Questão eaf49ffe-7f
Prova:IMT - SP 2020
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Texafornia dreaming
America’s future will be written in the two mega-states In the cable-news version of America, the president sits in the White House issuing commands that transform the nation. Life is not like that. In the real version of America many of the biggest political choices are made not in Washington but by the states—and by two of them in particular. Texas and California are the biggest, most important states in the union, each equally convinced that it is the future. However, their rules and regulations are basically opposite to each other.
Adapted from

What can one infer by reading the text?

Biggest political choices are made by analyzing the most important commands issued in Washington.
Real life politics is ruled by powerful local governments rather than central decision-making Presidents.
Texas and California have similar ways to deal with laws, taxes, immigrants and political challenges.
The author defends that real life politics should be closer to the cable-news version.
Because California and Texas have opposite management beliefs, Texafornia will never come true.


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