Questõesde UESPI 2011

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UESPI 2011 - Geografia - Cartografia, Projeções e Representações

O assunto esquematicamente exposto a seguir é de grande importância para a representação do espaço geográfico. Observe-o.

O que este gráfico está representando?

As curvas do tipo isóbaras.
As curvas de nível.
As curvas de isohigras.
As curvas de delimitação de bacias sedimentares.
As curvas que demarcam a probabilidade de sismos.
UESPI 2011 - Geografia - Fuso Horário, Cartografia

O mapa do Brasil mostrado a seguir está delimitando um importante fato geográfico. Assinale-o.

As fronteiras agrícolas atuais.
Os limites entre bacias sedimentares e os terrenos de escudo.
A proposta de uma nova regionalização para o país.
Os fusos horários.
Os limites teóricos e práticos da continentalidade e maritimidade.
UESPI 2011 - Geografia - Coordenadas Geográficas, Cartografia

O que o desenho esquemático a seguir está especificamente representando?

Os centros de altas e baixas pressões subtropicais.
A latitude.
As linhas isotérmicas.
A longitude.
As camadas internas do planeta de acordo com o grau geotérmico.
UESPI 2011 - Geografia - Regionalização Brasileira

Observe atentamente o mapa a seguir.

A região salientada no mapa com a tonalidade escura apresenta, entre outras, as seguintes características:
1) a parte oriental possui um regime de chuvas concentradas no verão, de caráter convectivo, algo que é típico das faixas de baixas latitudes.
2) a porção ocidental da região é a que apresenta IDH mais elevado, pois o processo de industrialização ocorrido nos últimos dez anos acarretou uma elevação da renda per capita anual.
3) no interior da região, há uma ampla área em que se verifica um déficit hídrico anual em face de a evaporação superar a precipitação; esse fato reflete-se na cobertura vegetal.
4) em algumas áreas de altitudes elevadas, superiores a 800m, dominam climas locais do tipo Tropical de Altitude, nos quais a temperatura nos meses de inverno cai consideravelmente.
5) nas atividades agrícolas da região, observa-se um grande contraste entre a agricultura moderna e a agricultura tradicional; na agricultura tradicional, destacam-se a cana de açúcar e o cacau.

Estão corretas apenas:

1 e 5
1, 2 e 3
3, 4 e 5
2, 4 e 5
1, 2, 3 e 4
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

On account of the king’s decision, women’s rights

Women all around the world are allowed to vote
Suffrage is one of the oldest issues that women’s rights activist have been fighting for. The struggle to gain suffrage is often referred to as the first wave of feminism. In 1906
Finland became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote and stand in elections. Now, 105 years later, Saudi women have also taken a step towards equality with the decision of King Abdullah to grant the women of Saudi Arabia the right to vote and stand for election. The right for women to vote and stand in elections hasn’t always been the case in the West, for example in Switzerland women got suffrage as late as 1971.
According to the decision made by King Abdullah, Saudi women can take part in municipal elections – the only public elections in Saudi Arabia. Women will also be able to be members of the Shura Council which has the power to propose laws to the King.
The announcement has been received with mixed emotions. According to the international organization of Parliaments, IPU, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the decision means that no country in the world now discriminates against women when it comes to electing leaders. Others remain more sceptical. For example professor and researcher Stéphane Lacroix said in an interview for French newspaper Libération that this decision does not fundamentally change Saudi society.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomes the recent announcements. He believes that these represent an important step in the realization by women in Saudi Arabia of their fundamental civil and political rights.
It will be interesting to see how this law will be implemented and if it succeeds in advancing women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
Disponível em: <>  Acessado em 2 de outubro de 2011. 
in the Middle East have been criticized by the UN Secretary-General.
are to be implemented after the country turns into a democracy.
have already given strong signs of vitality in many areas
are yet to be conquered and confirmed in Saudi Arabia.
will certainly go through significant changes in the near future.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considering King Abdullah’s decision, Saudi Arabian women

Women all around the world are allowed to vote
Suffrage is one of the oldest issues that women’s rights activist have been fighting for. The struggle to gain suffrage is often referred to as the first wave of feminism. In 1906
Finland became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote and stand in elections. Now, 105 years later, Saudi women have also taken a step towards equality with the decision of King Abdullah to grant the women of Saudi Arabia the right to vote and stand for election. The right for women to vote and stand in elections hasn’t always been the case in the West, for example in Switzerland women got suffrage as late as 1971.
According to the decision made by King Abdullah, Saudi women can take part in municipal elections – the only public elections in Saudi Arabia. Women will also be able to be members of the Shura Council which has the power to propose laws to the King.
The announcement has been received with mixed emotions. According to the international organization of Parliaments, IPU, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the decision means that no country in the world now discriminates against women when it comes to electing leaders. Others remain more sceptical. For example professor and researcher Stéphane Lacroix said in an interview for French newspaper Libération that this decision does not fundamentally change Saudi society.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomes the recent announcements. He believes that these represent an important step in the realization by women in Saudi Arabia of their fundamental civil and political rights.
It will be interesting to see how this law will be implemented and if it succeeds in advancing women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
Disponível em: <>  Acessado em 2 de outubro de 2011. 
still play an insignificant role when it comes to suffrage rights.
haven’t experienced anything new in their country concerning suffrage.
are now in a much better standing as for suffrage rights than before.
have refused to be part of such a limited voting process as offered them.
will have the chance of a lifetime to change their country’s political regime.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text

Women all around the world are allowed to vote
Suffrage is one of the oldest issues that women’s rights activist have been fighting for. The struggle to gain suffrage is often referred to as the first wave of feminism. In 1906
Finland became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote and stand in elections. Now, 105 years later, Saudi women have also taken a step towards equality with the decision of King Abdullah to grant the women of Saudi Arabia the right to vote and stand for election. The right for women to vote and stand in elections hasn’t always been the case in the West, for example in Switzerland women got suffrage as late as 1971.
According to the decision made by King Abdullah, Saudi women can take part in municipal elections – the only public elections in Saudi Arabia. Women will also be able to be members of the Shura Council which has the power to propose laws to the King.
The announcement has been received with mixed emotions. According to the international organization of Parliaments, IPU, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the decision means that no country in the world now discriminates against women when it comes to electing leaders. Others remain more sceptical. For example professor and researcher Stéphane Lacroix said in an interview for French newspaper Libération that this decision does not fundamentally change Saudi society.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomes the recent announcements. He believes that these represent an important step in the realization by women in Saudi Arabia of their fundamental civil and political rights.
It will be interesting to see how this law will be implemented and if it succeeds in advancing women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.
Disponível em: <>  Acessado em 2 de outubro de 2011. 
Women have always been allowed to vote everywhere.
Feminist movements only recently focused on women’s suffrage.
Saudi Arabia is still reluctant to allow women’s suffrage.
Switzerland has always been a haven for women’s suffrage.
Finland was a pioneer in granting women the right to vote.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Ms. Gbowee managed to

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Three Activist Women
More than 250 people were nominated for the prize this year, and there had been speculation that the committee would reward activists from the Middle East who used social networking sites and other Internet platforms as they challenged entrenched dictatorships.
But if the committee had singled out the Arab Spring, it could have courted criticism that, far from rewarding efforts toward peace, it had chosen a phenomenon whose final outcome in Egypt and Tunisia is far from clear, and which has provoked bloodletting and strife in Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.
Mr. Jagland said the 2011 prize recognized those “who were there long before the world’s media was there reporting.”
The announcement in the Norwegian capital followed intense speculation that the prize would be awarded variously to a figure from the Arab Spring, the European Union or exclusively to Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf, 72, a Harvardeducated economist, who has often been cast as a pioneer in African politics.
She was broadly perceived as a reformer and peacemaker when she took office after several years in exile.
In Yemen, Ms. Karman has been widely known as a vocal opponent of the pro-American regime of Mr. Saleh since 2007, leading a human rights advocacy group called Women Journalists Without Chains. But it was only earlier this year that her readiness to take to the streets inspired thousands more in Yemen to do the same.
In Liberia, Ms. Gbowee, 39, was cited by the Nobel committee for uniting Christian and Muslim women against her country’s warlords. As head of the Women for Peace movement, she was praised for mobilizing women “across ethic and religious dividing lines to bring an end to the long war” that had raged for years in Liberia until its end in 2003 and for ensuring “women’s participation in elections.”
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 7 de outubro de 2011. 
unite groups from two opposing religious backgrounds.
make two religious groups fight each other for independence.
to fight her country’s warlords all by herself.
make Christians and Muslims share a common religious faith.
make suffrage for women a dream to pursue in the future.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Ms. Karman’s readiness to take to the streets

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Three Activist Women
More than 250 people were nominated for the prize this year, and there had been speculation that the committee would reward activists from the Middle East who used social networking sites and other Internet platforms as they challenged entrenched dictatorships.
But if the committee had singled out the Arab Spring, it could have courted criticism that, far from rewarding efforts toward peace, it had chosen a phenomenon whose final outcome in Egypt and Tunisia is far from clear, and which has provoked bloodletting and strife in Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.
Mr. Jagland said the 2011 prize recognized those “who were there long before the world’s media was there reporting.”
The announcement in the Norwegian capital followed intense speculation that the prize would be awarded variously to a figure from the Arab Spring, the European Union or exclusively to Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf, 72, a Harvardeducated economist, who has often been cast as a pioneer in African politics.
She was broadly perceived as a reformer and peacemaker when she took office after several years in exile.
In Yemen, Ms. Karman has been widely known as a vocal opponent of the pro-American regime of Mr. Saleh since 2007, leading a human rights advocacy group called Women Journalists Without Chains. But it was only earlier this year that her readiness to take to the streets inspired thousands more in Yemen to do the same.
In Liberia, Ms. Gbowee, 39, was cited by the Nobel committee for uniting Christian and Muslim women against her country’s warlords. As head of the Women for Peace movement, she was praised for mobilizing women “across ethic and religious dividing lines to bring an end to the long war” that had raged for years in Liberia until its end in 2003 and for ensuring “women’s participation in elections.”
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 7 de outubro de 2011. 
had no impact on making people join her in her cause.
caused many to join her in struggling for her cause.
was as inspiration to very few people to do the same.
started only a few months ago since she’s a new activist.
was a failure and took many people out of there.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Three Activist Women
More than 250 people were nominated for the prize this year, and there had been speculation that the committee would reward activists from the Middle East who used social networking sites and other Internet platforms as they challenged entrenched dictatorships.
But if the committee had singled out the Arab Spring, it could have courted criticism that, far from rewarding efforts toward peace, it had chosen a phenomenon whose final outcome in Egypt and Tunisia is far from clear, and which has provoked bloodletting and strife in Libya, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.
Mr. Jagland said the 2011 prize recognized those “who were there long before the world’s media was there reporting.”
The announcement in the Norwegian capital followed intense speculation that the prize would be awarded variously to a figure from the Arab Spring, the European Union or exclusively to Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf, 72, a Harvardeducated economist, who has often been cast as a pioneer in African politics.
She was broadly perceived as a reformer and peacemaker when she took office after several years in exile.
In Yemen, Ms. Karman has been widely known as a vocal opponent of the pro-American regime of Mr. Saleh since 2007, leading a human rights advocacy group called Women Journalists Without Chains. But it was only earlier this year that her readiness to take to the streets inspired thousands more in Yemen to do the same.
In Liberia, Ms. Gbowee, 39, was cited by the Nobel committee for uniting Christian and Muslim women against her country’s warlords. As head of the Women for Peace movement, she was praised for mobilizing women “across ethic and religious dividing lines to bring an end to the long war” that had raged for years in Liberia until its end in 2003 and for ensuring “women’s participation in elections.”
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 7 de outubro de 2011. 
receives but a couple of nominations per year.
was given to Middle East activists this year.
was awarded to female activists from different fields.
rewarded but the efforts of activists fighting dictatorships.
is never given to one whose efforts for peace lead to bloodletting.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The support coming from the NFL to help fight breast cancer is

NFL Supports Fight Against Breast Cancer
The National Football League (NFL) is joining the American Cancer Society (ACS) to raise awareness about the importance of breast screenings and to raise money to help fight breast cancer.
NFL players, coaches and referees will wear pink during the month of October to remind women about the importance of getting mammograms and clinical breast exams to find breast cancer early, when it’s easier to treat. The program, A Crucial Catch: Annual Screening Saves Lives, is timed to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society recommends women 40 and older have a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year, and younger women have clinical breast exams periodically as well.
Hats, wristbands and other apparel worn at NFL games, and special footballs and pink coins will be auctioned off and proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Fans attending games are encouraged to wear pink.
The NFL also has a Web page where clubs and fans can register teams to participate in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This noncompetitive, inspirational event raises awareness and funds to help end breast cancer by finding cures and supporting programs and services for all people facing the disease.
Additionally, the Society’s advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), is participating in Crucial Catch by encouraging Congress to allocate more funding for cancer research.
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 1 de outubro de 2011
exclusively financial.
neither financial nor moral.
exclusively moral.
both moral and financial.
coming from players’ money.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Women 40 or older

NFL Supports Fight Against Breast Cancer
The National Football League (NFL) is joining the American Cancer Society (ACS) to raise awareness about the importance of breast screenings and to raise money to help fight breast cancer.
NFL players, coaches and referees will wear pink during the month of October to remind women about the importance of getting mammograms and clinical breast exams to find breast cancer early, when it’s easier to treat. The program, A Crucial Catch: Annual Screening Saves Lives, is timed to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society recommends women 40 and older have a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year, and younger women have clinical breast exams periodically as well.
Hats, wristbands and other apparel worn at NFL games, and special footballs and pink coins will be auctioned off and proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Fans attending games are encouraged to wear pink.
The NFL also has a Web page where clubs and fans can register teams to participate in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This noncompetitive, inspirational event raises awareness and funds to help end breast cancer by finding cures and supporting programs and services for all people facing the disease.
Additionally, the Society’s advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), is participating in Crucial Catch by encouraging Congress to allocate more funding for cancer research.
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 1 de outubro de 2011
are less likely to have breast cancer than younger ones.
are advised to have a biannual checkup for breast cancer.
need to care more for health than younger women.
as well as younger ones should be on alert for breast cancer.
who had cancer should advise younger women who never had it.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In October every football fan will wear

NFL Supports Fight Against Breast Cancer
The National Football League (NFL) is joining the American Cancer Society (ACS) to raise awareness about the importance of breast screenings and to raise money to help fight breast cancer.
NFL players, coaches and referees will wear pink during the month of October to remind women about the importance of getting mammograms and clinical breast exams to find breast cancer early, when it’s easier to treat. The program, A Crucial Catch: Annual Screening Saves Lives, is timed to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society recommends women 40 and older have a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year, and younger women have clinical breast exams periodically as well.
Hats, wristbands and other apparel worn at NFL games, and special footballs and pink coins will be auctioned off and proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Fans attending games are encouraged to wear pink.
The NFL also has a Web page where clubs and fans can register teams to participate in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This noncompetitive, inspirational event raises awareness and funds to help end breast cancer by finding cures and supporting programs and services for all people facing the disease.
Additionally, the Society’s advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), is participating in Crucial Catch by encouraging Congress to allocate more funding for cancer research.
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 1 de outubro de 2011
a hat, a wristband and other pink apparel at games.
pink clothes along with the players and the referees.
a football player’s uniform as part of the campaign.
pink women’s clothes to support the campaign.
pink clothes and other apparel at games if possible.
UESPI 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, it is true to say that

NFL Supports Fight Against Breast Cancer
The National Football League (NFL) is joining the American Cancer Society (ACS) to raise awareness about the importance of breast screenings and to raise money to help fight breast cancer.
NFL players, coaches and referees will wear pink during the month of October to remind women about the importance of getting mammograms and clinical breast exams to find breast cancer early, when it’s easier to treat. The program, A Crucial Catch: Annual Screening Saves Lives, is timed to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society recommends women 40 and older have a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year, and younger women have clinical breast exams periodically as well.
Hats, wristbands and other apparel worn at NFL games, and special footballs and pink coins will be auctioned off and proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Fans attending games are encouraged to wear pink.
The NFL also has a Web page where clubs and fans can register teams to participate in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This noncompetitive, inspirational event raises awareness and funds to help end breast cancer by finding cures and supporting programs and services for all people facing the disease.
Additionally, the Society’s advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), is participating in Crucial Catch by encouraging Congress to allocate more funding for cancer research.
Adaptado de: <>  Acessado em 1 de outubro de 2011
The NFL is fighting along with the ACS to stop breast cancer.
detecting breast cancer late leaves no chance of cure for patients.
football players have had breast cancer themselves.
mammograms and clinical exams will cure breast cancer.
the detection of breast cancer is higher in the month of October.
UESPI 2011 - Literatura - Modernismo, Escolas Literárias

Vários são os personagens verdadeiros ou ficcionais que compõem o romance Vaqueiro e Visconde, de José Expedito Rêgo, como aqueles citados na alternativa:

Josefa, Sebastiana e D. Maria Benedita Dantas.
Pe. Marcos, Miranda Osório e Maria Gabriela do Amarante
Zé Rolinha, Miranda Osório e Martins Júnior.
João Carvalho, Josefa e Carneiro Villela.
João de Sousa Martins, Maria Gabriela do Amarante e Martins Júnior.
UESPI 2011 - Literatura - Modernismo, Escolas Literárias

Vaqueiro e Visconde, de José Expedito Rêgo, foi publicado em 1981 com o título de Né de Sousa. A obra é uma biografia romanceada do Visconde da Parnaíba, Manuel de Sousa Martins. Sobre Vaqueiro e Visconde, podemos afirmar:

a estória se passa toda entre os anos de 1820 e 1889, quando é proclamada a República no Brasil.
o romance se caracteriza por uma linguagem barroquizante, erudita e cheia de preciosismos.
um traço marcante da personalidade do Visconde da Parnaíba é a sua indisposição para a vida.
Manuel de Sousa Martins viveu de maneira humilde toda a sua vida, apesar de ter sido agraciado com o título de Visconde.
Tiana e Miquelina são, no romance de José Expedito Rêgo, os nomes das amantes do Visconde da Parnaíba.
UESPI 2011 - Literatura - Gênero Dramático, Gêneros Literários

A peça Raimunda Pinto, sim senhor, de Francisco Pereira da Silva, se destaca pelo grande número de personagens. São personagens que compõem a peça:

Lindalva, Playboy e Felipe.
Isaura, Encantador e Rodrigo.
Lindalva, Isaura e Paulo das Bruxas.
Oly, Senador Americano e Lindalva.
Dr. Renato, Oly e Vivaldo.
UESPI 2011 - Literatura - Gênero Dramático, Gêneros Literários

Ainda sobre Raimunda Pinto, sim senhor, de Francisco Pereira da Silva, quais os títulos das demais peças que formam a tetralogia “Raimunda!”?
1) “Raimunda Jovita na roleta da vida ou quis o destino: de Pucella e Ninon”.
2) “Raimunda Pinto na terra dos Yuppies, ou como era bom os esteites”.
3) “O trágico destino de duas Raimundas ou os dois amores de Lampião antes de Maria Bonita e só agora revelados”.
4) “Ramanda e Rudá”
5) “Raimunda: da miséria para o mundo e uma taça de champanhe”.
Estão corretas apenas:

1, 2 e 5
1, 3 e 4
2, 4 e 5
3, 4 e 5
1, 2 e 4
UESPI 2011 - Literatura - Gênero Dramático, Gêneros Literários

Raimunda Pinto, sim senhor, de Francisco Pereira da Silva, é a terceira peça de uma tetralogia que começou a ser escrita em 1972. Sobre esta peça, é correto afirmar:

Raimunda se destaca pela sua beleza, apesar da sua timidez.
apesar dos lábios sensuais, Raimunda não possui os dentes.
para a mãe de Raimunda, o diabo peidou na sua cara.
para o personagem do Palhaço, Raimunda é uma Miss Praga.
ao longo da peça, Raimunda troca o seu nome para Veruska.
UESPI 2011 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Gêneros Textuais, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

 Dentre os poemas que compõem Sol Sanguíneo, destacamos abaixo um excerto de “Mater”, que evoca uma das nossas matrizes culturais: a África. Leia o poema e analise o que se comenta a seguir.


De ti não há sequer
um álbum de família:

retratos da infância
nos campos de arroz e gergelim.

Talvez reste em pensamento
pedaços de tua voz

no vento
como impressões digitais
 num rio.

No dia em que o azul
roubou teus olhos
e o silencio rival rasgou
teu nome,
cotovias cantaram no teu rastro.
No dia em que a manhã
cerrou teus olhos.

O poema fala da felicidade que foi para os africanos deixarem a sua terra e embarcarem para o Brasil.
O poema defende que os africanos que vieram para o Brasil trouxeram intacta a memória do passado.
Quando os versos falam de “impressões digitais/num rio” ele se refere à solidez da água.
Quando lemos “De ti não há sequer/um álbum de família”, o poeta está afirmando que no século XVI ainda não havia fotografia.
O poema trata da violência cultural que foi praticada contra aqueles que vieram da África e do pouco que teria restado das suas memórias.