Questõesde UNIOESTE 2016
Com base na leitura do texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA, considerando os poemas originais de onde os versos foram
Em Vestida de preto, de Mário de Andrade, o reencontro do narrador com a prima Maria, por
quem este nutriu uma intensa paixão juvenil, é marcado por um sentimento descrito como:
Em Terras do sem fim, quem é a personagem que, caracterizada pelo engrandecimento, aparece
no romance através de histórias marcadas pela superstição, violência e desonestidade: venda da
alma ao diabo, tocaia interesseira e mortes bárbaras: “cortara-lhe as orelhas, a língua, o nariz e os
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA, tendo em vista as citações dos contos de Machado de Assis
e o que se declara a respeito.
Com base no conto A nova Califórnia, de Lima Barreto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Mark the CORRECT alternative.
O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada
The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice since its introduction in 1971. It was originally created as a policy based on the logic of ethnicity, modified to deal with racism and amended to include freedom of religion. In 1988 the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed.
Canada is considered a nation of immigrants such that cultural diversity is often presented as the essence of national identity. However, it is difficult to negotiate social and political policy when trying to speak for such a varied populace. Two very real challenges that Canada faces in regard to multiculturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic position of immigrants.
An example of clash of cultures is the one between English and French-Canada. The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity and an inclination towards separatism from the rest of the country. In 1995, there was a referendum in the province of Quebec concerning separation in which 49% of the voting population voted “yes” and 51% voted “no”. The clash between French and English-Canada is primarily a cultural clash with Quebec concerned with preserving its own history, language and values; fearing these things are apt to become lost within English-Canada. Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada’s national administration has increased their efforts to accommodate Quebec identity within a Canadian identity.
Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. Diversity is supported by governmental policy but Canada is still a society where racist interactions and poor-bashing are severely detrimental to minorities (especially recent arrivals). There are many barriers to equal integration, especially in education, housing and employment. For example, in the workforce it is very difficult to get a job when the potential employer feels you are not speaking “proper” English or you do not have any Canadian work experience on your resumé. This often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum wage positions with little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. These sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, poverty and unsafe environments where a new immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse.
Source: Adapted from
Assinale a alternativa que contém a ideia central do texto.
O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada
The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice since its introduction in 1971. It was originally created as a policy based on the logic of ethnicity, modified to deal with racism and amended to include freedom of religion. In 1988 the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed.
Canada is considered a nation of immigrants such that cultural diversity is often presented as the essence of national identity. However, it is difficult to negotiate social and political policy when trying to speak for such a varied populace. Two very real challenges that Canada faces in regard to multiculturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic position of immigrants.
An example of clash of cultures is the one between English and French-Canada. The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity and an inclination towards separatism from the rest of the country. In 1995, there was a referendum in the province of Quebec concerning separation in which 49% of the voting population voted “yes” and 51% voted “no”. The clash between French and English-Canada is primarily a cultural clash with Quebec concerned with preserving its own history, language and values; fearing these things are apt to become lost within English-Canada. Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada’s national administration has increased their efforts to accommodate Quebec identity within a Canadian identity.
Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. Diversity is supported by governmental policy but Canada is still a society where racist interactions and poor-bashing are severely detrimental to minorities (especially recent arrivals). There are many barriers to equal integration, especially in education, housing and employment. For example, in the workforce it is very difficult to get a job when the potential employer feels you are not speaking “proper” English or you do not have any Canadian work experience on your resumé. This often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum wage positions with little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. These sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, poverty and unsafe environments where a new immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse.
Source: Adapted from
O texto a seguir se refere à questão.

De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que
O texto a seguir se refere à questão.
De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que
No texto, o autor afirma que
O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?
By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016
Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?
A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.
But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.
We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing.
We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.
After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.
De acordo com o texto, marque a alternativa que menciona produto(s) falsificado(s) que, ao ser(em)
utilizado(s) pelo consumidor, não oferece(m) risco.
O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?
By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016
Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?
A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.
But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.
We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing.
We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.
After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.
Considerando o contexto, assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz o trecho “Every time a new haul of
fake designer goods is seized...”.
O texto a seguir se refere a questão.
What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?
By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016
Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?
A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.
But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.
We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing.
We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.
After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.