Após simplificar a expressão numérica
tg(1)tg(89) + tg(2)tg(88) + tg(3)tg(87) +...+ tg(10)tg(80),
Após simplificar a expressão numérica
tg(1)tg(89) + tg(2)tg(88) + tg(3)tg(87) +...+ tg(10)tg(80),
Após simplificar a expressão numérica
tg(1)tg(89) + tg(2)tg(88) + tg(3)tg(87) +...+ tg(10)tg(80),
Read text 3 to answer question.
Text 3
Available in: http://rio.movie-trailer.com/2010/05/riomovie-poster.html.
Access on: May 02, 2011.
Read text 3 to answer question.
Text 3
Available in: http://rio.movie-trailer.com/2010/05/riomovie-poster.html.
Access on: May 02, 2011.
Read text 2 to answer question.
Text 2
For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid
Support for President Obama has risen sharply following the killing of Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan. Support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and independents.
Among independents, his approval rating increased 11 points from last month, to 52 percent, while among Republicans it rose 15 points, to 24 percent. Among Democrats, 86 percent supported his job performance, compared with 79 percent in April.
In all, 57 percent said they now approved of the president’s job performance, up from 46 percent last month. More than six in 10 Americans said that killing Bin Laden was likely to increase the threat of terrorism against the United States in the short term. Nearly half said the nation should decrease troop levels in Afghanistan, but more than six in 10 also said the United States had not completed its mission in Afghanistan.
Adapted from: The New York Times. Available in http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/us/politics/05poll.html ?hp. Access on: May 04, 2011.
Read text 2 to answer question.
Text 2
For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid
Support for President Obama has risen sharply following the killing of Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan. Support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and independents.
Among independents, his approval rating increased 11 points from last month, to 52 percent, while among Republicans it rose 15 points, to 24 percent. Among Democrats, 86 percent supported his job performance, compared with 79 percent in April.
In all, 57 percent said they now approved of the president’s job performance, up from 46 percent last month. More than six in 10 Americans said that killing Bin Laden was likely to increase the threat of terrorism against the United States in the short term. Nearly half said the nation should decrease troop levels in Afghanistan, but more than six in 10 also said the United States had not completed its mission in Afghanistan.
Adapted from: The New York Times. Available in http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/us/politics/05poll.html ?hp. Access on: May 04, 2011.
Read text 2 to answer question.
Text 2
For Obama, Big Rise in Poll Numbers After Bin Laden Raid
Support for President Obama has risen sharply following the killing of Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan. Support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and independents.
Among independents, his approval rating increased 11 points from last month, to 52 percent, while among Republicans it rose 15 points, to 24 percent. Among Democrats, 86 percent supported his job performance, compared with 79 percent in April.
In all, 57 percent said they now approved of the president’s job performance, up from 46 percent last month. More than six in 10 Americans said that killing Bin Laden was likely to increase the threat of terrorism against the United States in the short term. Nearly half said the nation should decrease troop levels in Afghanistan, but more than six in 10 also said the United States had not completed its mission in Afghanistan.
Adapted from: The New York Times. Available in http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/us/politics/05poll.html ?hp. Access on: May 04, 2011.
Read text 1 to answer question.
Text 1
Newsweek. Available in
Access on: May 03, 2011.
Read text 1 to answer question.
Text 1
Newsweek. Available in
Access on: May 03, 2011.
Read text 1 to answer question.
Text 1
Newsweek. Available in
Access on: May 03, 2011.
Leia os textos a seguir para responder a questão.
Texto 6
QUINO. Toda Mafalda. Editora Martins Fontes, 1999. p. 172.
Texto 7
Cidadezinha Qualquer
Casas entre bananeiras
Mulheres entre laranjeiras
Pomar amor cantar.
Um homem vai devagar
Um cachorro vai devagar.
Um burro vai devagar.
Devagar... as janelas olham.
Êta vida besta, meu Deus.
DRUMMOND, Carlos. Obra Completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 2009.
Leia os textos a seguir para responder a questão.
Texto 6
QUINO. Toda Mafalda. Editora Martins Fontes, 1999. p. 172.
Texto 7
Cidadezinha Qualquer
Casas entre bananeiras
Mulheres entre laranjeiras
Pomar amor cantar.
Um homem vai devagar
Um cachorro vai devagar.
Um burro vai devagar.
Devagar... as janelas olham.
Êta vida besta, meu Deus.
DRUMMOND, Carlos. Obra Completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 2009.
Texto 5
O Sertanejo Falando
A fala a nível do sertanejo engana:
as palavras dele vêm, como rebuçadas
(palavras confeito, pílula), na glace
de uma entonação lisa, de adocicada.
Enquanto que sob ela, dura e endurece
o caroço de pedra, a amêndoa pétrea,
dessa árvore pedrenta (o sertanejo)
incapaz de não se expressar em pedra.
Daí porque o sertanejo fala pouco:
as palavras de pedra ulceram a boca
e no idioma pedra se fala doloroso;
o natural desse idioma fala à força.
Daí também porque ele fala devagar:
tem de pegar as palavras com cuidado,
confeitá-la na língua, rebuçá-las;
pois toma tempo todo esse trabalho.
NETO, João Cabral de Melo. A educação pela pedra. Rio de Janeiro: Alfaguara, 2008.
Sobre o poema, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a afirmativa incorreta:
Kátia Abreu, senadora (DEM/GO), apelidada de Miss Desmatamento, em resposta ao código florestal defendido pelo Ibama.
Texto 4
Todos nós desejamos viver em um mundo melhor, mais pacífico, mais fraterno e ecológico. O problema é que as pessoas sempre esperam que esse mundo melhor comece no outro. É comum ouvir pessoas dizendo que têm boa vontade para ajudar, mas, como ninguém as convida para nada, nem se organizam, então não podem contribuir como gostariam para um mutirão de limpeza da rua, por exemplo, ou para o plantio de árvores. Pessoas assim acabam achando mais fácil reclamar que ninguém faz nada ou que a culpa é do “sistema”, dos governantes ou empresas, mas sem perguntar se estão fazendo a parte que lhes cabe.
Por outro lado, é importante não ficar esperando a perfeição individual - pois isso é inatingível. O fato de adquirirmos consciência ambiental não nos faz perfeitos. O importante é que tenhamos o compromisso de ser melhores todo dia, procurando sempre nos superar.
BERNA, Vilmar. A mudança começa em nós. In:Páginas
Abertas, A. 27, nº11, 2001, p.44 (Adaptado).