Questõessobre Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees

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SÃO CAMILO 2019 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

O trecho sublinhado em “the genre is as broad as the imagination” (3° parágrafo) expressa uma

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

The fantastic appeal of fantasy

The fantasy genre starts where science ends

     Few things can brighten up a dark morning in a Scottish seaside resort during an Atlantic storm. Yet while sheltering in a bookshop from the rain, I had a moment of sunny revelation. Stacked almost as high as my 11-year-old self were copies of The Lord of the Rings, with a cover illustration that promised mystery and magic. That chance discovery started a lifelong love of the fantasy genre1 , both as reader and writer. 
   The fantasy genre has had more and more success, but today we’re in the middle of an unprecedented fantasy boom. Sales continue to rise and it is now the biggest genre in publishing. The more rational the world gets, with super-science all around us, the more we demand the irrational in our fiction.
     Fantasy is not simply a case of swords2 and sorcery3 . Yes, there is that by the shelf. But the genre is as broad as the imagination. The genre starts where science ends.
    “In these modern times, where most of us sit at computers, fantasy books offer a chance to break out of mundane moments,” says Mark Newton, an editor with the genre. “People like to explore themes that go beyond the limited palette that literary fiction claims to offer.” 
     A search for the origins of fantasy will usually have academics muttering about Beowulf or Homer’s The Iliad, but they come from a time when all stories were fantasy: gods and monsters and supernatural artefacts with humanity caught in the middle. The first modern fantasy writer is usually considered to be William Morris, in the late 19th Century. But it was the early 20th Century where fantasy really started to gain status.
     Fantasy fiction has always been about visionary ideas. You can get artful words in plenty of literary fiction, but being able to see beyond the boundaries4 of the world around us — now that’s a special skill.
     I don’t write fantasy fiction simply to provide a trapdoor5 from the real world. For me, the genre is about the reality. But instead of coming up against it, fantasy maps the unconscious aspirations of our modern society through allegory in story- -forms as old as humanity. It’s about turning off the mobile phone and the computer and remembering who we are in the deepest parts of ourselves.

(Mark Chadbourn., 12.04.2008. Adaptado.)

1genre: gênero. Categoria distintiva de composição literária, como romance, poesia etc.
2sword: espada.
3sorcery: feitiçaria.
4boundary: fronteira.
5trapdoor: alçapão
UNICENTRO 2019 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

The adjective that is in the superlative form is

Backpacs” (title) - a large bag carried on the back.

“strap” (l. 2) - a strip of leather, cloth or other flexible material.

“lugging” (l. 5) - carrying something with great effort. “prof” (l. 8) - professor.

“sprains” (l. 18) - injuries.

“strains” (l. 18) - severe demands on physical strengh.

“valuable” (l. 6).
“serious” (l. 15).
“heavy” (l. 24).
“padded” (l. 26).
“heaviest” (l. 31).
UNICENTRO 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente perfeito progressivo | Present perfect continuous, Caso genitivo | Genitive case, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Presente perfeito | Present perfect, Presente simples | Simple present , Presente progressivo | Present continuous

Considerando o uso gramatical da língua no texto, é correto afirmar:

THE HONEYBEE has... Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 set. 2016.

A forma verbal “had just emerged” (l. 9) refere-se ao tempo presente.
O modal em “may have been used” (l. 18-19) expressa possibilidade.
O ’s em “it”s (l. 24) expressa o genitivo de posse.
O adjetivo “the earliest” (l. 25) está no grau comparative de inferioridade.
UDESC 2018 - Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun, Tipos de advérbios | Types of adverbs, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

According to the meaning of the text, the underlined words are consecutively:

The Invitation

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living, I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring with your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or even your own; if you can dance with the wilderness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being a human.

It doesn´t interest me if the story you´re telling me is true. I want to know if you can risk disappointing another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithless and therefore be trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it´s not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the moon, “YES”.

It doesn´t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children. It doesn´t matter to me who you are, how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. 

It doesn´t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself; and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

(By Oriah Mountain Dreamer from the book THE INVITATION (c) 1999. Published by HarperONE, San Francisco. All rights reserved. Presented with permission of the author. ( Accessed on March 27th, 2018.
comparative, relative pronoun, possessive pronoun and adjective.
comparative, reflexive pronoun, possessive adjective and adverb.
superlative, objective pronoun, possessive adjective and adverb.
adjective, reflexive pronoun, possessive adjective and adjective.
superlative, relative pronoun, possessive pronoun and adjective.
UNIOESTE 2019 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Qual alternativa abaixo contém um exemplo do uso do superlativo?

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

“Public transport is increasingly becoming one of the most crucial forms of transport (...)”.
“Now, researchers at the Polytechnic University of Turin have ranked the world’s largest networks (...)”.
“(...) to come up with engaging and meaningful visualisations (...)”.
“(...) the acceleration of urban growth has led to an unprecedented level of urban interactions (...)”.
“Their average speed was found to be 6.2 and 5.8 km/h (...)”.
UEFS 2011 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

The word “better” (l. 7) is the irregular comparative degree of

IF-BA 2014 - Inglês - Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Observe the propositions that follow. Decide if they are correct or incorrect according to Text 01 and mark the alternative in which there are only correct propositions.

Excerpt 01: "Protesters say the poorest are being short-changed while the government spends the large bills on new stadiums and glitzy infrastructure for the soccer competition Brazil is hosting next year and the Olympic Games coming in 2016."

I – There is an example of passive voice.

II – There is an example of comparative of adjectives.

III – The noun phrase “glitzy infrastructure for the soccer competition” is formed by a determiner, a pre modifier, a noun and a post modifier.

IV - “while” indicates simultaneous actions.

I and II
II and III
III and IV
I and III
I and IV
UNIR 2008 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Sobre a função morfológica dos vocábulos no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.

Strategic Spending on Organic Foods

Sweet bell peppers are among the vegetables high in pesticides. (Richard Drew/Associated Press)

(Extraído de Acesso em 14/09/2008.)
shopper (linha 3), lower (linha 5) e whether (linha 11) são adjetivos no grau comparativo de superioridade.
Environmental (linha 2) e conventional (linha 9) são substantivos.
While (linha 4) e which (linha 6) são conjunções subordinadas temporais.
worst (linha 8) é o superlativo do adjetivo worried.
simply (linha 10) e really (linha 4) são advérbios.
UEFS 2011 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Advérbios: definição e usos | Adverbs: definition and uses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

The word “better” (l. 7) is the irregular comparative degree of

EVANS, Stephen. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2011.

UCPEL 2012 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

A forma comparativa destacada na frase “More surprising is the finding that women tend to be more wealthy than men” (linha 33) poderia ser corretamente substituída por

wealthier than.
wealthiest than.
the wealthiest.
UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The only sentence from the text in which a form of comparison has not been used is in


BRYANT, Nick. Record blow for teenage sailor. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 5 jun. 2010.

“to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey.” (l. 3-4)
“She’s hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month” (l. 7)
“the influential Sail World website […] is a stickler for the rules” (l. 14-15)
“the teenager should have sailed much farther north” (l. 17)
“Had she sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further she could have made that boast.” (l. 22-24)
UEM 2011 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Assinale a alternativa correta considerando os elementos gramaticais do texto.

The words “Earlier” (line 46) and “largest” (line 44) are, respectively, the comparative and superlative of “early” and “large”.


A brief history of Facebook

(Adapted from a text available at newmedia. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h10min) 

UEPB 2009 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The superlative forms ‘oldest’, ‘youngest’ and ‘strongest’ in TEXT A refer to


Written in March

The cock is crowing,
The stream is flowing,
The small birds twitter,
The lake doth glitter,
The green field sleeps in the sun;
The oldest and youngest
Are at work with the strongest;
The cattle are grazing,
Their heads never raising;
There are forty feeding like one!

Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated,
And now doth fare ill
On the top of the bare hill;
The ploughboy is whooping-anon-anon
There’s joy in the mountains;
There’s life in the fountains;
Small clouds are sailing,
Blue sky prevailing;
The rain is over and gone!

By: William Wordsworth

Vocabulary: Hath = has; doth = does; fare ill = to do badly; ploughboy = a country boy; whooping = cry of joy; anon = soon
IF Sul Rio-Grandense 2017 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Considerando as informações dadas no texto e as regras gramaticais para a formação dos graus comparativo e superlativo dos adjetivos em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta.

INSTRUÇÃO: a questão deve ser respondida com base no texto a seguir. 

The per capita emissions of CO2 in China are as lesser as in Australia.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in China are the lowerest in the world
The per capita emissions of CO2 in the US are lessest than in Australia.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in Luxembourg are lesserest than in the US.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in Australia are lower than in Luxembourg.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “The research, reported earlier”, o termo em destaque indica

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
IF-RS 2017 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Considerando as informações dadas no texto e as regras gramaticais para a formação dos graus comparativo e superlativo dos adjetivos em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta.

INSTRUÇÃO: a questão deve ser respondida com base no texto a seguir. 

Adapted from:<> and <>Acessed on September 1st, 2016.

The per capita emissions of CO2 in China are as lesser as in Australia.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in China are the lowerest in the world.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in the US are lessest than in Australia.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in Luxembourg are lesserest than in the US.
The per capita emissions of CO2 in Australia are lower than in Luxembourg.
UNEB 2014 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

The adjective “worst” (l. 3) is the superlative degree of

FATEC 2010 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Advérbios: definição e usos | Adverbs: definition and uses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Assinale a alternativa em que há um exemplo de grau de comparação

Considere o texto para responder a questão.


THE WORLD'S MOST VALUABLE SPORTS TEAM IS drowning in debt. English football powerhouse Manchester United (Forbes estimates its worth at $1.8 billion) had to raise some $800 million in a bond issue last month, which is still $340 million shy of its total debts. Man U needed the bond to pay off the millions that American businessman 
Malcolm Glazer borrowed to purchase the team in 2005. But in the first three weeks since the bond was issued it lost nearly 10 percent of its value, a sign that, even though Man U's revenues reached a record $444 million last year, the market is growing wary of debt, particularly the European variety
Man U isn't alone. Debt levels have also skyrocketed among rivals like liverpool, calling into question the business model of English Premier League football. Each year the three worst teams are banished to a lower league, where vital broadcasting revenues are dramatically reduced. This puts huge pressure on clubs to compete for the best players, who now regularly fetch more than $50 million a year. Unlike in the U.S., there's no system of collective bargaining to restrain wages. As a result, the total salary bill for the Premier League has risen more than 20 percent since 2008. This has created a vicious cycle of rising debt among clubs that must spend extravagantly on players to ensure increased revenue. Any team attempting to be frugal becomes more likely to end up with lower revenue. It's become a game of who can spend the most, and it probably won't end well. 

“But in the first three weeks since the bond was issued it lost nearly ten percent of its value…”
“Each year the three worst teams are banished to a lower league…”
“English football powerhouse Manchester United had to raise some....”
“Man U isn’t alone.”
“This has created a vicious cycle of rising debt among clubs….”
UEMG 2019 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

In the excerpt “Founded in 1818, the museum is Brazil's oldest scientific institution and one of the largest and most renowned museums in Latin America” we have 3 (three) occurrences of:

               Fire Devastates Brazil's Oldest Science Museum

The overnight inferno likely claimed fossils, cultural artifacts, and more irreplaceable collections amassed over 200 years.

                                                                                    By Michael Greshko                                                   ______________________________________

                                                                   PUBLISHED September 6, 2018

Major pieces of Brazil's scientific and cultural heritage went up in smoke on September 2, as a devastating fire ripped through much of Rio de Janeiro's Museu Nacional, or National Museum. Founded in 1818, the museum is Brazil's oldest scientific institution and one of the largest and most renowned museums in Latin America, amassing a collection of some 20 million scientifically and culturally invaluable artifacts.

The Museu Nacional's holdings include Luzia, an 11,500-year-old skull considered one of South America's oldest human fossils, as well as the bones of uniquely Brazilian creatures such as the long-necked dinosaur Maxakalisaurus. Because of the auction tastes of Brazil's 19th-century emperors, the Museu Nacional also ended up with Latin America's oldest collection of Egyptian mummies and artifacts.

Even the building holds historical importance: It housed the exiled Portuguese royal family from 1808 to 1821, after they fled to Rio de Janeiro in 1807 to escape Napoleon. The complex also served as the palace for Brazil's post-independence emperors until 1889, before the museum collections were transferred there in 1902. In an September 5 email, Museu Nacional curator Débora Pires wrote that the entomology and arachnology collections were completely destroyed, as was most of the mollusk collection. However, technicians had braved the fire to save 80 percent of the mollusk holotypes—the specimens that formally serve as the global references for a given species. The museum's vertebrate specimens, herbarium, and library were housed separately and survived the fire.


An Irreplaceable Loss

It's not yet clear how the fire started, but it did begin after the museum was closed to the public, and no injuries have yet been reported. Firefighters worked through the night to douse the burnt-out shell of the main building, but it seems the blaze has already seared a gaping hole in many scientists' careers.

“The importance of the collections that were lost couldn't be overstated,” says Luiz Rocha, a Brazilian ichthyologist now at the California Academy of Sciences who has visited the Museu Nacional several times to study its collections. “They were unique as it gets: Many of them were irreplaceable, there's no way to put a monetary value on it.”

“In terms of [my] life-long research agenda, I'm pretty much lost,” says Marcus Guidoti, a Brazilian entomologist finishing up his Ph.D. in a program co-run by Brazil's Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Guidoti studies lace bugs, an insect family with more than 2,000 species worldwide. The Museu Nacional held one of the world's largest lace bug collections, but the fire likely destroyed it and the rest of the museum's five million arthropod specimens. “Those type specimens can't be replaced, and they are crucial to understand the species,” he says by text message. “If I was willing to keep working on this family in this region of the globe, this was definitely a big hit.”

Paleontologist Dimila Mothé, a postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, adds that the blows to science extend beyond the collections themselves. “It's not only the cultural history, the natural history, but all the theses and research developed there,” she says. “Most of the laboratories there were lost, too, and the research of several professors. I'm not sure you can say the impact of what was lost.”

Brazil’s indigenous knowledge also has suffered. The Museu Nacional housed world-renowned collections of indigenous objects, as well as many audio recordings of indigenous languages from all over Brazil. Some of these recordings, now lost, were of languages that are no longer spoken.

“I have no words to say how horrible this is,” says Brazilian anthropologist Mariana Françozo, an expert on South American indigenous objects at Leiden University. “The indigenous collections are a tremendous loss … we can no longer study them, we can no longer understand what our ancestors did. It’s heartbreaking.” 

On Monday, The Brazilian publication G1 Rio reported that ashes of burned documents—some still flecked in notes or illustrations—have rained down from the sky more than a mile away from the Museu Nacional, thrown aloft by the inferno.


Editor's Note: This story was updated on September 6, 2018, with new details about which artifacts survived the fire. 

Taken from: Access: 11 dez. 2018.

The superlative of inferiority of adjectives.
The superlative of superiority of adjectives.
The comparative of inferiority of adjectives.
The comparative of superiority of adjectives.
PUC - RS 2016 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives

Comparative forms, such as “better” and “brighter” (picture 2), can be used in different constructions to convey different ideas. In which alternative below is the comparative form being used to express parallel increase?

Which is healthier for Mafalda, soup or sandwich? 
The more Mafalda eats soup, the stronger she gets.
According to Mafalda, little birds sing better than ever.
For Mafalda, intravenous feeding is as tasty as soup. 
Mafalda thinks the soup today is worse than it was yesterday