Questõesde UPE 2016
Match the paragraphs A – E (text 2) with the questions 1 – 5 below.
1. What do you do in the morning?
2. Do you like Seville?
3. Where do you live?
4. What do you study?
5. What do you have for lunch?
The CORRECT sequence is
Mark T (true) or F (False) for each sentence below.
David Cameron
( ) is a prime minister.
( ) pushed for the UK to continue in the EU.
( ) pushed for the UK to leave the EU.
( ) will resign by October.
( ) warned about some troubles UK will have.
Mark the alternative that contains the CORRECT sequence.
Countries band together to promote trade, defend human rights, protect the environment and repel threats. They sign treaties and join international groups, and each time they do, they give up a bit of independence. That happened in a big way with the creation of the European Union, a freetrade zone and global political force forged from the fractious states of Europe. The question always was, could this extraordinary experiment hold together? Faced with the choice in a June 23 referendum, the U.K. shocked the world by voting to leave the bloc it joined in 1973. The way many Britons saw it, the trade-offs they'd made to be part of the club — notably control over immigration — no longer served their interests. They chose what's become known as Brexit.
Voters supported the split by 52 percent to 48 percent after a rancorous 10-week campaign that divided the nation. The result prompted Prime Minister David Cameron, who had pushed for the U.K. to remain in the 28-nation bloc, to say he'll resign by October. The vote jolted financial markets, sending the U.K. currency tumbling. As the vote plunged the country into political turmoil, Scotland's devolved government paved the way for a second referendum on breaking away so it can remain part of the EU. The U.K. will have two years to negotiate the terms of an exit once it takes the legal steps to leave the bloc, with talks to unwind agreements in areas as diverse as fishing quotas, financial services and health and safety standards. Cameron had warned that a withdrawal would trigger a recession and a decade of uncertainty for jobs, trade and the broader economy. Advocates of a split, including the country’s leading tabloid newspapers, want Britain to regain control of its borders, laws and finances. Because the free movement of citizens is a basic tenet of EU law, leaving the bloc is the only sure way to stem a larger-than-expected influx of immigrants. Young voters were keen to remain in the EU, while older ones preferred to leave.
(In: Adaptado)
Uma urna contém 18 bolas vermelhas, 12 amarelas e 20 brancas, sendo todas idênticas.
Quantas bolas brancas devem ser retiradas dessa urna, de modo que, ao sortear uma bola, a
probabilidade de ela ser branca seja igual a
How long did UK stay as a member of EU?
Countries band together to promote trade, defend human rights, protect the environment and repel threats. They sign treaties and join international groups, and each time they do, they give up a bit of independence. That happened in a big way with the creation of the European Union, a freetrade zone and global political force forged from the fractious states of Europe. The question always was, could this extraordinary experiment hold together? Faced with the choice in a June 23 referendum, the U.K. shocked the world by voting to leave the bloc it joined in 1973. The way many Britons saw it, the trade-offs they'd made to be part of the club — notably control over immigration — no longer served their interests. They chose what's become known as Brexit.
Voters supported the split by 52 percent to 48 percent after a rancorous 10-week campaign that divided the nation. The result prompted Prime Minister David Cameron, who had pushed for the U.K. to remain in the 28-nation bloc, to say he'll resign by October. The vote jolted financial markets, sending the U.K. currency tumbling. As the vote plunged the country into political turmoil, Scotland's devolved government paved the way for a second referendum on breaking away so it can remain part of the EU. The U.K. will have two years to negotiate the terms of an exit once it takes the legal steps to leave the bloc, with talks to unwind agreements in areas as diverse as fishing quotas, financial services and health and safety standards. Cameron had warned that a withdrawal would trigger a recession and a decade of uncertainty for jobs, trade and the broader economy. Advocates of a split, including the country’s leading tabloid newspapers, want Britain to regain control of its borders, laws and finances. Because the free movement of citizens is a basic tenet of EU law, leaving the bloc is the only sure way to stem a larger-than-expected influx of immigrants. Young voters were keen to remain in the EU, while older ones preferred to leave.
(In: Adaptado)
After reading the text, mark T (true) or F (false).
( ) Countries join to make war against other countries.
( ) UK left EU in 1973.
( ) UK joined EU on June 23.
( ) UK’s exit from EU is called Brexit.
( ) 52 percent voted for leaving the EU.
Mark the alternative that contains the CORRECT sequence.
Countries band together to promote trade, defend human rights, protect the environment and repel threats. They sign treaties and join international groups, and each time they do, they give up a bit of independence. That happened in a big way with the creation of the European Union, a freetrade zone and global political force forged from the fractious states of Europe. The question always was, could this extraordinary experiment hold together? Faced with the choice in a June 23 referendum, the U.K. shocked the world by voting to leave the bloc it joined in 1973. The way many Britons saw it, the trade-offs they'd made to be part of the club — notably control over immigration — no longer served their interests. They chose what's become known as Brexit.
Voters supported the split by 52 percent to 48 percent after a rancorous 10-week campaign that divided the nation. The result prompted Prime Minister David Cameron, who had pushed for the U.K. to remain in the 28-nation bloc, to say he'll resign by October. The vote jolted financial markets, sending the U.K. currency tumbling. As the vote plunged the country into political turmoil, Scotland's devolved government paved the way for a second referendum on breaking away so it can remain part of the EU. The U.K. will have two years to negotiate the terms of an exit once it takes the legal steps to leave the bloc, with talks to unwind agreements in areas as diverse as fishing quotas, financial services and health and safety standards. Cameron had warned that a withdrawal would trigger a recession and a decade of uncertainty for jobs, trade and the broader economy. Advocates of a split, including the country’s leading tabloid newspapers, want Britain to regain control of its borders, laws and finances. Because the free movement of citizens is a basic tenet of EU law, leaving the bloc is the only sure way to stem a larger-than-expected influx of immigrants. Young voters were keen to remain in the EU, while older ones preferred to leave.
(In: Adaptado)
A parábola, representada na figura ao lado, é o
esboço do gráfico de uma função quadrática
f(x) = ax²
+ bx + c. Se a parábola y = 2 – f(x+3) tem
vértice V = (p, q) e intersecta o eixo y no ponto
P = (0, r), qual é o valor (p – q)/r?

Se a função trigonométrica y = a + bsen(px) tem imagem l = [1, 5] e período 3/π , qual é o valor
da soma a + b + p? Adote π=3
Qual é a medida da área do quadrilátero limitado pelas retas (r) y = 4; (s) 3x – y – 2 = 0;
(t) y = 1 e (u) 3x + 2y – 20 = 0?
Analise as sentenças a seguir:
I. Se 23a = 729, o resultado de 2-a é igual a 1/3
II. O resultado da operação (1,25.10-4
– 1,16.10-7 ) é igual a 1,09.10-4
III. Se x2= 2512 ; y6
= 2512 ; w7
= 2563. O valor da expressão (x.y.w)12 é a igual a 25168
Com base nelas, é CORRETO afirmar que
Rafael decidiu colocar cerâmicas com a forma de hexágonos
regulares no piso da sala de seu escritório. Sabendo que a área do piso
do escritório mede 25,5 m², que a cerâmica mede 10 cm de lado,
desconsiderando a área ocupada pelos rejuntes, quantas pedras de
cerâmica serão necessárias para cobrir todo o piso dessa sala?

Considere √3=1,7

No triângulo SRT, representado a seguir, os lados RT e RS tem medidas iguais. Sabendo que o
segmento RU mede 6 cm e o segmento ST mede 8√2 cm, a área do triângulo SRU é quantos por
cento da área do triângulo SRT?

Considerando os Textos 8, 9, 10 e 11 bem como os autores e seus respectivos contextos
históricos e literários, analise as proposições a seguir.
I. O Texto 8 apresenta um eu lírico ligado ao cotidiano, pois Ferreira Gullar, poeta também
neoconcretista, tem como um de seus temas a realidade social.
II. No Texto 9, encontra-se um eu lírico que tematiza o cotidiano, situações corriqueiras, com uma
percepção aguda das coisas simples da vida; no entanto, há um certo pessimismo em relação à
cidade que o faz evadir-se, criando, em sonho, outra cidade.
III. Adélia Prado é dona de uma linguagem simples, e preocupada com uma temática feminina,
ligada à família e à religiosidade. No Texto 10, percebe-se um eu lírico que se mostra
incompatível com o clima da imagem da casa desejada, a ponto de não se sentir bem com a cor
alaranjada de suas paredes.
IV. Pignatari possui uma linguagem que valoriza os esquemas e diagramas, fazendo de seus versos
um projeto de designer. No poema, há um texto duplo, uma fusão de imagens, cujos significados
se revelam por essa duplicidade, como um espelho que projeta uma imagem invertida.