Questõessobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

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ENEM 2022 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A Guide to Harvard “A Cappella!”

        A cappella is such a big deal on all college campuses these days, I thought I’d write a post about what Harvard has to offer (spoiler alert: many incredibly talented groups)! There are so many groups that we have a cappella jams fairly often, and it’s always a good time to go hear the other groups perform.

        Some of my favorite memories are hanging out with my a cappella group members both on campus and around the country (and soon the world during our summer tour!). The Harvard a cappella community is absurdly diverse and talented – I think every Harvard student should take advantage of all we have on campus and go see a show!

Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 dez. 2017 (adaptado).

A expressão “a cappella” caracteriza o ato de cantar sem o acompanhamento de instrumentos musicais. A expressão “big deal”, usada com relação a esse tema, indica que

a universidade contrata estudantes para participarem de competições a cappella.
os estudantes assinam acordos lucrativos para integrarem grupos a cappella.
a atividade de cantar a cappella é valorizada pelas comunidades acadêmicas.
os grandes talentos de Harvard fazem parte de grupos a cappella.
os maiores grupos a cappella estão localizados em Harvard.
ENEM 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A crítica do livro de memórias de Michelle Obama, exprimeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a história das relações humanas na cidade natal da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo “unthinkable” ressalta que


    Back in the ancestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly demeaned them that many black women, long after they had left the South, refused to answer if called by their first name. A mother and father in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so that white people would have no choice but to address their daughter by that title. Black women were meant for the field or the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, that would have been unthinkable.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018 (adaptado).
a ascensão social era improvável.
a mudança de nome era impensável.
a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
o comportamento parental era irresponsável.o comportamento parental era irresponsável.
ENEM 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a)

necessidade de acessar informações confiáveis.
dificuldade de conciliar diferentes anseios.
desejo de dominar novas tecnologias.
desafio de permanecer imparcial.
vontade de ler notícias positivas.
USP 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

Em “I believe that restaurant owners that resist these apps are hurting their brands by missing out on potential customers” (3º parágrafo), a expressão sublinhada pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido, por: 

        If you take a look at my smartphone, you’ll know that I like to order out. But am I helping the small local businesses? You would think that if you own a restaurant you’d be thrilled to have an outsourced service that would take care of your delivery operations while leveraging their marketing might to expand your businesses’ brand. However, restaurant owners have complained of lack of quality control once their food goes out the door. They don’t like that the delivery people are the face of their product when it gets into the customer’s hand. Some of the delivery services have been accused of listing restaurants on their apps without the owners’ permission, and oftentimes publish menu items and prices that are incorrect or out of date.

        But there is another reason why restaurant owners aren’t fond of delivery services. It’s the costs, which, for some, are becoming unsustainable. Even with the increased revenues from the delivery services, the fees wind up killing a restaurant’s margins to the extent that it’s at best marginally profitable. Therefore, some restaurants are pushing harder to drive orders from their own websites and offering special deals for customers that use their in-house delivery people.

        The simple fact is that these delivery apps are here to stay. They are enormously popular and have significantly grown. I believe that restaurant owners that resist these apps are hurting their brands by missing out on potential customers. The good news is that the delivery platforms are not as evil as some would portray them. They have some skin in the game. They are competing against other services. They want their listed restaurants to profit. Maybe instead of fighting, the nation’s restaurant industry needs to proactively embrace the delivery service industry and figure out ways to profitably work together.

The Guardian. 02 December, 2020. Adaptado.

CEDERJ 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Palavras conectivas | Connective words


Available from: Access: 10 Oct. 2021. Adapted.

The linking word “although” (underlined in two sentences of the text) establishes a contrast between ideas, and it may be replaced by “but”. The alternative which correctly expresses the ideas which are contrasted in the two sentences is: 


The digital divide is very narrow, but it is clearly widening.

The digital divide is seen in low and middle-income countries, but it is not present in high-income countries.


Today there remains a digital divide, but only 51% of the world’s population has access to the mobile internet.

There is free access to mobile communications in low and middle-income countries, but not in high-income countries.


Today there remains a digital divide, but the social divide in 51% of the world’s population is narrowing.

The lack of access to mobile communications is inexistent in low and middle-income countries, but it affects high-income countries. 


The digital divide is narrowing, but it is still very wide.

The digital divide is found in low and middle - income countries, but it is also present in high-income countries. 

UFPR 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

In the text, the word “whether” underlined and in bold type can be replaced without losing its meaning by:

The following text refers to question.

There have been 18 opioid-related deaths in Nova Scotia so far this year

    Paramedics in Nova Scotia used naloxone to save 165 people from opioid overdoses in 2018 and 188 people in 2019. In 2020, 102 people were saved as of July 31.
    Eight years ago, Matthew Bonn watched his friend turn blue and become deathly quiet as fentanyl flooded his body. Bonn jumped in, performing rescue breathing until paramedics arrived. That was the first time Bonn fought to keep someone alive during an overdose.
    But it wouldn't be his last. Over the years, he tried more dangerous ways to snap people out of an overdose.
   "I remember doing crazy things like throwing people in bathtubs, or, you know, giving them cocaine. As we know now, that doesn't help," said Bonn, a harm-reduction advocate in Halifax. "But ... in those panic modes, you try to do whatever you can to keep that person alive."
    This was before naloxone – a drug that can reverse an opioid overdose – became widely available to the public. In 2017, the Nova Scotia government made kits with the drug available for free at pharmacies.
    Whether used by community members or emergency crews, naloxone has helped save hundreds of lives in the province. Matthew Bonn is a program co-ordinator with the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs, and a current drug user himself.
    Almost every other day in Nova Scotia, paramedics and medical first responders in the province use the drug to reverse an opioid overdose, according to Emergency Health Services (EHS).

(Available in:
in addition.
ENEM 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension


    Back in the ancestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly demeaned them that many black women, long after they had left the South, refused to answer if called by their first name. A mother and father in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so that white people would have no choice but to address their daughter by that title. Black women were meant for the field or the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, that would have been unthinkable.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018 (adaptado).

A crítica do livro de memórias de Michelle Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a história das relações humanas na cidade natal da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo “unthinkable” ressalta que

a ascensão social era improvável.
a mudança de nome era impensável.
a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
o comportamento parental era irresponsável.
ENEM 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

"My desire to be well-informed is currently

at odds with my desire to remain sane."

SIPRESS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.

A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a)

necessidade de acessar informações confiáveis.
dificuldade de conciliar diferentes anseios.
desejo de dominar novas tecnologias.
desafio de permanecer imparcial.
vontade de ler notícias positivas.
ENEM 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

SIPRESS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.

A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a) 

necessidade de acessar informações confiáveis.
dificuldade de conciliar diferentes anseios.
desejo de dominar novas tecnologias.
desafio de permanecer imparcial.
vontade de ler notícias positivas.
SÃO CAMILO 2018 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Verbos modais | Modal verbs

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “I’d recommended that she try a medicine”, o termo sublinhado pode ser corretamente substituído por

Leia o texto para responder à questão. 

The challenge of doctor-patient relations in the internet age

     “Let me do some research and I’ll get back to you,” my patient said. My patient, a 19-year-old student, had already taken time off from school because of her anxiety. I was her psychiatrist, with over two decades of experience treating university students, and had just explained my diagnostic impressions based on a lengthy evaluation. I’d recommended that she try a medicine I expected would help. I’d also laid out the risks and benefits of other treatment options. 
      “Do you have additional questions I can answer?” I asked. I wanted to let her know that’s why I was there, to cull the research, to help make sense of it. “No, I like to go online and look for myself,” she said.
     More and more, I see students turning away from the expertise that a live person can offer and instead turning to the vast and somehow more objective-seeming “expertise” of the digital world.
     In an age when journalism we don’t like can be dismissed as “fake news,” suggesting that the information we do like is most credible, regardless of its source, it’s not hard to understand why young people do this. The medical profession itself, under managed care, has played a role as well, providing less time for doctor-patient interactions and undermining the chances that a personal relationship and trust can develop. Under the guise of efficiency, medical test results are now often released directly to patients, sometimes before or even without the benefit of any interpretation.
     But there’s danger in trusting data over people, as there is in thinking the expertise of all people is equivalent. When it comes to health, digital natives may not be learning how to navigate effectively. And the consequences could be harmful.
    The availability of health data on the internet has its benefits. Online, for example, we can find explanations and solutions for symptoms we might be too embarrassed, or afraid, to discuss with another person, in person. Or, for lifethreatening diseases, we can locate clinical trials our doctors may not be aware of.
     However, there’s also a lot of misleading information, and information that’s simply untrue. The internet is full of people selling things – supplements, treatment regimens that have not been rigorously tested, even prescription medications – and making false promises that have not been scrutinized by regulatory agencies. Sometimes, as in the case of some websites that promote “an anorexic diet” for “aggressive” weight loss, the information can encourage life-threatening behavior.
      Years ago, when we discussed paternalism versus patient autonomy in my medical school ethics class, I came down strongly in favor of autonomy. Who but the patient could best decide what was right for him or her? But years of clinical – and personal – experience have taught me that information in and of itself is insufficient. Judgment is also indispensable, especially in complex situations, and the capacity for good judgment rests within people, not data sets.

(Doris Iarovici is a psychiatrist at Harvard University’s Counseling and
Mental Health Services and the author of Mental Health Issues and the
University Student., 01.03.2018. Adaptado.)
used to.
SÃO CAMILO 2019 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

No trecho do quinto parágrafo “despite studies showing they have no value for longevity”, o termo sublinhado indica

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Worshiping the false idols of wellness

     Before we go further, I’d like to clear something up: wellness is not the same as medicine. Medicine is the science of reducing death and disease, and increasing long and healthy lives. Wellness used to mean a blend of health and happiness. Something that made you feel good or brought joy and was not medically harmful — perhaps a massage or a walk along the beach. But it has become a false antidote to the fear of modern life and death.
    The wellness industry takes medical terminology, such as “inflammation” or “free radicals,” and polishes it to the point of incomprehension. The resulting product is a “Do It Yourself” medicine for longevity that comes with a confidence that science can only aspire to achieve.
     Let’s take the trend of adding a pinch of activated charcoal to your food or drink. While the black color is strikingly unexpected and alluring, it’s sold as a supposed “detox.” Guess what? It has the same efficacy as a spell from the local witch. Maybe it’s a matter of aesthetics. Wellness potions in beautiful jars with untested ingredients of unknown purity are practically packaged for Instagram.
     Medicine and religion have long been deeply intertwined, and it’s only relatively recently that they have separated. The wellness-industrial complex seeks to resurrect that connection. It’s like a medical throwback, as if the idyllic days of health were 5,000 years ago. Ancient cleansing rituals with a modern twist — supplements, useless products and scientifically unsupported tests.
     The dietary supplements that are the backbone of wellness make up a $30 billion a year business despite studies showing they have no value for longevity (only a few vitamins have proven medical benefits, like folic acid before and during pregnancy and vitamin D for older people at risk of falling). Modern medicine wants you to get your micronutrients from your diet, which is inarguably the most natural source.
     Yet the wellness-industrial complex has managed to pervert that narrative and make supplements a necessary tool for nonsensical practices, such as boosting the immune system or fighting the war on inflammation. The resulting fluorescent yellow urine from multivitamins may provide a false sense of efficacy, but it’s a fool’s gold (and the consequence of excessive B2 that couldn’t possibly be absorbed). So what’s the harm of spending money on charcoal for non-existent toxins or vitamins for expensive urine? Here’s what: the placebo effect or “trying something natural” can lead people with serious illnesses to postpone effective medical care. However, I admit that doctors can learn something from wellness. It’s clear that some people are looking for healers, so we must find ways to serve that need that are medically ethical.

(Jen Gunter., 01.08.2018. Adaptado.)
FGV 2020 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

In the fragment “epidemics of smallpox, measles and influenza brought unwittingly by the invaders”, the underlined word can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by

Read the text to answer question.

The aliens among us

     Humans think of themselves as the world’s apex predators. Hence the silence of sabre-tooth tigers, the absence of moas from New Zealand and the long list of endangered megafauna. But sars-cov-2 shows how people can also end up as prey. Viruses have caused a litany of modern pandemics, from Covid-19, to hiv/aids to the influenza outbreak in 1918-20, which killed many more people than the first world war. Before that, the colonisation of the Americas by Europeans was abetted – and perhaps made possible – by epidemics of smallpox, measles and influenza brought unwittingly by the invaders, which annihilated many of the original inhabitants.

(, 22.08.2020. Adapted.)
FGV 2020 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

In the fragment “and yet many of their supply systems staggered in the past few months”, the underlined word introduces a

Read the text to answer question.

     We are at the beginning of a long road to rethinking and rebuilding supply chain models to encompass not just financial priorities but also business operations continuity in the most trying of circumstances. Executives from France and Italy, for example, are discussing ways to remake their businesses in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Their specialty is supply chains. They are smart people at the core of the world’s most sophisticated and valuable systems of manufacture, shipment, and inventory, and yet many of their supply systems staggered in the past few months – the byproduct of reliance on old business models.
(Antonio Gulli., 28.07.2020. Adapted.)
time relation.
FGV 2020 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Palavras conectivas | Connective words

In the second sentence in the text, the term “hence” can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by

Read the text to answer question.

The aliens among us

     Humans think of themselves as the world’s apex predators. Hence the silence of sabre-tooth tigers, the absence of moas from New Zealand and the long list of endangered megafauna. But sars-cov-2 shows how people can also end up as prey. Viruses have caused a litany of modern pandemics, from Covid-19, to hiv/aids to the influenza outbreak in 1918-20, which killed many more people than the first world war. Before that, the colonisation of the Americas by Europeans was abetted – and perhaps made possible – by epidemics of smallpox, measles and influenza brought unwittingly by the invaders, which annihilated many of the original inhabitants.

(, 22.08.2020. Adapted.)
For instance.
UEG 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Passado simples | Simple past, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Palavras cognatas | Cognate words

Considerando-se a estrutura linguística do texto, verifica-se que

Leia com atenção o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

'Post-truth' named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries

In the era of Donald Trump and Brexit, Oxford Dictionaries has declared “post-truth” to be its international word of the year.

Defined by the dictionary as an adjective “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”, editors said that use of the term “post-truth” had increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to last year. The spike in usage, it said, is “in the context of the EU referendum in the United Kingdom and the presidential election in the United States”. 

Contenders for the title had included the noun “alt-right”, shortened from the fuller form “alternative right” and defined as “an ideological grouping associated with extreme conservative or reactionary viewpoints, characterised by a rejection of mainstream politics and by the use of online media to disseminate deliberately controversial content”. First used in 2008, its use “surged” this spring and summer, said the dictionary, with 30% of usage in August alone.

But the increase in usage of post-truth saw the term eventually emerge ahead of the pack. “We first saw the frequency really spike this year in June with buzz over the Brexit vote and Donald Trump securing the Republican presidential nomination. Given that usage of the term hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, I wouldn’t be surprised if post-truth becomes one of the defining words of our time,” predicted Oxford Dictionaries president Casper Grathwohl.

“It’s not surprising that our choice reflects a year dominated by highly-charged political and social discourse. Fuelled by the rise of social media as a news source and a growing distrust of facts offered up by the establishment, post-truth as a concept has been finding its linguistic footing for some time.” 

Disponível em:<>.Acesso em: 21 fev. 2017. (Adaptado).
os vocábulos em destaque em I wouldn’t be surprised if… e It’s not surprising that… são formas de verbos no particípio e passado.
a frase “alt-right”, shortened from the fuller form “alternative right” explica o sentido com que o termo “altright” é empregado no contexto em discussão.
a ideia oposta a objective facts are less influential than appeals to emotion está expressa em: objective facts are most influential than appeals to emotion.
os termos election, alternative, politics, content e dictionary são cognatos, isto é, seus equivalentes em português possuem forma e significado semelhantes.
a afirmação editors said that use of the term “post-truth” had increased…, no discurso direto, seria: Editors said, ‘use of the term “post-truth” have increased…’.
UEG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Considerando-se o contexto de uso dos termos deliberately, eventually e really, a palavra que completa adequadamente a sentença: post-truth as a concept has _________ been finding its linguistic footing for some time é a seguinte:

Leia com atenção o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

'Post-truth' named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries

In the era of Donald Trump and Brexit, Oxford Dictionaries has declared “post-truth” to be its international word of the year.

Defined by the dictionary as an adjective “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”, editors said that use of the term “post-truth” had increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to last year. The spike in usage, it said, is “in the context of the EU referendum in the United Kingdom and the presidential election in the United States”. 

Contenders for the title had included the noun “alt-right”, shortened from the fuller form “alternative right” and defined as “an ideological grouping associated with extreme conservative or reactionary viewpoints, characterised by a rejection of mainstream politics and by the use of online media to disseminate deliberately controversial content”. First used in 2008, its use “surged” this spring and summer, said the dictionary, with 30% of usage in August alone.

But the increase in usage of post-truth saw the term eventually emerge ahead of the pack. “We first saw the frequency really spike this year in June with buzz over the Brexit vote and Donald Trump securing the Republican presidential nomination. Given that usage of the term hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, I wouldn’t be surprised if post-truth becomes one of the defining words of our time,” predicted Oxford Dictionaries president Casper Grathwohl.

“It’s not surprising that our choice reflects a year dominated by highly-charged political and social discourse. Fuelled by the rise of social media as a news source and a growing distrust of facts offered up by the establishment, post-truth as a concept has been finding its linguistic footing for some time.” 

Disponível em:<>.Acesso em: 21 fev. 2017. (Adaptado).
UNIFESP 2015 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Analise o trecho do terceiro parágrafo “I demand of leaders we must invest in books instead of bullets”, para responder à questão.

A expressão “instead of” indica uma ideia de

Leia o texto para responder à questão.


Nobel winner Malala opens school for Syrian refugees


Sylvia Westall

July 13, 2015

Bekaa Valley, Lebanon



  Malala Yousafzai, the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, celebrated her 18th birthday in Lebanon on Sunday by opening a school for Syrian refugee girls and called on world leaders to invest in “books not bullets”. Malala became a symbol of defiance after she was shot on a school bus in Pakistan in 2012 by the Taliban for advocating girls’ rights to education. She continued campaigning and won the Nobel in 2014.

   “I decided to be in Lebanon because I believe that the voices of the Syrian refugees need to be heard and they have been ignored for so long,” Malala told Reuters in a schoolroom decorated with drawings of butterflies. The Malala Fund, a non-profit organization that supports local education projects, provided most of the funding for the school, set up by Lebanon’s Kayany Foundation in the Bekaa Valley, close to the Syrian border. The Kayany Foundation, established by Syrian Nora Joumblatt in response to Syria’s refugee crisis, has already completed three other new schools to give free education to Syrian children in Lebanon. The Malala school can welcome up to 200 girls aged 14 to 18.

   “Today on my first day as an adult, on behalf of the world’s children, I demand of leaders we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Malala said in a speech. Lebanon is home to at least 1.2 million of the 4 million refugees that have fled Syria’s war to neighboring countries. There are about 500,000 Syrian school-age children in Lebanon, but only a fifth are in formal education. “We are in danger of losing generations of young Syrian girls due to the lack of education,” Joumblatt said in a speech at the opening of the school. “Desperate and displaced Syrians are increasingly seeing early marriage as a way to secure the social and financial future of their daughters. We need to provide an alternative: Keep young girls in school instead of being pressured into wedlock.”

    Lebanon, which allows informal settlements on land rented by refugees, says it can no longer cope with the influx from Syria’s four-year conflict. More than one in four people living in Lebanon is a refugee. The United Nations says the number of Syrian refugees in neighboring countries is expected to reach 4.27 million by the end of the year. “In Lebanon as well as in Jordan, an increasing number of refugees are being turned back at the border,” Malala said. “This is inhuman and this is shameful.”

    Her father Ziauddin said he was proud she was carrying on her activism into adulthood. “This is the mission we have taken for the last 8-9 years. A small moment for the education of girls in Swat Valley: it is spreading now all over the world,” he said.


( Adaptado.)

ABEPRO 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

The word reinforce (2nd paragraph) is closest in meaning to:

Opportunity Cost

This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘opportunity cost,’ since by not investing in more equipment and a more rigid production flow, the company is forgoing the opportunity to earn increased profits. These costs are every bite as real as the payment of dollars out-of-pocket.

This notion _______ opportunity cost can be reinforced _________ a famous saying ______ Benjamin Franklin, no slouch himself _________ operations management. To make the point, however, we must make a brief excursion into logic. One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement “If A, then B” is true, then it is also true that “If not B, then not A.” That is, of every time A occurs B follows, then we can be sure that if B does not occur, then A did not occur as well. Enough logic then, and back to Ben Franklin.

One of his Poor Richard sayings is that “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We have all recognized the truth of that since childhood, but I assert that by this saying Ben showed us he knows everything about opportunity cost. After all, what is the contrapositive of “A penny not earned is a penny not saved (i.e., a penny sent). All we are saying by this notion of opportunity cost is that “a penny not earned (an opportunity forgone) is a penny spent.” We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

strong effect
to feel better
violent action
to make stronger
to bring something into force
ABEPRO 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

Match the words in column 1 to their definitions in column 2:

Column 1 Words

1. profits

2. slouch

3. issue(s)

4. flow

5. validity

Column 2 Definitions

( ) the continuous production or supply of something.

( ) the state of being legally or officially acceptable.

( ) the money you make in business or by selling things.

( ) to stand, sit or move in a lazy way, often with your shoulders and head bent forward.

( ) important topics that people are discussing or arguing about.

Choose the alternative that presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Opportunity Cost

This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘opportunity cost,’ since by not investing in more equipment and a more rigid production flow, the company is forgoing the opportunity to earn increased profits. These costs are every bite as real as the payment of dollars out-of-pocket.

This notion _______ opportunity cost can be reinforced _________ a famous saying ______ Benjamin Franklin, no slouch himself _________ operations management. To make the point, however, we must make a brief excursion into logic. One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement “If A, then B” is true, then it is also true that “If not B, then not A.” That is, of every time A occurs B follows, then we can be sure that if B does not occur, then A did not occur as well. Enough logic then, and back to Ben Franklin.

One of his Poor Richard sayings is that “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We have all recognized the truth of that since childhood, but I assert that by this saying Ben showed us he knows everything about opportunity cost. After all, what is the contrapositive of “A penny not earned is a penny not saved (i.e., a penny sent). All we are saying by this notion of opportunity cost is that “a penny not earned (an opportunity forgone) is a penny spent.” We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

1 • 3 • 2 • 4 • 5
2 • 4 • 5 • 3 • 1
3 • 4 • 5 • 1 • 2
4 • 2 • 3 • 5 • 1
4 • 5 • 1 • 2 • 3
ABEPRO 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Verbos modais | Modal verbs

The word in bold, in ‘We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues’, is being used to express:

Opportunity Cost

This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘opportunity cost,’ since by not investing in more equipment and a more rigid production flow, the company is forgoing the opportunity to earn increased profits. These costs are every bite as real as the payment of dollars out-of-pocket.

This notion _______ opportunity cost can be reinforced _________ a famous saying ______ Benjamin Franklin, no slouch himself _________ operations management. To make the point, however, we must make a brief excursion into logic. One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement “If A, then B” is true, then it is also true that “If not B, then not A.” That is, of every time A occurs B follows, then we can be sure that if B does not occur, then A did not occur as well. Enough logic then, and back to Ben Franklin.

One of his Poor Richard sayings is that “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We have all recognized the truth of that since childhood, but I assert that by this saying Ben showed us he knows everything about opportunity cost. After all, what is the contrapositive of “A penny not earned is a penny not saved (i.e., a penny sent). All we are saying by this notion of opportunity cost is that “a penny not earned (an opportunity forgone) is a penny spent.” We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

an advice
a permission
a suggestion
a possibility
a duty