Questõesde IF-TM sobre Inglês

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IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the correct statement analyzing the information given by the text above.


   Life on earth has always been exposed to a certain amount of radiation from natural sources, which comes in part from cosmic rays. Also present in our environment is radiation from the radioactive elements that occur naturally such as radium, thorium, and uranium.
   One of the most serious problems that can result from radiation given off by nuclear reactions is damage to the genes, the cells in living organisms that control hereditary factors. Exposure to radiation can cause a mutation, a change in some inherited characteristics of the organisms. Only a very small proportion of mutations are beneficial to the organism.
   The nuclear reactors that have been developed for experimental, peaceful and energy production purposes are surrounded by a heavy protective shield of concrete, or sometimes of lead, to protect the people who work with them.
  A further problem involves the disposal of radioactive wastes. As the number of nuclear reactors in existence has increased, so has the amount of dangerous waste products. They cannot simply be released into the environment because they could create a potential hazard for all living things in the world. Experimentation is trying constantly to find safe methods of getting rid of the harmful by-products of nuclear reactors. (p. 75)

Adaptado de LIBERATO, Wilson Antônio. De olho no vestibular (Inglês -Textos). São Paulo: FTD, 1996. 144 p. 
Atomic waste has no danger when it is thrown away the sea.
The genes are all free of problems involving radioactivity.
Most of genetic mutations are harmful to a living being when exposed to radioactivity.
Atomic waste doesn’t represent threat to the living creatures.
It’s very easy to get rid of atomic waste because it’s not dangerous.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Their in boldface refers to:

The price of consumerism

Norman Myers

[...]Moreover, consumption is not an issue for rich countries alone. In developing and transition countries there are well over one billion people with enough income to enjoy an affluent lifestyle. Their aggregate spending in purchasing-power parity (as measured in local terms) already matches that of the United States. Certain effects of their consumerism, such as pollutant emissions from cars, which cause urban smog and global warming, are a salient concern both locally and worldwide. China alone, with 300 million new consumers and possibly twice as many within ten years, could soon exert an environmental impact to rival that of the United States.

O trecho acima refere-se a questão
developing and transition countries.
rich countries.
over one billion people with enough income to enjoy an affluent lifestyle.
Chinese consumers.
poor and rich countries together.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto é correto afirmar que:

The price of consumerism

Norman Myers

[...]Moreover, consumption is not an issue for rich countries alone. In developing and transition countries there are well over one billion people with enough income to enjoy an affluent lifestyle. Their aggregate spending in purchasing-power parity (as measured in local terms) already matches that of the United States. Certain effects of their consumerism, such as pollutant emissions from cars, which cause urban smog and global warming, are a salient concern both locally and worldwide. China alone, with 300 million new consumers and possibly twice as many within ten years, could soon exert an environmental impact to rival that of the United States.

O trecho acima refere-se a questão
O impacto ambiental não será significativo, mesmo se dobrar o número de consumidores chineses, em dez anos.
Os países ricos são os únicos culpados pelo consumo mundial.
Apenas um bilhão de pessoas, nos países em desenvolvimento, não tem renda suficiente para desfrutar de um estilo de vida abastado.
A China provavelmente terá 600 milhões de consumidores dentro de dez anos.
A poluição provocada pelos carros, nos países em desenvolvimento, é uma preocupação apenas local.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

“Certain effects of their consumerism, such as pollutant emissions from cars, which cause urban smog and global warming, are a salient concern both locally and worldwide”.
Such as is a very commonly used expression, in English. What does it indicate in the sentence above?

The price of consumerism

Norman Myers

[...]Moreover, consumption is not an issue for rich countries alone. In developing and transition countries there are well over one billion people with enough income to enjoy an affluent lifestyle. Their aggregate spending in purchasing-power parity (as measured in local terms) already matches that of the United States. Certain effects of their consumerism, such as pollutant emissions from cars, which cause urban smog and global warming, are a salient concern both locally and worldwide. China alone, with 300 million new consumers and possibly twice as many within ten years, could soon exert an environmental impact to rival that of the United States.

O trecho acima refere-se a questão
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Choose the correct statement, according to the passage above:


   Life on earth has always been exposed to a certain amount of radiation from natural sources, which comes in part from cosmic rays. Also present in our environment is radiation from the radioactive elements that occur naturally such as radium, thorium, and uranium.
   One of the most serious problems that can result from radiation given off by nuclear reactions is damage to the genes, the cells in living organisms that control hereditary factors. Exposure to radiation can cause a mutation, a change in some inherited characteristics of the organisms. Only a very small proportion of mutations are beneficial to the organism.
   The nuclear reactors that have been developed for experimental, peaceful and energy production purposes are surrounded by a heavy protective shield of concrete, or sometimes of lead, to protect the people who work with them.
  A further problem involves the disposal of radioactive wastes. As the number of nuclear reactors in existence has increased, so has the amount of dangerous waste products. They cannot simply be released into the environment because they could create a potential hazard for all living things in the world. Experimentation is trying constantly to find safe methods of getting rid of the harmful by-products of nuclear reactors. (p. 75)

Adaptado de LIBERATO, Wilson Antônio. De olho no vestibular (Inglês -Textos). São Paulo: FTD, 1996. 144 p. 
The radioactivity can be produced only by natural elements such as thorium and uranium.
Some of natural radioactivity that reaches the earth is caused by cosmic rays.
Cosmic rays are the only charged of radioactivity.
Uranium is one of the least dangerous radioactive elements.
The radioactive elements that are found in nature produce no radioactivity.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Escolha a sentença na qual LESS foi usado incorretamente:

Leia o excerto a seguir e responda a próximas questão: 


   Reducing your consumption also reduces how much you contribute to the environmental problems of global warming and waste disposal. It also helps you save money:

  •  Switch off electrical appliances when not used.
  •  Reuse plastic bags.
  •  Recycle newspapers, magazines, bottles and cans.
  •  Walk, cycle or share transport instead of driving your car.
  •  Buy second-hand goods or clothes.

What other ways are there to consume less and save money?

For more information visit:

Recycle Now


Energy Saving Trust

Environment Agency

Less energy consumption, more money in your pocket.
The less friends you have, the unhappier you’ll be.
Less money, less consumption.
The less you study, the less you know.
Less work, more time! Less money, fewer false friends!
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

As atitudes anticonsumo abaixo foram citadas no texto e protegem o meio ambiente, exceto:

Leia o excerto a seguir e responda a próximas questão: 


   Reducing your consumption also reduces how much you contribute to the environmental problems of global warming and waste disposal. It also helps you save money:

  •  Switch off electrical appliances when not used.
  •  Reuse plastic bags.
  •  Recycle newspapers, magazines, bottles and cans.
  •  Walk, cycle or share transport instead of driving your car.
  •  Buy second-hand goods or clothes.

What other ways are there to consume less and save money?

For more information visit:

Recycle Now


Energy Saving Trust

Environment Agency


Comprar roupas de segunda-mão, mas que ainda estejam boas para uso.

Partilhar o transporte.
Reciclar garrafas e latas.
Reutilizar sacolas plásticas.
Desligar utensílios elétricos.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as informações oferecidas na gravura acima, podemos dizer que a Fundação Mata Atlântica nos sugere que:

A preocupação ambiental do governo é real, posto que todo ser vivo é um eleitor em potencial.
O governo gostaria que as árvores e os animais votassem.
A tristeza do homem diante de uma árvore desfolhada retrata a preocupação do governo com os problemas ambientais.
Embora os animais e plantas não sejam eleitores, o governo se preocupa muito com o seu habitat.
As questões ambientais preocupam bem pouco o governo.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Check what can be done for a cure of racism, except.

      There is a crippling disease that no amount of medical research can cure, no amount of fundraising can prevent – a disease most often transmitted from parent to child.
          If this disease isn‟t checked in its early stages, it can be fatal. The disease is called racism. Its early symptom is the belief that one‟s racial group is somehow superior to others. This can lead to a mentality of “we” versus “them”. In advanced stages, the symptoms of racism are violence, death and destruction. The causes are fear of the foreign (xenophobia), intolerance of diversity and negative attitudes toward Jews and other minorities.
      A cure, however, exists. It‟s a non-surgical change of heart. It takes time, effort and understanding, compassion and respect.
Institute for the Healing of Racism, Utah.
Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 83.
A non-surgical change of heart.
Fear of the foreign.
Compassion and respect.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Its in the sentence: “if this disease isn‟t checked in its early stages, it can be fatal”, refers to:

      There is a crippling disease that no amount of medical research can cure, no amount of fundraising can prevent – a disease most often transmitted from parent to child.
          If this disease isn‟t checked in its early stages, it can be fatal. The disease is called racism. Its early symptom is the belief that one‟s racial group is somehow superior to others. This can lead to a mentality of “we” versus “them”. In advanced stages, the symptoms of racism are violence, death and destruction. The causes are fear of the foreign (xenophobia), intolerance of diversity and negative attitudes toward Jews and other minorities.
      A cure, however, exists. It‟s a non-surgical change of heart. It takes time, effort and understanding, compassion and respect.
Institute for the Healing of Racism, Utah.
Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 83.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente perfeito | Present perfect

O tempo verbal „present perfect” foi usado no texto em, pelo menos, duas sentenças, com propriedade:

'The fact … has led to the creation of…‟;
'The entire nation has managed to grasp the most…‟

Escolha a sentença na qual o 'present perfect' foi usado incorretamente:

         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 
Musicians and producers haven‟t been given the same degree of support offered other professionals.
Colombia has grown in the current music scene.
The entire nation has grasped the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization.
The world Music Expo (WOMEX) has happened in October 2006 in Seville, Spain.
You have suggested optimizing the Colombian music industry‟s potential since you became a producer.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The sentence: “Has the new generation ever increasingly involved in music production?” brings the same information correctly used in:

         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 
The new generation has never become increasingly involved in music production?
Hasn‟t the new generation become increasingly involved in music production yet?
The new generation has already become increasingly involved in music production?
Has the new generation become increasingly involved in music production yet?
Has the new generation become already increasingly involved in music production?
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

“New projects require smaller budgets than before”. This sentence expresses a comparison degree. Choose the sentence that degree is not expressed correctly:

         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 
Brazil is the biggest country in South America.
Our country is more younger than other.
They will exploit free use of music as one of its greatest means of promotion.
Technology is getting faster and faster.
The more creative an artist is the better it will be for his success.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, marque o que não é obstáculo para o desenvolvimento da indústria da música hoje em dia

         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 
O aborrecimento pela baixa qualidade dos produtos.
O alto nível de consumo das mercadorias pirateadas.
Baixo poder aquisitivo de boa parte da população.
Baixo preço do produto pirateado.
A aceitação do consumidor pela ilegalidade do produto.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto apresentado, podemos dizer que:

      English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers – there are many more Chinese speakers than native English speakers – but Chinese is spoken little outside Chinese communities, so English is the most widespread language in the world. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are, but according to one estimate there are more than 350,000,000 native speakers and more than 400,000,000 speakers as a second language (a language used in everyday life, even though it is not the native language) or foreign language (a language studied but not used much in everyday life).
       However, even these numbers do not really indicate how important English is as a world language, because less than fifteen per cent of the world population uses English. The importance of English is not just in how many people speak I but in what it is used for. English is the major language of news and information in the world. It is the language of business and government even in some countries where it is a minority language. It is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control. American popular culture – primarily movies and music – carries the English throughout the world. (…) (p. 6).
The Internet TESl Journal, v. II, n. 4, April 1996.
In English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 1, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010. p. 6.

Embora a língua inglesa não seja a mais falada no mundo, ela é a mais difundida.
A língua inglesa possui o maior número de falantes nativos no mundo.
O número de chineses que falam inglês na China supera o de falantes de chinês.
Fala-se chinês muito pouco nas comunidades chinesas.
Há mais de 750.000.000 de falantes nativos de inglês pelo mundo afora.
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

From the passage above we can still infer that:

      English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers – there are many more Chinese speakers than native English speakers – but Chinese is spoken little outside Chinese communities, so English is the most widespread language in the world. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are, but according to one estimate there are more than 350,000,000 native speakers and more than 400,000,000 speakers as a second language (a language used in everyday life, even though it is not the native language) or foreign language (a language studied but not used much in everyday life).
       However, even these numbers do not really indicate how important English is as a world language, because less than fifteen per cent of the world population uses English. The importance of English is not just in how many people speak I but in what it is used for. English is the major language of news and information in the world. It is the language of business and government even in some countries where it is a minority language. It is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control. American popular culture – primarily movies and music – carries the English throughout the world. (…) (p. 6).
The Internet TESl Journal, v. II, n. 4, April 1996.
In English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 1, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010. p. 6.

The number of speakers of English is the only important fact involving its use in the world.

Almost 800 million speakers are enough to indicate how important English is as a world language.
More than 85% of the population in the world speak other languages different from English one.
English isn‟t the language of business and government in every country.
American culture alone gives the English language the status of being the most widely spoken language in the world.