Questõesde URCA sobre Inglês

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URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Sobre a decisão de colocar pacientes que testaram positivo para o corona vírus em abrigos para idosos, o texto afirma que:

Texto 3

The lessons Italy has learned about its COVID-19 outbreak could help the rest of the world

   Only carefully conducted epidemiological studies will bring to light exactly how and why COVID-19 took off in northern Italy with such speed. But in the midst of the emergency, experts say there are already lessons to be gleaned from Italy's fatal errors — and urgent messages for other parts of the world.

   "The biggest mistake we made was to admit patients infected with COVID-19 into hospitals throughout the region," said Carlo Borghetti, the vice- premier of Lombardy, an economically crucial region with a population of 10 million.

   "We should have immediately set up separate structures exclusively for people sick with coronavirus. I recommend the rest of the world do this, to not send COVID patients into health-care facilities that are still uninfected."

   Already, Italian cities in other regions are doing this, as well as field hospitals in Milan and Bergamo, Lombardy, which are almost complete.

   However, the virus was not only spread to "clean" — i.e. infection-free — hospitals by admitting positive patients. In early March, as the number of infected was doubling every few days, authorities allowed overwhelmed hospitals to transfer those who tested positive but weren't gravely ill into assistedliving facilities for the elderly.

   "It was like throwing a lit match onto a haystack," said Borghetti, who spoke out against the directive at the time. "Some facilities refused to take in the positive patients. For those that did [take them in], it was devastating."

   Along with the tragic misstep of putting infected people under the same roof as clusters of the most physically vulnerable, Borghetti and others point to a deeper structural factor that accelerated the outbreak in northern Italy: a highly centralized health-care system with large hospitals as its focus.

From: Accesses on 04/09/2020

Foi uma decisão acertada.
Todos os abrigos cederam espaço para os pacientes.
Foi uma decisão desastrosa.
Apenas os abrigos do norte da Itália se recusaram receber os pacientes.
Foi uma decisão seguida por outros países.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Sobre o fato da COVID-19 ter se alastrado pelo norte da Itália, o texto afirma que:

Texto 3

The lessons Italy has learned about its COVID-19 outbreak could help the rest of the world

   Only carefully conducted epidemiological studies will bring to light exactly how and why COVID-19 took off in northern Italy with such speed. But in the midst of the emergency, experts say there are already lessons to be gleaned from Italy's fatal errors — and urgent messages for other parts of the world.

   "The biggest mistake we made was to admit patients infected with COVID-19 into hospitals throughout the region," said Carlo Borghetti, the vice- premier of Lombardy, an economically crucial region with a population of 10 million.

   "We should have immediately set up separate structures exclusively for people sick with coronavirus. I recommend the rest of the world do this, to not send COVID patients into health-care facilities that are still uninfected."

   Already, Italian cities in other regions are doing this, as well as field hospitals in Milan and Bergamo, Lombardy, which are almost complete.

   However, the virus was not only spread to "clean" — i.e. infection-free — hospitals by admitting positive patients. In early March, as the number of infected was doubling every few days, authorities allowed overwhelmed hospitals to transfer those who tested positive but weren't gravely ill into assistedliving facilities for the elderly.

   "It was like throwing a lit match onto a haystack," said Borghetti, who spoke out against the directive at the time. "Some facilities refused to take in the positive patients. For those that did [take them in], it was devastating."

   Along with the tragic misstep of putting infected people under the same roof as clusters of the most physically vulnerable, Borghetti and others point to a deeper structural factor that accelerated the outbreak in northern Italy: a highly centralized health-care system with large hospitals as its focus.

From: Accesses on 04/09/2020

A causa está relacionada com o fato de a população dessa região ser composta majoritariamente por idosos.
A grande quantidade de abrigos de idosos foi o fator que mais pesou na contaminação descontrolada.
Especula-se que foram os turistas estrangeiros os grandes responsáveis pela contaminação em massa nessa região.
O grande responsável foi o governo italiano que não tomou as devidas precauções a tempo de controlar a contaminação da população.
Por enquanto não há estudos epidemiológicos que expliquem a rapidez com que o corona vírus se espalhou por essa região.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, podemos afirmar que

Texto 4

Coronavirus is 10 times deadlier than swine flu: WHO

   COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, is officially 10 times deadlier than the H1N1 swine flu strain that ripped across much of the world in 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed Monday.

   The only way to truly halt the spread is a vaccine, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing from Geneva. More than 1.8 million people have been infected so far worldwide, and at least 115,000 have died.

   “Evidence from several countries is giving us a clearer picture about this virus, how it behaves, how to stop it and how to treat it,” Tedros said. “We know that COVID-19 spreads fast, and we know that it is deadly – 10 times deadlier than the 2009 flu pandemic.”

   While swine flu, as it was popularly known, killed 18,500 people, the true toll may have been closer to between 151,700 and 575,400, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported, citing The Lancet.

   “We know that the virus can spread more easily in crowded environments like nursing homes,” Tedros continued. “We know that early case finding, testing, isolating, caring for every case, and tracing every contact is essential for stopping transmission.”

   Pointing out that in some countries cases are doubling every three to four days, the disease accelerates fast but “decelerates much more slowly,” Tedros said. “In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up,” he said. “That means control measures must be lifted slowly and with control.”

   Tedros cautioned that restarting the shutdown portions of the economy in the U.S. and other countries whose leaders have been anxious to loosen restrictions could prove deadly. He also exhorted everyone around the world to work together, as several development ministers from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden had done in a recent joint editorial.

From: Accessed on 04/14/2020

A COVID-19 matou 10% das pessoas infectadas no mundo.
A taxa de desaceleração da COVID-19 é mais baixa do que a taxa de aceleração.
A taxa de letalidade da gripe suína e da COVID- 19 são semelhantes.
A gripe suína matou centenas de milhares de idosos em asilos.
O diretor da Organização Mundial da Saúde defende o isolamento vertical.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A respeito da abertura do comércio, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus diz que:

Texto 4

Coronavirus is 10 times deadlier than swine flu: WHO

   COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, is officially 10 times deadlier than the H1N1 swine flu strain that ripped across much of the world in 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed Monday.

   The only way to truly halt the spread is a vaccine, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing from Geneva. More than 1.8 million people have been infected so far worldwide, and at least 115,000 have died.

   “Evidence from several countries is giving us a clearer picture about this virus, how it behaves, how to stop it and how to treat it,” Tedros said. “We know that COVID-19 spreads fast, and we know that it is deadly – 10 times deadlier than the 2009 flu pandemic.”

   While swine flu, as it was popularly known, killed 18,500 people, the true toll may have been closer to between 151,700 and 575,400, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported, citing The Lancet.

   “We know that the virus can spread more easily in crowded environments like nursing homes,” Tedros continued. “We know that early case finding, testing, isolating, caring for every case, and tracing every contact is essential for stopping transmission.”

   Pointing out that in some countries cases are doubling every three to four days, the disease accelerates fast but “decelerates much more slowly,” Tedros said. “In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up,” he said. “That means control measures must be lifted slowly and with control.”

   Tedros cautioned that restarting the shutdown portions of the economy in the U.S. and other countries whose leaders have been anxious to loosen restrictions could prove deadly. He also exhorted everyone around the world to work together, as several development ministers from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden had done in a recent joint editorial.

From: Accessed on 04/14/2020

É preciso haver cautela, pois a abertura do comércio pode aumentar o número de mortes.
Ela será mortal para todos os cidadãos com a COVID-19.
Nenhum país deveria abrir o comércio, sob pena de serem responsabilizados pelos mortos.
Todos deveriam seguir o exemplo dos países da União Europeia e não abrir o comércio.
Está de acordo, pois há a necessidade de manter a economia funcionando a todo custo.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Sobre o isolamento social, o texto permite inferir que:

Texto 2 

   Boris Johnson should have taken his own medicine - The British prime minister tested positive for Covid-19 and went into isolation, but not before doing untold damage and setting a bad example.

   Boris Johnson, the prime minister of Britain, on Friday announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. In a brief video released on Twitter, he shared the basics: Having developed “mild symptoms — that’s to say, a temperature and a persistent cough” — he underwent testing and received the bad news. He will now be “selfisolating” until the illness has run its course.

   Looking mostly healthy, if typically disheveled, Mr. Johnson stressed that he would continue to “lead the national fightback” from his home via teleconferencing. He urged the British public to abide by the three-week lockdown put into place on Monday.

   The more effectively people stick with social distancing, the faster the nation and its National Health Service (N.H.S.) will “bounce back,” he said, before closing with the plea, “Stay at home, protect the N.H.S and save lives.” It was a responsible, no- drama message. If only the prime minister had displayed such leadership sooner, he — and who knows how many others — might have been spared this illness.

From: Accessed on 03/27/2020

Foi precipitado, pois havia poucos infectados na Inglaterra.
Foi impensado, pois a população não teve tempo de ser programar para o isolamento.
Poderia ter sido decretado antes para evitar que mais pessoas tivessem sido infectadas.
Não surtiu efeito, pois os parques das cidades ficaram cheios de pessoas se exercitando.
Boris Johnson antecipou-se e tomou todas as precauções para proteger a população britânica.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Quando Barack Obama disse que “Na política e na vida, ignorância não é uma virtude”, ele chamou os alunos a refletirem sobre:

Texto 1

Part of President Obama’s Speech at Rutgers Commencement 2016

   Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science — these are good things. These are qualities you want in people making policy. These are qualities you want to continue to cultivate in yourselves as citizens. That might seem obvious. That’s why we honor Bill Moyers or Dr. Burnell. We traditionally have valued those things. But if you were listening to today’s political debate, you might wonder where this strain of anti-intellectualism came from.

   So, Class of 2016, let me be as clear as I can be. In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real, or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness. That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about.

   Qualities like kindness and compassion, honesty, hard work — they often matter more than technical skills or know-how. But when our leaders express a disdain for facts, when they’re not held accountable for repeating falsehoods and just making stuff up, while actual experts are dismissed as elitists, then we’ve got a problem.

   You know, it’s interesting that if we get sick, we actually want to make sure the doctors have gone to medical school, they know what they’re talking about. If we get on a plane, we say we really want a pilot to be able to pilot the plane. The rejection of facts, the rejection of reason and science — that is the path to decline.

From: Accessed on 04/01/2020

a importância do conhecimento intuitivo das pessoas.
o desdém que devem ter pelo conhecimento intuitivo das pessoas.
o perigo de desdenhar dos fatos, da razão e da ciência
não acreditarem em políticos sem formação acadêmica.
como rejeitarem os fatos e confiarem em suas opiniões pessoais.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Depois de ler o texto, não é correto afirmar que:

Texto 1

Part of President Obama’s Speech at Rutgers Commencement 2016

   Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science — these are good things. These are qualities you want in people making policy. These are qualities you want to continue to cultivate in yourselves as citizens. That might seem obvious. That’s why we honor Bill Moyers or Dr. Burnell. We traditionally have valued those things. But if you were listening to today’s political debate, you might wonder where this strain of anti-intellectualism came from.

   So, Class of 2016, let me be as clear as I can be. In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real, or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness. That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about.

   Qualities like kindness and compassion, honesty, hard work — they often matter more than technical skills or know-how. But when our leaders express a disdain for facts, when they’re not held accountable for repeating falsehoods and just making stuff up, while actual experts are dismissed as elitists, then we’ve got a problem.

   You know, it’s interesting that if we get sick, we actually want to make sure the doctors have gone to medical school, they know what they’re talking about. If we get on a plane, we say we really want a pilot to be able to pilot the plane. The rejection of facts, the rejection of reason and science — that is the path to decline.

From: Accessed on 04/01/2020

Não é formidável não ter conhecimento sobre o que se fala.
Líderes políticos não devem espalhar mentiras baseadas em suas impressões pessoais.
Políticos precisam respeitar a ciência, a razão, a lógica, os fatos e as evidências.
Muitas vezes é preciso desconsiderar evidências e fatos para o benefício da sociedade.
O debate político mencionado por Obama mostrou o crescimento anti-intelectualismo.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Sobre líderes que espalham mentiras, o texto nos permite afirmar que:

Texto 1

Part of President Obama’s Speech at Rutgers Commencement 2016

   Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science — these are good things. These are qualities you want in people making policy. These are qualities you want to continue to cultivate in yourselves as citizens. That might seem obvious. That’s why we honor Bill Moyers or Dr. Burnell. We traditionally have valued those things. But if you were listening to today’s political debate, you might wonder where this strain of anti-intellectualism came from.

   So, Class of 2016, let me be as clear as I can be. In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real, or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness. That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about.

   Qualities like kindness and compassion, honesty, hard work — they often matter more than technical skills or know-how. But when our leaders express a disdain for facts, when they’re not held accountable for repeating falsehoods and just making stuff up, while actual experts are dismissed as elitists, then we’ve got a problem.

   You know, it’s interesting that if we get sick, we actually want to make sure the doctors have gone to medical school, they know what they’re talking about. If we get on a plane, we say we really want a pilot to be able to pilot the plane. The rejection of facts, the rejection of reason and science — that is the path to decline.

From: Accessed on 04/01/2020

eles são responsabilizados judicialmente.
eles são apoiados pela população e pela mídia.
eles são vaiados ao se pronunciarem.
eles são especialistas em ciência.
eles não sofrem punição judicial.
URCA 2021 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que Boris Johnson:

Texto 2 

   Boris Johnson should have taken his own medicine - The British prime minister tested positive for Covid-19 and went into isolation, but not before doing untold damage and setting a bad example.

   Boris Johnson, the prime minister of Britain, on Friday announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. In a brief video released on Twitter, he shared the basics: Having developed “mild symptoms — that’s to say, a temperature and a persistent cough” — he underwent testing and received the bad news. He will now be “selfisolating” until the illness has run its course.

   Looking mostly healthy, if typically disheveled, Mr. Johnson stressed that he would continue to “lead the national fightback” from his home via teleconferencing. He urged the British public to abide by the three-week lockdown put into place on Monday.

   The more effectively people stick with social distancing, the faster the nation and its National Health Service (N.H.S.) will “bounce back,” he said, before closing with the plea, “Stay at home, protect the N.H.S and save lives.” It was a responsible, no- drama message. If only the prime minister had displayed such leadership sooner, he — and who knows how many others — might have been spared this illness.

From: Accessed on 03/27/2020

Pediu para as pessoas irem trabalhar normalmente.
Não se isolou, pois não apresentou sintomas fortes da COVID-19.
Sempre acreditou na mortalidade do corona vírus.
Solicitou que um porta-voz informasse sobre seu estado de saúde.
Deu ele mesmo a notícia de que estava infectado pelo corona vírus.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

About Berlusconi´s wealth, we can affirm that:

Imagem 037.jpg

It´s the biggest in Italy.
It was built during a time of corruption.
It´s nothing if transformed into Euro.
Most of it was built thanks to his soccer team, Milan.
Politicians and industrialists helped to make it bigger.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The text says that:

Imagem 037.jpg

Italy´s reputation grew enormously during the time Berlusconi was Prime Minister.
Berlusconi was elected three times because he was supported by the Communist Party.
Berlusconi was never involved in corruption or sex scandals during the time he was Prime Minister.
While generations of the same family of Italians share small houses to live, Berlusconi exhibit luxurious large houses.
Ex­Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the entrepreneur Lupo Ratazzi are best friends.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

The phrase “a Harvard­educated airline entrepreneur” functions as:

Imagem 037.jpg

URCA 2012 - Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun, Pronomes | Pronouns

The right pronoun to fill Blank II is:

Imagem 037.jpg

URCA 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente perfeito | Present perfect

Blank I must be filled with:

Imagem 037.jpg

has won.
have won.
will win.
was winning.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, it is right to say that:

Imagem 036.jpg

Nobody in Italy will miss Berlusconi.
Most Italians think Berlusconi is an unreliable man.
Berlusconi left Italian economy near a collapse.
The Italian media didn´t support Berlusconi.
Berlusconi knows nothing about Italians´ mind.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Caso genitivo | Genitive case

You can find an example of genitive case in:

Imagem 036.jpg

They are going to miss him when he’s gone.” (first paragraph)
“It’s not so much his massive wealth or media influence…” (first paragraph)
Berlusconi´s not just any old charlatan.” (second paragraph)
“…because he’s created it through his media influence.” (second paragraph)
“Italy’s greatest weaknesses and its worst instincts.” (headlines)
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

Boundless (second paragraph) means:

Imagem 036.jpg

URCA 2012 - Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Though (first paragraph) may not be replaced by:

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Even though.
Despite the fact that.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun, Pronomes | Pronouns

Himself (second paragraph) refers to:

Imagem 036.jpg

The Italian psyche.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente perfeito | Present perfect

Check the sentence that it is not in the present perfect:

Imagem 036.jpg

“It’s not so much his massive wealth or media influence …”
“…that has kept him in power for the better part of 17 years.”
“…it has taken a catastrophic near collapse…”
“…he’s created it through his media influence.”
“And he has succeeded both personally and politically…”