Questõesde UFVJM-MG 2017 sobre Inglês

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UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Imperativo | Imperative

O texto pertence a um gênero textual conhecido pelo uso de verbos no modo imperativo, isto é, verbos que indicam ordens, pedidos, comandos, etc.

ASSINALE a alternativa que NÃO contém verbos no modo imperativo:

Text :


6 cups thinly sliced apples

3/4 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 recipe pastry for a 9-inch double-crust pie

Prepare your pastry for a two crust pie. Wipe, quarter, core, peel, and slice apples; measure to 6 cups. Combine sugar and cinnamon. The amount of sugar used depends on how tart your apples are. Arrange apples in layers in pastry lined pie plate. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and cinnamon. Dot top layer with small pieces of butter or margarine. Cover with top crust. Place on lowest rack in oven preheated to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake for 30 to 35 minutes longer. Serve warm or cold.

Source: < > Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.

Arrange apples in layers in pastry lined pie plate.
Wipe, quarter, core, peel, and slice apples; measure to 6 cups.
The amount of sugar used depends on how tart your apples are.
Place on lowest rack in oven preheated to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Quanto ao texto , pode-se afirmar que ele contém:

Text :


6 cups thinly sliced apples

3/4 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 recipe pastry for a 9-inch double-crust pie

Prepare your pastry for a two crust pie. Wipe, quarter, core, peel, and slice apples; measure to 6 cups. Combine sugar and cinnamon. The amount of sugar used depends on how tart your apples are. Arrange apples in layers in pastry lined pie plate. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and cinnamon. Dot top layer with small pieces of butter or margarine. Cover with top crust. Place on lowest rack in oven preheated to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake for 30 to 35 minutes longer. Serve warm or cold.

Source: < > Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.

listagem de materiais escolares e suas funções.
rol de informações pessoais e pequenas narrativas.
ordem de acepções de um termo e exemplos de uso.
lista de ingredientes e modo de preparo de alimento.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Na frase do texto , "a signal of its military ALLIANCE with Seoul", a palavra ALLIANCE poderia ser substituída, sem alterar seu sentido, por:



By Ben Riley-Smith, US editor, in Singapore 13 JUNE 2018 • 8:10AM – The Telegraph

Donald Trump unexpectedly suspended "war games" on the Korean peninsula yesterday as he convinced Kim Jong-un to back "complete denuclearisation" in a written agreement. The US has been carrying out joint military exercises for years in the region as a signal of its military alliance with Seoul (South Korea), and as a show of strength against North Korean aggression.

The US president said in a press conference after the Singapore summit: "It is a very great day, it is a very great moment, in the history of the world." He predicted Kim would start denuclearise "very quickly" and revealed that the North Korean leader had already agreed to destroy a missile engine testing site. 

The climax of Mr Trump‘s meeting with Kim — the first between a sitting North Korean and American leader — was the signing of a joint agreement. The 400-word statement followed more than four hours of talks, first between the leaders one-on-one and then with a wider group of advisers. 

It read: "President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un conducted a comprehensive, in-depth, and sincere exchange of opinions on the issues related to the establishment of new United States - North Korea relations and the building of a lasting and robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. 

The statement went on to list four specific pledges that both Mr Trump and Kim agreed to stand by: The first was that both countries would establish "new relations" in the pursuit of "peace and prosperity" — an attempt to draw a line under the insults and threats of last year. The second said that America and North Korea would "join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula". The third said that Kim‘s regime "commits to work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula" — a key demand from the Americans. And the fourth promised that the remains of fallen US soldiers who died fighting in the Korean War would be repatriated to the United States. 

Mr Trump said he "absolutely" would invite Kim to the White House and expressed enthusiasm for visiting North Korea, but said no dates had been set. Mr Trump also praised the leaders of Japan, South Korea and China as well as Kim himself for the progress made on the issue of denuclearisation. 

Source: <> Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.

UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto , o compromisso que NÃO faz parte do documento assinado é:



By Ben Riley-Smith, US editor, in Singapore 13 JUNE 2018 • 8:10AM – The Telegraph

Donald Trump unexpectedly suspended "war games" on the Korean peninsula yesterday as he convinced Kim Jong-un to back "complete denuclearisation" in a written agreement. The US has been carrying out joint military exercises for years in the region as a signal of its military alliance with Seoul (South Korea), and as a show of strength against North Korean aggression.

The US president said in a press conference after the Singapore summit: "It is a very great day, it is a very great moment, in the history of the world." He predicted Kim would start denuclearise "very quickly" and revealed that the North Korean leader had already agreed to destroy a missile engine testing site. 

The climax of Mr Trump‘s meeting with Kim — the first between a sitting North Korean and American leader — was the signing of a joint agreement. The 400-word statement followed more than four hours of talks, first between the leaders one-on-one and then with a wider group of advisers. 

It read: "President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un conducted a comprehensive, in-depth, and sincere exchange of opinions on the issues related to the establishment of new United States - North Korea relations and the building of a lasting and robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. 

The statement went on to list four specific pledges that both Mr Trump and Kim agreed to stand by: The first was that both countries would establish "new relations" in the pursuit of "peace and prosperity" — an attempt to draw a line under the insults and threats of last year. The second said that America and North Korea would "join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula". The third said that Kim‘s regime "commits to work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula" — a key demand from the Americans. And the fourth promised that the remains of fallen US soldiers who died fighting in the Korean War would be repatriated to the United States. 

Mr Trump said he "absolutely" would invite Kim to the White House and expressed enthusiasm for visiting North Korea, but said no dates had been set. Mr Trump also praised the leaders of Japan, South Korea and China as well as Kim himself for the progress made on the issue of denuclearisation. 

Source: <> Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.

a progressiva reintegração política e territorial das fronteiras norte e sul das Coreias.
a repatriação dos restos mortais de soldados americanos mortos na Guerra da Coreia.
a união de esforços para construir um duradouro regime de paz na Península Coreana.
o compromisso de trabalhar no sentido de uma completa desnuclearização do país asiático
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto  tem como assunto principal:



By Ben Riley-Smith, US editor, in Singapore 13 JUNE 2018 • 8:10AM – The Telegraph

Donald Trump unexpectedly suspended "war games" on the Korean peninsula yesterday as he convinced Kim Jong-un to back "complete denuclearisation" in a written agreement. The US has been carrying out joint military exercises for years in the region as a signal of its military alliance with Seoul (South Korea), and as a show of strength against North Korean aggression.

The US president said in a press conference after the Singapore summit: "It is a very great day, it is a very great moment, in the history of the world." He predicted Kim would start denuclearise "very quickly" and revealed that the North Korean leader had already agreed to destroy a missile engine testing site. 

The climax of Mr Trump‘s meeting with Kim — the first between a sitting North Korean and American leader — was the signing of a joint agreement. The 400-word statement followed more than four hours of talks, first between the leaders one-on-one and then with a wider group of advisers. 

It read: "President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un conducted a comprehensive, in-depth, and sincere exchange of opinions on the issues related to the establishment of new United States - North Korea relations and the building of a lasting and robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. 

The statement went on to list four specific pledges that both Mr Trump and Kim agreed to stand by: The first was that both countries would establish "new relations" in the pursuit of "peace and prosperity" — an attempt to draw a line under the insults and threats of last year. The second said that America and North Korea would "join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula". The third said that Kim‘s regime "commits to work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula" — a key demand from the Americans. And the fourth promised that the remains of fallen US soldiers who died fighting in the Korean War would be repatriated to the United States. 

Mr Trump said he "absolutely" would invite Kim to the White House and expressed enthusiasm for visiting North Korea, but said no dates had been set. Mr Trump also praised the leaders of Japan, South Korea and China as well as Kim himself for the progress made on the issue of denuclearisation. 

Source: <> Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.

a continuidade nos chamados jogos de guerra entre os Estados Unidos e a Coreia do Norte.
uma declaração que põe fim definitivo às guerras na Península Coreana e no atual conflito armado entre Estados Unidos e Singapura.
um compromisso celebrado entre os Estados Unidos e a Coreia do Sul visando à completa destruição de arsenais nucleares dos americanos.
a assinatura de acordo entre EUA e Coreia do Norte com o objetivo de realizar esforços em prol da paz e da desnuclearização do país asiático.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marque a alternativa que apresenta o assunto principal do texto.

Texto II

Tweens and teens who run, jump and dance may become adults with less breakable bones Sharon Oosthoek - May 8, 2017

     As much as a third of an adult’s skeleton will form during adolescence. So the more active someone is during this time, the stronger those bones will become.
     Adolescence is a critical time for growing strong bones. That's especially true between the ages of 10 and 14 in girls, and 12 to 16 for boys. As much as 36 percent of the adult skeleton forms during these four years. But how strong those bones become depends on how active someone had been during those formative years. That’s the finding of a new study.
    "The bigger the bones children make when they are young, the harder it will be to break when they get older," explains Laura Tosi. She’s a doctor who was not involved in the new work. But she knows the topic well. Tosi directs the Bone Health Program at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
Adultos cujas estruturas ósseas são mais porosas tiveram uma adolescência mais ativa.
Estudos sobre formação de estrutura óssea na adolescência mostraram-se inconclusivos.
Adultos sedentários têm estrutura óssea resistente mesmo tendo sido adolescentes inativos.
Adolescentes ativos fisicamente desenvolvem estrutura óssea mais resistente na idade adulta.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No texto, a atriz Katherine Langford conta em entrevista que, a medida que “13 Reasons Why” aproximavase do fim, ela percebeu que:

Texto I THE


     “13 Reasons Why” doesn't shy away from tackling heavy issues like bullying, rape, and suicide. But bringing such dark stories to life can take a toll on actors, which is why the cast had access to cute, cuddly therapy dogs while filming the show.

     "They had therapy dogs on set," Dylan Minnette, who played Clay, told PopSugar. "There was a puppy per hour. They really tried to help out. The puppies helped." According to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the pups are "on a mission of sharing smiles and joy."

     Dylan also acknowledged that Katherine Langford, who played Hannah, had the most intense experience of them all. "She had the brunt of the emotional stuff," he continued. "I mean, we all have very emotional parts, but this is about her character." In the same interview, Katherine acknowledged the intensity of her character's role and explained why it was so important to bring these tough scenes to life.

     "We always read a new script at a table read, and once we hit episode nine, there was silence," she said. "That's when we realized what we were doing was important. That's the moment that's kind of ingrained in my head as, 'This is really important.' We cover so many intense issues. I feel like so much of Hannah's life, especially the last five episodes, is so tragic that you just have to put that shock aside and get through it. It's only been after the show and after wrapping that I've gone, wow, we really did handle some really heavy stuff. I'm really proud of how we handle it, because as you said we don't shy away from them." 

Fonte: Acesso:<Fonte: Acesso: 22/05/2017.> 22/05/2017.

maus tratos a animais foram denunciados.
relações entre autistas foram incentivadas.
questões muito intensas foram abordadas.
distúrbios alimentares sérios foram tratados.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marque a alternativa em que as informações NÃO estão de acordo com o texto:

Texto II

Tweens and teens who run, jump and dance may become adults with less breakable bones Sharon Oosthoek - May 8, 2017

     As much as a third of an adult’s skeleton will form during adolescence. So the more active someone is during this time, the stronger those bones will become.
     Adolescence is a critical time for growing strong bones. That's especially true between the ages of 10 and 14 in girls, and 12 to 16 for boys. As much as 36 percent of the adult skeleton forms during these four years. But how strong those bones become depends on how active someone had been during those formative years. That’s the finding of a new study.
    "The bigger the bones children make when they are young, the harder it will be to break when they get older," explains Laura Tosi. She’s a doctor who was not involved in the new work. But she knows the topic well. Tosi directs the Bone Health Program at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Laura Tosi is involved in the Bone Health Program.
Bone strength depends on activities during adolescence.
36 percent of an adult’s skeleton form during adolescence.
1/3 of an adult’s skeleton will break during formative years.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O assunto principal do Texto I é:

Texto I THE


     “13 Reasons Why” doesn't shy away from tackling heavy issues like bullying, rape, and suicide. But bringing such dark stories to life can take a toll on actors, which is why the cast had access to cute, cuddly therapy dogs while filming the show.

     "They had therapy dogs on set," Dylan Minnette, who played Clay, told PopSugar. "There was a puppy per hour. They really tried to help out. The puppies helped." According to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the pups are "on a mission of sharing smiles and joy."

     Dylan also acknowledged that Katherine Langford, who played Hannah, had the most intense experience of them all. "She had the brunt of the emotional stuff," he continued. "I mean, we all have very emotional parts, but this is about her character." In the same interview, Katherine acknowledged the intensity of her character's role and explained why it was so important to bring these tough scenes to life.

     "We always read a new script at a table read, and once we hit episode nine, there was silence," she said. "That's when we realized what we were doing was important. That's the moment that's kind of ingrained in my head as, 'This is really important.' We cover so many intense issues. I feel like so much of Hannah's life, especially the last five episodes, is so tragic that you just have to put that shock aside and get through it. It's only been after the show and after wrapping that I've gone, wow, we really did handle some really heavy stuff. I'm really proud of how we handle it, because as you said we don't shy away from them." 

Fonte: Acesso:<Fonte: Acesso: 22/05/2017.> 22/05/2017.

o uso de cães em um comercial de TV para evitar suicídios de jovens.
o uso de cães durante as filmagens de um seriado sobre temas fortes.
a gravação de um programa de TV sobre abusos de animais domésticos.
o uso de cães como terapia para pessoas que são viciadas em televisão.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o Texto I, os responsáveis por compartilhar sorrisos e alegria são:

Texto I THE


     “13 Reasons Why” doesn't shy away from tackling heavy issues like bullying, rape, and suicide. But bringing such dark stories to life can take a toll on actors, which is why the cast had access to cute, cuddly therapy dogs while filming the show.

     "They had therapy dogs on set," Dylan Minnette, who played Clay, told PopSugar. "There was a puppy per hour. They really tried to help out. The puppies helped." According to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the pups are "on a mission of sharing smiles and joy."

     Dylan also acknowledged that Katherine Langford, who played Hannah, had the most intense experience of them all. "She had the brunt of the emotional stuff," he continued. "I mean, we all have very emotional parts, but this is about her character." In the same interview, Katherine acknowledged the intensity of her character's role and explained why it was so important to bring these tough scenes to life.

     "We always read a new script at a table read, and once we hit episode nine, there was silence," she said. "That's when we realized what we were doing was important. That's the moment that's kind of ingrained in my head as, 'This is really important.' We cover so many intense issues. I feel like so much of Hannah's life, especially the last five episodes, is so tragic that you just have to put that shock aside and get through it. It's only been after the show and after wrapping that I've gone, wow, we really did handle some really heavy stuff. I'm really proud of how we handle it, because as you said we don't shy away from them." 

Fonte: Acesso:<Fonte: Acesso: 22/05/2017.> 22/05/2017.

os filhotes de cachorros.
as personagens Hanna e Clay.
os treze cães da atriz Katherine Langford.
os atores Dylan Minnette e Katherine Langford.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com a receita apresentada no texto II,

Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1. Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2. Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3. In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4. Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5. Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6. Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7. Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9. Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10. Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11. Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12. Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em: :<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)
o forno deve ser pré-aquecido.
o tempo de preparo é de dez minutos.
o primeiro passo é derreter o chocolate em uma panela.
o sétimo passo consiste em deixar a massa descansar pelo menos uma hora.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A recomendação que NÃO está presente no texto I é:

Texto I

What brain foods are good for remembering what you studied?
    Need help remembering what you've just studied? Head to your kitchen. Research suggests certain foods are good for the brain and may boost your memory. Along with getting enough sleep and developing other healthy habits, eating brain foods can be an effective study aid.
    Eggs: Eggs are good for your memory because they are a good source of protein, a nutrient that helps you concentrate, according to registered dietitian Elisa Zied, author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.” Eggs also contain choline, a precursor to a neurotransmitter needed for good memory.
    Cereal: Cereal provides carbohydrates, which help you remember what you studied by boosting your mental energy. Carbs turn into glucose, a sugar your brain needs to think clearly. Cereals with whole grains also provide B vitamins, nutrients the nerves in your brain need to communicate, Zied says.
    Fish: Salmon, tuna and other varieties of oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. A symptom for someone low in omega-3s is poor memory. In addition to omega3 fatty acids, fish contains vitamin B-12, which is important for good memory, according to the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements.
    Getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast will also help you remember what you studied. Research shows eating breakfast improves attention and boosts academic achievement. Additionally, keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure in check and avoiding smoking will help your brain health and may sharpen your memory, according to an article by nutritionist Joy Bauer on

Fonte: Disponível em: <http://>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)
evitar fumar.
caminhar descalço.
comer cereais, ovos e peixe.
tomar um café da manhã saudável.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A receita apresentada no texto II refere-se a um tipo de:

Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1. Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2. Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3. In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4. Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5. Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6. Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7. Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9. Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10. Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11. Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12. Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em: :<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Entre os ingredientes usados nessa receita, estão:

Texto II

How to make chocolate cookies

1. Melt chocolate in the microwave, stir until smooth.
2. Sift together baking powder, flour, cocoa and salt; set aside.
3. In a bowl, cream butter with brown sugar and white sugar until smooth.
4. Beat in eggs taking one at a time, then stir in vanilla and coffee granules until well blended.
5. Using a wooden spoon, stir in melted chocolate.
6. Then stir in the dry ingredients until it blends well.
7. Cover, and allow it to stand for half an hour.
8. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
9. Place two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
10. Roll dough into walnut sized balls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
11. Then, bake it for ten minutes in the preheated oven. Cookies will still be very soft because of the chocolate.
12. Let the cookies cool for ten minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool completely.

Fonte: Disponível em: :<>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)
fermento em pó, ovos e manteiga.
chocolate em pó, sal e leite de coco.
farinha de trigo, açúcar mascavo e nozes.
farinha de trigo, baunilha e chocolate granulado.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Segundo o texto I, a ingestão dos alimentos apresentados e destacados auxilia nos estudos, pois esses alimentos:

Texto I

What brain foods are good for remembering what you studied?
    Need help remembering what you've just studied? Head to your kitchen. Research suggests certain foods are good for the brain and may boost your memory. Along with getting enough sleep and developing other healthy habits, eating brain foods can be an effective study aid.
    Eggs: Eggs are good for your memory because they are a good source of protein, a nutrient that helps you concentrate, according to registered dietitian Elisa Zied, author of “Nutrition at Your Fingertips.” Eggs also contain choline, a precursor to a neurotransmitter needed for good memory.
    Cereal: Cereal provides carbohydrates, which help you remember what you studied by boosting your mental energy. Carbs turn into glucose, a sugar your brain needs to think clearly. Cereals with whole grains also provide B vitamins, nutrients the nerves in your brain need to communicate, Zied says.
    Fish: Salmon, tuna and other varieties of oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. A symptom for someone low in omega-3s is poor memory. In addition to omega3 fatty acids, fish contains vitamin B-12, which is important for good memory, according to the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements.
    Getting a good night’s sleep and eating a healthy breakfast will also help you remember what you studied. Research shows eating breakfast improves attention and boosts academic achievement. Additionally, keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure in check and avoiding smoking will help your brain health and may sharpen your memory, according to an article by nutritionist Joy Bauer on

Fonte: Disponível em: <http://>. Acesso em: 28 set. de 2018. (Adaptado)
são bons para a memória e estimulam o cérebro.
contêm substâncias enérgicas que inibem o sono.
aprimoram a concentração e diminuem o estresse.
possuem grande quantidade de conteúdo proteico.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Segundo o texto, a evolução ocorre quando os genes:

Leia o texto II para responder à questão

Texto II

Species are adapting to urban pollution, traffic and shrinking habitats through changes in their genes By Sharon Oosthoek - Apr 6, 2017

    Ever seen a raccoon open a trash can in search of leftovers? Or walk across power lines to get from one rooftop to another? If so, you've witnessed an animal adapting its behavior to city life. That's been going on since people started building cities thousands of years ago. Now, biologists are seeing signs that animals and plants are also adapting in a more basic way to survive in cities. Their genes are changing.
     Genes are segments of DNA that influence how an organism looks and functions. An animal or plant’s DNA is like an instruction book for how it develops and grows. Some instructions guide its reproductive habits. Others influence the way it moves. Still others might let it withstand poison. Urban pollution, traffic and shrinking wild spaces have been causing changes in these genetic instructions. And scientists have been tracking more and more signs of these genetic changes.
    When genes change in response to their environment, it’s called evolution. Some of those changes may leave animals and plants better suited to their homes. It may offer new traits that increase the odds of surviving long enough to reproduce. This means the individuals will pass on these new traits to their offspring. Eventually, traits that had once been rare can now become common throughout a population.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 06/06/2017.
comportam-se como manual de instruções.
passam a incluir traços menos competitivos.
permitem que espécies desenvolvam doenças.
modificam-se em resposta ao seu meio-ambiente.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, o comportamento de animais e plantas tem se modificado ao longo do tempo devido:

Leia o texto II para responder à questão

Texto II

Species are adapting to urban pollution, traffic and shrinking habitats through changes in their genes By Sharon Oosthoek - Apr 6, 2017

    Ever seen a raccoon open a trash can in search of leftovers? Or walk across power lines to get from one rooftop to another? If so, you've witnessed an animal adapting its behavior to city life. That's been going on since people started building cities thousands of years ago. Now, biologists are seeing signs that animals and plants are also adapting in a more basic way to survive in cities. Their genes are changing.
     Genes are segments of DNA that influence how an organism looks and functions. An animal or plant’s DNA is like an instruction book for how it develops and grows. Some instructions guide its reproductive habits. Others influence the way it moves. Still others might let it withstand poison. Urban pollution, traffic and shrinking wild spaces have been causing changes in these genetic instructions. And scientists have been tracking more and more signs of these genetic changes.
    When genes change in response to their environment, it’s called evolution. Some of those changes may leave animals and plants better suited to their homes. It may offer new traits that increase the odds of surviving long enough to reproduce. This means the individuals will pass on these new traits to their offspring. Eventually, traits that had once been rare can now become common throughout a population.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 06/06/2017.
ao surgimento das cidades.
à forma como se reproduzem.
à proximidade com lixo radioativo.
ao contato com alimentos humanos.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

MARQUE a alternativa que apresenta o assunto principal do texto.

Leia o texto I para responder à questão

Texto I

By Alex Riccardi - Yesterday at 4:23 pm

     No one should have to live in fear but right now, in the wake of the Manchester attacks, some teens and young adults are scared. And you have a good reason. Bombs went off just minutes after Ariana Grande's performance in England taking the lives of 22 people and injuring many others. But, it's important to remember that concert venues and staff try to do everything they can to keep the audience members safe.
    Ariana has officially postponed her "Dangerous Woman" until at least the beginning of June, however, there's no telling if she will cancel more shows after that. In the wake of all of this, fans are encouraging Justin Bieber to pull out of his performances in the U.K. The "Sorry" singer is set to headline at the British Summertime Festival on July 2nd. But, fans don't think it's a good idea.
    They have been expressing their concern on social media and even starting the trend, #nopurposetour. One fan wrote, "@scooterbraun please. We're so worried about Justin's Security.... please please cancel Justin's purpose tour #NoPurposeTour." Another fan said, "Justin, please cancel Purpose Tour, we want you to be safe, we want you alive! We love you! #prayersforManchester #NoPurposeTour." This is absolutely heartbreaking. A third Belieber wrote, "#NoPurposeTourUK @justinbieber I don't want you to die, please do something."
    Justin nor his manager Scooter Braun have yet to comment on the whole thing. However, we also must note that Scooter is Ariana's manager too. He definitely has his clients' best interest and their safety in mind. Now that Ariana has canceled some of her upcoming shows, Scooter definitely had a role in that decision. While fans may be scared for Justin, we have a feeling he is in good hands. If there was any chance of a threat or immediate danger, he wouldn't do the performance. However, the music can't be stopped because of evil in this world. Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, and Lorde have all vowed to continue doing their upcoming shows in the wake of this tragedy.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 24 May 2017.
Fãs pedem nas redes sociais que Justin Bieber cancele seus próximos shows devido ao ataque terrorista durante a apresentação de Ariana Grande.
Fãs pedem nas redes sociais que Ariana Grande cancele seus próximos shows devido ao ataque terrorista durante uma apresentação de Justin Bieber.
Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers e Lorde decidiram cancelar parte de seus próximos shows devido ao ataque terrorista durante uma apresentação musical em Manchester.
Justin Bieber e seu empresário, Scooter Braun, decidiram cancelar parte dos próximos shows devido ao ataque terrorista durante apresentação musical em Manchester.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Segundo o texto, as apresentações musicais não podem ser interrompidas por causa:

Leia o texto I para responder à questão

Texto I

By Alex Riccardi - Yesterday at 4:23 pm

     No one should have to live in fear but right now, in the wake of the Manchester attacks, some teens and young adults are scared. And you have a good reason. Bombs went off just minutes after Ariana Grande's performance in England taking the lives of 22 people and injuring many others. But, it's important to remember that concert venues and staff try to do everything they can to keep the audience members safe.
    Ariana has officially postponed her "Dangerous Woman" until at least the beginning of June, however, there's no telling if she will cancel more shows after that. In the wake of all of this, fans are encouraging Justin Bieber to pull out of his performances in the U.K. The "Sorry" singer is set to headline at the British Summertime Festival on July 2nd. But, fans don't think it's a good idea.
    They have been expressing their concern on social media and even starting the trend, #nopurposetour. One fan wrote, "@scooterbraun please. We're so worried about Justin's Security.... please please cancel Justin's purpose tour #NoPurposeTour." Another fan said, "Justin, please cancel Purpose Tour, we want you to be safe, we want you alive! We love you! #prayersforManchester #NoPurposeTour." This is absolutely heartbreaking. A third Belieber wrote, "#NoPurposeTourUK @justinbieber I don't want you to die, please do something."
    Justin nor his manager Scooter Braun have yet to comment on the whole thing. However, we also must note that Scooter is Ariana's manager too. He definitely has his clients' best interest and their safety in mind. Now that Ariana has canceled some of her upcoming shows, Scooter definitely had a role in that decision. While fans may be scared for Justin, we have a feeling he is in good hands. If there was any chance of a threat or immediate danger, he wouldn't do the performance. However, the music can't be stopped because of evil in this world. Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, and Lorde have all vowed to continue doing their upcoming shows in the wake of this tragedy.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 24 May 2017.
do mal que existe no mundo.
da atuação equivocada de empresários.
do atentado no British Summertime Festival.
da atuação do Estado Islâmico no Oriente Médio.
UFVJM-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

MARQUE a alternativa que, de acordo com o texto, indica o artista que adiou parte de suas apresentações por causa de um atentado terrorista.

Leia o texto I para responder à questão

Texto I

By Alex Riccardi - Yesterday at 4:23 pm

     No one should have to live in fear but right now, in the wake of the Manchester attacks, some teens and young adults are scared. And you have a good reason. Bombs went off just minutes after Ariana Grande's performance in England taking the lives of 22 people and injuring many others. But, it's important to remember that concert venues and staff try to do everything they can to keep the audience members safe.
    Ariana has officially postponed her "Dangerous Woman" until at least the beginning of June, however, there's no telling if she will cancel more shows after that. In the wake of all of this, fans are encouraging Justin Bieber to pull out of his performances in the U.K. The "Sorry" singer is set to headline at the British Summertime Festival on July 2nd. But, fans don't think it's a good idea.
    They have been expressing their concern on social media and even starting the trend, #nopurposetour. One fan wrote, "@scooterbraun please. We're so worried about Justin's Security.... please please cancel Justin's purpose tour #NoPurposeTour." Another fan said, "Justin, please cancel Purpose Tour, we want you to be safe, we want you alive! We love you! #prayersforManchester #NoPurposeTour." This is absolutely heartbreaking. A third Belieber wrote, "#NoPurposeTourUK @justinbieber I don't want you to die, please do something."
    Justin nor his manager Scooter Braun have yet to comment on the whole thing. However, we also must note that Scooter is Ariana's manager too. He definitely has his clients' best interest and their safety in mind. Now that Ariana has canceled some of her upcoming shows, Scooter definitely had a role in that decision. While fans may be scared for Justin, we have a feeling he is in good hands. If there was any chance of a threat or immediate danger, he wouldn't do the performance. However, the music can't be stopped because of evil in this world. Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, and Lorde have all vowed to continue doing their upcoming shows in the wake of this tragedy.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 24 May 2017.
Katy Perry
Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande
The Chainsmokers