Questão 2a096283-1c
Prova:FGV 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The “social influence” mentioned in paragraph 2 most likely refers to the
The “social influence” mentioned in paragraph 2 most likely refers to the

number of slipper limpets in any group and how that number can increase or
retard the growth of individual slipper limpets.
fact that the proximity of other slipper limpets can directly affect a male slipper
limpet’s radical change in sexual characteristics.
fact that, when isolated, slipper limpets grow slowly and do not change their
sexual characteristics.
fact that a large group of slipper limpets grows and changes its sexual
characteristics more quickly than does a small group of slipper limpets.
fact that a slipper limpet’s development of male or female sexual
characteristics depends on the proximity of other slipper limpets.