Questõesde UNIOESTE sobre Inglês

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UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto a seguir se refere à questão.


De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que

Garfield usa um aparelho de GPS, segue parcialmente as direções indicadas e mesmo assim chega ao destino.
Garfield, ao seguir as instruções do equipamento em mãos, entra pela porta destinada aos animais, cruza a sala de estar, vira à direita no corredor, segue por 20 jardas, vira à esquerda, continua por 11 pés e chega ao alvo, a geladeira.
o termo “Nirvana”, usado por Garfield, denota sua admiração pelo grupo de rock Nirvana, ou seja, traz à tona uma memória importante para ele.
Garfield, ao seguir as instruções do equipamento em mãos, passa pela porta de entrada destinada aos animais, cruza a sala de estar, vira à direita no corredor, segue por 20 jardas até aproximar-se de algo à esquerda, continua por 11 pés e chega ao alvo, a geladeira.
Garfield, ao seguir as instruções do equipamento em mãos, entra pela porta destinada aos animais, vira à direita na sala de estar, segue por aproximadamente 20 jardas pela esquerda, continua por aproximadamente 11 pés e chega à geladeira.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa que contém a ideia central do texto.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada

   The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice since its introduction in 1971. It was originally created as a policy based on the logic of ethnicity, modified to deal with racism and amended to include freedom of religion. In 1988 the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed. 

   Canada is considered a nation of immigrants such that cultural diversity is often presented as the essence of national identity. However, it is difficult to negotiate social and political policy when trying to speak for such a varied populace. Two very real challenges that Canada faces in regard to multiculturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic position of immigrants.

    An example of clash of cultures is the one between English and French-Canada. The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity and an inclination towards separatism from the rest of the country. In 1995, there was a referendum in the province of Quebec concerning separation in which 49% of the voting population voted “yes” and 51% voted “no”. The clash between French and English-Canada is primarily a cultural clash with Quebec concerned with preserving its own history, language and values; fearing these things are apt to become lost within English-Canada. Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada’s national administration has increased their efforts to accommodate Quebec identity within a Canadian identity.

     Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. Diversity is supported by governmental policy but Canada is still a society where racist interactions and poor-bashing are severely detrimental to minorities (especially recent arrivals). There are many barriers to equal integration, especially in education, housing and employment. For example, in the workforce it is very difficult to get a job when the potential employer feels you are not speaking “proper” English or you do not have any Canadian work experience on your resumé. This often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum wage positions with little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. These sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, poverty and unsafe environments where a new immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse.

Source: Adapted from

O maior desafio do Canadá tem sido lidar com o anseio separatista da população da província de Quebec.
A diversidade linguística e cultural existente no Canadá impede que a política de multiculturalismo seja bem-sucedida.
O Canadá procura resolver conflitos étnicos, raciais e religiosos por meio de referendo ou de negociação com os diversos grupos sociais.
Apesar de o multiculturalismo constituir política oficial no Canadá, este país ainda enfrenta barreiras para a integração multicultural de forma equitativa.
As maiores barreiras com relação à integração das minorias para efetivação da política do multiculturalismo estão ligadas ao acesso à educação, moradia e ao emprego.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Mark the CORRECT alternative.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada

   The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice since its introduction in 1971. It was originally created as a policy based on the logic of ethnicity, modified to deal with racism and amended to include freedom of religion. In 1988 the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed. 

   Canada is considered a nation of immigrants such that cultural diversity is often presented as the essence of national identity. However, it is difficult to negotiate social and political policy when trying to speak for such a varied populace. Two very real challenges that Canada faces in regard to multiculturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic position of immigrants.

    An example of clash of cultures is the one between English and French-Canada. The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity and an inclination towards separatism from the rest of the country. In 1995, there was a referendum in the province of Quebec concerning separation in which 49% of the voting population voted “yes” and 51% voted “no”. The clash between French and English-Canada is primarily a cultural clash with Quebec concerned with preserving its own history, language and values; fearing these things are apt to become lost within English-Canada. Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada’s national administration has increased their efforts to accommodate Quebec identity within a Canadian identity.

     Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. Diversity is supported by governmental policy but Canada is still a society where racist interactions and poor-bashing are severely detrimental to minorities (especially recent arrivals). There are many barriers to equal integration, especially in education, housing and employment. For example, in the workforce it is very difficult to get a job when the potential employer feels you are not speaking “proper” English or you do not have any Canadian work experience on your resumé. This often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum wage positions with little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. These sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, poverty and unsafe environments where a new immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse.

Source: Adapted from

In “The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice”, the verb form indicates something that started in the past and continues in the present.
Comparing the use of verbs in “The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity” and “Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit”, we can say that they both talk about something that happened at an unspecified time in the past.
The affixes in the words “ethnicity”, “isolation”, “unsafe” and “harassment” change verbs to nouns.
In the fragments “when trying to speak”, “there was a referendum […] concerning separation”, “education, housing and employment” and “concerned with preserving its own history”, the suffix - ing indicates gerund in all the cases
In “concerning separation” and “concerned with preserving”, the underlined words have different grammar functions and mean “about” and “interested (in)”, respectively.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, marque a alternativa que menciona produto(s) falsificado(s) que, ao ser(em) utilizado(s) pelo consumidor, não oferece(m) risco.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?

By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016

Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?  

     A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.

    But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.

   We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing. 

    We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.

     After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.


Óculos de sol.
Álcool, cigarro e medicamentos.
Um par de sapatos Louboutin.
Um perfume da Chanel.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No texto, o autor afirma que

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?

By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016

Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?  

     A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.

    But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.

   We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing. 

    We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.

     After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.


o consumidor que compra o produto falsificado compraria o produto original, caso a réplica não fosse comercializada.
o consumidor que tem condições financeiras de comprar um produto original sente-se ofendido ao verificar que outras pessoas a sua volta desfilam com itens falsificados.
as pessoas que adquirem produtos falsificados nem sempre se importam com as questões relacionadas à qualidade e aos direitos da marca.
a compra de produtos falsificados nunca traz danos à saúde dos usuários ou prejuízo financeiro ao fabricante do produto original; todavia, é um crime a ser punido.
os consumidores que adquirem produtos falsificados sentem-se felizes, pois mesmo as falsificações têm qualidade.
UNIOESTE 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Considerando o contexto, assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz o trecho “Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized...”.

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

What's wrong with buying fake luxury goods?

By Bethan Bell, BBC News, 15 July 2016

Every time a new haul of fake designer goods is seized we're told that the people who buy them are ruining the reputation of brands, stealing revenue from companies, contributing to an unethical labour market and subsidising organised crime. But is this really the case?  

     A BBC investigation has found over the past two years, thousands of fake goods were seized from black markets across England.

    But is there any harm in nabbing a pair of "Louboutins" from a market, or a "Chanel" handbag from a chap selling them on a foreign beach? To the average punter it might sound a bit far-fetched that their cash goes straight to a drugs cartel or gun-runners.

   We're not talking about alcohol, tobacco or medications - buying such items clearly poses a health risk. The same can be said for toys which aren't up to safety standards, and sunglasses which don't have the recommended UV protection. Nor are we talking about people who genuinely believe the goods they buy are the real thing. 

    We're talking about those who are happy to get knock-off designer items for knock-down prices. The people who are well aware there may be issues about quality and copyright - but don't actually mind.

     After all, are the people who buy fakes for a tenner really depriving the companies that sell goods for hundreds or even thousands of pounds? A woman who makes an impulse buy in a market almost certainly wouldn't otherwise invest in the real deal, while the wealthy buyers of the genuine brand pride themselves on knowing the difference and having the official article.


Toda vez que uma nova carga de produtos de grife falsificados é apreendida...
Cada vez que um novo lote de bons produtos é produzido...
Toda vez que um novo lote de artigos destinados a designers de moda é produzido...
Toda vez que um novo roubo de produtos de grife é noticiado...
Cada vez que um novo cartel de designers é denunciado...
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text:

cognitive ability is a characteristic that derives from biology, behavioral aspects, education, culture, and it nutrition and cannot be influenced by TV viewing habits.
Sesame Street was proposed by altruistic motivations. In other words, the producers of the program did not have the intention of promoting children’s cognitive development.
Sesame Street research pointed out that most of the TV programs dedicated to children should focus on entertainment.
social science research warns that viewers must not watch sensationalist news programs.
the results presented in the text point out the positive and the negative aspects concerning the social effects of different entertainment options. The positive qualities are: relaxing and changing cultural attitudes. The second aspects are: misinformation of citizens and their lack of involvement with civic obligations.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the sentence “A detailed analysis of the show’s content in its first and second years reveals that 80 percent of the program was dedicated to those goals, with the rest meant to entertain (…)”, those goals refer to:

reading and emotional abilities for children of preschool age only.
intelligence and television consumption for children of preschool age.
children’s reading skills only.
different abilities involving: literacy, numeracy, and emotional abilities for children of preschool age.
the quality of artistic productions.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the text.

New social researches have showed that TV programs can persuade people in different ways, influencing people’s thinking and political choices, as well as people’s eating habits.
Interest in culture is not new. Plato had already explored the quality of artistic productions and their relation with young people’s character.
Critics have proved that the vast majority of TV shows for children are educational and that entertainment programs are positive.
Educational television cannot have a positive effect because it does not have any relation with cognitive ability.
The entertainment options nowadays are inoffensive and may even change cultural perspectives positively
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Qual a contribuição da pesquisa realizada?

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

Fazer um levantamento das populações necessitadas de transporte público rápido.
Identificar as cidades em que o transporte é caro e ineficiente.
Proporcionar métodos para avaliar a acessibilidade das cidades com base em dados do transporte público.
Investigar o número de cidades que precisam de transporte privado.
Propor um método de construção de novos sistemas de transporte.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Qual alternativa abaixo contém um exemplo do uso do superlativo?

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

“Public transport is increasingly becoming one of the most crucial forms of transport (...)”.
“Now, researchers at the Polytechnic University of Turin have ranked the world’s largest networks (...)”.
“(...) to come up with engaging and meaningful visualisations (...)”.
“(...) the acceleration of urban growth has led to an unprecedented level of urban interactions (...)”.
“Their average speed was found to be 6.2 and 5.8 km/h (...)”.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, no primeiro parágrafo, são três os tipos de dificuldades encontradas nos sistemas de transporte público das grandes cidades:

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

problemas técnicos, atrasos e lotação.
problemas técnicos, licitações e falta de passageiros.
problemas técnicos, licitações e excesso de passageiros.
licitações, falta de passageiros e de funcionários especializados.
lotação, falta de passageiros e de funcionários especializados.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Que posição a cidade de Londres ocupa na pesquisa sobre sistemas de transporte mais rápidos?

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, escolha a alternativa INCORRETA.

Are video games the next big college sport?

New kinds of competitors are joining student athletes at colleges and universities around the country. But not everyone agrees that these video game players are taking part in a sport. Sports are an established part of college life and a source of income for some schools. The football stadium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, for example, holds over 107,000 people. It is one of the largest sports stadiums in the world!

Like most traditional college sports, video game competitions involve two or more teams of students officially representing their schools. Team members wear clothing with their names and school colors. They even have coaches giving them advice on how best to win.

However, there is no running or jumping or hitting other players. In fact, these new events are different from any traditional athletic activity. They are called esports, and they take place not in the real world, but in computers or other video game systems.

Professional video game competitions have been popular around the world for years. Teams and individuals compete for prize money and awards in strategic military combat games like Starcraft and one-on-one fighting games like Street Fighter. 
Fonte: adaptado de <
Nos Estados Unidos, os esportes são considerados investimentos lucrativos para algumas escolas e universidades.
A palavra sports não possui o mesmo significado que esports.
Nos Estados Unidos, encontra-se um dos maiores estádios esportivos do mundo.
As competições profissionais de videogames são pouco conhecidas mundialmente.
As competições profissionais de videogames possuem semelhanças e diferenças em relação às atividades atléticas tradicionais.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Mark the CORRECT alternative, according to the text.

Are video games the next big college sport?

New kinds of competitors are joining student athletes at colleges and universities around the country. But not everyone agrees that these video game players are taking part in a sport. Sports are an established part of college life and a source of income for some schools. The football stadium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, for example, holds over 107,000 people. It is one of the largest sports stadiums in the world!

Like most traditional college sports, video game competitions involve two or more teams of students officially representing their schools. Team members wear clothing with their names and school colors. They even have coaches giving them advice on how best to win.

However, there is no running or jumping or hitting other players. In fact, these new events are different from any traditional athletic activity. They are called esports, and they take place not in the real world, but in computers or other video game systems.

Professional video game competitions have been popular around the world for years. Teams and individuals compete for prize money and awards in strategic military combat games like Starcraft and one-on-one fighting games like Street Fighter. 
Fonte: adaptado de <
In the sentence, […]video game competitions involve two or more teams of students officially representing their schools, the word their is related to competitions.
Taking part, take place and holds over are phrasal verbs meaning being involved, happen and maintains, respectively.
In the sentence They even have coaches giving them advice on how best to win, the word even can be translated into Portuguese as ainda assim.
In the second paragraph, representing e clothing are verbs.
The sentence, However, there is no running or jumping or hitting other players, expresses the idea of a difference between traditional athletic activities and the video game events.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Mark the INCORRECT alternative, according to the text.

How does Hurricane Harvey compare with Katrina? Here’s what we know

Although it is still unfolding, Harvey, now a tropical storm, evokes comparisons to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Here’s a quick rundown of what we know about similarities and differences between the two.

    • The Cities
Katrina: Before the storm, New Orleans was a small city of about 455,000 people that lay in large part below sea level, ostensibly protected by a system of levee walls. Its population never fully recovered from the evacuation and destruction and remains below 400,000.
Harvey: Houston is a sprawling, car-dependent, low-lying but not below sea level city. It has a population of more than two million people, with a system of bayous and waterways to manage flooding.

   • The Storms
Katrina: It made landfall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border on Aug. 29, 2005, as a Category 3 storm and measured 350 miles across. However, the relatively low classification, was deceptive because Katrina produced the highest storm surge ever recorded in the U.S.
Harvey: It made landfall in Rockport, Tex., on Friday as a Category 4 storm, measuring 200 miles across, but was quickly downgraded. As of Monday, it was expected to linger for days, causing the National Weather Service to warn, “This event is unprecedented and all impacts are unknown.”

     • Deaths and Damage
Katrina: One of the deadliest hurricanes ever to strike the U.S., Katrina was responsible for 1,833 deaths, and some bodies were untouched for days. The storm inflicted more than $100 billion in damage, with most of it caused by wind, storm surge and the failure of the levees. Harvey: Local officials have reported at least 10 deaths in Texas since the storm began, but heavy rains and flooding are expected to continue at least through Friday. Most of the damage could be caused by flooding. As for the economy, the Gulf region’s capacity as an oil and gas does not appear to have been seriously compromised.

  • Assistance
Katrina: The storm displaced over a million people and damaged or destroyed 275,000 homes. Almost a million households received individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Harvey: We don’t know yet how many people will be forced out of their homes. But the vast majority of homes in Harvey’s path are not insured against flooding, according to figures from the National Flood Insurance Program. It is estimated that 450,000 people were likely to seek federal aid. 
Fonte: adaptado de <>

The words ostensibly, fully, seriously, likely and quickly are all adverbs.
In the excerpt this event is unprecedented and all impacts are unknown, the author says that não há precedentes para tal evento e todos os impactos são desconhecidos, when reported in Portuguese.
In the first paragraph, the word rundown could be replaced by report without affecting the meaning.
In the first comparison between Katrina and Harvey, describing the cities, the words cardependent and sprawling are adjectives.
Storm surge means a violent storm with very high winds.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Mark the INCORRECT alternative.

What Parents Can Do to Nurture Good Writers

Steve Graham, a professor at Arizona State University’s Teachers College, has been researching how young people learn to write for more than 30 years. He is a co-author of numerous books on writing instruction, including “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.”
How does reading at home help children become better writers?
is really critical, but it’s not enough. We don’t have much evidence that if you just read more, you’ll be a better writer. But analyzing text does make a difference. So when we read to kids, we can also have conversations with them about the author’s craft. How did this author make this place seem real in terms of description? What words did they use? How did they present this idea or this argument?
Should a parent correct a child’s writing, or just be encouraging?
Sometimes when kids come to you to share what they’re writing, they’re not coming for feedback. They are coming for affirmation. It’s really important we emphasize first and foremost what we really like about it. And if you’re going to give feedback, just pick one or two things. English teachers — and parents are guilty of this, too — sometimes overwhelm kids with more feedback than they can absorb all at once. The other thing that’s really important, particularly for parents, is to remember that they don’t own this piece. It’s their child’s.
What should parents look for to assess the writing instruction at their child’s school?
After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction. It’s like we’ve imagined that kids have acquired what they need to know to be good writers by then! In middle and high school, the most common activities are fill-in-the-blanks on worksheets, writing single sentences, making lists or writing a paragraph summary. When you start talking about persuasive essays or an informative paper, those things occur infrequently in English class and even less so in social studies and science. So the first questions are: “Is my kid writing at school, and was he given writing assignments to work on at home? Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?” That’s what they need to be able to do for college.
Fonte: adaptado de <

The three fragments Has been researching, you start talking and they’re not coming are used in two verb tenses: present perfect continuous and simple present continuous.
Was he given and very little time is devoted are written in the passive voice, but you’re going to give feedback is reported in the active voice.
In the question Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?, the demonstrative pronoun refers to writing assignments

In the excerpts we can also have conversations and what should parents look for, two modal verbs are used, can as possibility and should as advisability.

In the sentence After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction, it is possible to be inferred that more writing should be practiced in class.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No texto, o autor afirma que

What Parents Can Do to Nurture Good Writers

Steve Graham, a professor at Arizona State University’s Teachers College, has been researching how young people learn to write for more than 30 years. He is a co-author of numerous books on writing instruction, including “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.”
How does reading at home help children become better writers?
is really critical, but it’s not enough. We don’t have much evidence that if you just read more, you’ll be a better writer. But analyzing text does make a difference. So when we read to kids, we can also have conversations with them about the author’s craft. How did this author make this place seem real in terms of description? What words did they use? How did they present this idea or this argument?
Should a parent correct a child’s writing, or just be encouraging?
Sometimes when kids come to you to share what they’re writing, they’re not coming for feedback. They are coming for affirmation. It’s really important we emphasize first and foremost what we really like about it. And if you’re going to give feedback, just pick one or two things. English teachers — and parents are guilty of this, too — sometimes overwhelm kids with more feedback than they can absorb all at once. The other thing that’s really important, particularly for parents, is to remember that they don’t own this piece. It’s their child’s.
What should parents look for to assess the writing instruction at their child’s school?
After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction. It’s like we’ve imagined that kids have acquired what they need to know to be good writers by then! In middle and high school, the most common activities are fill-in-the-blanks on worksheets, writing single sentences, making lists or writing a paragraph summary. When you start talking about persuasive essays or an informative paper, those things occur infrequently in English class and even less so in social studies and science. So the first questions are: “Is my kid writing at school, and was he given writing assignments to work on at home? Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?” That’s what they need to be able to do for college.
Fonte: adaptado de <

há evidências que sustentam a ideia de que uma pessoa que lê mais terá mais habilidade na escrita.
os professores de inglês e os pais deveriam emitir mais comentários sobre a redação dos alunos, a fim de contribuírem nesse processo.
os pais devem auxiliar na produção escrita de seus filhos, apontar vários problemas evidenciados e fazer as devidas sugestões.
atividades como preenchimento de lacunas, redação de sentenças soltas, resumo e confecção de listas são os conteúdos que mais contribuem para a preparação do aluno para a faculdade.
o professor Steve Graham, da Universidade Estadual do Arizona, tem se dedicado a pesquisar estratégias de escrita de jovens por mais de trinta anos.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

Considerando o texto, assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz o trecho: Houston is a sprawling, car-dependent, low-lying but not below sea level city

How does Hurricane Harvey compare with Katrina? Here’s what we know

Although it is still unfolding, Harvey, now a tropical storm, evokes comparisons to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Here’s a quick rundown of what we know about similarities and differences between the two.

    • The Cities
Katrina: Before the storm, New Orleans was a small city of about 455,000 people that lay in large part below sea level, ostensibly protected by a system of levee walls. Its population never fully recovered from the evacuation and destruction and remains below 400,000.
Harvey: Houston is a sprawling, car-dependent, low-lying but not below sea level city. It has a population of more than two million people, with a system of bayous and waterways to manage flooding.

   • The Storms
Katrina: It made landfall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border on Aug. 29, 2005, as a Category 3 storm and measured 350 miles across. However, the relatively low classification, was deceptive because Katrina produced the highest storm surge ever recorded in the U.S.
Harvey: It made landfall in Rockport, Tex., on Friday as a Category 4 storm, measuring 200 miles across, but was quickly downgraded. As of Monday, it was expected to linger for days, causing the National Weather Service to warn, “This event is unprecedented and all impacts are unknown.”

     • Deaths and Damage
Katrina: One of the deadliest hurricanes ever to strike the U.S., Katrina was responsible for 1,833 deaths, and some bodies were untouched for days. The storm inflicted more than $100 billion in damage, with most of it caused by wind, storm surge and the failure of the levees. Harvey: Local officials have reported at least 10 deaths in Texas since the storm began, but heavy rains and flooding are expected to continue at least through Friday. Most of the damage could be caused by flooding. As for the economy, the Gulf region’s capacity as an oil and gas does not appear to have been seriously compromised.

  • Assistance
Katrina: The storm displaced over a million people and damaged or destroyed 275,000 homes. Almost a million households received individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Harvey: We don’t know yet how many people will be forced out of their homes. But the vast majority of homes in Harvey’s path are not insured against flooding, according to figures from the National Flood Insurance Program. It is estimated that 450,000 people were likely to seek federal aid. 
Fonte: adaptado de <>

Houston é uma cidade em desenvolvimento, dependente de carros, um pouco abaixo do nível do mar.
Houston é uma cidade em desenvolvimento, dependente de carros, com baixa altitude, mas não abaixo do nível do mar.
Houston é promissora, dependente de carros, com baixa altitude, mas não abaixo do nível do mar da cidade.
Houston é desenvolvida, dependente de carros, com baixa altitude, mas não abaixo do nível do mar da cidade.
Houston é uma cidade espalhada, dependente de carros, com baixa altitude, mas não abaixo
do nível do mar.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A partir do texto acima, assinale a alternativa que contém a ideia central do texto.

What Parents Can Do to Nurture Good Writers

Steve Graham, a professor at Arizona State University’s Teachers College, has been researching how young people learn to write for more than 30 years. He is a co-author of numerous books on writing instruction, including “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.”
How does reading at home help children become better writers?
is really critical, but it’s not enough. We don’t have much evidence that if you just read more, you’ll be a better writer. But analyzing text does make a difference. So when we read to kids, we can also have conversations with them about the author’s craft. How did this author make this place seem real in terms of description? What words did they use? How did they present this idea or this argument?
Should a parent correct a child’s writing, or just be encouraging?
Sometimes when kids come to you to share what they’re writing, they’re not coming for feedback. They are coming for affirmation. It’s really important we emphasize first and foremost what we really like about it. And if you’re going to give feedback, just pick one or two things. English teachers — and parents are guilty of this, too — sometimes overwhelm kids with more feedback than they can absorb all at once. The other thing that’s really important, particularly for parents, is to remember that they don’t own this piece. It’s their child’s.
What should parents look for to assess the writing instruction at their child’s school?
After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction. It’s like we’ve imagined that kids have acquired what they need to know to be good writers by then! In middle and high school, the most common activities are fill-in-the-blanks on worksheets, writing single sentences, making lists or writing a paragraph summary. When you start talking about persuasive essays or an informative paper, those things occur infrequently in English class and even less so in social studies and science. So the first questions are: “Is my kid writing at school, and was he given writing assignments to work on at home? Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?” That’s what they need to be able to do for college.
Fonte: adaptado de <

Como os jovens aprendem a escrever.
A contribuição dos pais no processo de desenvolvimento da escrita de seus filhos, tornando-os bons escritores.
A importância da leitura em casa, a fim de que as crianças tenham maior habilidade na escrita.
A efetiva atuação dos pais no processo de correção da escrita de seus filhos.
Diferentes estratégias de escrita acessíveis aos alunos.