Questão 17f66412-e6
Prova:FAG 2019
Assunto:Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

De acordo com o texto 1, a imigração pode solucionar os problemas gerados pelo envelhecimento da população porque:

Text 1

Put Working Memory to Work in Learning

    Working memory involves the conscious processing and managing of information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. It has been described as the brain's conductor. Memory has long been viewed as a key aspect of learning, but as the emphasis in educational standards has shifted away from rote memorization and toward the knowledge and skills needed to process new information, working memory is increasingly taking center stage.
    There is an explosion of research today with the aim of understanding how this important function works and how to enhance it. However, the term working memory was first used more than 50 years ago to describe the role of recall in planning and carrying out behavior. In the 1970s and '80s, British psychologist Alan Baddeley and colleagues developed a model of working memory that brings together how the brain accepts sensory input, processes both visual-spatial and verbal data, and accesses long-term memory; and how all of that input is processed by a function they referred to as central executive.
    Working Memory in the Brain Central executive monitors and coordinates input and decides which information we will focus our attention on. As with other cognitive processes that power executive function, the home base of working memory is in the prefrontal cortex. Researchers have detected increased activation in this area at the front of the brain when people are involved in thinking and problem solving that engages working memory. Other areas of the brain that support working memory are the hippocampus, which is involved in long-term memory storage and spatial orientation, and Broca's area, located on the left side of the frontal lobes and involved in language processing and verbal fluency.
    Working memory is involved in a variety of learning and daily living tasks, such as reading, problem solving, and navigation. As such, it is sometimes referred to as the "brain's workhorse." In fact, Tracy and Ross Alloway, in their book The Working Memory: Train Your Brain to Function Stronger, Smarter, Faster, contend that working memory is a better predictor than IQ of how well students will perform academically: "IQ is what you know. Working memory is what you can do with what you know"
    Thus, working memory is a key cognitive skill for students and their teachers. As an educator, you know well how you must be able to maintain the mental skillfulness and agility to process many variables in everyday teaching practice, such as students' pri or knowledge, the primary purpose and goal of a lesson, sequence of learning activities, time constraints, interruptions throughout the school day, and on and on.
    Students activate their working memory as they figure out the meaning of new words they encounter while reading, and as they decide which mathematical functions they will need to apply to a problem that their teacher has just jotted on the whiteboard.
Fonte: Disponível em: <>.

o crescimento da população de imigrantes reduz o envelhecimento da população nativa dos países avançados.
a força de trabalho dos imigrantes historicamente contribui para o crescimento da produtividade econômica.
os imigrantes poderão se integrar à população economicamente ativa que futuramente sustentará os países desenvolvidos.
a entrada de estrangeiros afeta significativamente a produção industrial de qualquer país.
Nenhuma das alternativas anteriores.


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