Questõesde Faculdade Cultura Inglesa

Foram encontradas 118 questões
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Sintaxe, Concordância verbal, Concordância nominal

A regra que orienta a concordância verbal da oração – […] fronteiras econômicas se dissolvem […] – também está presente em:

    _____________muito desgaste nas últimas décadas, os fados voltam a sorrir para a família real britânica.

_____________se comemoravam os 60 anos da coroação de Elizabeth 2.ª quando o nascimento de seu bisneto George Alexander Louis, filho do duque e da duquesa de Cambridge, permitiu que às pompas do jubileu se sucedesse nova fase, agora de derretimentos e fofuras.

    Com uma função afetiva que oscila entre a de símbolo patriótico e a de mascote doméstico, a família real atende às pressões contraditórias de um mundo _____________ fronteiras econômicas se dissolvem e barreiras de classe, raça ou nacionalidade permanecem.

    As origens familiares de Kate Middleton decerto se encaixam nesse contexto.

(Folha de S.Paulo, 28.07.2013. Adaptado.)

Depois da Páscoa, iniciaram-se liquidações de ovos.
A moça e o rapaz amam-se tanto que logo vão casar.
Orgulham-se os pais da formatura dos filhos tão jovens.
Após a eleição, os dois grandes oponentes visitaram-se.
Não se telefonaram os amigos por estarem em países diferentes.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Homonímia, Paronímia, Sinonímia e Antonímia

Na última frase do texto, o termo decerto significa

    _____________muito desgaste nas últimas décadas, os fados voltam a sorrir para a família real britânica.

_____________se comemoravam os 60 anos da coroação de Elizabeth 2.ª quando o nascimento de seu bisneto George Alexander Louis, filho do duque e da duquesa de Cambridge, permitiu que às pompas do jubileu se sucedesse nova fase, agora de derretimentos e fofuras.

    Com uma função afetiva que oscila entre a de símbolo patriótico e a de mascote doméstico, a família real atende às pressões contraditórias de um mundo _____________ fronteiras econômicas se dissolvem e barreiras de classe, raça ou nacionalidade permanecem.

    As origens familiares de Kate Middleton decerto se encaixam nesse contexto.

(Folha de S.Paulo, 28.07.2013. Adaptado.)

Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Coesão e coerência

Garantem-se a coesão e a coerência textual preenchendo-se as lacunas do texto, respectivamente, com:

    _____________muito desgaste nas últimas décadas, os fados voltam a sorrir para a família real britânica.

_____________se comemoravam os 60 anos da coroação de Elizabeth 2.ª quando o nascimento de seu bisneto George Alexander Louis, filho do duque e da duquesa de Cambridge, permitiu que às pompas do jubileu se sucedesse nova fase, agora de derretimentos e fofuras.

    Com uma função afetiva que oscila entre a de símbolo patriótico e a de mascote doméstico, a família real atende às pressões contraditórias de um mundo _____________ fronteiras econômicas se dissolvem e barreiras de classe, raça ou nacionalidade permanecem.

    As origens familiares de Kate Middleton decerto se encaixam nesse contexto.

(Folha de S.Paulo, 28.07.2013. Adaptado.)

Com – Inclusive – o qual.
Devido a – Também – onde.
Ante – Logo – cujas.
Embora – Até – que.
Depois de – Ainda – em que.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Morfologia - Verbos, Locução Verbal, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

No primeiro quadrinho, na fala da personagem, a locução verbal Acabo de lançar expressa uma ação de

Leia a tira de Adão Iturrusgarai para responder à questão.

desenvolvimento contínuo.
curta extensão de tempo.
descontinuidade no tempo.
perspectiva futura.
longa extensão de tempo.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Formação das Palavras: Composição, Derivação, Hibridismo, Onomatopeia e Abreviação, Morfologia

Considerando-se os processos de derivação de palavras, vê-se que o eu lírico explora, para a produção de sentido no poema, a derivação

Leia o poema de Manoel de Barros para responder à questão.

O que não sei fazer desmancho em frases.

Eu fiz o nada aparecer.

(Represente que o homem é um poço escuro.

Aqui de cima não se vê nada.

Mas quando se chega ao fundo do poço já se pode ver o nada.)

Perder o nada é um empobrecimento.

(Livro sobre nada, 2002.)

por sufixação, com verbo formado a partir de substantivo: desmancho.
por prefixação, com substantivo de sentido negativo: empobrecimento.
imprópria, com pronome indefinido empregado como substantivo: nada.
por prefixação, com verbo indicando sugestão: Represente.
parassintética, com verbo formado a partir de substantivo: aparecer.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

No poema, o poço é uma metáfora que remete

Leia o poema de Manoel de Barros para responder à questão.

O que não sei fazer desmancho em frases.

Eu fiz o nada aparecer.

(Represente que o homem é um poço escuro.

Aqui de cima não se vê nada.

Mas quando se chega ao fundo do poço já se pode ver o nada.)

Perder o nada é um empobrecimento.

(Livro sobre nada, 2002.)

à impossibilidade do autoconhecimento.
ao homem sombrio e sem esperanças.
à imutabilidade da consciência humana.
à insignificância da vida coletiva.
ao íntimo da existência humana.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Homonímia, Paronímia, Sinonímia e Antonímia

Analisando-se a conceituação de “nada”, conclui-se que o eu lírico confere a esse termo uma significação

Leia o poema de Manoel de Barros para responder à questão.

O que não sei fazer desmancho em frases.

Eu fiz o nada aparecer.

(Represente que o homem é um poço escuro.

Aqui de cima não se vê nada.

Mas quando se chega ao fundo do poço já se pode ver o nada.)

Perder o nada é um empobrecimento.

(Livro sobre nada, 2002.)

positiva, distanciada do senso comum.
pejorativa, explorada conotativamente.
irônica, bastante próxima do humor.
distorcida, forjada numa ambiguidade.
contraditória, baseada em sua literalidade.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Em relação ao diálogo estabelecido entre as personagens, a crítica apresentada no último quadrinho caracteriza-se por ser

Leia a tira de Adão Iturrusgarai para responder à questão.

óbvia, retirando a graça da história.
incoerente, conferindo mais graça à história.
prolixa, aumentando o tom nonsense da história.
irônica, contribuindo para o humor da história.
redundante, prejudicando o entendimento da história.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The sentence fragment from the last paragraph – living in large groups became untenable – implies that

How climate change ended world’s first great civilisations
David Keys
Monday, 3 March 2014
    The world’s first great civilisations appear to have collapsed because of an ancient episode of climate change – according to new research carried out by scientists and archaeologists. Their investigation demonstrates that the Bronze Age ‘megacities’ of the Indus Valley region of Pakistan and north-west India declined during the 21st and 20th centuries BC and never recovered – because of a dramatic increase in drought conditions. The research, carried out by the University of Cambridge and India’s Banaras Hindu University, reveals that a series of droughts lasting some 200 years hit the Indus Valley zone – and was probably responsible for the rapid decline of the great Bronze Age urban civilisation of that region.
    It’s now thought likely that the droughts at around that time were partly responsible for the collapse not only of the Indus Valley Civilisation, but also of the ancient Akkadian Empire, Old Kingdom Egypt and possibly Early Bronze Age civilisations in Greece. “Our evidence suggests that it was the most intense period of drought – probably due to frequent monsoon failure – in the 5000 year-long period we have examined,” said University of Cambridge Palaeoclimate scientist Professor David Hodell. The scientists studying the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation obtained their new evidence from a dried-up lake bed near India’s capital New Delhi which is just 40 miles east of the eastern edge of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
    The Indus Valley ‘megacities’ – some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. Populations shrank and the old urban civilisation, which had lasted 500 years, collapsed.
    “Archaeologists get an opportunity to investigate how ancient populations responded to climatic and environmental change,” said University of Cambridge archaeologist, Dr. Cameron Petrie. “For the Indus populations, it looks as though living in large groups became untenable, and it was much more sustainable to live in smaller groups. This is of course a huge simplification of a complex process, but this transformation is the underlying dynamicˮ.
( Adaptado.)
big cities became an indefensible option of life.
life in smaller towns were much more pleasant.
a village provides safer living conditions.
smaller groups can be unsustainable by themselves.
big number of people living together can help each other.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

A palavra megacities na frase do terceiro parágrafo – The Indus Valley ‘megacities’some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. – aparece entre aspas para indicar que

How climate change ended world’s first great civilisations
David Keys
Monday, 3 March 2014
    The world’s first great civilisations appear to have collapsed because of an ancient episode of climate change – according to new research carried out by scientists and archaeologists. Their investigation demonstrates that the Bronze Age ‘megacities’ of the Indus Valley region of Pakistan and north-west India declined during the 21st and 20th centuries BC and never recovered – because of a dramatic increase in drought conditions. The research, carried out by the University of Cambridge and India’s Banaras Hindu University, reveals that a series of droughts lasting some 200 years hit the Indus Valley zone – and was probably responsible for the rapid decline of the great Bronze Age urban civilisation of that region.
    It’s now thought likely that the droughts at around that time were partly responsible for the collapse not only of the Indus Valley Civilisation, but also of the ancient Akkadian Empire, Old Kingdom Egypt and possibly Early Bronze Age civilisations in Greece. “Our evidence suggests that it was the most intense period of drought – probably due to frequent monsoon failure – in the 5000 year-long period we have examined,” said University of Cambridge Palaeoclimate scientist Professor David Hodell. The scientists studying the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation obtained their new evidence from a dried-up lake bed near India’s capital New Delhi which is just 40 miles east of the eastern edge of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
    The Indus Valley ‘megacities’ – some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. Populations shrank and the old urban civilisation, which had lasted 500 years, collapsed.
    “Archaeologists get an opportunity to investigate how ancient populations responded to climatic and environmental change,” said University of Cambridge archaeologist, Dr. Cameron Petrie. “For the Indus populations, it looks as though living in large groups became untenable, and it was much more sustainable to live in smaller groups. This is of course a huge simplification of a complex process, but this transformation is the underlying dynamicˮ.
( Adaptado.)
ela não existe na língua inglesa e foi criada pelo autor do texto.
seu uso constitui uma forma um tanto incomum em textos dessa natureza.
seu uso é inadequado, só sendo aceita em textos jornalísticos como este.
trata-se de uma palavra de origem estrangeira, cujo uso hoje não é corrente em inglês.
uma cidade de 100000 habitantes não seria considerada “mega” atualmente.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o último parágrafo,

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index rose to 53.2 from 51.3 in January. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Separate data showed construction spending rose slightly in January, helped by residential construction.

    Manufacturing and construction are key to the US economy and there were fears that severe weather across many parts of the US may have hurt the sectors. Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM’s survey committee, said that while several manufacturers said severe weather was impacting their business, “other comments reflect optimism in terms of demand and growth in the near term”. Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce, showed that construction spending rose 0.1% in January, from December. Compared to the same month last year, construction spending was up 9.3%.

    However, the bad weather conditions impacted car sales in February with General Motors, Toyota and Ford all posting declines in their deliveries. But the drop in sales was less than expected and manufacturers were upbeat about the prospects in the coming months. “February auto sales emerged from a chill in the second half of the month, positioning the industry for a strong March,” said Bill Fay, general manager at Toyota, which saw a fall in deliveries of 4% during the month. General Motors’ sales fell 1%, compared to analysts’ forecast of a 6% drop. Chrysler and Nissan Motors beat the trend with sales increases of 11% and 16% respectively.

    Analysts said that overall car sales during the month had been helped by incentives and discounts offered by dealers to lure customers to showrooms in an attempt to cushion the impact of the severe weather conditions. However, as weather conditions improve, the discounts will reduce.

( Adaptado.)

o preço dos carros costuma subir no inverno em razão do aumento da demanda.
o preço dos carros costuma aumentar no início do ano devido ao lançamento de novos modelos.
o preço dos carros diminuirá a partir de março, quando se reduz o impacto dos novos modelos.
os compradores buscam mais carros no inverno devido às más condições de tempo.
os descontos nos preços dos carros devem diminuir com o fim do inverno.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O segundo parágrafo afirma que as civilizações estudadas

How climate change ended world’s first great civilisations
David Keys
Monday, 3 March 2014
    The world’s first great civilisations appear to have collapsed because of an ancient episode of climate change – according to new research carried out by scientists and archaeologists. Their investigation demonstrates that the Bronze Age ‘megacities’ of the Indus Valley region of Pakistan and north-west India declined during the 21st and 20th centuries BC and never recovered – because of a dramatic increase in drought conditions. The research, carried out by the University of Cambridge and India’s Banaras Hindu University, reveals that a series of droughts lasting some 200 years hit the Indus Valley zone – and was probably responsible for the rapid decline of the great Bronze Age urban civilisation of that region.
    It’s now thought likely that the droughts at around that time were partly responsible for the collapse not only of the Indus Valley Civilisation, but also of the ancient Akkadian Empire, Old Kingdom Egypt and possibly Early Bronze Age civilisations in Greece. “Our evidence suggests that it was the most intense period of drought – probably due to frequent monsoon failure – in the 5000 year-long period we have examined,” said University of Cambridge Palaeoclimate scientist Professor David Hodell. The scientists studying the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation obtained their new evidence from a dried-up lake bed near India’s capital New Delhi which is just 40 miles east of the eastern edge of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
    The Indus Valley ‘megacities’ – some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. Populations shrank and the old urban civilisation, which had lasted 500 years, collapsed.
    “Archaeologists get an opportunity to investigate how ancient populations responded to climatic and environmental change,” said University of Cambridge archaeologist, Dr. Cameron Petrie. “For the Indus populations, it looks as though living in large groups became untenable, and it was much more sustainable to live in smaller groups. This is of course a huge simplification of a complex process, but this transformation is the underlying dynamicˮ.
( Adaptado.)
existiram durante aproximadamente cinco mil anos, antes da Era Cristã.
já foram catalogadas pela Universidade de Cambridge no século XX.
devem seu fim, provavelmente, à falta de regularidade das monções.
são objeto de intensa pesquisa por cientistas da Universidade de Cambridge.
utilizavam um lago como sua fonte principal de recursos hídricos.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

In the excerpt from the second paragraph –– It’s now thought likely that the droughts –, the word likely can be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by

How climate change ended world’s first great civilisations
David Keys
Monday, 3 March 2014
    The world’s first great civilisations appear to have collapsed because of an ancient episode of climate change – according to new research carried out by scientists and archaeologists. Their investigation demonstrates that the Bronze Age ‘megacities’ of the Indus Valley region of Pakistan and north-west India declined during the 21st and 20th centuries BC and never recovered – because of a dramatic increase in drought conditions. The research, carried out by the University of Cambridge and India’s Banaras Hindu University, reveals that a series of droughts lasting some 200 years hit the Indus Valley zone – and was probably responsible for the rapid decline of the great Bronze Age urban civilisation of that region.
    It’s now thought likely that the droughts at around that time were partly responsible for the collapse not only of the Indus Valley Civilisation, but also of the ancient Akkadian Empire, Old Kingdom Egypt and possibly Early Bronze Age civilisations in Greece. “Our evidence suggests that it was the most intense period of drought – probably due to frequent monsoon failure – in the 5000 year-long period we have examined,” said University of Cambridge Palaeoclimate scientist Professor David Hodell. The scientists studying the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation obtained their new evidence from a dried-up lake bed near India’s capital New Delhi which is just 40 miles east of the eastern edge of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
    The Indus Valley ‘megacities’ – some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. Populations shrank and the old urban civilisation, which had lasted 500 years, collapsed.
    “Archaeologists get an opportunity to investigate how ancient populations responded to climatic and environmental change,” said University of Cambridge archaeologist, Dr. Cameron Petrie. “For the Indus populations, it looks as though living in large groups became untenable, and it was much more sustainable to live in smaller groups. This is of course a huge simplification of a complex process, but this transformation is the underlying dynamicˮ.
( Adaptado.)
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, grandes civilizações da Antiguidade

How climate change ended world’s first great civilisations
David Keys
Monday, 3 March 2014
    The world’s first great civilisations appear to have collapsed because of an ancient episode of climate change – according to new research carried out by scientists and archaeologists. Their investigation demonstrates that the Bronze Age ‘megacities’ of the Indus Valley region of Pakistan and north-west India declined during the 21st and 20th centuries BC and never recovered – because of a dramatic increase in drought conditions. The research, carried out by the University of Cambridge and India’s Banaras Hindu University, reveals that a series of droughts lasting some 200 years hit the Indus Valley zone – and was probably responsible for the rapid decline of the great Bronze Age urban civilisation of that region.
    It’s now thought likely that the droughts at around that time were partly responsible for the collapse not only of the Indus Valley Civilisation, but also of the ancient Akkadian Empire, Old Kingdom Egypt and possibly Early Bronze Age civilisations in Greece. “Our evidence suggests that it was the most intense period of drought – probably due to frequent monsoon failure – in the 5000 year-long period we have examined,” said University of Cambridge Palaeoclimate scientist Professor David Hodell. The scientists studying the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation obtained their new evidence from a dried-up lake bed near India’s capital New Delhi which is just 40 miles east of the eastern edge of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
    The Indus Valley ‘megacities’ – some with populations of up to 100,000 – rapidly declined. Populations shrank and the old urban civilisation, which had lasted 500 years, collapsed.
    “Archaeologists get an opportunity to investigate how ancient populations responded to climatic and environmental change,” said University of Cambridge archaeologist, Dr. Cameron Petrie. “For the Indus populations, it looks as though living in large groups became untenable, and it was much more sustainable to live in smaller groups. This is of course a huge simplification of a complex process, but this transformation is the underlying dynamicˮ.
( Adaptado.)
concentraram-se, predominantemente, na Idade do Bronze, no que hoje é o Paquistão.
enfrentaram situações dramáticas em seu dia a dia, principalmente na Índia e no Paquistão.
foram recentemente descobertas por pesquisadores da Universidade de Cambridge.
parecem ter se extinguido devido a mudanças climáticas que levaram a períodos de seca.
existiram exclusivamente nos séculos XXI e XX antes da Era Cristã, na região da Índia.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The third paragraph shows that

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index rose to 53.2 from 51.3 in January. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Separate data showed construction spending rose slightly in January, helped by residential construction.

    Manufacturing and construction are key to the US economy and there were fears that severe weather across many parts of the US may have hurt the sectors. Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM’s survey committee, said that while several manufacturers said severe weather was impacting their business, “other comments reflect optimism in terms of demand and growth in the near term”. Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce, showed that construction spending rose 0.1% in January, from December. Compared to the same month last year, construction spending was up 9.3%.

    However, the bad weather conditions impacted car sales in February with General Motors, Toyota and Ford all posting declines in their deliveries. But the drop in sales was less than expected and manufacturers were upbeat about the prospects in the coming months. “February auto sales emerged from a chill in the second half of the month, positioning the industry for a strong March,” said Bill Fay, general manager at Toyota, which saw a fall in deliveries of 4% during the month. General Motors’ sales fell 1%, compared to analysts’ forecast of a 6% drop. Chrysler and Nissan Motors beat the trend with sales increases of 11% and 16% respectively.

    Analysts said that overall car sales during the month had been helped by incentives and discounts offered by dealers to lure customers to showrooms in an attempt to cushion the impact of the severe weather conditions. However, as weather conditions improve, the discounts will reduce.

( Adaptado.)

auto manufacturers were already expecting a drop in sales for February.
GM, Ford and Toyota expected to sell more cars in February because of the winter.
Car sales are expected to drop in the months after February when the winter finishes.
Chrysler sold more cars than Toyota in February, but Nissan sold more than them all.
General Motors sold 6% fewer cars than Toyota in February.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – demand and growth in the near term –, a expressão em destaque tem, em português, sentido equivalente a

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index rose to 53.2 from 51.3 in January. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Separate data showed construction spending rose slightly in January, helped by residential construction.

    Manufacturing and construction are key to the US economy and there were fears that severe weather across many parts of the US may have hurt the sectors. Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM’s survey committee, said that while several manufacturers said severe weather was impacting their business, “other comments reflect optimism in terms of demand and growth in the near term”. Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce, showed that construction spending rose 0.1% in January, from December. Compared to the same month last year, construction spending was up 9.3%.

    However, the bad weather conditions impacted car sales in February with General Motors, Toyota and Ford all posting declines in their deliveries. But the drop in sales was less than expected and manufacturers were upbeat about the prospects in the coming months. “February auto sales emerged from a chill in the second half of the month, positioning the industry for a strong March,” said Bill Fay, general manager at Toyota, which saw a fall in deliveries of 4% during the month. General Motors’ sales fell 1%, compared to analysts’ forecast of a 6% drop. Chrysler and Nissan Motors beat the trend with sales increases of 11% and 16% respectively.

    Analysts said that overall car sales during the month had been helped by incentives and discounts offered by dealers to lure customers to showrooms in an attempt to cushion the impact of the severe weather conditions. However, as weather conditions improve, the discounts will reduce.

( Adaptado.)

no próximo semestre.
a curto prazo.
quaisquer que sejam os termos.
num futuro indefinido.
no próximo mês.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce –, a palavra em destaque tem, em português, sentido equivalente a

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index rose to 53.2 from 51.3 in January. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Separate data showed construction spending rose slightly in January, helped by residential construction.

    Manufacturing and construction are key to the US economy and there were fears that severe weather across many parts of the US may have hurt the sectors. Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM’s survey committee, said that while several manufacturers said severe weather was impacting their business, “other comments reflect optimism in terms of demand and growth in the near term”. Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce, showed that construction spending rose 0.1% in January, from December. Compared to the same month last year, construction spending was up 9.3%.

    However, the bad weather conditions impacted car sales in February with General Motors, Toyota and Ford all posting declines in their deliveries. But the drop in sales was less than expected and manufacturers were upbeat about the prospects in the coming months. “February auto sales emerged from a chill in the second half of the month, positioning the industry for a strong March,” said Bill Fay, general manager at Toyota, which saw a fall in deliveries of 4% during the month. General Motors’ sales fell 1%, compared to analysts’ forecast of a 6% drop. Chrysler and Nissan Motors beat the trend with sales increases of 11% and 16% respectively.

    Analysts said that overall car sales during the month had been helped by incentives and discounts offered by dealers to lure customers to showrooms in an attempt to cushion the impact of the severe weather conditions. However, as weather conditions improve, the discounts will reduce.

( Adaptado.)

no entanto.
apesar disso.
por causa disso.
enquanto isso.
na medida que.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto como um todo indica que

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) manufacturing index rose to 53.2 from 51.3 in January. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Separate data showed construction spending rose slightly in January, helped by residential construction.

    Manufacturing and construction are key to the US economy and there were fears that severe weather across many parts of the US may have hurt the sectors. Bradley Holcomb, chair of ISM’s survey committee, said that while several manufacturers said severe weather was impacting their business, “other comments reflect optimism in terms of demand and growth in the near term”. Meanwhile, data released by the US Department of Commerce, showed that construction spending rose 0.1% in January, from December. Compared to the same month last year, construction spending was up 9.3%.

    However, the bad weather conditions impacted car sales in February with General Motors, Toyota and Ford all posting declines in their deliveries. But the drop in sales was less than expected and manufacturers were upbeat about the prospects in the coming months. “February auto sales emerged from a chill in the second half of the month, positioning the industry for a strong March,” said Bill Fay, general manager at Toyota, which saw a fall in deliveries of 4% during the month. General Motors’ sales fell 1%, compared to analysts’ forecast of a 6% drop. Chrysler and Nissan Motors beat the trend with sales increases of 11% and 16% respectively.

    Analysts said that overall car sales during the month had been helped by incentives and discounts offered by dealers to lure customers to showrooms in an attempt to cushion the impact of the severe weather conditions. However, as weather conditions improve, the discounts will reduce.

( Adaptado.)

o inverno rigoroso impede o desenvolvimento da construção civil.
o índice ISM não inclui a indústria automobilística americana.
a atividade econômica nos Estados Unidos está em crescimento.
as construções residenciais foram em maior número que as industriais.
o inverno rigoroso atrapalha principalmente a produção de veículos.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2013 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No trecho do sexto parágrafo – It can also enable you –, it refere-se, no texto, a

understand your language better.
reflect on your own culture.
learn a new language.
the international factor
to be motivated.
Faculdade Cultura Inglesa 2013 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

No trecho do quarto parágrafo – As well as learning vocabulary and grammar you’re also unconsciously learning a whole new way of seeing the world –, as well as equivale, em português, a

de modo algum
mesmo assim.
tão bem.
melhor ainda que.
além de.