Questão 2a17b0c6-1c
Prova:FGV 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
In the last paragraph, when Rachel Collin says, “That was kind of a surprise,”
she is most likely referring to the discovery that
In the last paragraph, when Rachel Collin says, “That was kind of a surprise,”
she is most likely referring to the discovery that

slipper limpets spend most of their lives stationary and filter-feeding.
larger slipper limpets react differently to physical touch and chemical
messages than do smaller slipper limpets.
chemical messages carried through water inhibit rather than encourage the
growth and sexual transition of male slipper limpets.
in rare cases, physical contact with another slipper limpet may cause a female
slipper limpet to transition into a male.
the start of a slipper limpet’s transition from male to female is influenced by
another slipper limpet’s physical contact and not by chemical messages carried
through the water.