Questão a648b873-d8
Abuse does not always mean physical violence
In fact, there are several different definitions
of what can qualify as abuse, ranging from physical to
verbal and even digital. “A lot of people think of abuse as just getting
hit, but it’s a lot of different things,” Dr. Phil explains.
The Aspire Initiative, a free domestic violence
education curriculum for tweens, teens and adults, to
reduce the level of intimate relationship violence in
the United States, founded by Robin McGraw
through her When Georgia Smiled foundation, offers
these definitions for five different types of abuse,
courtesy of Physical Abuse: Any intentional use of
physical force with the intent to control a partner
through fear or injury.Emotional/Verbal Abuse: An attempt to
control a partner through the manipulation of their
self-esteem, sense of personal security, relationships
with others, and/or their perception of reality. Often it
results in the victim feeling worthless and responsible
for the abuse.Sexual Abuse: Any behaviors that impact a person’s
ability to control their sexual activity or the
circumstances in which sexual activity occurs.Digital Abuse: This is a form of
emotional/verbal abuse that uses technology or social
media to intimidate, harass, bully, stalk or threaten a
current or ex-partner. Financial Abuse: The use of finances or access
to finances to control a partner. It’s one of the
powerful forms of abuse, and common method of
entrapping a partner in the relationship. It’s often
given as the reason that victims of abuser stayed in or
returned to an abusive relationship. Disponível em: Acesso em 21 de outubro de 2016.Com base no texto, infere-se que:
I – O Dr. Phill explica que se criou uma cultura do
abuso, mas nem tudo é abuso. Ele afirma ainda que o
tema deve ser criteriosamente estudado.
II – O Dr. Phill explica que muitas pessoas pensam
que o abuso é apenas um golpe físico, mas o abuso
pode ser muitas coisas diferentes.
III – O texto trata de pelo menos cinco tipos de
abusos e suas características.
IV – O texto informa que a melhor maneira de
prevenir e combater os abusos é através de
denúncias e diálogos com profissionais de saúde
Estão corretos APENAS os itens:
Abuse does not always mean physical violence
In fact, there are several different definitions
of what can qualify as abuse, ranging from physical to
verbal and even digital.
“A lot of people think of abuse as just getting
hit, but it’s a lot of different things,” Dr. Phil explains.
The Aspire Initiative, a free domestic violence
education curriculum for tweens, teens and adults, to
reduce the level of intimate relationship violence in
the United States, founded by Robin McGraw
through her When Georgia Smiled foundation, offers
these definitions for five different types of abuse,
courtesy of
Physical Abuse: Any intentional use of
physical force with the intent to control a partner
through fear or injury.
Emotional/Verbal Abuse: An attempt to
control a partner through the manipulation of their
self-esteem, sense of personal security, relationships
with others, and/or their perception of reality. Often it
results in the victim feeling worthless and responsible
for the abuse.
Sexual Abuse: Any behaviors that impact a person’s
ability to control their sexual activity or the
circumstances in which sexual activity occurs.
Digital Abuse: This is a form of
emotional/verbal abuse that uses technology or social
media to intimidate, harass, bully, stalk or threaten a
current or ex-partner.
Financial Abuse: The use of finances or access
to finances to control a partner. It’s one of the
powerful forms of abuse, and common method of
entrapping a partner in the relationship. It’s often
given as the reason that victims of abuser stayed in or
returned to an abusive relationship.
Disponível em: Acesso em 21 de outubro de 2016.
Com base no texto, infere-se que:
I – O Dr. Phill explica que se criou uma cultura do
abuso, mas nem tudo é abuso. Ele afirma ainda que o
tema deve ser criteriosamente estudado.
II – O Dr. Phill explica que muitas pessoas pensam
que o abuso é apenas um golpe físico, mas o abuso
pode ser muitas coisas diferentes.
III – O texto trata de pelo menos cinco tipos de
abusos e suas características.
IV – O texto informa que a melhor maneira de
prevenir e combater os abusos é através de
denúncias e diálogos com profissionais de saúde
Estão corretos APENAS os itens:
I, III e IV.
I, II e III.
II e IV.