battlefield.
Swarms is said to be the new era of drones, as they are small, not so expensive, can fly autonomously and in groups.
Drone swarms can be really helpful for plantation crops, as a controlling system for plant disease and farm management.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Prefixos e sufixos | Prefixes and suffixes

Marque a opção em que a indicação sobre o uso dos sufixos no texto 2 está correta.

Texto 2


[ …]

Drones are becoming smaller, cheaper to make, can zoom around on their own, and gather in groups of hundreds, even thousands, to fly like a flock of birds. They’re called swarms – get enough of them together, and they could save your life, or they could be a deadly collaborative force on the battlefield.

[ …]

Plus there is no leader (1) or commander in a swarm; the swarm is a self-organising system in which allows drones to fly together without colliding. And only one operator (2) is needed to control the whole swarm.

Swarms are tough. One missile can bring down an aircraft, but a swarm can lose dozens of members and keep going. Air defences with a limited (3) supply (4) of missiles can be overwhelmed by enough opponents.

But drones will soon be swarming in many other situations too, from rock concerts to barnyards. In fact, you probably already have seen swarms of drones in everyday life. Chinese company eHang claimed the record for the biggest swarm, in a spectacular New Year show in which 1,000 drones formed a map of China and the Chinese character for 'blessings' (5). 

Drone swarms may even have a place on the farm. They can spot plant disease and help manage water use, or spray pesticides and herbicides only in the exact spot needed, all working cooperatively to cover the area and fill in gaps.

So, what does the future hold for swarming (6) drones? Swarming drone technology is still very much in their infancy. But it’s evolving fast. In fact, they could one day live alongside us.

Fonte: adapted from: <>.

Acesso em: 02 maio 2017.  

In the words leader (1) and operator (2), we have the suffix –er and –or, respectively, both indicating the doer of an action.
The suffix –ed in the word limited (3) is used to indicate action in the past.
The –ly in the word supply (4) corresponds to the Portuguese suffix –mente and it is used to form an adverb.
The suffix –ing in the word blessings (5) indicates a formation of an adjective.
he suffix –ing in the word swarming (6) indicates continuity, extended process.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Qual das frases abaixo exemplifica a reação da adolescente às acusações de apropriação cultural?

Texto 1


By plus55 on Feb 13, 2017

Thauane Cordeiro never thought she’d face accusations of cultural appropriation after posting a selfie with a turban. Diagnosed with cancer, the treatments left this Brazilian teen bald. So she styles up her baldness with colorful turbans when she heads out of the house. However, after one picture of herself wearing a turban on Facebook, she faced unexpected backlash.

While most turban-wearers in Brazil are black, Cordeiro is white. But instead of letting her haters put her down, Cordeiro explained just why she wore a turban that day. And it wasn’t about stealing black culture.

Here’s a translation of her post: Turban love

I’ll explain what happened yesterday so you know why I’m so angry with this whole cultural appropriation thing. I was at the station with this pretty turban, feeling like a diva. And I started to notice that there were a lot of black women around, beautiful by the way, who were looking at me funny, like “look over there the little white girl appropriating our culture”. Anyway, one of them came over to tell me I shouldn’t use a turban because I’m white. I took off the turban and said “are you seeing this bald head, this is called cancer, so I use what I want! Bye.” I grabbed my turban and walked off leaving her in shock. #EverybodyWearsTurbans

The post went up last week and already has 104,000 likes and 30,000 shares.

Fonte: <>. Acesso em: 15 abr 2017. 

“Diagnosed with cancer, the treatments left this Brazilian teen bald.”
“I was at the station with this pretty turban, feeling like a diva.”
”I took off the turban and said “are you seeing this bald head, this is called cancer, so I use what I want!”
''Anyway, one of them came over to tell me I shouldn’t use a turban because I’m white.”
''And I started to notice that there were a lot of black women around, beautiful by the way, who were looking at me funny,…”
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Segundo a notícia apresentada, pode-se atribuir à jovem Thauane as seguintes atitudes, EXCETO:

Texto 1


By plus55 on Feb 13, 2017

Thauane Cordeiro never thought she’d face accusations of cultural appropriation after posting a selfie with a turban. Diagnosed with cancer, the treatments left this Brazilian teen bald. So she styles up her baldness with colorful turbans when she heads out of the house. However, after one picture of herself wearing a turban on Facebook, she faced unexpected backlash.

While most turban-wearers in Brazil are black, Cordeiro is white. But instead of letting her haters put her down, Cordeiro explained just why she wore a turban that day. And it wasn’t about stealing black culture.

Here’s a translation of her post: Turban love

I’ll explain what happened yesterday so you know why I’m so angry with this whole cultural appropriation thing. I was at the station with this pretty turban, feeling like a diva. And I started to notice that there were a lot of black women around, beautiful by the way, who were looking at me funny, like “look over there the little white girl appropriating our culture”. Anyway, one of them came over to tell me I shouldn’t use a turban because I’m white. I took off the turban and said “are you seeing this bald head, this is called cancer, so I use what I want! Bye.” I grabbed my turban and walked off leaving her in shock. #EverybodyWearsTurbans

The post went up last week and already has 104,000 likes and 30,000 shares.

Fonte: <>. Acesso em: 15 abr 2017. 

Procurou aumentar sua autoestima de paciente de câncer usando acessórios que disfarçassem a falta de cabelos.
Divulgou, no Facebook, uma foto sua usando turbante.
Não se deixou abater pelas acusações de apropriação cultural.
Ficou deprimida após ler as críticas sobre sua foto com turbante no Facebook.
Irritou-se com a acusação de apropriação cultural feita por mulheres afrodescendentes no metrô.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Cada um dos leitores que comentaram o texto apresentou algum ponto importante sobre acessibilidade. Em qual dos itens abaixo o problema levantado NÃO corresponde ao que disse o leitor indicado?

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people?

Europe is an urban continent. The vast majority of the EU population – four out of every five people – live in a town or city. For the roughly 80 million EU citizens who have some form of disability, navigating the bustling maze of a city can pose all sorts of challenges. People with disabilities would often like to be more mobile and independent, so are there better ways to design cities so they are more accessible for everybody?
There might be no wheelchair lifts on local buses, or no Braille on signposts, or perhaps there are annoying steps that block people in wheelchairs (or people with prams, or mobility strollers) from entering a building. Should city planners and architects consider these issues more carefully? And, where there are accessibility challenges, can technology help us overcome them?
How can cities be made more accessible? Can new technology help us to achieve that goal? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the form below and we’ll take them to policymakers and experts for their reactions!  

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people? I see it the other way around. How can disabled people adapt better and faster to evolving cities? No offence, but I see it as a more rational solution. 

More rational? We already pay out for expensive wheelchairs and mobility aids as it, without being expected to pay more. Especially in this era when disabilities benefits are being stripped away from us. Forward planning is what needed to ensure that all European towns and cities are accessible to all. 

In many European cities the biggest access problem is finding an accessible toilet. Either because they don’t exist or because they are hard to find. 

A good starting point is to start PLANNING! It is as simple as that, PLAN for the accessibility of disabled and limited mobility people. The European population is aging, in case planners have not noticed, and they also need and will continue needing more accessibility. There has been no planning. Only bandaids applied here and there.  

It would take a lot more than a few dropped curbs and disabled spaces to make any impact and to be brutally honest, how can you make things any easier for the disabled when even the able bodied struggle to negotiate many cities at certain times of the day? 

Necessary ramps on beaches! In Greece, they have a University that manufactures specific ramps beaches and is funded by donors. 

Please add to the list accessible toilet facilities. 

Maybe Tokio is a good example, but Japan is not. Most train/metro stations do not have a lift. 

Hey, we’re living in the 21st century! Isn’t it better to make robotized aids for the people with disabilities in such a way that they can go anywhere a healthy person can, instead of making the environment accessible?
Sometimes the issue is having adequate, reliable and affordable transportation accessible to all in one’s community. I hardly go anywhere because I don’t drive. 

(Adapted from people/#.V_vRCOUrLIU, accessed in September/2016) 

Paul X – até mesmo os não portadores de necessidades especiais têm problemas de acessibilidade.
Dobromir Panchev – o uso de robótica para auxiliar na acessibilidade.
Dermot Devlin – maior facilidade na aquisição de equipamentos que facilitem a mobilidade dos portadores de necessidades especiais.
Zack Garyfalou – maior acessibilidade nas praias.
Ingunn – maior quantidade de banheiros públicos com acessibilidade.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No terceiro parágrafo, o termo that goal refere-se a:

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people?

Europe is an urban continent. The vast majority of the EU population – four out of every five people – live in a town or city. For the roughly 80 million EU citizens who have some form of disability, navigating the bustling maze of a city can pose all sorts of challenges. People with disabilities would often like to be more mobile and independent, so are there better ways to design cities so they are more accessible for everybody?
There might be no wheelchair lifts on local buses, or no Braille on signposts, or perhaps there are annoying steps that block people in wheelchairs (or people with prams, or mobility strollers) from entering a building. Should city planners and architects consider these issues more carefully? And, where there are accessibility challenges, can technology help us overcome them?
How can cities be made more accessible? Can new technology help us to achieve that goal? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the form below and we’ll take them to policymakers and experts for their reactions!  

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people? I see it the other way around. How can disabled people adapt better and faster to evolving cities? No offence, but I see it as a more rational solution. 

More rational? We already pay out for expensive wheelchairs and mobility aids as it, without being expected to pay more. Especially in this era when disabilities benefits are being stripped away from us. Forward planning is what needed to ensure that all European towns and cities are accessible to all. 

In many European cities the biggest access problem is finding an accessible toilet. Either because they don’t exist or because they are hard to find. 

A good starting point is to start PLANNING! It is as simple as that, PLAN for the accessibility of disabled and limited mobility people. The European population is aging, in case planners have not noticed, and they also need and will continue needing more accessibility. There has been no planning. Only bandaids applied here and there.  

It would take a lot more than a few dropped curbs and disabled spaces to make any impact and to be brutally honest, how can you make things any easier for the disabled when even the able bodied struggle to negotiate many cities at certain times of the day? 

Necessary ramps on beaches! In Greece, they have a University that manufactures specific ramps beaches and is funded by donors. 

Please add to the list accessible toilet facilities. 

Maybe Tokio is a good example, but Japan is not. Most train/metro stations do not have a lift. 

Hey, we’re living in the 21st century! Isn’t it better to make robotized aids for the people with disabilities in such a way that they can go anywhere a healthy person can, instead of making the environment accessible?
Sometimes the issue is having adequate, reliable and affordable transportation accessible to all in one’s community. I hardly go anywhere because I don’t drive. 

(Adapted from people/#.V_vRCOUrLIU, accessed in September/2016) 

Diminuição do número de portadores de necessidades especiais.
Melhoria da acessibilidade nas cidades.
Identificação dos problemas de acessibilidade das cidades.
Maior mobilidade para cadeirantes.
Transporte público acessível a portadores de necessidades especiais.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

(source:, accessed in Septmber/2016.)

Qual das frases a seguir melhor resume a mensagem do texto acima?

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people?

Europe is an urban continent. The vast majority of the EU population – four out of every five people – live in a town or city. For the roughly 80 million EU citizens who have some form of disability, navigating the bustling maze of a city can pose all sorts of challenges. People with disabilities would often like to be more mobile and independent, so are there better ways to design cities so they are more accessible for everybody?
There might be no wheelchair lifts on local buses, or no Braille on signposts, or perhaps there are annoying steps that block people in wheelchairs (or people with prams, or mobility strollers) from entering a building. Should city planners and architects consider these issues more carefully? And, where there are accessibility challenges, can technology help us overcome them?
How can cities be made more accessible? Can new technology help us to achieve that goal? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the form below and we’ll take them to policymakers and experts for their reactions!  

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people? I see it the other way around. How can disabled people adapt better and faster to evolving cities? No offence, but I see it as a more rational solution. 

More rational? We already pay out for expensive wheelchairs and mobility aids as it, without being expected to pay more. Especially in this era when disabilities benefits are being stripped away from us. Forward planning is what needed to ensure that all European towns and cities are accessible to all. 

In many European cities the biggest access problem is finding an accessible toilet. Either because they don’t exist or because they are hard to find. 

A good starting point is to start PLANNING! It is as simple as that, PLAN for the accessibility of disabled and limited mobility people. The European population is aging, in case planners have not noticed, and they also need and will continue needing more accessibility. There has been no planning. Only bandaids applied here and there.  

It would take a lot more than a few dropped curbs and disabled spaces to make any impact and to be brutally honest, how can you make things any easier for the disabled when even the able bodied struggle to negotiate many cities at certain times of the day? 

Necessary ramps on beaches! In Greece, they have a University that manufactures specific ramps beaches and is funded by donors. 

Please add to the list accessible toilet facilities. 

Maybe Tokio is a good example, but Japan is not. Most train/metro stations do not have a lift. 

Hey, we’re living in the 21st century! Isn’t it better to make robotized aids for the people with disabilities in such a way that they can go anywhere a healthy person can, instead of making the environment accessible?
Sometimes the issue is having adequate, reliable and affordable transportation accessible to all in one’s community. I hardly go anywhere because I don’t drive. 

(Adapted from people/#.V_vRCOUrLIU, accessed in September/2016) 

A pessoa/criança com necessidades especiais não é tão diferente das demais.
Não deixe de cuidar de uma criança especial somente por não saber como.
Inspire-se nos desafios enfrentados por um portador de necessidades especiais.
Lidar com crianças com necessidades especiais faz com que você se torne uma pessoa melhor.
Somente pessoas com habilidades especiais deveriam cuidar de crianças com necessidades especiais.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as informações apresentadas na introdução, na Europa:

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people?

Europe is an urban continent. The vast majority of the EU population – four out of every five people – live in a town or city. For the roughly 80 million EU citizens who have some form of disability, navigating the bustling maze of a city can pose all sorts of challenges. People with disabilities would often like to be more mobile and independent, so are there better ways to design cities so they are more accessible for everybody?
There might be no wheelchair lifts on local buses, or no Braille on signposts, or perhaps there are annoying steps that block people in wheelchairs (or people with prams, or mobility strollers) from entering a building. Should city planners and architects consider these issues more carefully? And, where there are accessibility challenges, can technology help us overcome them?
How can cities be made more accessible? Can new technology help us to achieve that goal? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the form below and we’ll take them to policymakers and experts for their reactions!  

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people? I see it the other way around. How can disabled people adapt better and faster to evolving cities? No offence, but I see it as a more rational solution. 

More rational? We already pay out for expensive wheelchairs and mobility aids as it, without being expected to pay more. Especially in this era when disabilities benefits are being stripped away from us. Forward planning is what needed to ensure that all European towns and cities are accessible to all. 

In many European cities the biggest access problem is finding an accessible toilet. Either because they don’t exist or because they are hard to find. 

A good starting point is to start PLANNING! It is as simple as that, PLAN for the accessibility of disabled and limited mobility people. The European population is aging, in case planners have not noticed, and they also need and will continue needing more accessibility. There has been no planning. Only bandaids applied here and there.  

It would take a lot more than a few dropped curbs and disabled spaces to make any impact and to be brutally honest, how can you make things any easier for the disabled when even the able bodied struggle to negotiate many cities at certain times of the day? 

Necessary ramps on beaches! In Greece, they have a University that manufactures specific ramps beaches and is funded by donors. 

Please add to the list accessible toilet facilities. 

Maybe Tokio is a good example, but Japan is not. Most train/metro stations do not have a lift. 

Hey, we’re living in the 21st century! Isn’t it better to make robotized aids for the people with disabilities in such a way that they can go anywhere a healthy person can, instead of making the environment accessible?
Sometimes the issue is having adequate, reliable and affordable transportation accessible to all in one’s community. I hardly go anywhere because I don’t drive. 

(Adapted from people/#.V_vRCOUrLIU, accessed in September/2016) 

As cidades são habitadas, em média, por 60% dos europeus.
A comunidade de portadores de necessidades especiais é composta de menos de 80.000.000 de pessoas.
As novas tecnologias são a solução para os problemas de acessibilidade.
As cidades são mais acessíveis aos portadores de necessidades especiais porque foram projetadas levando em conta suas demandas.
A locomoção dos portadores de necessidades nas cidades é um grande desafio.
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Ao expressar sua opinião sobre acessibilidade, o leitor/internauta Nando aponta algumas questões que são apresentadas abaixo, EXCETO:

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people?

Europe is an urban continent. The vast majority of the EU population – four out of every five people – live in a town or city. For the roughly 80 million EU citizens who have some form of disability, navigating the bustling maze of a city can pose all sorts of challenges. People with disabilities would often like to be more mobile and independent, so are there better ways to design cities so they are more accessible for everybody?
There might be no wheelchair lifts on local buses, or no Braille on signposts, or perhaps there are annoying steps that block people in wheelchairs (or people with prams, or mobility strollers) from entering a building. Should city planners and architects consider these issues more carefully? And, where there are accessibility challenges, can technology help us overcome them?
How can cities be made more accessible? Can new technology help us to achieve that goal? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the form below and we’ll take them to policymakers and experts for their reactions!  

How can cities be made more accessible for disabled people? I see it the other way around. How can disabled people adapt better and faster to evolving cities? No offence, but I see it as a more rational solution. 

More rational? We already pay out for expensive wheelchairs and mobility aids as it, without being expected to pay more. Especially in this era when disabilities benefits are being stripped away from us. Forward planning is what needed to ensure that all European towns and cities are accessible to all. 

In many European cities the biggest access problem is finding an accessible toilet. Either because they don’t exist or because they are hard to find. 

A good starting point is to start PLANNING! It is as simple as that, PLAN for the accessibility of disabled and limited mobility people. The European population is aging, in case planners have not noticed, and they also need and will continue needing more accessibility. There has been no planning. Only bandaids applied here and there.  

It would take a lot more than a few dropped curbs and disabled spaces to make any impact and to be brutally honest, how can you make things any easier for the disabled when even the able bodied struggle to negotiate many cities at certain times of the day? 

Necessary ramps on beaches! In Greece, they have a University that manufactures specific ramps beaches and is funded by donors. 

Please add to the list accessible toilet facilities. 

Maybe Tokio is a good example, but Japan is not. Most train/metro stations do not have a lift. 

Hey, we’re living in the 21st century! Isn’t it better to make robotized aids for the people with disabilities in such a way that they can go anywhere a healthy person can, instead of making the environment accessible?
Sometimes the issue is having adequate, reliable and affordable transportation accessible to all in one’s community. I hardly go anywhere because I don’t drive. 

(Adapted from people/#.V_vRCOUrLIU, accessed in September/2016) 

Soluções eficientes de acessibilidade já foram desenvolvidas na Europa.
O envelhecimento da população europeia.
Acessibilidade é um assunto que necessita de planejamento.
A falta de projetos para resolver problemas de acessibilidade.
As necessidades de acessibilidade dos idosos europeus.
IFF 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Após a leitura do texto I, “Spotify braces for $20billion US share market listing”, e da charge acima, marque a alternativa INCORRETA:

      Shares in the music streaming firm Spotify will be publicly traded for the first time when the firm debuts on the New York market. 

      The flotation marks a turning point for the firm that after 12 years has not yet made a profit. Spotify's listing, which could value it at $20billion (£14 billion), is unconventional: it is not issuing any new shares. Instead, shares held by the firm's private investors will be made available. 

      What was once an small upstart Swedish music platform, has grown rapidly in recent years, adding millions of users to its free-to-use ad-funded service, and converting many of them to its more lucrative subscription service. It's used in 61 countries, has 159 million active users and a library of 35 million songs. They developed the platform in 2006 as a response to the growing piracy problem the music industry was facing. It is now the global leader among music streaming companies, boasting 71 million paying customers, twice as many as runner-up Apple. 

      What Spotify must do to survive? So far costs and fees to recording companies for the rights to play their music, have exceeded Spotify's revenues. And some analysts predict the listing will speed-up Spotify's race towards profitability. "When that's done we'll see a bit of a shift in strategy and direction." says Mark Mulligan at MIDia Research. The firm made a commitment to investors who backed it as the company was growing, that they would be given the chance to cash in their investment. The streaming giant has filed for paperwork to start trading its shares publicly on the New York Stock Exchange. 

      What will Spotify look like in the future? So what will change? "So far they've been treading a very fine line between being the dramatic new future of the music business but simultaneously being the biggest friend of the old music industry by giving record labels a platform to build out of decline," says Mr Mulligan. 

      "To go to the next phase [Spotify] will have to stop being so friendly to the record companies." More than half of Spotify's revenue goes directly to the record companies. Chris Hayes expects Spotify to evolve. "I think over time they're going to have to diversify their offering." he says, helping to set them apart from a sea of rival streaming services. They have already moved into podcasts and producing original music. They may well start to offer more original content like Taylor Swift's recent video which was only made available on the platform, says Chris Hayes. 

      So can Spotify make money? The firm's first operating profit (not including debt financing) is on the horizon for 2019 based on current trends, according to Mr Hayes. "The strategy has always been the free tier, but it is a funnel through which to persuade free users to upgrade to the subscription tier which is lucrative.

      "As long as subscriptions continue to grow it should eventually become profitable. "Spotify's rivals are the biggest companies in the world with bottomless pockets," he says, and they are using music as a way to sell their core products, not as a business proposition in itself. 

      Apple, Amazon and Google are also in the streaming game and - unlike Spotify - all sell devices on which consumers can listen to music. And while Spotify has signed deals with all the "big three" record labels - Warner, Universal and Sony - it is the music executives that still hold the bargaining chips.

Adapted from: Acesso em: 03 abr. 2018. 

Spotify may be the current market leader, but there are threats on the horizon in the shape of the Apple, Amazon, and Google.
Spotify is the only free option in the market nowadays to watch videos or listen to music, although there are plans to change this reality.
The free tier is not very lucrative but it is a funnel through which to persuade free users to upgrade to the subscription tier.
Spotify offers music fans a free service with advertising, however they can upgrade to a month ad-free subscription, while other companies charge per song.
Even if the streaming music market gets paid, the live concerts are still the most expensive option in terms of the music today.