Questão eaf13210-7f
Prova:IMT - SP 2020
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Beetles and flies are becoming part of the agricultural food chain.

Some visionaries hope that insects will play a big role in future human diets. Insects are nutritious, being packed with protein. Unlike hot-blooded mammals and birds, which use a lot of energy to keep themselves warm, they are efficient converters of food into body mass. And in some parts of the world they are, indeed, eaten already. Well, maybe. But it will take some serious marketing to persuade consumers, in the West at least, that fricasseed locusts or termite burgers are the yummy must-haves of 21st-century cuisine. Which sentence below best summarizes the text?

Because they are rich in protein, insects may become, in spite of a lot of Western resistance, one of the most important food sources for human beings in the 21st -century.
Because some visionaries insist insects are musthaves, Westerners will have to get used to eating them sooner than they think.
Insects have proven to be nutritious sources of food because of the amount of carbohydrates they are able to provide.
Although insects have already become part of many people’s diets, they still haven’t been accepted by medical doctors in developed countries.
Although insects are yummy solutions for the modern cuisine, people still have to find out about their nutritious qualities.


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