Questão 4d850c50-e6
Prova:IF-BA 2014
Assunto:Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Observe the propositions that follow. Decide if they are correct or incorrect according to Text 01 and mark the alternative in which there are only correct propositions.

Excerpt 01: "Protesters say the poorest are being short-changed while the government spends the large bills on new stadiums and glitzy infrastructure for the soccer competition Brazil is hosting next year and the Olympic Games coming in 2016."

I – There is an example of passive voice.

II – There is an example of comparative of adjectives.

III – The noun phrase “glitzy infrastructure for the soccer competition” is formed by a determiner, a pre modifier, a noun and a post modifier.

IV - “while” indicates simultaneous actions.

I and II
II and III
III and IV
I and III
I and IV


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