Questõesde UFU-MG sobre Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The assistant we didn’t ask for, but can’t live without
“Weird.” “Curious.” “Baffling.” “Quite Stupid.” These words all once described Alexa, the
voice-activated digital assistant on Amazon’s Echo device. But Amazon says the Echo Dot, a
smaller, less expensive version of the Echo, was its “top-selling device” during the holiday season.
In 2014, it was odd to even consider owning an Echo — and impossible to buy without an
invitation from Amazon. Today, you can pick from five Echo models. Or, you can try Google’s version:
the Google Home, Google Home Mini or Google Home Max. Apple has also released a digital
assistant device, the HomePod, which is fully capable with Siri. You can have your pick of digital
assistants — each with varying capabilities of improving your life.
Alexa now has more than 15,000 skills, meaning any Echo device can go beyond describing
the weather or playing music. The Google Assistant, first released in 2016, is catching up.
So why buy one now? First, they’re relatively inexpensive and far easier to use and
understand than they were when first released. Think back to MP3 players or early smartphones:
people learned a lot about using the products and became so adjusted to them that they didn’t know
how to go back. Second, the future is paved with smart home devices, and voice-activated assistants
to control them are becoming ubiquitous. The Echo and Google Home are no longer “test products”
— the companies behind them want them to last.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2018
Com base no texto, afirma-se que
I. existem vários modelos de assistentes digitais ativados por voz no mercado.
II. Alexa ainda é bastante limitada, mas descreve o tempo e toca músicas., III. Google, Apple e Amazon desenvolveram assistentes digitais em parceria.
IV. há justificativas para a compra de um Echo Dot ou de um Google Home.
V. alguns dos assistentes digitais mencionados ainda se encontram em fase de testes.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
“The woman hangs upside down behind her
Novelist and travel journalist Jo Piazza on the benefits of
competing in the wife-carrying race
You don’t hear that enough in life. But it was the
first thing my husband and I were told after flying across
the country to Sunday River, Maine, to enter the North
American Wife Carrying Championship. Never heard of
wife carrying? You’re forgiven. Popular in Finland as Eukonkanto and legally dubbed a “sport” there
in 1991, wife carrying is a race wherein a man hurls a woman over his shoulders as if she were a
sack of potatoes and stumbles through and over obstacles to cross a finish line and collect his prize—
his wife’s weight in beer. Yes, that’s the prize.
We also learned that there are well-thought-out wife-carrying techniques, the most popular
being the “Estonian carry,” whereby the woman hangs upside down behind her husband facing his
butt, with her legs thrown over his shoulders. It’s as uncomfortable as it sounds.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
De acordo com o texto,
I. a mulher é carregada como se fosse um saco de batatas.
II. EukonKanto é considerado um esporte praticado nos EUA.
III. o esposo deve carregar sua esposa acima de sua cabeça.
IV. cerveja equivalente ao peso da esposa é o prêmio ofertado.
V. segurança e conforto da mulher são critérios fundamentais.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance
By Julia Zorthian
Imagine a shoe that lets you run faster, pivot better
and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D,
a new sneaker whose midsole can be expertly tailored to
the needs of its wearers—not only in size and shape, but
also in flexibility, impact type, cushioning and more. The
key is the 3-D printing process, which enables the company
to “look at every single square millimeter of a midsole and
tune it from a performance standpoint,” says Al VanNoy,
who headed the project. It would take weeks to make those
modifications using traditional shoemaking methods. But
the Futurecraft 4D midsoles can be printed in as little as
two hours, meaning they could even be produced in stores.
At least that’s a possibility for the future.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
Based on the text, Futurecraft 4D
A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance
By Julia Zorthian
Imagine a shoe that lets you run faster, pivot better and jump higher. That’s the idea behind the Futurecraft 4D, a new sneaker whose midsole can be expertly tailored to the needs of its wearers—not only in size and shape, but also in flexibility, impact type, cushioning and more. The key is the 3-D printing process, which enables the company to “look at every single square millimeter of a midsole and tune it from a performance standpoint,” says Al VanNoy, who headed the project. It would take weeks to make those modifications using traditional shoemaking methods. But the Futurecraft 4D midsoles can be printed in as little as two hours, meaning they could even be produced in stores. At least that’s a possibility for the future.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mar. 2018.
Based on the text, Futurecraft 4D
Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control?
By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina Tavernise
Tom Galinat signed a letter to lawmakers, urging them to expand background checks for
gun purchases. Mr. Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from
his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince
lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns,
testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to
surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights
enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 24 Abr. 2018.
Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que
Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control?
By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina Tavernise
Tom Galinat signed a letter to lawmakers, urging them to expand background checks for gun purchases. Mr. Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 24 Abr. 2018.
Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 22 abr. 2018.
Sobre a tirinha, pode-se concluir que o efeito de humor ocorre devido ao fato
“Once we’re dead, we’re dead. I don’t want a
Japanese designer to start designing Dolce &
Gabbana,” Gabbana, 55, said in an interview with
Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.
The veteran fashionistas launched their brand
in 1985 and continue to work together despite breaking
up as a couple in 2004. “When we split up, we said to
ourselves that it was better to divide up everything,
because if I took a blow to the head the next day he
would have found himself dealing with someone not
involved in the industry, like for example my cousin,
who could ruin the business,” Gabbana said. “We have
created a trust neither of us can touch.”
Dolce, 59, added that the pair had refused “every offer to buy the brand”. “You can have all
the money in the world, but if you are not free, what do you do? You don’t go to the grave with a
coffin stuffed with money,” he said.
Designer Stefano Gabbana says he is tired of being labelled as gay. “I’m too busy working. I
don’t care about becoming richer – my goal is to be successful,” he said. The two men said they still
share an exceptional bond, even though they are no longer romantically linked. “Even today, what
is mine is his, and what is his is mine ...”
Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 24 mar. 2018.
According to the text,
I. Domenico and Stefano imply the Dolce & Gabbana label will die with them.
II. The Italian designers still maintain a romantic and long lasting relationship.
III. For them, success in their careers seems to be more important than money.
IV. Gabbana said he only trusts Dolce and his own cousin to run their business.
V. Even though they love each other, their fortunes are kept apart from one another.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
Undergraduate students at Princeton benefit from the extraordinary resources of
a world-class research institution dedicated to undergraduate teaching. Princeton
faculty have an unparalleled reputation for balancing excellence in their fields
with a dedication to their students, through both classroom instruction and
independent study advising. Undergraduates fulfill general education
requirements, choose among a wide variety of elective courses, and pursue
departmental concentrations and interdisciplinary certificate programs. Required
independent work is a hallmark of undergraduate education at Princeton.
Disponível em: Acesso em: dez. 2015.
De acordo com o texto, infere-se que os cursos de graduação de Princeton têm como
diferencial característico
While most butterflies flit along at 5 to 10 mph, the skipper, found mostly in
Central and South America, can top out at speeds up to 30 mph. Because the
skipper has a stocky body and its small wings are typically colored with browns
and grays, it's easy to mistake this subspecies of a butterfly for a moth.
Disponível em: Acesso em: dez. 2015.
São características da subespécie de borboleta descrita:I. Tem asas multicoloridas e vibrantes.II. Locomove-se com velocidade.III. Parece com uma traça comum.IV. Tem corpo alongado e asas grandes.Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
Come September, up to 300 million monarch butterflies in southern Canada and
the United States begin their annual migration to California and central Mexico,
roosting along the way on golf courses and beaches in Florida and California. In
March, the butterflies embark on a return trip north. Because no single butterfly
completes the entire migratory cycle, scientists believe that genetic information
about directions and timing are passed down through the generations.
Disponível em: Acesso em: dez. 2015.
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que as borboletas-monarca, em seu processo
The most effective way to protect yourself from the Zika virus is to
prevent mosquito bites
By Kelsey Kloss
Many Americans are relatively protected from the Zika virus at the moment
because mosquitoes die or go into hibernation in cold winter weather. When
temperatures rise to 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit, however, mosquitoes can
reappear and spread disease. The Aedes mosquitos feed during the day and fly
into houses for shade — living and reproducing very close to people. Just one
tablespoon of water can serve as a mosquito breeding ground and produce up
to 300 mosquitoes. The insects can breed in the bottom of a glass in the
bathroom (like one you use to brush your teeth with) or in a film of water next to
the sink. Eliminate standing water throughout the home, including in flower pots,
bottles, and accumulating garbage.
Have a pool? No need to drain — mosquitos are deterred by the chlorine that
keeps the pool clean and safe for swimming.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: fev.
2016 (fragmento).
Este texto indica que
Archbishop of Toronto speaks out against assisted dying
"Dying is simply not the same as being killed," Cardinal Thomas Collins, the
Archbishop of Toronto, said in a video, which the Archdiocese posted earlier
this week to YouTube. "We are grateful for physicians and nurses and others
who offer medical assistance to patients who are dying. But it is never justified
for them to kill."
Collins says he's shocked by a parliamentary committee's
recommendations that would force doctors to at least refer people to a
physician willing to help someone end their life, including, in some cases,
minors and the mentally ill. The committee also recommended allowing people
suffering from conditions like dementia to pre-schedule the date of their death.
Disponível em: Acesso em: dez. 2015 (adaptado).
Based on Cardinal Collins' position, it is correct to state that
Oscar-Winning Movies
By Rachel Swalin
Citizen Kane may be considered one of the greatest films ever made, yet this
Orson Welles grand tale of a newspaper magnate‘s rise and fall lost out on Best
Picture in 1942. Instead, the prize went to How Green Was My Valley, a drama
depicting the struggles of a Welsh mining family. As director, co-author, producer,
and star, Welles had every hand in the making of Citizen Kane, but his
controversial film, thought to be based on media mogul William Randolph Hearst,
managed to alienate him from Hollywood. How Green Was My Valley, from
director John Ford, proved to be a more sentimental favorite of the time.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: dez.
Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que:
Teen Texting: Girls versus Boys
By Victoria Stern
A new study from the American Psychological Association evaluated how
211 girls and 192 boys communicated via text and found notable gender
differences in overall behavior and compulsive use:
• Teenage girls use texting for social connection, whereas boys mostly
use it to convey information.
• Boys and girls send about the same number of texts every day, but
girls are more likely to become compulsive texters.
• Teenage girls who compulsively text see a steeper decline in their
grades than their compulsive male counterparts. The researchers suggest the
social content of girls' messages may be more likely to distract them from their
academic tasks.
• Compulsive texting also appears to affect girls' mental health more
than boys', perhaps because girls are more prone to text about negative feelings
and to ruminate on those feelings.
Disponível em: : <> . Acesso
em: jan. 2016 (fragmento).
According to the text,
I. gender does play a role in texting behaviors of teenagers.
II. males tend to become as compulsive texters as females.
III. females seem to share more personal feelings than males.
IV. texting affects academic success of both boys and girls.
V. females send more texts than their male counterparts.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas
Teen Texting: Girls versus Boys
By Victoria Stern
A new study from the American Psychological Association evaluated how 211 girls and 192 boys communicated via text and found notable gender differences in overall behavior and compulsive use:
• Teenage girls use texting for social connection, whereas boys mostly use it to convey information.
• Boys and girls send about the same number of texts every day, but girls are more likely to become compulsive texters.
• Teenage girls who compulsively text see a steeper decline in their grades than their compulsive male counterparts. The researchers suggest the social content of girls' messages may be more likely to distract them from their academic tasks.
• Compulsive texting also appears to affect girls' mental health more than boys', perhaps because girls are more prone to text about negative feelings and to ruminate on those feelings.
Disponível em: : <>
Dr.: But sir, if you don‘t comply with your maintenance medication your symptoms may recur!Patient: Whatever! I feel fine!Dr.: Your illness will return!Patient: Meh…Dr.: In the long run, your medical bills will be more expensive …Patient: Oh no!
This comic strip suggests thatI. the doctor believes the patient can interrupt his medication.II. the patient seems to be really concerned about his health.III. the patient worries about the cost of his medical treatment.IV. the doctor uses different strategies to convince the patient.V. the patient will probably not follow the doctor's orientation.Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
Normal-looking earrings will track your heart rate, body temperature and blood
oxygen levels, providing you with vital health statistics. If you thought Bluetooth
headsets made businessmen talking to themselves in public look strange, these
earrings will take that to the next level.
Shoes will convert movement into energy, powering internal sensors and other
wearable devices. The sensors will help the shoes cool and heat your feet as
necessary, as well as track your exercise and any weight changes.
Buttons haven‘t changed in decades, but they‘re about to get a big overhaul.
Soon, they‘ll have embedded GPS, tracking your movements and learning your
habits. That will let all your wearables react in real-time to your location,
predicting where you‘re about to go or making suggestions on what‘s next.
Getting lost will be a challenge, but if you somehow manage to end up in an
unknown or dangerous place, your buttons will be able to contact your family or
call 911 for help.
Disponível em: <>.. Acesso em: dez. 2015
De acordo com o texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Brincos poderão ser usados para monitorar a saúde de seus usuários.
II. Brincos terão função semelhante aos fones com technologia Bluetooth.
III. Calçados servirão como geradores de energia.
IV. Botões funcionarão como sensores de temperatura corporal.
V. Botões terão influência sobre outras tecnologias portáteis.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.
I. Brincos poderão ser usados para monitorar a saúde de seus usuários.
II. Brincos terão função semelhante aos fones com technologia Bluetooth.
III. Calçados servirão como geradores de energia.
IV. Botões funcionarão como sensores de temperatura corporal.
V. Botões terão influência sobre outras tecnologias portáteis.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.