Awhen Neymar was announcing to sign his transfer from Barcelona to PSG, the followers from Twitter,
Facebook and Instagram unfollowed Barcelona and followed PSG for Neymar’s cause. Binfographic data presents an increasing number of social media followers for Barcelona and PSG, on july
28th to august 8th, together they overcome Neymar´s followers at the same period of time. Cinstagram is the most used social media by Barcelona, PSG and Neymar’s followers. If we sum Barcelona
and PSG, on july 28th to august 8th, together they overcome Neymar´s Instagram followers presented. D verifying the Facebook increasing followers, Facebook country impact in Brazil, France and Egypt,
together, is only higher than Barcelona’s Facebook followers on july 28th to august 8th
. Ecomparing Barcelona to PSG social media increasing, it is possible to verify that all social PSG medias
achieved higher followers increasing than Barcelona’s, on july 28th to august 8th
.Considering the ideas expressed in the text, technology
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
The true potential of technology to change behavior
Technology could successfully change behaviours where decades of campaigns and legislation have failed.
With the quantified self already walking among us and the internet of things within easy reach, digital technology
is creating unprecedented opportunities to encourage, enable and empower more sustainable behaviours.
If we are to unlock the power of technology we must be more ambitious than simply digitising analogue
strategies or creating another communications channel.
The true potential of technology lies in its ability to do things that nothing else can do. In behaviour change
terms, the potential to succeed where decades of education programmes, awareness campaigns and product
innovation have failed; to make a difference where government policy and legislation has had limited impact.
Using behavioural insights, it is possible to highlight the bottlenecks, drop out points and achilles heels of
traditional behaviour change efforts — the reasons why we have failed in the past — and apply the unique
possibilities of technology to these specific challenges.
Overcoming our limitations
Luckily, the history of the human race is almost defined by its ability to invent stuff that bolsters its feeble
capabilities. That stuff is, of course, what we generically refer to as 'technology'. And in the same way that the
internal combustion engine and the light bulb allow us to overcome our relatively feeble powers of motion and
perception, so digital technology can be directed to overcoming our relatively feeble powers of reasoning, selfcontrol, motivation, self-awareness and agency—the factors that make behaviour change so difficult.
Herein lies the true potential of technology: not in the laboratory or the workshop, but in an understanding of
the behavioural dynamics that define the human condition, both generally and within the context of a specific
user-group, market segment or community.
Fonte: JOHNSON, Steven. Recognising the true potential of technology to change behaviour. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2017. (Adaptado).
Ais changing its technological characteristics according human beings have been changing theirs
behavioural aspects. Bhas been a powerful and potential tool to change things which society hasn´t been able to overcome
along the decades.Cis a historic element which has always been directing human beings, in order to help them find ways to
make life easier.Dadvances in every decade as a successfully result of the great amount of the campaigns and legislation
dedicated to it. Ehas a huge power to unlock distinguished communication channels between companies and consumer
society. De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica-se que
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create
conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security
conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps
toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was
impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient
attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress.
This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting
international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining
effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are
longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an
empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an
unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the
nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not
necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear
deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear
weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue
almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for
safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other
ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear
weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the
challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress.
Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further
progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly
more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and
strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with
others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on
overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also
continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many
challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons
possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
toward the shared dream, na língua portuguesa, pode ser traduzido por “em direção ao sonho parcial”.B
to support and strengthen pode ser compreendido, na língua portuguesa, como “dar suporte e fortalecer”. C
are vaguely worded pode ser compreendido, em português, como “são palavras vagamente descritivas”.D
Preamble’s acknowledgement pode ser traduzido, em português, como “preâmbulo de conhecimento”.E
an empty shell, em português, pode ser traduzido como “um assunto temático não compreendido”.Considerando-se os elementos de estrutura e forma da língua inglesa, constata-se que
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create
conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security
conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps
toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was
impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient
attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress.
This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting
international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining
effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are
longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an
empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an
unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the
nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not
necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear
deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear
weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue
almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for
safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other
ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear
weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the
challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress.
Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further
progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly
more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and
strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with
others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on
overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also
continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many
challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons
possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
Ana expressão the world’s polarization, os termos world’s apresentam a contração entre world e is.
Bna expressão we can do away, o termo can pode ser substituído por “should” sem alterar o sentido.Cos termos disarmament e agreement são constituídos por prefixação em sua composição vocabular.Dit exacerbates political tensions, na voz passiva, apresenta-se como political tensions are exacerbated.
Eo termo also, em We also continue our, pode ser substituído por yet sem alteração de sentido na frase.According to the information expressed in the text, we verify that
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create
conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security
conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps
toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was
impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient
attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress.
This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting
international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining
effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are
longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an
empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an
unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the
nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not
necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear
deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear
weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue
almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for
safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other
ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear
weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the
challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress.
Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further
progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly
more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and
strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with
others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on
overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also
continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many
challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons
possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
Athe nuclear disarmament is a step forward into international leaders agreement, but it is a tenue line
parting catastrophic consequences and security and peace.Bthe politic and economic country aspects have been equally improving on the last decades, such real
world situation indicates an easy understanding for disarmament.CInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been guiding international agreements on nuclear
disarmament between countries with nuclear weapons. Dthe United States of America and North Korea have successfully concerned to find ways to avoid the
proliferation of nuclear weapons in the last decades.Eboth, the United States of America and Russia, consider impossible the disarmament in order to preserve
and protect to the international peace and security.Considering the ideas expressed in the text, medical practice
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Digitizing Healthcare: How Technology Is Improving Medical Care
by Tricia Hussung
A wide variety of digital innovations are revolutionizing healthcare — and technology in medicine is here to stay.
How are these changes impacting the delivery of care, and what skills are needed to succeed in this bold new
world? It’s no secret that, as a society, technology has become a part of our everyday lives. In fact, almost 60
percent of American adults own a smartphone, and 42 percent of that same population (American adults) owns a
tablet computer. Though technology has been permeating almost every aspect of our lives, until recent years the
medical field has been largely unaffected by the rapid pace of technological innovation that is characteristic of the
Digital Age. However, this is changing.
This ubiquity of technology is beginning to extend into the medical field. Advances in medical technology are
changing medicine by giving physicians more information — as well as better, more specific data.
New Medical Technology: Innovations
So just what are these new advances in technology? The following are just a few of the many innovations that have occurred in medical technology over the past year alone. Some of these leading technologies are still being developed, while others are slowly being introduced into mainstream medical practice.
The modern hospital experience: Several medical technology companies are looking to update hospital stays to keep pace with the needs of modern patients. To more easily integrate changing technology, these new rooms would feature interchangeable parts that are easily adapted to the specific situation of a patient. The seamless design would have a minimal impact on facility operations while increasing patient comfort and connectivity.
Surgery simulation: The Roswell Park Cancer Institute has partnered with the University of Buffalo’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to create the Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS). This innovation allows real-world views of surgeries while eliminating the need for a live environment to train aspiring surgeons. It gives these medical professionals the space to experiment in a simulated environment, rather than risking making mistakes on real patients.
Cloud-based data and software: Applications like referralMD help healthcare providers create referrals digitally and reach millions of patients and providers who are in search of treatment options. The current, paper method of referrals causes almost 50 percent of patient referrals to never actually result in doctor’s visits. This present gap in care “causes patients to lose treatment (and) the healthcare facility to lose money.” Software innovations like these are part of the relatively new field of health informatics, which aims to collect, store, analyze and present health data in a digital format.
With widespread innovations like these affecting patient care practices, it is not surprising that the way medical
records and information are stored and shared is changing as well. These technological advancements are costeffective and improve the ability of medical professionals to diagnose and treat health issues of all kinds. Two of
the main changes that are revolutionizing the future of healthcare are electronic medical records and health
information exchange. Future won´t be the same for medical field. Are you ready for what is coming?
Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 09 maio 2018. (Adaptado).
Awon´t be the same as it was on years before because physicians are going to be more linked and will face
a constant updating need with technologies to pace up with leading medical upcoming. Bis going to be, on surgery simulation, broadcasted through internet from the most modern hospitals and
surgery practice classes are going to take advantage of this to train aspiring surgeons. Cwill have drastic changes in hospital which will certainly find ways to offer the newest and the best
treatments combined to more comfortable and technological rooms to their patients.Dis going to be changed because American adults are going to exchange personal medical data with their
physicians and through that technology they are going to get individual attendance.Ewill be improved by the innovations in technology or by the Digital Age, making possible that physicians
and patients definitely solve health problems which they couldn’t treat on the past.Considering to the information expressed in the text, autonomous cars
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Who's driving? Autonomous cars may be entering the most dangerous phase
Autopilot controls are not yet fully capable of functioning without human intervention – but they’re good
enough to lull us into a false sense of security.
When California police officers approached a Tesla stopped in the centre of a five-lane highway outside
San Francisco last week, they found a man asleep at the wheel. The driver, who was arrested on suspicion of
drunk driving, told them his car was in “autopilot”, Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assist system.
In a separate incident, firefighters in Culver City reported that a Tesla vehicle parked at the rear of their fire
truck as it attended an accident on the freeway. Again, the driver said the vehicle was in autopilot. The oft-repeated promise of driverless technology is that it will make the roads safer by reducing human
error, the primary cause of accidents. However, those vehicles have a long way to go before they can eliminate
the drivers.
However, research has shown that drivers get lulled into a false sense of security to the point where their
minds and gazes start to wander away from the road. People become distracted or preoccupied with their
smartphones. So when the car encounters a situation where the human needs to intervene, the driver can be slow
to react.
During tests the IIHS recorded a Mercedes having problems when the lane on the highway forked in two.
The radar system locked onto the right-hand exit lane when the driver was trying to go straight.
Concern over this new type of distracted driving is forcing engineers to introduce additional safety features
to compensate. For example, GM has introduced eye-tracking technology to check the driver’s eyes are on the
road while Tesla drivers can be locked out of autopilot if they ignore warnings to keep their hands on the steering
In spite of these problems, Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, remains bullish about his company’s autonomous
technology, even suggesting that by 2019 drivers would be able to sleep in their cars – presumably without being
arrested by highway patrol officers.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018. (Adaptado).
Aare attending to the human necessity for driverless technology because people are too busy or
preoccupied with their smartphones than driving the cars. Bare already using eye-tracking technology on Tesla´s cars to alert the driver if they fall on sleep or can´t
see clearly if there is any accident or problems on the road ahead.Care patented and approved technology by Tesla and their car engineer´s team to provide fully capable of
functioning without human intervention. Dare not fully able to make decisions without the intervention of human because it is not yet a safe
technology when driving on the road. Ehave been developed to avoid the accidents which are caused by the distraction by the use of
smartphones when driving on road.According to the information expressed in the image and data, the industrial revolution
Observe o infográfico a seguir e responda a questão.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018. (Adaptado)
Ais changing our way of life. Since 1969 assembly lines are uniquely compounded by computers which
automate the whole process and it has increased unemployment around the world.Bon 18th century used animal traction on their first mechanized manufacturing process to power the textile
manufacturing companies and their equipment in England.Chas achieved an important stage in which the received information by the machinery is the main
component to the line production because computers need it in order to manufacture. Don 20th century, on the slaughtering industry, used the electric power which was responsible in order to
achieve the high efficiency of the emerging meat industry.Ehas influenced the development of workstations which were customized by the new technologies
according to the needs and abilities of their operators.Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2019.
Considerando-se as informações expressas na
imagem e nas sentenças presentes no infográfico,
verifica-se que a
Aprimeira dica sugere que devemos utilizar
bolsas de plástico reciclados durante as
compras.Bterceira dica sugere que devemos beber
mais água, café e demais líquidos ao longo
do dia.Cquarta dica sugere que devemos comprar o
lanche em vasilhames ou recipientes
reutilizáveis.Dsétima dica sugere que devemos realizar as
refeições de forma mais calma e fora de
casa.Eoitava dica sugere que devemos utilizar
potes de vidro para armazenar as sobras de
comida.According to the information in the text, the global education systems are assessed by PISA and it is
Leia o texto e responda à questão.
This is how the way the world measures success in education is changing Since 2000 when the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched a global
academic benchmark for measuring student outcomes by testing 15-year-olds, many global education systems
have been impacted by what sometimes looks and feels like a race to rank high.
When the OECD launched the Programme for International Student Assessment — PISA — the idea was to
enable countries to make cross-national comparisons of student achievement using a common/standard metric to
increase human capital. In other words, higher academic achievement should corelate with earnings in the future
and a country’s standard of living. As PISA states, it publishes the results of the test a year after the students are
tested to help governments shape their education policies.
As PISA has developed, through seven global testing rounds every three years, with the first in 2000 and the
most recent in 2018, for some it has gained a reputation as the “Olympics of education” given the widespread
attention that country rankings receive following the release of results.
Now, partly in the face of criticisms, PISA is looking at expanding how and what it tests. As this process
unfolds, policy-makers must remember that the social consequences of a test are just as important as the test’s
content. Putting a new face on PISA will undoubtedly present various opportunities and challenges.
To date, PISA has been restricted to what is generally called the “cognitive” side of learning, focusing on
reading, mathematics and scientific literacy. In addition to test questions, students and school principals fill out
questionnaires to provide contextual information on student and school environment characteristics that can be
associated with more or less favourable performance.
Countries that excel in PISA tests, such as Finland, a country with less than six million people, have become
regarded by policy-makers as a “global reference society” — an ideal to aspire to — due to their high performance
in PISA rankings.
Asian countries or jurisdictions like Singapore, Hong Kong (China) and Japan tend to consistently achieve
exceptional PISA performances and hence get a lot of attention from other countries wishing to emulate their
success via borrowing policy. For example, England flew teachers out to China to study mathematics teaching.
In the next administration in 2021, PISA will tackle creative thinking, trying to find ways to assess, and have
students assess, flexibility in thinking and habits of creativity such as being inquisitive and persistent. The PISA
team is also developing a way of testing students’ digital learning, which should be ready in time for the 2024
However, it should be remembered that education policies from high achieving nations don’t migrate across
international boundaries without consideration given to national and cultural contexts. Rather, innovations and
changes in education require teachers to have the time and opportunity to re-educate themselves in relation to
more recent insights in what it means to get the best out of children. The OECD will need to respond to previous critiques and provide greater transparency around newer test
instruments and the choices made to arrive at rankings. The latter is no small challenge since the future focus of
PISA is based on topics which seem more difficult to evaluate than math, science or reading skills.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun.
2019. (Adaptado).
Aa thermometer for policy makers which tend to copy policies from the higher performance assess
countries.Ban international assessment education tool to comprehend how world education systems are performing
in math, science or reading skills. Cpresented by the contents of reading, mathematics, scientific literacy and english, those are the assessed
contents by 15-year-olds students.Doffered by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which determines the
contents and education policies all over the world.Ethe most important tool to evaluate the best country rankings and its results tend to change education
systems from those countries which didn’t perform well on the assessments. Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 07 jun. 2018.
According to the information expressed in the image and data
A88% of the population in Finland speak Finnish and the second most spoken language is English.Bapproximately 3,9 million Finnish students has been studied beyond basic education system level.C356,000 overnight stays are booked by its own population which like to travel around their country.Done in two Finnish have a sauna in their residential homes because they need hot water to warm up.Eice cream is the most consumed dessert among Finnish population, especially children and teenagers.Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que
Leia o texto e responda à questão.
Lawyers could be the next profession to be replaced by computers Technology is often blamed for destroying traditional working-class jobs in sectors like manufacturing and
retail. But blue collar jobs aren't the only ones at risk on an imminent future: white collar jobs are going to be
affected by technology as well. The legal profession is on the cusp of a transformation in which artificial-intelligence (AI) platforms might
dramatically affect how legal work gets done. Those platforms will mine documents for evidence that will be useful
in litigation, to review and create contracts, raise red flags within companies to identify potential fraud and other
misconduct or do legal research and perform due diligence before corporate acquisitions. Those are all tasks that
— for the moment at least — are largely the responsibility of flesh-and-blood attorneys. Increasing automation of the legal industry promises to increase efficiency and save client’s money, but
could also cut jobs in the sector as the technology becomes responsible for tasks currently performed by humans. Advocates of AI, however, argue there could actually be an increase in the sector's labor force as the
technology drives costs down and makes legal services more affordable to greater numbers of people. It's like the
beginning for a future changing in legal profession with AI-powered platform which can perform almost all
mechanical work such as creating a new contract or reviewing it for clients and companies.
What machines do better than people One question raised by the introduction of AI legal platforms is how well they do their jobs compared to a
flesh-and-blood lawyer, who has years of experience under his belt. Supporters of this new technology defend
that AI platform can search documents for relevant information to lawsuits and other litigation as well as
experienced lawyers. Here are some of AI advantages:
Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings
looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human
workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for
lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the
conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are
biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive
computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal
sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and
their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other
Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 08 maio 2018. (Adaptado)
Ao vocábulo might, na sentença platforms might dramatically affect how legal work gets done, pode ser
substituído por “must”, sem alterar o sentido da frase. Ba sentença Increasing automation of the legal industry promises to increase, na forma interrogativa, seria
“Do increasing automation of the legal industry promise to increase?”.Ca sentença these technologies find relevant material for lawyers encontra-se na voz ativa e, na voz
passiva, seria “relevant material for lawyers are found by these technologies”.Do termo that, nas duas ocorrências em things that are biological problems that can happen, exerce
respectivamente as funções de pronome relativo e pronome demonstrativo na sentença.Ea expressão the legal sector, em the legal sector has been slow to change, technologically or otherwise,
exerce a função de sujeito e pode ser substituído por they.According to the text, we verify that
Leia o texto e responda à questão.
Lawyers could be the next profession to be replaced by computers Technology is often blamed for destroying traditional working-class jobs in sectors like manufacturing and
retail. But blue collar jobs aren't the only ones at risk on an imminent future: white collar jobs are going to be
affected by technology as well. The legal profession is on the cusp of a transformation in which artificial-intelligence (AI) platforms might
dramatically affect how legal work gets done. Those platforms will mine documents for evidence that will be useful
in litigation, to review and create contracts, raise red flags within companies to identify potential fraud and other
misconduct or do legal research and perform due diligence before corporate acquisitions. Those are all tasks that
— for the moment at least — are largely the responsibility of flesh-and-blood attorneys. Increasing automation of the legal industry promises to increase efficiency and save client’s money, but
could also cut jobs in the sector as the technology becomes responsible for tasks currently performed by humans. Advocates of AI, however, argue there could actually be an increase in the sector's labor force as the
technology drives costs down and makes legal services more affordable to greater numbers of people. It's like the
beginning for a future changing in legal profession with AI-powered platform which can perform almost all
mechanical work such as creating a new contract or reviewing it for clients and companies.
What machines do better than people One question raised by the introduction of AI legal platforms is how well they do their jobs compared to a
flesh-and-blood lawyer, who has years of experience under his belt. Supporters of this new technology defend
that AI platform can search documents for relevant information to lawsuits and other litigation as well as
experienced lawyers. Here are some of AI advantages:
Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings
looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human
workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for
lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the
conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are
biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive
computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal
sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and
their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other
Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 08 maio 2018. (Adaptado)
Alegal area companies state advantages, such as the low cost and efficient results in using the artificial
intelligence on offices.Bcompanies have been using artificial intelligence in order to solve problems which they didn’t used to
solve it in recent past.Clegal professional companies are already using artificial intelligence to be responsible at creating new
contracts for companies.Dtechnology has been the responsible for the unemployment that has been affected different industries
and firms nowadays. Ethe use of new technology have stimulated advocate companies to invest in courses to update legal
knowledge on their workers. According to the information presented in the text, technology in school is
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Predictions for the future of 'smart' education
Posted by Charley Rogers - January 22, 2018
A wave of new technology has been introduced into schools up and down the country changing the way
teachers deliver lessons and how students learn.
A research by Randstad Education found schools and colleges have adopted the latest tech to improve
teaching and make lessons more interactive and engaging. Some of the innovations already in use include
‘gamifying’ lessons by incorporating game-like rules and tasks to increase motivation. For example, Shireland
Academy in the West Midlands included Minecraft on its curriculum.
Education, the research found, will become more project-based and include more interactive content to
keep up with students’ changing attitudes towards traditional media. Classrooms, it is predicted, will join the
Internet of Things – a network of devices like smartwatches that connect and share data with other items and
systems – and create ‘smart schools’ where the teachers, students and devices become more connected.
Pressure on teachers – 75% find their workload unmanageable – as well as rising student numbers
means technology will play a larger role performing tasks to save time. Teachers are also reaping the rewards as
lessons and assessments move out of the classroom and onto platforms that make it easier for them to chart
progress and achieve a better work-life balance. Education experts have highlighted the importance of new
techniques that help teachers do their jobs.
However, while tech will become more commonplace in the classroom, it is expected to compliment
teachers and not replace them. It´s important to understand that teaching tools have come a long way since the
days when teachers used to write on chalkboards and present using an overhead projector.
The research says that students today benefit from some of the most exciting technology available to
schools, but it’s not just the pupils who benefit from these innovations through invigorating lessons and virtual
learning. Teachers are also reaping the rewards as lessons and assessments move out of the classroom and
onto platforms that make it easier for them to chart progress and achieve a better work-life balance.
Technology has arrived and the teachers and classrooms of tomorrow are here today.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).
Aa valuable tool which is becoming helpful to teachers in order to follow up their performance and progress
along the educational process.Bcausing a great difficult to deliver classes by teachers, because they study more about technology in
order to use it in the classroom. Calready in and present through the smartwatches and laptops, enabling teachers and students to interact
in and out of the classroom.Dtaking teachers’ places on lessons at classrooms, because the platforms are going to substitute them at
work over the next years.Ecreating a new form for parents to access their children’s performance in lessons and the assessments
through the internet.Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 set. 2018.
According to the information expressed in the image and the data, smartphones are
Amost used by people, 9/10 users, when they are going to and coming from somewhere.Bdaily used by less than 1/2 of passengers during their trip on the public transportation.Cused by people in equal proportion when compared their time in bathroom or driving.Dcommonly used by more than 1/2 of people who are lying in the bed before sleeping.Enot allowed at a house of workship when the people are in and during the services.According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather
As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful. Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state. The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia. It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet. El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing. The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions. And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere. Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).Aclimate changes in South America effects caused by El Niño/La Niña are not fully understandable by
weather experts further studies are yet necessary.Bscientists are observing warmer climates caused by El Niño/La Niña effects and try to understand better
how the phenomenon is affecting Atlantic Ocean.CLa Niña is the climate weather changing in South America and Australia regions switching the climate on
those regions from cold and wet to hot and dry climates.DUnited States of America is heading a group of experts in climate change to understand the effect of El
Niño/La Niña in its own country, especially southern region. Eglobal warming is intensified by heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere through pollution produced
especially by vehicles and industries which are burning fossil fuel.Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos da língua inglesa, presentes no texto, constata-se que
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather
As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful. Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state. The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia. It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet. El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing. The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions. And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere. Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).Ao termo “might”, em something might be changing, pode ser substituído pelo vocábulo “should” sem
alteração do sentido.Bo vocábulo “If” na sentença if we don’t take action quickly, pode ser substituído por “Besides that” sem
alteração de sentido.Co vocábulo “also” em It’s also important to be able to, pode ser substituído pelo termo “still” sem causar
alteração de sentido.Do termo “Perhaps”, em Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation, pode ser substituído por “Maybe”
sem alterar o sentido.Eo termo “can” em this conclusion can be extended, é um verbo modal e pode ser substituído por “must”
sem alterar o sentido. According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that
Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 out. 2018.
Aphysical activity is very important for children to have better grades at school, that´s why they need to
practice exercises at least 5 days a week.Bphysical fitness condition is related to the students’ performance at school, which also can be related with
them having higher or lower grades. Cstudents in better physical fitness conditions are going to have successful career and professions and will
achieve better job positions and salaries. Din recent years students are more physically active then on their parents’ school time which nowadays
reflects on their better grades at school. Enowadays we have parents and teachers who are concerned with children’s healthy that´s why they are
motivating kids to practice physical activities.Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 out. 2018.
According to the information expressed in the image and data, when kids are physically active, we verify that
Aphysical activity is very important for children to have better grades at school, that´s why they need to
practice exercises at least 5 days a week.
Bnowadays we have parents and teachers who are concerned with children’s healthy that´s why they are
motivating kids to practice physical activities.
Cphysical fitness condition is related to the students’ performance at school, which also can be related with
them having higher or lower grades.
Dstudents in better physical fitness conditions are going to have successful career and professions and will
achieve better job positions and salaries.
Ein recent years students are more physically active then on their parents’ school time which nowadays
reflects on their better grades at school.
According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather
As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the
warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea
level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of
weather more powerful.
Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers
to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South
America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña
occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a
normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state.
The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like
a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La
Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see
cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia.
It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able
to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet.
El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known
for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to
understand something might be changing.
The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of
the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for
land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South
America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions.
And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is
making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that
will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere.
Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that
climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory
toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us,
via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso
em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).
Aclimate changes in South America effects caused by El Niño/La Niña are not fully understandable by
weather experts further studies are yet necessary.
Bscientists are observing warmer climates caused by El Niño/La Niña effects and try to understand better
how the phenomenon is affecting Atlantic Ocean.
CLa Niña is the climate weather changing in South America and Australia regions switching the climate on
those regions from cold and wet to hot and dry climates.
DUnited States of America is heading a group of experts in climate change to understand the effect of El
Niño/La Niña in its own country, especially southern region.
Eglobal warming is intensified by heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere through pollution produced
especially by vehicles and industries which are burning fossil fuel.
Considering the ideas expressed in the text, technology
De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica-se que
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
Considerando-se os elementos de estrutura e forma da língua inglesa, constata-se que
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
According to the information expressed in the text, we verify that
Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons
The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.
The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.
The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.
Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.
Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.
Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?
There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the
potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience
demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe
for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a
more secure world.
Considering the ideas expressed in the text, medical practice
Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Digitizing Healthcare: How Technology Is Improving Medical Care
by Tricia Hussung
A wide variety of digital innovations are revolutionizing healthcare — and technology in medicine is here to stay. How are these changes impacting the delivery of care, and what skills are needed to succeed in this bold new world? It’s no secret that, as a society, technology has become a part of our everyday lives. In fact, almost 60 percent of American adults own a smartphone, and 42 percent of that same population (American adults) owns a tablet computer. Though technology has been permeating almost every aspect of our lives, until recent years the medical field has been largely unaffected by the rapid pace of technological innovation that is characteristic of the Digital Age. However, this is changing.
This ubiquity of technology is beginning to extend into the medical field. Advances in medical technology are changing medicine by giving physicians more information — as well as better, more specific data.
New Medical Technology: Innovations
So just what are these new advances in technology? The following are just a few of the many innovations that have occurred in medical technology over the past year alone. Some of these leading technologies are still being developed, while others are slowly being introduced into mainstream medical practice.
- The modern hospital experience: Several medical technology companies are looking to update hospital stays to keep pace with the needs of modern patients. To more easily integrate changing technology, these new rooms would feature interchangeable parts that are easily adapted to the specific situation of a patient. The seamless design would have a minimal impact on facility operations while increasing patient comfort and connectivity.
- Surgery simulation: The Roswell Park Cancer Institute has partnered with the University of Buffalo’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to create the Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS). This innovation allows real-world views of surgeries while eliminating the need for a live environment to train aspiring surgeons. It gives these medical professionals the space to experiment in a simulated environment, rather than risking making mistakes on real patients.
- Cloud-based data and software: Applications like referralMD help healthcare providers create referrals digitally and reach millions of patients and providers who are in search of treatment options. The current, paper method of referrals causes almost 50 percent of patient referrals to never actually result in doctor’s visits. This present gap in care “causes patients to lose treatment (and) the healthcare facility to lose money.” Software innovations like these are part of the relatively new field of health informatics, which aims to collect, store, analyze and present health data in a digital format.
With widespread innovations like these affecting patient care practices, it is not surprising that the way medical
records and information are stored and shared is changing as well. These technological advancements are costeffective and improve the ability of medical professionals to diagnose and treat health issues of all kinds. Two of
the main changes that are revolutionizing the future of healthcare are electronic medical records and health
information exchange. Future won´t be the same for medical field. Are you ready for what is coming?
Disponível em:<>
Considering to the information expressed in the text, autonomous cars
When California police officers approached a Tesla stopped in the centre of a five-lane highway outside San Francisco last week, they found a man asleep at the wheel. The driver, who was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, told them his car was in “autopilot”, Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver assist system.
In a separate incident, firefighters in Culver City reported that a Tesla vehicle parked at the rear of their fire truck as it attended an accident on the freeway. Again, the driver said the vehicle was in autopilot.
According to the information expressed in the image and data, the industrial revolution
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018. (Adaptado)
Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2019.
Considerando-se as informações expressas na
imagem e nas sentenças presentes no infográfico,
verifica-se que a
Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
Considerando-se as informações expressas na imagem e nas sentenças presentes no infográfico, verifica-se que a
According to the information in the text, the global education systems are assessed by PISA and it is
When the OECD launched the Programme for International Student Assessment — PISA — the idea was to enable countries to make cross-national comparisons of student achievement using a common/standard metric to increase human capital. In other words, higher academic achievement should corelate with earnings in the future and a country’s standard of living. As PISA states, it publishes the results of the test a year after the students are tested to help governments shape their education policies.
As PISA has developed, through seven global testing rounds every three years, with the first in 2000 and the most recent in 2018, for some it has gained a reputation as the “Olympics of education” given the widespread attention that country rankings receive following the release of results.
Now, partly in the face of criticisms, PISA is looking at expanding how and what it tests. As this process unfolds, policy-makers must remember that the social consequences of a test are just as important as the test’s content. Putting a new face on PISA will undoubtedly present various opportunities and challenges.
To date, PISA has been restricted to what is generally called the “cognitive” side of learning, focusing on reading, mathematics and scientific literacy. In addition to test questions, students and school principals fill out questionnaires to provide contextual information on student and school environment characteristics that can be associated with more or less favourable performance.
Countries that excel in PISA tests, such as Finland, a country with less than six million people, have become regarded by policy-makers as a “global reference society” — an ideal to aspire to — due to their high performance in PISA rankings.
Asian countries or jurisdictions like Singapore, Hong Kong (China) and Japan tend to consistently achieve exceptional PISA performances and hence get a lot of attention from other countries wishing to emulate their success via borrowing policy. For example, England flew teachers out to China to study mathematics teaching.
In the next administration in 2021, PISA will tackle creative thinking, trying to find ways to assess, and have students assess, flexibility in thinking and habits of creativity such as being inquisitive and persistent. The PISA team is also developing a way of testing students’ digital learning, which should be ready in time for the 2024 assessment.
However, it should be remembered that education policies from high achieving nations don’t migrate across international boundaries without consideration given to national and cultural contexts. Rather, innovations and changes in education require teachers to have the time and opportunity to re-educate themselves in relation to more recent insights in what it means to get the best out of children.
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According to the information expressed in the image and data
Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que
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Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other possibilities.
According to the text, we verify that
Leia o texto e responda à questão.
Keywords: human beings are not very good at keyword searches. There's a fallacy that human beings looking at documents is the gold standard which cannot be, because human may miss things.
Database: the explosion in the amount of electronic data generated today makes it hard for human workers to keep up. This so much more data nowadays need these technologies find relevant material for lawyers. Also the AI could not just look at the text of a document or email, it can look at the tone of the conversation, who sent it, to check if the item should be flagged for review in litigation.
Restless: computers don't get tired, they don't get hungry, they don't sleep in and all of the things that are biological problems that can happen to a human being can't happen to computers.
An example of this technology is ROSS - it is a legal research platform based on IBM's cognitive computing system Watson. This technology is being used by a number of law firms, which state that the legal sector has being changing along the years. Firms, particularly larger ones, begin to see the advantage of AI, and their legal future possibly will completely change, with lawyers working from office, home office and other possibilities.
According to the information presented in the text, technology in school is
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Predictions for the future of 'smart' education
Posted by Charley Rogers - January 22, 2018
A wave of new technology has been introduced into schools up and down the country changing the way
teachers deliver lessons and how students learn.
A research by Randstad Education found schools and colleges have adopted the latest tech to improve teaching and make lessons more interactive and engaging. Some of the innovations already in use include ‘gamifying’ lessons by incorporating game-like rules and tasks to increase motivation. For example, Shireland Academy in the West Midlands included Minecraft on its curriculum.
Education, the research found, will become more project-based and include more interactive content to keep up with students’ changing attitudes towards traditional media. Classrooms, it is predicted, will join the Internet of Things – a network of devices like smartwatches that connect and share data with other items and systems – and create ‘smart schools’ where the teachers, students and devices become more connected.
Pressure on teachers – 75% find their workload unmanageable – as well as rising student numbers means technology will play a larger role performing tasks to save time. Teachers are also reaping the rewards as lessons and assessments move out of the classroom and onto platforms that make it easier for them to chart progress and achieve a better work-life balance. Education experts have highlighted the importance of new techniques that help teachers do their jobs.
However, while tech will become more commonplace in the classroom, it is expected to compliment teachers and not replace them. It´s important to understand that teaching tools have come a long way since the days when teachers used to write on chalkboards and present using an overhead projector.
The research says that students today benefit from some of the most exciting technology available to schools, but it’s not just the pupils who benefit from these innovations through invigorating lessons and virtual learning. Teachers are also reaping the rewards as lessons and assessments move out of the classroom and onto platforms that make it easier for them to chart progress and achieve a better work-life balance.
Technology has arrived and the teachers and classrooms of tomorrow are here today.
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According to the information expressed in the image and the data, smartphones are
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Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 set. 2018.