Questõesde FPS
Uma pessoa resolve instalar painéis solares no teto de sua casa a fim de gerar a energia elétrica necessária para o seu consumo médio diário. Em sua localidade, cada painel de 1,0 m² de área gera, em média, 0,5 kWh. Ao fazer uma estimativa, essa pessoa descobre que o seu consumo doméstico médio de energia está resumido na tabela abaixo.

A partir dos dados acima, determine o número mínimo de painéis, de 1,0 m2 de área cada, necessários para satisfazer
Uma pessoa resolve instalar painéis solares no teto de sua casa a fim de gerar a energia elétrica necessária para o seu consumo médio diário. Em sua localidade, cada painel de 1,0 m² de área gera, em média, 0,5 kWh. Ao fazer uma estimativa, essa pessoa descobre que o seu consumo doméstico médio de energia está resumido na tabela abaixo.
A partir dos dados acima, determine o número mínimo de painéis, de 1,0 m2 de área cada, necessários para satisfazer
Um automóvel passa por um posto da polícia rodoviária com uma velocidade constante de 108 km/h. Neste instante, um
policial inicia a perseguição ao automóvel com uma motocicleta, partindo do repouso, com aceleração constante.
Determine a aceleração mínima constante que a moto de policial deve ter para alcançar o carro em 1,0 minutos após iniciada a perseguição. Durante toda a perseguição, o automóvel permanece com a mesma velocidade de 108 km/h. Dê
sua resposta em ⁄ s².
A figura F1 mostra o diagrama de fase (pressão vs. temperatura) da
água. Baseado nesse gráfico, podemos afirmar que o uso da panela
de pressão é mais eficiente para o cozimento de alimentos?

Um mol de um gás monoatômico ideal sofre a transformação termodinâmica A→ B → C, indicada no diagrama P - V de figura F2. Calcule o trabalho realizado pelo gás nesta transformação. Dê sua resposta em Joule.

Um mol de um gás monoatômico ideal sofre a transformação termodinâmica A→ B → C, indicada no diagrama P - V de figura F2. Calcule o trabalho realizado pelo gás nesta transformação. Dê sua resposta em Joule.
Fenobarbitol é um anticonvulsivante. A quantidade recomendada para uma criança é de 180 mg por metro quadrado da
superfície corporal da criança, a cada 24 horas. As doses, com igual quantidade de Fenobarbitol, devem ser
administradas a cada 8 horas. Se uma criança tem área corporal de 0,32 m2
, quanto cada dose de Fenobarbitol deve
conter, em mg?
A frequência máxima de batimento cardíaco de um
indivíduo, FCmax, em batimentos por minuto, depende
da idade, x, do indivíduo, dada em anos. Um estudo concluiu que a relação entre FCmax e x é dada por uma função quadrática:
FCmax= 163 + 1,16x – 0,018x2
Admitindo a veracidade do estudo, para qual idade temos que FCmax assume seu maior valor? Indique o
valor inteiro mais próximo do valor obtido, em anos.
A frequência máxima de batimento cardíaco de um indivíduo, FCmax, em batimentos por minuto, depende da idade, x, do indivíduo, dada em anos. Um estudo concluiu que a relação entre FCmax e x é dada por uma função quadrática:
FCmax= 163 + 1,16x – 0,018x2
Para a realização de certa cirurgia são necessários 2 cirurgiões, 1 anestesista e 3 enfermeiros. Dentre os profissionais de
um hospital aptos para realizar a cirurgia, estão 5 cirurgiões, 4 anestesistas e 10 enfermeiros. De quantas maneiras pode
ser constituída a equipe que fará a cirurgia?
Segundo os nutricionistas, uma vida saudável é
consequência de uma série de fatores, como
alimentação balanceada e exercícios físicos. Suponha que um paciente precise consumir 3,5 mg de cálcio, 50
mg de ferro e 410 mg de magnésio. Os alimentos X, Y
e Z possuem, por porção, respectivamente: 0,5 mg,
0,4 mg e 0,3 mg de cálcio; 6 mg, 6 mg e 8 mg de ferro
e 50 mg, 60 mg e 30 mg de magnésio. A tabela a seguir apresenta as quantidades de cálcio, ferro e
magnésio, em uma porção dos alimentos X, Y e Z.

Se o paciente deve obter as quantidades exatas de cálcio, ferro e magnésio alimentando-se de porções dos alimentos X, Y e Z, quantas porções de X o paciente precisa consumir?

O diagnóstico de diabetes pode ser obtido com um
exame de sangue realizado com jejum de oito horas.
Se a concentração de glicose no sangue for igual ou
superior a 60 mg/dl e inferior a 100 mg/dl, ela é
considerada normal; se for maior ou igual a 100 mg/dl,
e inferior a 125 mg/dl, então, o paciente é pré
diabético; se a concentração for de pelo menos 125
mg/dl, o paciente é diagnosticado como diabético. A
tabela a seguir contém os resultados de exames
realizados, certo dia, em uma clínica.

Estudos indicam que 70% dos pacientes pré-diabéticos que poderiam desenvolver a doença podem
evitá-la com uma alimentação saudável e a prática
regular de exercícios físicos. Admitindo que o
resultado desse estudo se aplique à situação
sintetizada na tabela, qual percentual de pacientes da
clínica, nesse dia, é de pré-diabéticos que podem
evitar a doença com alimentação saudável e prática
de exercícios físicos? Indique o valor inteiro mais
próximo do valor obtido.

O banco de sangue de certa cidade recebe uma média
de 100 doadores por semana. O número de doadores
de cada tipo sanguíneo, em uma determinada semana,
está registrado na tabela a seguir.

Se uma das pessoas doadoras dessa semana é
selecionada ao acaso, qual a probabilidade percentual
de ela não ter sangue do tipo AB?
O banco de sangue de certa cidade recebe uma média de 100 doadores por semana. O número de doadores de cada tipo sanguíneo, em uma determinada semana, está registrado na tabela a seguir.
Se uma das pessoas doadoras dessa semana é
selecionada ao acaso, qual a probabilidade percentual
de ela não ter sangue do tipo AB?
. A nicotina é altamente tóxica e pode causar sérios
danos à saúde, tanto de fumantes quanto de fumantes
passivos. Após a nicotina ser absorvida pelo
organismo, a cada duas horas, a quantidade dessa
substância presente no organismo fica reduzida à
metade. Se, oito horas após absorver a nicotina de um
cigarro, a quantidade dessa substância presente no
organismo de um indivíduo é de 0,3125 mg, qual a
quantidade de nicotina absorvida ao fumar o cigarro?
O corpo humano é constituído essencialmente de átomos de oxigênio, carbono e hidrogênio. Na tabela a seguir, estão os
percentuais dos elementos mais abundantes na massa do corpo humano.

Se a massa de uma pessoa é de 80 kg, qual a massa de hidrogênio no corpo da pessoa?

As stated by the researchers, a “dose response”(paragraph 2) stands for:
Read TEXT 2 below and answer question
Tracking 130,000 people in 17 countries, both rich and poor, the study found that whether it’s going to the gym, walking to work, or tackling household chores like laundry or gardening, being physically active extends life and reduces illness. The researchers, led by Scott Lear, a heart specialist at St Paul’s Hospital in Canada, also found a so-called dose response: The more people exercise, the greater the reductions are in their risks of getting heart disease or dying early. The study found “no ceiling effect”, the researchers said, and “no risks associated with extremely high levels of physical activity,” defined as more than 2,500 minutes, or more than 41 hours, per week.
Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death and a major economic burden in treatment and care for those who develop it. It killed 9.48 million people globally in 2016.
“Walking for as little as 30 minutes most days of the week has a substantial benefit, and higher physical activity is associated with even lower risks,” Lear said in a comment about the findings, published on Friday in The Lancet medical journal. He also noted that some measures to prevent or treat heart disease, such as taking medicines or eating more fruit and vegetables, can be unaffordable for the world’s poorest people. Yet walking is free and brings substantial health gains.
The World Health Organization recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout each week, as well as muscle strengthening exercises at least two days a week. But experts estimate almost a quarter of the world’s people do not reach these guideline levels.
Lear’s team said their study findings suggest that if the entire population were to meet the guidelines, one in 12 of the world’s premature deaths would be averted and 4.6 percent of heart disease cases prevented.
In “President Trump praised the malaria initiative and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as examples of leadership in humanitarian assistance by the United States” (paragraph 5), the word “praised” could be replaced, with no change in meaning, by all the words below BUT:
Read TEXT 1 below and answer question
World Health Officials Describe Progress Against Tetanus, H.I.V. and Malaria
Infant and maternal tetanus was officially eliminated from the Americas this year, the Pan American Health Organization
announced on Thursday. At one time, the infection killed about 10,000 newborns annually in the Western Hemisphere; tetanus
still kills about 35,000 infants around the world. It was one of several significant global health advances, including new programs
against malaria and H.I.V., announced last week in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in
New York.
Haiti was the last country in the Americas to eliminate neonatal tetanus. That does not mean complete eradication,
because the bacteria that cause tetanus exist everywhere in soil and animal droppings. Rather, elimination means that
thanks to vaccination of mothers and clean birth procedures — less than one case occurs per 1,000 live births.
The Americas have generally led the world in eliminating diseases for which vaccines exist. In this hemisphere, smallpox
was eliminated in 1971, polio in 1994, rubella in 2015 and measles in 2016 (the diseases are sometimes reintroduced, as
measles was at Disneyland in 2014, but outbreaks are usually brought quickly under control).
Also this week, the President’s Malaria Initiative said it would expand its work to new countries in West and Central
Africa, protecting 90 million more people. The initiative, founded in 2005 as part of the United States Agency for International
Development, has been a major force in driving down worldwide malaria deaths by about 40 percent in the past decade. The
disease most often kills young children and pregnant women. The expansion in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Sierra Leone
and Burkina Faso was made possible because Congress increased funding for the initiative in fiscal year 2017, a representativ
In his speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Trump praised the malaria initiative and the President’s
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as examples of leadership in humanitarian assistance by the United States.
A combination of aid agencies, drug companies and g
cocktail to treat H.I.V. would soon be available to 92 countries, including virtually all of Africa, for about $75 a year. The new AIDS cocktail is the first available in poor countries to contain dolutegravir, which is widely used in wealthy countries because it is highly effective and has few side effects. The pill also contains lamivudine, an older but still effective drug, and tenof
disoproxil fumarate, another modern drug whose inclus
effects and resistance.
Almost 37 million people in the world have H.I.V., according to Unaids, the U.N.’s AIDS-fighting agency, but fewer than 20 million are now on antiretroviral medicine, which not only saves their lives but prevents them from passing on the disease.
McNEIL Jr., Donald. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22/09/2017.
According to TEXT 1, a new AIDS cocktail will be distributed around the world. Concerning H.I.V. treatment around the
world, it is correct to affirm that:
Read TEXT 1 below and answer question
World Health Officials Describe Progress Against Tetanus, H.I.V. and Malaria
Infant and maternal tetanus was officially eliminated from the Americas this year, the Pan American Health Organization
announced on Thursday. At one time, the infection killed about 10,000 newborns annually in the Western Hemisphere; tetanus
still kills about 35,000 infants around the world. It was one of several significant global health advances, including new programs
against malaria and H.I.V., announced last week in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in
New York.
Haiti was the last country in the Americas to eliminate neonatal tetanus. That does not mean complete eradication,
because the bacteria that cause tetanus exist everywhere in soil and animal droppings. Rather, elimination means that
thanks to vaccination of mothers and clean birth procedures — less than one case occurs per 1,000 live births.
The Americas have generally led the world in eliminating diseases for which vaccines exist. In this hemisphere, smallpox
was eliminated in 1971, polio in 1994, rubella in 2015 and measles in 2016 (the diseases are sometimes reintroduced, as
measles was at Disneyland in 2014, but outbreaks are usually brought quickly under control).
Also this week, the President’s Malaria Initiative said it would expand its work to new countries in West and Central
Africa, protecting 90 million more people. The initiative, founded in 2005 as part of the United States Agency for International
Development, has been a major force in driving down worldwide malaria deaths by about 40 percent in the past decade. The
disease most often kills young children and pregnant women. The expansion in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Sierra Leone
and Burkina Faso was made possible because Congress increased funding for the initiative in fiscal year 2017, a representativ
In his speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Trump praised the malaria initiative and the President’s
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as examples of leadership in humanitarian assistance by the United States.
A combination of aid agencies, drug companies and g
cocktail to treat H.I.V. would soon be available to 92 countries, including virtually all of Africa, for about $75 a year. The new AIDS cocktail is the first available in poor countries to contain dolutegravir, which is widely used in wealthy countries because it is highly effective and has few side effects. The pill also contains lamivudine, an older but still effective drug, and tenof
disoproxil fumarate, another modern drug whose inclus
effects and resistance.
Almost 37 million people in the world have H.I.V., according to Unaids, the U.N.’s AIDS-fighting agency, but fewer than 20 million are now on antiretroviral medicine, which not only saves their lives but prevents them from passing on the disease.
McNEIL Jr., Donald. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22/09/2017.
Conforming with TEXT 2, it is correct to affirm that:
Read TEXT 2 below and answer question
Tracking 130,000 people in 17 countries, both rich and poor, the study found that whether it’s going to the gym, walking to work, or tackling household chores like laundry or gardening, being physically active extends life and reduces illness. The researchers, led by Scott Lear, a heart specialist at St Paul’s Hospital in Canada, also found a so-called dose response: The more people exercise, the greater the reductions are in their risks of getting heart disease or dying early. The study found “no ceiling effect”, the researchers said, and “no risks associated with extremely high levels of physical activity,” defined as more than 2,500 minutes, or more than 41 hours, per week.
Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading cause of death and a major economic burden in treatment and care for those who develop it. It killed 9.48 million people globally in 2016.
“Walking for as little as 30 minutes most days of the week has a substantial benefit, and higher physical activity is associated with even lower risks,” Lear said in a comment about the findings, published on Friday in The Lancet medical journal. He also noted that some measures to prevent or treat heart disease, such as taking medicines or eating more fruit and vegetables, can be unaffordable for the world’s poorest people. Yet walking is free and brings substantial health gains.
The World Health Organization recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout each week, as well as muscle strengthening exercises at least two days a week. But experts estimate almost a quarter of the world’s people do not reach these guideline levels.
Lear’s team said their study findings suggest that if the entire population were to meet the guidelines, one in 12 of the world’s premature deaths would be averted and 4.6 percent of heart disease cases prevented.
Choose a statement that is true according to TEXT 1.
Read TEXT 1 below and answer question
World Health Officials Describe Progress Against Tetanus, H.I.V. and Malaria
Infant and maternal tetanus was officially eliminated from the Americas this year, the Pan American Health Organization
announced on Thursday. At one time, the infection killed about 10,000 newborns annually in the Western Hemisphere; tetanus
still kills about 35,000 infants around the world. It was one of several significant global health advances, including new programs
against malaria and H.I.V., announced last week in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in
New York.
Haiti was the last country in the Americas to eliminate neonatal tetanus. That does not mean complete eradication,
because the bacteria that cause tetanus exist everywhere in soil and animal droppings. Rather, elimination means that
thanks to vaccination of mothers and clean birth procedures — less than one case occurs per 1,000 live births.
The Americas have generally led the world in eliminating diseases for which vaccines exist. In this hemisphere, smallpox
was eliminated in 1971, polio in 1994, rubella in 2015 and measles in 2016 (the diseases are sometimes reintroduced, as
measles was at Disneyland in 2014, but outbreaks are usually brought quickly under control).
Also this week, the President’s Malaria Initiative said it would expand its work to new countries in West and Central
Africa, protecting 90 million more people. The initiative, founded in 2005 as part of the United States Agency for International
Development, has been a major force in driving down worldwide malaria deaths by about 40 percent in the past decade. The
disease most often kills young children and pregnant women. The expansion in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Sierra Leone
and Burkina Faso was made possible because Congress increased funding for the initiative in fiscal year 2017, a representativ
In his speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Trump praised the malaria initiative and the President’s
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief as examples of leadership in humanitarian assistance by the United States.
A combination of aid agencies, drug companies and g
cocktail to treat H.I.V. would soon be available to 92 countries, including virtually all of Africa, for about $75 a year. The new AIDS cocktail is the first available in poor countries to contain dolutegravir, which is widely used in wealthy countries because it is highly effective and has few side effects. The pill also contains lamivudine, an older but still effective drug, and tenof
disoproxil fumarate, another modern drug whose inclus
effects and resistance.
Almost 37 million people in the world have H.I.V., according to Unaids, the U.N.’s AIDS-fighting agency, but fewer than 20 million are now on antiretroviral medicine, which not only saves their lives but prevents them from passing on the disease.
McNEIL Jr., Donald. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22/09/2017.
Considerando o Texto 6 bem como o contexto histórico
e literário de sua produção, assinale a afirmativa correta.
─ Esta menina tem umas ideias!
Estaria com razão a avó? Porque, de fato, Conceição talvez tivesse umas ideias; escrevia um livro sobre pedagogia, rabiscara dois sonetos, e às vezes lhe acontecia citar o Nordau ou o Renan da biblioteca do avô. Chegara até a se arriscar em leituras socialistas, e justamente dessas leituras é que lhe saíam as piores das tais ideias, estranhas e absurdas à avó. (...)
A opção por uma linguagem elaborada, com emprego de vocabulário erudito, indica um nexo com as características de Conceição, personagem caracterizada como uma moça de vasta cultura, muito apreciadora da leitura.
Machado de Assis é o principal nome do Realismo
brasileiro e sua produção inclui grande variedade de
gêneros literários. Acerca da prosa machadiana, é
correto indicar como sua principal característica:
─ Esta menina tem umas ideias!
Estaria com razão a avó? Porque, de fato, Conceição talvez tivesse umas ideias; escrevia um livro sobre pedagogia, rabiscara dois sonetos, e às vezes lhe acontecia citar o Nordau ou o Renan da biblioteca do avô. Chegara até a se arriscar em leituras socialistas, e justamente dessas leituras é que lhe saíam as piores das tais ideias, estranhas e absurdas à avó. (...)