Questõesde FGV sobre Inglês
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FGV 2015, FGV 2015 - Inglês
The article most likely mentions the smallpox samples
found in eastern Europe and New Mexico in order to
support the idea that
The article most likely mentions the smallpox samples
found in eastern Europe and New Mexico in order to
support the idea that
FGV 2015, FGV 2015 - Inglês
In paragraph 3, the author most likely mentions Disney
movies to highlight
In paragraph 3, the author most likely mentions Disney
movies to highlight
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
With respect to drone warfare, the information in the article most supports
which of the following?
With respect to drone warfare, the information in the article most supports
which of the following?

In an ethical war, those who send drones to attack enemy targets would be
equally subject to lethal attack.
In the future, drones will be designed to destroy huge amounts of property and
Although drones are designed to destroy specific enemy targets and to limit
collateral damage, serious doubts about the ethics of using drones persist.
Despite their advanced design and technology, drones are as just likely as
conventional weapons to kill large numbers of innocent people.
A drone is unique in that it kills enemies before they can react.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions
Which of the following does the author of the article himself most affirm?
Which of the following does the author of the article himself most affirm?

At the moment, most people believe that drone warfare is Barack Obama’s
only practical anti-terrorism option.
It is a lie to declare that drone warfare is more accurate than conventional
warfare in the killing of enemies.
The U.S. government refuses to understand that the war against terrorism will
never be won on the battlefield.
The use of drone warfare is nothing less than a crime against humanity.
Although they are in the minority, some people believe that one should not
use lethal violence even in self-defence.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
At the beginning of paragraph 2, the phrase “The development of drone
warfare has put these distinctions under stress” most likely refers to which of
the following?
At the beginning of paragraph 2, the phrase “The development of drone
warfare has put these distinctions under stress” most likely refers to which of
the following?

Because of the precision and efficiency of drones, it has become harder than
ever to argue against war.
Many people are worried that drones will make warfare too easy and therefore
less morally objectionable.
Because of the precision and efficiency of drone warfare, it has become harder
for governments to justify using conventional large-scale military violence,
whether for self-defence, execution, or assassination.
Since drone warfare is a new phenomenon, it should be placed in a new
category, one that is distinct from self-defence, execution, and assassination
It is relatively hard to say precisely whether or not the use of drone warfare can
be classified as self-defence, execution, or assassination.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The article contains information that would most support which of the
following ideas?
The article contains information that would most support which of the
following ideas?

One should not attack and kill an enemy that no longer represents a lethal
Depending on the circumstances, it is not morally wrong to kill someone
because of his or her past conduct.
In general, assassinations and executions are carried out in similar situations
and for similar reasons.
The only thing that assassination and killing in self-defence have in common
is that they both lead to someone’s death.
Execution and assassination differ from killing in self-defence in that they are
premeditated, rather than spontaneous, acts.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely
a belief held by both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch?
According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely
a belief held by both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch?

using drones to attack enemy targets violates every law of war.
even though drone operators frequently have strong doubts about a target’s
validity, in most cases they attack anyway.
since drone operators are anonymous, they should not be allowed to use the
concept of “imminent threat” as a basis for lethal action.
in cases where innocent people have been unnecessary victims of drone
attacks, the U.S. government has never admitted its guilt.
every terrorist captured and judged by the U.S. government has been illegally
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Which of the following probably best explains the main purpose of the passage
(presented in paragraph 4) from the book Objective Troy?
Which of the following probably best explains the main purpose of the passage
(presented in paragraph 4) from the book Objective Troy?

It attempts to give an idea of the magnitude of the destruction caused by both
al-Qaida terrorists and American armed forces.
It attempts to show graphically that American troops have been much more
destructive than al-Qaida terrorists.
It attempts to show that Barack Obama began utilizing drone warfare only
after it became clear that U.S. armed forces were losing the war against
It attempts to show clearly why Barack Obama decided that it made more
sense to favor drone warfare over conventional warfare in the fight against
It attempts to show that the terrible destruction caused by the U.S. war against
terrorism has accomplished very little and that, even with the widespread use
of drone warfare, the U.S. is far from victory.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
At the end of paragraph 2, the question “Who could ask for more?” is most
At the end of paragraph 2, the question “Who could ask for more?” is most

a sincere recognition of the great contribution that drone warfare can make to
national defence.
a sad acceptance of the inevitability of war and of terrorist violence.
an ironic “appreciation” of the so-called benefits of a new and apparently
highly efficient way of killing people.
an expression of sincere admiration for the progress in technology and
humane killing that drone warfare represents.
a lament for the disappearance of any kind of anti-war sentiment in the world
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
According to the information in the article, Rachel Collin and Allan CarrilloBaltodano’s experiment most likely showed which of the following?
According to the information in the article, Rachel Collin and Allan CarrilloBaltodano’s experiment most likely showed which of the following?

Female slipper limpets have no influence on a male slipper limpet’s sexual
If male slipper limpets do not make direct physical contact with one another,
they cannot transition into females.
In one way, large male slipper limpets and small male slipper limpets react
differently to another male slipper limpet’s touch.
A large male slipper limpet’s reaction is strongest when another male slipper
limpet contacts it both physically and chemically.
Without physical contact among male and female slipper limpets, neither
growth nor sexual reproduction will occur.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
In paragraph 1, the phrase “Military action is justified by a collective
institutional version of this basic human right…” most likely refers to which
of the following?
In paragraph 1, the phrase “Military action is justified by a collective
institutional version of this basic human right…” most likely refers to which
of the following?

It is the duty of a national government to use the military as the first line of
defence against a foreign attack.
Just as an individual may kill in self-defence, so too may a country, through its
armed forces, kill in self-defence.
In the case of an extreme national emergency, the military may suspend the
right to life.
Society as a whole must determine the seriousness of an external threat before
the military can be used against that threat.
An individual has the right to kill only if he or she is confronting a lethal threat.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The article provides information to support all of the following except
The article provides information to support all of the following except

slipper limpets neither give nor receive chemical messages.
at birth, all slipper limpets are male.
large slipper limpets are often female.
although slipper limpets are essentially stationary, some of them find a way to
make physical contact with one another.
if slipper limpets did not grow, they could not reproduce.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
According to the information in the article, which of the following happened
in the experiment conducted by Rachel Collin and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano?
According to the information in the article, which of the following happened
in the experiment conducted by Rachel Collin and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano?

Male slipper limpets of differing sizes were placed in cups of differing sizes.
Some pairs of male slipper limpets were prevented from making any kind of
physical contact with each other.
Some pairs of male slipper limpets were placed in small cups and some were
placed in large cups.
Only certain pairs of male slipper limpets were allowed to use the same water.
Rachel Collin and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano were more interested in the results
of physical contact between male slipper limpets than in the results of nonphysical contact.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
In the last paragraph, when Rachel Collin says, “That was kind of a surprise,”
she is most likely referring to the discovery that
In the last paragraph, when Rachel Collin says, “That was kind of a surprise,”
she is most likely referring to the discovery that

slipper limpets spend most of their lives stationary and filter-feeding.
larger slipper limpets react differently to physical touch and chemical
messages than do smaller slipper limpets.
chemical messages carried through water inhibit rather than encourage the
growth and sexual transition of male slipper limpets.
in rare cases, physical contact with another slipper limpet may cause a female
slipper limpet to transition into a male.
the start of a slipper limpet’s transition from male to female is influenced by
another slipper limpet’s physical contact and not by chemical messages carried
through the water.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The “social influence” mentioned in paragraph 2 most likely refers to the
The “social influence” mentioned in paragraph 2 most likely refers to the

number of slipper limpets in any group and how that number can increase or
retard the growth of individual slipper limpets.
fact that the proximity of other slipper limpets can directly affect a male slipper
limpet’s radical change in sexual characteristics.
fact that, when isolated, slipper limpets grow slowly and do not change their
sexual characteristics.
fact that a large group of slipper limpets grows and changes its sexual
characteristics more quickly than does a small group of slipper limpets.
fact that a slipper limpet’s development of male or female sexual
characteristics depends on the proximity of other slipper limpets.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
According to the information in the article,
According to the information in the article,

the reproductive process of slipper limpets is different from that of all other
kinds of sea snails.
among slipper limpets, large males and small females are the main
participants in the reproductive process.
small slipper limpets produce sperm and eggs more efficiently than do large
slipper limpets.
the continued growth of a slipper limpet will eventually change the way it
participates in the reproductive process.
the growth and size of a slipper limpet is fundamental in determining whether
it changes from male to female or from female to male.
FGV 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Which of the following probably best expresses the “puzzle” mentioned at the
end of paragraph 2?
Which of the following probably best expresses the “puzzle” mentioned at the
end of paragraph 2?

What exactly does one slipper limpet do that affects another slipper limpet’s
transition from one sex to another?
How close must two slipper limpets be to each other for sexual reproduction to
take place?
Since any slipper limpet can simultaneously be both male and female, can
sexual reproduction take place without the presence of another slipper limpet?
How did the slipper limpet evolve into an animal that can change its sex from
male to female?
If two male slipper limpets are close to each other, why does only one of them
make the transition into a female?