Questõesde IMT - SP sobre Inglês

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IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame

The fourth installment in the Avengers saga is the culmination of 22 interconnected Marvel films and the climax of an epic journey. The world's greatest heroes will finally understand just how fragile our reality is – and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it – in a story of friendship, teamwork and setting aside differences to overcome an impossible obstacle.

What is necessary for the heroes to do in order to win in the end of the saga?

It is necessary that they face sacrifices, work as a friendly team, putting differences aside for a bigger goal.
It is important that they understand their own fragile lives, make sacrifices and behavior to help each other move on.
It is necessary that they remember the connections from the other sequels and keep faithful to them.
It is important that all of them make sacrifices for their friendship to last after the end of the epic journey.
It is essential that they believe in their differences in order to build up a team and face the impossible enemy.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Since its founding, UNESCO has sought to collaborate with NGOs, which are fundamental civil society partners for the implementation of the Organization’s activities and programs. Over the years, UNESCO has built up a valuable network of cooperation with NGOs having an expertise in education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. Currently, UNESCO is enjoying official partnerships with 390 NGOs and 33 foundations and similar institutions.
Adapted from

Which are the fields of competence mentioned in the text that UNESCO looks for in NonGovernmental Organizations?

Education, global competence, human sciences, cognition, literacy, information technology.
Political expertise, culture, communication, gender, information technology, engineering.
Science, human science, culture, language, biliteracy, technology, diversity and health.
Science, social sciences and philosophy, arts, cultural awareness, political expertise.
Education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The bar chart shows the number of men and women studying engineering at Australian universities from 1992 and 2012 at 10-year intervals.

Which alternative shows the best summary of the graph?

Adapted from

Although men continue to make up the majority of students, the proportion of female students decreased from 1992 to 2002.
In spite of the growing numbers of female students, there are still three times more men than women at engineering courses in 2012.
We can see a clear upward trend in the number of female engineering students, while the number of male students seems to have levelled off.
Although the number of female students has steadily grown, the number of male students has dropped abruptly from 2002 to 2012.
There has been skyrocketing growth in the number of engineering students in Australia during this 20-year study.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

What are the main ideas of the text?

The giants in entertainment have been in open war for more power but haven’t been looking at Netflix as a competitor.
All of the big entertainment companies have made offers to purchase Netflix, who is leaning towards Disney.
None of the entertainment giants has approached Reed Hastings yet in order to understand is market views.
The biggest entertainment companies are fighting to reach more audiences and targeting Netflix, which does not mean becoming part of neither of them.
None of the entertainment giants is planning any great moves for 2020.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

De acordo com a tirinha, qual o significado de WANDER?

run fast, develop speed.
dramatize, move with stress.
travel, go far distances fast.
reflect, move inwards dramatically.
roam, move with no specific destination.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

Escolha a alternativa que registra a tradução mais adequada para a citação:

The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.”

Oscar Wilde (Ireland, 1854 – 1900)

Extracted from

Os idosos acreditam em muitas coisas; as pessoas na meia-idade não; os jovens, sabem de quase tudo.
Os idosos acreditam em tudo; as pessoas na meia-idade suspeitam de tudo; os jovens, sabem tudo.
Os idosos acreditam em todos; as pessoas na meia-idade suspeitam de todos; os jovens, conhecem todos.
Os idosos têm crenças totalizantes; as pessoas na meia-idade creem menos; os jovens, não creem.
Os idosos acreditam em tudo; as pessoas na meia-idade, desacreditam de quase tudo; os jovens, negam tudo.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Qual a principal característica do trabalho de Jane Austen, mencionada no trecho a seguir?

Jane Austen (December 16, 1775 - July 18, 1817) is widely known for her most famous novels. Jane Austen's work features biting social commentary, often delivered with great irony. While her writing was not well known during her lifetime, the 1870 publication of A Memoir of the Life of Jane Austen introduced her to a wider public. Her work is widelyread and admired by modern audiences, who have become quite familiar with Austen's cultural references, including television shows and movies adapted from her work.

Os romances da autora são representações únicas das diferenças culturais entre Inglaterra e Estados Unidos.
Os romances da autora a respeito do comportamento da sociedade são elaborados com comentários severos e acentuada ironia.
Os romances da autora são muito lidos até hoje, visto que contemplam referências culturais amplamente conhecidas no século XX.
Os romances da autora são adaptados para cinema e televisão devido à riqueza de detalhes históricos que apresentam.
Os romances da autora foram muito populares durante sua vida e a tornaram uma pessoa rica e influente.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which alternative shows the best summary of the graph below?

There are about 30% of women in the 11-20- year-old group, which is repeated in the range 51- above.
Mrs. Johnson has most of her tenants among children and teenagers, girls outnumbering boys by 3.
The number of men from 21 to 30 is twice as big as the number of women in the same age.
In the range 31-40-year-old, there are fewer women than men, which is also true among small children.
There are about one-third of the tenants above 40 years old and the number of men and women is even.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Beetles and flies are becoming part of the agricultural food chain.

Some visionaries hope that insects will play a big role in future human diets. Insects are nutritious, being packed with protein. Unlike hot-blooded mammals and birds, which use a lot of energy to keep themselves warm, they are efficient converters of food into body mass. And in some parts of the world they are, indeed, eaten already. Well, maybe. But it will take some serious marketing to persuade consumers, in the West at least, that fricasseed locusts or termite burgers are the yummy must-haves of 21st-century cuisine. Which sentence below best summarizes the text?

Because they are rich in protein, insects may become, in spite of a lot of Western resistance, one of the most important food sources for human beings in the 21st -century.
Because some visionaries insist insects are musthaves, Westerners will have to get used to eating them sooner than they think.
Insects have proven to be nutritious sources of food because of the amount of carbohydrates they are able to provide.
Although insects have already become part of many people’s diets, they still haven’t been accepted by medical doctors in developed countries.
Although insects are yummy solutions for the modern cuisine, people still have to find out about their nutritious qualities.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Texafornia dreaming
America’s future will be written in the two mega-states In the cable-news version of America, the president sits in the White House issuing commands that transform the nation. Life is not like that. In the real version of America many of the biggest political choices are made not in Washington but by the states—and by two of them in particular. Texas and California are the biggest, most important states in the union, each equally convinced that it is the future. However, their rules and regulations are basically opposite to each other.
Adapted from

What can one infer by reading the text?

Biggest political choices are made by analyzing the most important commands issued in Washington.
Real life politics is ruled by powerful local governments rather than central decision-making Presidents.
Texas and California have similar ways to deal with laws, taxes, immigrants and political challenges.
The author defends that real life politics should be closer to the cable-news version.
Because California and Texas have opposite management beliefs, Texafornia will never come true.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

John is talking to Garfield about life. What does Garfield mean by his comment?

He wonders about John’s solution to his problems.
He explains to John what happens in the world he mentions.
He shows John the possibility of going to another world.
He gives John a suggestion not to face problems anymore or he intends to get rid of him.
He compares John’s life here and in the other world.
IMT - SP 2020 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The world has a handful of great commercial hubs. Silicon Valley dominates technology. The home of luxury is Paris and the capital of outsourcing is Bangalore, in India. One of the mightiest clusters of all is London, which hosts the globe’s largest international financial center. Within a square mile on the Thames, a multinational firm can sell $5bn of shares in 20 minutes, or a European startup can raise seed finance from Asian pensioners. You can insure container ships or a pop star’s vocal cords. Companies can hedge the risk that a factory anywhere on the planet will face a volatile currency or hurricanes and a rising sea level a decade from now.
Adapted from:
According to the text, what are examples of important global deals that may be closed in London?

International share deals, estate deals in Europe, celebrities’ career plans and insurance.
Seed finance of startups, common citizens’ savings accounts, Silicon Valley investments.
International share deals, fund-raising to open new businesses, any kind of insurance policy.
International outsourcing, luxurious estate deals, any kind of pop star’s performances.
Stock Exchange deals, purchasing of container ships, joint ventures of outsourcing companies.