Questõessobre Preposições | Prepositions

Foram encontradas 44 questões
UECE 2021 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing, Preposições | Prepositions, Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

In the passage “in the global climate strike on Friday” (lines 102-103), there are two examples of 2021/sep/27/

prepositional phrases.
direct objects.
PUC-MINAS 2021 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

What does the word “for” in “for many different reasonsindicate?


Why do we buy into the 'cult' of overwork?

By Bryan Lufkin, 9th May 2021

Although many of us associate overly ambitious workaholism with the 1980s and the finance industry, the tendency to devote ourselves to work and glamourize long-hours culture remains as pervasive as ever. In fact, it is expanding into more sectors and professions, in slightly different packaging. Overwork isn't a phenomenon exclusive to Silicon Valley or Wall Street. People work long hours all over the world, for many different reasons.  

In Japan, a culture of overwork can be traced back to the 1950s, when the government pushed hard for the country to be rebuilt quickly after World War Two. In Arab League countries, burnout is high among medical professionals, possibly because its 22 members are developing nations with overburdened healthcare systems, studies suggest. Reasons for overwork also depend on industry. Some of the earliest researchers on burnout in the 1970s asserted that many people in jobs geared toward helping others, like employees in clinics or crisis-intervention centers, tended to work long hours that led to emotional and physical exhaustion – a trend which is shown up in the pandemic, too. But millions of us overwork because somehow, we think it’s exciting – a status symbol that puts us on the path to success, whether we define that by wealth or an Instagram post that makes it seem like we're living a dream life with a dream job. Romanticization of work seems to be an especially common practice among "knowledge workers" in the middle and upper classes. In 2014, the New Yorker called this devotion to overwork "a cult". 

According to Anat Lechner, clinical associate professor of management at New York University. "We glorify the lifestyle, and the lifestyle is: you breathe something, you sleep with something, you wake up and work on it all day long, then you go to sleep. Again, and again and again."

Adapted from: Home - BBC Worklife

A condition.
A cause.
A consequence.
A finality.
ABEPRO 2017 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the blanks in the 2nd paragraph.

Opportunity Cost

This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘opportunity cost,’ since by not investing in more equipment and a more rigid production flow, the company is forgoing the opportunity to earn increased profits. These costs are every bite as real as the payment of dollars out-of-pocket.

This notion _______ opportunity cost can be reinforced _________ a famous saying ______ Benjamin Franklin, no slouch himself _________ operations management. To make the point, however, we must make a brief excursion into logic. One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement “If A, then B” is true, then it is also true that “If not B, then not A.” That is, of every time A occurs B follows, then we can be sure that if B does not occur, then A did not occur as well. Enough logic then, and back to Ben Franklin.

One of his Poor Richard sayings is that “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We have all recognized the truth of that since childhood, but I assert that by this saying Ben showed us he knows everything about opportunity cost. After all, what is the contrapositive of “A penny not earned is a penny not saved (i.e., a penny sent). All we are saying by this notion of opportunity cost is that “a penny not earned (an opportunity forgone) is a penny spent.” We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

of • by • of • at
of • to • by • at
on • of • for • in
by • of • at • on
from • to • on • at
ESPM 2018 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

The use of the prepositions “up” and “out” after “chewed” and "spit" change the original meanings of the verbs. With them, the new meaning:

    Theodor Seuss “Ted” Geisel was an American author, political cartoonist, poet, animator, book publisher, and artist, best known for authoring more than 60 children’s books under the pen name Doctor Seuss (abbreviated Dr. Seuss). As World War II began, he turned to political cartoons, drawing over 400 in two years as editorial cartoonist for the left-leaning New York City daily newspaper. He strongly supports US entry into the war. This is one of his creations from 1941:

is only softened.
is stronger and more aggressive.
of “chewed” is softened but of “spit” is strengthened.
weakens the degree of sophistication to the original meaning.
is completely different from the original.
UFRGS 2019 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Assinale a alternativa que preenche adequadamente as lacunas das linhas 03, 12, 18 e 41, respectivamente.

Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo. 

Adaptado de
< https:/ /
daily / 2019 / 06/ dressed-by-shahidha-bari-and
Acesso em: 19 jul. 2019.
from - to - under - on
from - on - underneath - on
of - on - under - in
in - to - below - on
from - to - underneath - in
UDESC 2019 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Mark the right alternative which contains the correct prepositions to fill the blank spaces consecutively.

Available at: Accessed on March 25th, 2019

Answer the question below according to Text.

in – from – on – of – for – out
in – of – in – at – for – of
on – to – at – in – of – at
at – from – in – of – to – out
at – of – in – for – to – at
UPE 2021 - Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun, Pronomes e adjetivos possessivos | Possessive pronouns and adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Pronome possessivo substantivo | Possessive pronoun, Preposições | Prepositions, Pronomes | Pronouns

In the 5 th paragraph, the word ―our‖ is used four times as a

possessive pronoun.
subject pronoun.
possessive adjective.
UPE 2021 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Pronome indefinido | Indefinite Pronouns, Preposições | Prepositions, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

Considere o gênero textual, o contexto e a gramática da língua inglesa, e assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA para a análise linguística apresentada.

Text 2


No one leaves

home unless home is the mouth of a shark

you only run for the border

when you see the whole city running as well

Your neighbors running faster than you

breath bloody in their throats

the boy you went to school with

who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory

is holding a gun bigger than his body

you only leave homewhen

home won‘t let you stay.

No one leaves home unless home chases you

fire under feet

hot blood in your belly

it‘s not something you ever thought of doing

until the blade burnt threats into

your neck

and even then you carried the anthem under

your breath

only tearing up your passport in an airport toilet

sobbing as each mouthful of paper

made it clear that you wouldn‘t be going back.

You have to understand,

that no one puts their children in a boat

unless the water is safer than the land

no one burns their palms

under trains

beneath carriages (…)

I want to go home,

but home is the mouth of a shark

home is the barrel of the gun

and no one would leave home

unless home chased you to the shore

unless home told you to quicken your legs

leave your clothes behind

crawl through the desert

wade through the oceans (…)

No one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear

saying –


run away from me now

I dont know what I‘ve become

but I know that anywhere

is safer than here.

By Warsan Shire. Disponível em: Excertos. Acesso em: set. 2020.

Nos versos: “I want to go home, / but home is the mouth of a shark / home is the barrel of the gun…”, a poetisa usa duas imagens poéticas que evocam pavor e violência respectivamente.
Nos versos: “You have to understand, / that no one puts their children in a boat/unless the water is safer than the land…”, há uma ideia de condição que se revela na conjunção em destaque.
Na 2ª estrofe: “your neighbors running faster than you / breath bloody in their throats / the boy you went to school with / who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory / is holding a gun bigger than his body / you only leave home / when home won‟t let you stay.”, foram feitas duas comparações de superioridade.
No verso: "No one leaves home until home is a sweaty voice in your ear…”, o indefinido em destaque pode ser substituído por everyone, sem que se altere o sentido original.
Nos versos: "leave your clothes behind / crawl through the desert / wade through the oceans (…)”, há duas preposições, sendo que uma delas se repete, indicando movimento.
UniREDENTOR 2020 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives” The word by has the same meaning of the sentence above in:

The conversation around aging in the U.S. must change—both in Washington and among industry stakeholders. This will require players in the ecosystem proactively working together to solve interoperability challenges, committing to value-based care and accommodating and supporting caregivers and patients alike. Supporting partnerships between hospitals and community organizations that provide more support for caregivers and reimbursing patients for tools outside of the healthcare ecosystem will be critical. By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives.

Speaking of which, our friends at HLTH have launched a new conference with the goal of bringing industry players together to discuss how industry verticals can work together to solve complex challenges  in healthcare—including addressing the aging population. Check out their website to learn more and read their latest blog on the aging U.S. population.

Samantha Smoak og/five-ways-aging-populationimpacting-healthcare-united-states
Global Warming is a very serious issue. Going to work by public transportation, for example, is a sustainable action.
We shall know, by and by, if she has it in her to handle the challenge. [Deccan Chronicle].
By joining forces, we can sure change whatever has to be changed.
The American Constitution was written by the Founding Fathers to ensure an equitable society.
By the way, we need some reform in the political system as well.
UNC 2011 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Which is the correct sequence of the miss-ing words in the text?

in - in - and - for - at
at - in - and - for - in
in - in - and - to - in
at - of - for - to - off
UNICENTRO 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Futuro simples | Simple future, Preposições | Prepositions, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

__________ is your birthday?

It is ________ November.

Great! We ________ celebrate together.

In a nationwide referendum, the Turkish population has voted for a change in the country’s constitution. It will give the president more power and reduce the influence of parliament. 51.3% of the voters said “Yes” to a change , while the “No” side received 48.7%. For months, the population has been divided on the issue. The new constitution is the biggest change in the structure of Turkey since it was founded in the early 20th century
The referendum was a victory for Turkish President Recip Erdogan, who, together with his ruling AKP Party , called the country’s people to expand presidential powers. Erdogan became Turkey’s president in 2014 after being Prime Minster for over a decade. In the last few years he gained more and more power, especially after the attempted coup last summer. With the new constitution in place Erdogan could stay president until 2029.
Recip Erdogan insists that the new constitution will make Turkey more modern and easier to govern. Opponents of Erdogan claim that the change will make the president too powerful and will turn the country into a dictatorship ruled by one person. They say that, in future, the president cannot be controlled or supervised by parliament or the courts. In Turkey’s new constitution the president will have wide-ranging powers. He will not only be able to appoint his own minsters and choose the vice president, but also have the power to dissolve parliament and declare a state of emergency. He will also be able to appoint judges to the highest court, similar to the American President. 
The European Union has been highly critical of the referendum and stated that a change towards more presidential power will not help Turkey become a member of the EU. It is afraid that, once Erdogan has more power, the country will disregard human rights and introduce the death penalty
What – on - will
Where – in – going to
When – in - will
Who – on - are going to
IF-RS 2014 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Assinale a alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente as lacunas das linhas 1, 2, e 6.

to – of – into – by
by – into – to – of
to – into – by – of
by – to – into – of
into – of – by – to
IF Sudeste - MG 2017 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Read the following article, ignoring the empty spaces (1-5) for the time being. Then, check the alternative in which all the spaces have been CORRECTLY filled:

Will human beings ever live on other planets?

(1) __________ we have become accustomed to the idea of space travel, and in films and fiction it seems as tough space travel is inevitable, it appears unlikely that human beings will ever get any further than Mars, our nearest neighbor. No matter how many films we make about space travel, the fact is that it remains technologically challenging, and extremely expensive. (2) __________ the distances involved are immense, any voyage outside the solar system would take hundreds of years using current technology. Wherever human beings went into space, they would have problems of how to eat and breathe, and their spaceship would have to carry vast amounts of fuel (3) __________ cover the distance. Even Mars is so far away that it would take about six months to get there. (4) __________ the distance between Earth and Mars varies, astronauts would have to wait for nearly two years before they could return using the shortest journey time. (5) __________ it could cost as much as $ 100 billion, a manned mission to Mars is planned for sometime between 2010 and 2020.

VINCE, M. Macmillan English grammar in context. Macmillan, London. 2008. p. 165.

Check the CORRECT alternative.

(1) Because (2) Though (3) for (4) Since (5) That.
(1) However (2) Because (3) to (4) When (5) Why.
(1) Although (2) Since (3) in order to (4) As (5) Even though.
(1) Though (2) Providing (3) so that (4) Whenever (5) Although.
(1) Although (2) Because (3) for to (4) As (5) Although.
IF Sudeste - MG 2017 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions, Palavras conectivas | Connective words, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Read the following article, ignoring the empty spaces (1-5) for the time being. Then, check the alternative that shows the sequence of words that CORRECTLY fill in the gaps:

Your gut, your emotions

What controls our emotions? The same two people might see the same tragic newspaper headline, (1) __________ one is much more emotionally affected than the other. Why is that? According to an international team led by UCLA researchers, these emotions may be partially driven by an unlikely source: our gut bacteria. In fact, the bacteria that colonize our intestines may influence the architecture of the brain itself.

The experiment examining the relationship between brain development and the gut microbiome was conducted with mice. Specific strains of mice, one that lacked a complete gut microbiome and one that had a normal microbiome, were compared in terms of their brain development and behavior. The influence of microorganisms is not limited to brain development.

Interestingly, the mice with the ―normal‖ microbiome had more anxiety and moved less than the mice without the microbiome. (2) __________ exposed to a microbiome early in life, the active, calm mice began to act more anxious and reduced their movements. Microbiota evidently had this influence by affecting hormonal expression and building particular pathways in the brain associated with anxiety. The influence on brain development apparently occurred at a particular point early in the mouse‘s life, so it‘s possible early exposure to a proper microbiome is important for normal development. The researchers speculate that the microbiome helps the mice develop an appropriate sense of caution.

The influence of microorganisms is not limited to brain development. (3) __________ no conclusive link has been established, a few studies have detected abnormalities in the gut microbiomes of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders compared to non-affected children. Nor is microorganism influence limited to gut bacteria. A separate study in hyenas (also awaiting conclusive proof) suggests that individual hyenas use a specific cocktail of stinky bacteria in their scent markers left as a message to other hyenas.

(4) __________ some fungus can get in on the act, hijacking ants and forcing the unfortunate insects to relocate to a place favorable for a fungus to grow. The ant does not survive, but it makes great fungus food. (5) __________ a growing body of evidence from other animals, until the UCLA study there was not much direct research on how the microbiome affects humans. But given its potential importance, hopefully there will soon be more research along these lines. Going with your gut, indeed!

Disponível em:< mail&utm_source=Act-On+Software&utm_medium=email>. Acesso em: 15 Set. 2017.

Check the CORRECT alternative.

(1) but - (2) When - (3) While - (4) Even - (5) Despite
(1) but - (2) While - (3) Actually - (4) Although - (5) Finally
(1) however - (2) When - (3) While - (4) Therefore - (5) So
(1) although - (2) While - (3) However - (4) Even - (5) Despite
(1) although - (2) Despite - (3) Actually - (4) Although - (5) So
UDESC 2018 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Mark the alternative which best completes the blank spaces consecutively.

Answer the question below according.

at, in, of, for, to
for, of, in, to, at
into, in, at, for, from
into, of, at, in, for
for, at, in, of, from
UEPB 2009 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Which is the CORRECT ORDER of the prepositions missing from PARAGRAPH 4 of TEXT D:


PARAGRAPH 1: The payment of fees by students is widely seen as a novelty. In fact this ‘innovation’ marks a return to the medieval origins of universities. At that time student money meant student power on a huge scale. Medieval student power was focused on the University of Bologna. […] This power was based on their economic grip over their teachers.[…] Most university lecturers depended for their academic incomes on teaching fees collected from their students. […] The power which students derived from paying fees at Bologna led to extensive control over the lecturing system. […]

PARAGRAPH 2: For what was a lecturer punished? He was fined if he started the lectures a minute late or if he went beyond the approved time. […] The lecturer was also fined if he failed to cover the syllabus according to an agreed timetable. […]

PARAGRAPH 3: All students were encouraged to denounce lecturers who were absent without leave or who contravened the statutes in any other way. In addition, there was also an organized system of secret denunciations. Four students were elected in secret to spy on the lecturers. […]

PARAGRAPH 4: Student power at Bologna lasted a little over one hundred years […] As __ its rise, its demise is linked directly __ the subject __ student fees. By 1350 almost all the lecturers were appointed and paid __ the local commune. With changes in the payment of lecturers, control of the university passed __ the students to the commune and there it would remain.

PARAGRAPH 5: What does the situation in medieval Bologna have to say to us? Hopefully the return of student fees will not be accompanied by the return of student spies, secret denunciations and fines on lecturers. But, as ever greater emphasis is placed on research, the Bolognese case may be a timely reminder of the demands of students and of the importance of high quality teaching.

UOW Magazine, ISSUE 9 
with, to, of, by, from.
to, with, of, from, by.
by, to, with, of, from.
from, of, by, with, to.
of, to, by, from, with.
UEM 2010 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the prepositions used in the text is correct.

“with” (line 23) usually follows the verb “to combine” to mean “exist or work together”.

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

UFRR 2016 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Read the second sentence highlighted in the text (lines 30/31/32) and choose the only CORRECT alternative about the preposition into:

Disponível em: < legends-pirarucu.html> CELEMENT, Rosa. Acesso em: 31 jul. 16 (Adaptado).

It indicates movement;
It indicates a life;
It indicates time;
It indicates a period of vacation;
It indicates a specific time.
UFSC 2011 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT definitions for the underlined words/expressions in text 3.

like-minded – thinking in the same way

Text 3

        Play it Forward Adventures combines volunteerism with active outdoor adventure making every vacation a personal, all-encompassing experience.

        Volunteer. Build desks for school children in Thailand, read stories to orphans in Kenya, or construct a home for a family in Guatemala. Opportunities to volunteer are endless and the needs around the world are abundant. One person can make a difference.

        Explore. Treat yourself to active, outdoor adventures that will leave you feeling invigorated. Mountain bike through corn fields, conquer a volcano, or kayak untapped waters. Wherever our adventures take you, we promise an open air approach.

        Connect. Connect with yourself or a loved one when you step away from the comforts of home to experience something new and different. Share special moments with locals and like-minded travelers making memories that will last you a lifetime.

        Time to reflect and relax is built in to every tour making each experience as much rejuvenating as it is rewarding.

        Play it forward on your next vacation getaway!

Adapted from: <>

Accessed on July 29th., 2011.

UFSC 2011 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT definitions for the underlined words/expressions in text 3.

rewarding – giving satisfaction and happiness

Text 3

        Play it Forward Adventures combines volunteerism with active outdoor adventure making every vacation a personal, all-encompassing experience.

        Volunteer. Build desks for school children in Thailand, read stories to orphans in Kenya, or construct a home for a family in Guatemala. Opportunities to volunteer are endless and the needs around the world are abundant. One person can make a difference.

        Explore. Treat yourself to active, outdoor adventures that will leave you feeling invigorated. Mountain bike through corn fields, conquer a volcano, or kayak untapped waters. Wherever our adventures take you, we promise an open air approach.

        Connect. Connect with yourself or a loved one when you step away from the comforts of home to experience something new and different. Share special moments with locals and like-minded travelers making memories that will last you a lifetime.

        Time to reflect and relax is built in to every tour making each experience as much rejuvenating as it is rewarding.

        Play it forward on your next vacation getaway!

Adapted from: <>

Accessed on July 29th., 2011.
