Questõessobre Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun

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SÃO CAMILO 2019 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

In the excerpt from the second paragraph “and polishes it to the point of incomprehension”, the underlined word refers to

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Worshiping the false idols of wellness

     Before we go further, I’d like to clear something up: wellness is not the same as medicine. Medicine is the science of reducing death and disease, and increasing long and healthy lives. Wellness used to mean a blend of health and happiness. Something that made you feel good or brought joy and was not medically harmful — perhaps a massage or a walk along the beach. But it has become a false antidote to the fear of modern life and death.
    The wellness industry takes medical terminology, such as “inflammation” or “free radicals,” and polishes it to the point of incomprehension. The resulting product is a “Do It Yourself” medicine for longevity that comes with a confidence that science can only aspire to achieve.
     Let’s take the trend of adding a pinch of activated charcoal to your food or drink. While the black color is strikingly unexpected and alluring, it’s sold as a supposed “detox.” Guess what? It has the same efficacy as a spell from the local witch. Maybe it’s a matter of aesthetics. Wellness potions in beautiful jars with untested ingredients of unknown purity are practically packaged for Instagram.
     Medicine and religion have long been deeply intertwined, and it’s only relatively recently that they have separated. The wellness-industrial complex seeks to resurrect that connection. It’s like a medical throwback, as if the idyllic days of health were 5,000 years ago. Ancient cleansing rituals with a modern twist — supplements, useless products and scientifically unsupported tests.
     The dietary supplements that are the backbone of wellness make up a $30 billion a year business despite studies showing they have no value for longevity (only a few vitamins have proven medical benefits, like folic acid before and during pregnancy and vitamin D for older people at risk of falling). Modern medicine wants you to get your micronutrients from your diet, which is inarguably the most natural source.
     Yet the wellness-industrial complex has managed to pervert that narrative and make supplements a necessary tool for nonsensical practices, such as boosting the immune system or fighting the war on inflammation. The resulting fluorescent yellow urine from multivitamins may provide a false sense of efficacy, but it’s a fool’s gold (and the consequence of excessive B2 that couldn’t possibly be absorbed). So what’s the harm of spending money on charcoal for non-existent toxins or vitamins for expensive urine? Here’s what: the placebo effect or “trying something natural” can lead people with serious illnesses to postpone effective medical care. However, I admit that doctors can learn something from wellness. It’s clear that some people are looking for healers, so we must find ways to serve that need that are medically ethical.

(Jen Gunter., 01.08.2018. Adaptado.)
“Do It Yourself” medicine.
wellness industry.
medical terminology.
free radicals.
FGV 2020 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns


Shimmering white and gracefully statuesque, the Mount Washington Hotel is a granite fortress, a manmade anomaly among the raw wilderness of the surrounding White Mountains in remote northern New Hampshire, U.S. Even to this day, the hotel is geographically secured by 800,000 acres of the White Mountain National Forest around it. This was the main reason why the Hotel was chosen for a World War Two meeting – a meeting that shaped present-day global economic policies.

(Linda Laban., 26.08.2020. Adapted.)

The term “this”, which introduces the last sentence in the text, refers to the fact that the Mount Washington Hotel

diplays gracefulness and imponence.
served as home to a crucial World War meeting.
stands as strong as a granite fortress.
is isolated and nearly secret.
marvels visitors with its beautiful surrounding scenery
UNICENTRO 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Prefixos e sufixos | Prefixes and suffixes, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Futuro simples | Simple future, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Considerando o uso gramatical da língua no texto, é correto afirmar:

NOGUEIRA, Salvador. Translated by Marina Della Valle. Disponível em: < 1755511-russia-will-install-telescope-in-brazil..shtml>. Acesso em: 27 set. 2016.

A forma verbal “will set up” (l. 1) descreve uma ação contínua no futuro.
A palavra “probably” (l. 5) está funcionando como um adjetivo. 
O pronome pessoal “it” (l. 9) refere-se a Brazópolis (l. 9).
O adjetivo “atmospheric” (l. 25) é formado com o acréscimo de um sufixo. 
ESPM 2018 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

The pronoun “it” in the phrase “nor does it try to be”, bold faced, in paragraph 6 refers to:

Beyonce, colorism, and why all of this needs to end

by Ernest Owens

    Yes, the Super Bowl was on fire. As one who is very critical of halftime show performances, I cannot deny that Beyoncé brought the energy and attention. All of this led to her releasing her tour dates for the Mrs. Carter Show. As excited as I was to actually buy these tickets, something turned me off. The poster.

   If you haven’t seen the photographs for Beyonce’s new world tour, you probably wouldn’t even recognize her. You will see an image of what looks like a Victorian white woman in the Elizabethan era. Her (prosthetic) blonde hair puffed and extended to reveal a face that is almost as white as snow. Lips red and her skin powdered. This is not the same bronze Beyonce that I saw rocking the stage in an all female band with her darker Destiny’s Child counterparts. I was only left with memories of previous patterns that the multi-Grammy award winning artist had done in previous years in regards to her skin. And I asked myself the question: why, Bey?

     Let’s not act like this is something new. Over the years, it seems as though Beyonce has gotten lighter as she has gotten older. No, this is not genetics and let’s not pretend her skin color in her first Destiny’s Child album cover matches that of her latest album. Whether it is that highly controversial Revlon advertisement or her own album cover art, Beyonce has consistently been called out on alterations done to her pigments.

    What does this say about our society for black women? It tells me that, an independent, confident and successful woman of color still struggles to have the confidence to fully embrace the skin she is in. If one of the most powerful women in entertainment feels she has to lighten her skin for projection, what does that say for the rest of us?

    Believe it or not, colorism, the stigma associated with skin complexion, has been an ill that has not yet been dissolved by the black community. What was first given to us by slave masters in separating the house slaves from the field ones, has now taken place in how we objectify our women and each other.

    This is pretty problematic in many ways. It’s first of all self-loathing and unnecessary for today’s times. The fact that our nation had an African-American first lady with a complexion that isn’t on the lighter side of the spectrum, nor does it try to be, shows a compelling advancement in appreciation for all women of color in many ways.

     Furthermore, the only reason why such stigma in our country continues is contributed to our own behavior that is shaped by the influential people of color around us. It devastated me when I saw that Sammy Sosa had lightened his skin. As successful as he was in a field that was not necessarily fixated on male skin complexion, it saddened me to see him do it. In many ways, it even made me reflect back on the transition of the late great Michael Jackson and what explanations he had for such a more pale white appearance.

    And why does all of this matter? Because I grew up hearing stories of young dark black girls getting their faces scrubbed with skin lightening soaps out of their free will. Tales of young women being abandoned by their mothers because they were too dark.

    If this is the reality that had more implications back in the early 20th century than it does now, please stop it. Stop trying to explain why you are dating the ebony skin girl. Stop making it seem exceptional that a girl of a darker complexion is actually attractive. Celebrities, stop putting extraneous powders and lighteners on your skin: we all know what you used to look like and we still love you. And people of color: let’s not continue to perpetuate an oppressive cycle of self-loathing of our appearance and heritage. If this can be accomplished, then perhaps even in our own race we can truly make our lives not be judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character.

(adapted from, 14/02/2013)

the first lady
lighter side
UFRGS 2019 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Consider the following statements.

I -The word it(I. 22) refers to art(I. 21)
II -The word lt (I. 39) refers to the defense of art (I. 39)
III- The word its (I. 56) refers to art (I. 57)

Which ones are correct?

Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo.  

Adapted from: SONTAG, Susan. Agaínst
lnterpretatlon and Other Essays. Penguin Modern
Classics, Straus and Giroux, 2009. p. 3-4.
Only I.
Only II.
Only III.
Only I and III.
I, II and III.
UNINOVE 2015 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

No trecho final do quarto parágrafo “This is a serious concern”, o termo em destaque se refere

ao controle ineficiente das superbactérias em países pobres.
à busca de soluções internacionais para a criação de novos antibióticos.
ao uso indiscriminado de antibióticos na Inglaterra.
à disseminação descontrolada de superbactérias em todo o mundo.
à esfera de atuação do NHS.
UPE 2021 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

In the 3rd paragraph, the pronoun it appears twice: The possibilities and potential it offers …..… / …..… and it could extend into the world of education too.

The pronoun it is referring respectively to


The School of the Future

Disponível em: Texto adaptado. Acesso em: 30 ago. 2020.

Technology / The trend
potencial / years to come
possibilities / grow
remote working / likely to grow
simple / flexible
PUC - RJ 2016 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that

“one of which” (line 15) refers to “summit in Paris” (line 14).
“these” (line 23) refers to “sea levels” (line 22).
“this concept” (line 29) refers to “global warming” (line 27).
“some of these” (line 37) refers to “greenhouse gases” (line 36).
“it” (line 42) refers to “real-world policy” (line 42).
UEG 2017 - Inglês - Prefixos e sufixos | Prefixes and suffixes, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Tag questions, Pronomes | Pronouns

Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que

The true potential of technology to change behavior

    Technology could successfully change behaviours where decades of campaigns and legislation have failed. With the quantified self already walking among us and the internet of things within easy reach, digital technology is creating unprecedented opportunities to encourage, enable and empower more sustainable behaviours.

     If we are to unlock the power of technology we must be more ambitious than simply digitising analogue strategies or creating another communications channel.

    The true potential of technology lies in its ability to do things that nothing else can do. In behaviour change terms, the potential to succeed where decades of education programmes, awareness campaigns and product innovation have failed; to make a difference where government policy and legislation has had limited impact.

    Using behavioural insights, it is possible to highlight the bottlenecks, drop out points and achilles heels of traditional behaviour change efforts — the reasons why we have failed in the past — and apply the unique possibilities of technology to these specific challenges.

    Overcoming our limitations

    Luckily, the history of the human race is almost defined by its ability to invent stuff that bolsters its feeble capabilities. That stuff is, of course, what we generically refer to as 'technology'. And in the same way that the internal combustion engine and the light bulb allow us to overcome our relatively feeble powers of motion and perception, so digital technology can be directed to overcoming our relatively feeble powers of reasoning, selfcontrol, motivation, self-awareness and agency—the factors that make behaviour change so difficult.

    Herein lies the true potential of technology: not in the laboratory or the workshop, but in an understanding of the behavioural dynamics that define the human condition, both generally and within the context of a specific user-group, market segment or community.

Fonte: JOHNSON, Steven. Recognising the true potential of technology to change behaviour. Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2017. (Adaptado). 

os vocábulos successfully e unprecedented são ambos constituídos por prefixação em sua estrutura composional.
a sentence legislation has had limited impact na forma negativa apresenta-se como “legislation hasn´t had limited impact”.
a sentença campaigns and legislation have failed na forma interrogativa seria “Do campaigns and legislation has failed?”
o termo could, em Technology could successfully change behaviours, pode ser substituído por “should”, sem alteração de sentido.
o vocábulo that, na sentença the factors that make behaviour change so difficult, exerce a função de pronome demonstrativo.
IF Sudeste - MG 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Read the following excerpt from a newspaper, ignoring the gaps numbered (1-5). After that, choose the CORRECT alternative.

Published in 1981, Todd Strasser’s The Wave recounts a true incident that took place in a history class at a Palo Alto, California, high school in 1969. The teacher of the class, Ron Jones, (1)__________ is fictionally renamed Ben Ross in the book, actually formulated the experiment described in the narrative in an effort to help his students understand how the Holocaust could have happened without the mass condemnation of the German people. What begins as a simple class project quickly takes on a life of its own, (2) __________, as students conform mindlessly to the experimental system, and others are pressured ruthlessly to join in.
Group dynamics and peer influence bordering on coercion create a sinister atmosphere of fear and mistrust, The Wave spontaneously takes on the characteristics of a cult. The event disrupts an entire school (3) __________ raises a plethora of dark questions concerning responsibility, freedom, and group dynamics. Ron Jones calls it “one of the most frightening events ever experienced in the classroom.” As a novelization of a teleplay by Johnny Dawkins, based on a short story by Ron Jones, Strasser’s book (4) __________ not have attracted an abundance of criticism as a literary entity in itself, (5) __________ The Wave clearly holds an important place in the canon of young adult literature. (…)
Available at: <>. Accessed on: 20 set. 2016

Choose the CORRECT alternative..

The space in 1 can be filled in with either “who” or “that”.
The space in 2 can be filled in with “therefore”.
The space in 3 can be filled in with “as”.
The space in 4 can be filled in with either “would” or “may”.
The space in 5 can be filled in with “but”.
UEFS 2011, UEFS 2011 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Prefixos e sufixos | Prefixes and suffixes, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

MIRCHANDANI, Rajesh. Polar bears will be protected in Alaska. Disponível em:<<>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

The pronoun “that” (l. 1) refers to “The US government” (l. 1).
The demonstrative “this” (l. 3) is in the plural form.
The noun “survival” (l. 6) is formed by adding a suffix to the verb.
The word “itself” (l. 21) is functioning as a personal pronoun, object case.
The modal “can” (l. 24) expresses improbability.
UNIOESTE 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Mark the INCORRECT alternative.

What Parents Can Do to Nurture Good Writers

Steve Graham, a professor at Arizona State University’s Teachers College, has been researching how young people learn to write for more than 30 years. He is a co-author of numerous books on writing instruction, including “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.”
How does reading at home help children become better writers?
is really critical, but it’s not enough. We don’t have much evidence that if you just read more, you’ll be a better writer. But analyzing text does make a difference. So when we read to kids, we can also have conversations with them about the author’s craft. How did this author make this place seem real in terms of description? What words did they use? How did they present this idea or this argument?
Should a parent correct a child’s writing, or just be encouraging?
Sometimes when kids come to you to share what they’re writing, they’re not coming for feedback. They are coming for affirmation. It’s really important we emphasize first and foremost what we really like about it. And if you’re going to give feedback, just pick one or two things. English teachers — and parents are guilty of this, too — sometimes overwhelm kids with more feedback than they can absorb all at once. The other thing that’s really important, particularly for parents, is to remember that they don’t own this piece. It’s their child’s.
What should parents look for to assess the writing instruction at their child’s school?
After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction. It’s like we’ve imagined that kids have acquired what they need to know to be good writers by then! In middle and high school, the most common activities are fill-in-the-blanks on worksheets, writing single sentences, making lists or writing a paragraph summary. When you start talking about persuasive essays or an informative paper, those things occur infrequently in English class and even less so in social studies and science. So the first questions are: “Is my kid writing at school, and was he given writing assignments to work on at home? Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?” That’s what they need to be able to do for college.
Fonte: adaptado de <

The three fragments Has been researching, you start talking and they’re not coming are used in two verb tenses: present perfect continuous and simple present continuous.
Was he given and very little time is devoted are written in the passive voice, but you’re going to give feedback is reported in the active voice.
In the question Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?, the demonstrative pronoun refers to writing assignments

In the excerpts we can also have conversations and what should parents look for, two modal verbs are used, can as possibility and should as advisability.

In the sentence After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction, it is possible to be inferred that more writing should be practiced in class.
USP 2018 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

A frase nominal “this kind of barrier” (L. 14‐15) refere‐se

ao muro de Trump na fronteira com o México.
à ponte The Gateway International Bridge
a protestos de migrantes na fronteira.
ao muro invisível criado por práticas do governo Trump.
a medidas adotadas nos tribunais de imigração.
PUC - RJ 2016 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that

“They” (line 19) refers to “people” (line 14).
“They” (line 56) refers to “systems” (line 55).
“which” (line 67) refers to “adolescents” (line 66).
“those” (line 74) refers to “individuals” (line 72).
“who” (line 83) refers to “children” (line 83).
UERJ 2011 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Pronomes | Pronouns

The author states that the process of eliminating the destructive by-products of the so-called “clean coal” produces emissions.

The fragment of the text in which the underlined pronoun refers to the statement above is:


it has to consist largely of euphemism. (l. 31)


“clean coal” is one of these. (l. 33)


ordinary coal which has been treated to “eliminate” most of its destructive by-products, (l. 35) 


This, though, isn’t clear (l.36)

FGV 2015 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

In paragraph 5, “That” in the sentence “That has much to do with events elsewhere in the world” most likely refers to the

occurrence of Israeli military operations in the Middle East.
increase in British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
unacceptably large number of British anti-Semitic hate crimes.
low level of British anti-Semitism.
British prejudice against both Jews and Muslims.
CEDERJ 2014 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Answer the following questions:

In the third paragraph, in the sentence “This was in south-western Ontario", the pronoun “this" refers to

                           Alice Munro’s road to Nobel literature prize was not easy


                                         Nobel literature prize winner Alice Munro.

Alice Munro has been awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature, thus becoming its 13th female recipient. It’s a thrilling honour for a major writer: Munro has long been recognised in North America and the UK, but the Nobel will draw international attention, not only to women’s writing and Canadian writing, but to the short story, Munro’s chosen literary genre and one often neglected.

The road to the Nobel wasn’t an easy one for Munro. She found herself referred to as “some housewife”, and was told that her subject matter, being too “domestic”, was boring. A male writer told her she wrote good stories, but he wouldn’t want to sleep with her. “Nobody invited him,” said Munro. Maybe as a consequence of this initial reaction towards her, when writers occur in Munro stories, they are pretentious, or exploitative of others; or they’re being asked by their relatives why they aren’t famous, or – worse, if female – why they aren’t better-looking.

The chances that a literary star would emerge from her time and place would once have been zero. Munro was born in 1931, and thus experienced the Depression as a child and the Second World War as a teenager. This was in south-western Ontario, Canada, a region that also produced equally talented writers and poets such as Robertson Davies, Graeme Gibson, James Reaney, and Marian Engel. It’s this small-town setting that features most often in her stories – the snobberies, the eccentrics, and the jeering at ambitions, especially artistic ones.

Shame is a common driving force for Munro’s characters just as perfectionism in the writing and courage in her profession have been driving forces for her.

As in much else, Munro is essentially Canadian. Faced with the Nobel, she will be modest, she won’t get a swelled head. The rest of us, on this magnificent occasion, will just have to do that for her.

Adapted from

thrilling: emocionante; subject matter: assunto; better-looking: mais bonitas; setting: cenário; jeering: deboche; shame: vergonha; driving force: força propulsora; get a swelled head: ficar convencida, cheia de si

Munro's early period of life.
the announcement of the 2013 Nobel Prize.
the birth of many talented writers and poets.
the setting of Munro's first story.
UERJ 2014 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

This sums up autofiction. (l. 31) The underlined pronoun refers to:

the summary of the term proper
the life of the autobiography writer
the feature of the genre concerned
the content of the preceding quotation
PUC - RJ 2014 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

The demonstrative “those” (line 64), in the fragment “from those that are involved in reading your Twitter feed or thumbing through a paperback romance novel”, makes reference to.



styles of presentation (line 60).
hard-copy textbook (line 62).
sets off (line 63).
cognitive activities (line 63).
paperback romance novel (line 65).
PUC - RJ 2014 - Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Pronomes | Pronouns

The demonstrative “those” (line 64), in the fragment “from those that are involved in reading your Twitter feed or thumbing through a paperback romance novel”, makes reference to

styles of presentation (line 60)
hard-copy textbook (line 62)
sets off (line 63)
cognitive activities (line 63)
paperback romance novel (line 65)