Questõesde CESMAC sobre Inglês

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CESMAC 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The human body

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

More than half your body is not human

Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists.

Understanding this hidden half of ourselves - our microbiome - is rapidly transforming understanding of diseases from allergy to Parkinson's.

No matter how well you wash, nearly every nook and cranny of your body is covered in microscopic creatures.

This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria). The greatest concentration of this microscopic life is in the dark murky depths of our oxygen-deprived bowels.

The human genome - the full set of genetic instructions for a human being - is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes.

But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.

Prof Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: "We don't have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augment the activity of our own.

Science is rapidly uncovering the role the microbiome plays in digestion, regulating the immune system, protecting against disease and manufacturing vital vitamins.

It is a new way of thinking about the microbial world. To date, our relationship with microbes has largely been one of warfare.

Antibiotics and vaccines have been the weapons unleashed against the likes of smallpox, Mycobacterium tuberculosis or MRSA.

That's been a good thing and has saved large numbers of lives.

But some researchers are concerned that our assault on the bad guys has done untold damage to our "good bacteria".

Prof Knight has performed experiments on mice that were born in the most sanitised world imaginable.

He says: "We were able to show that if you take lean and obese humans and take their faeces and transplant the bacteria into mice you can make the mouse thinner or fatter depending on whose microbiome it got."

"This is pretty amazing right, but the question now is will this be translatable to humans"

This is the big hope for the field, that microbes could be a new form of medicine. It is known as using "bugs as drugs".

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 13 de abril de 2018.

is sealed against attacks from microbes.
can fight off any disease all by itself.
is not human at all, as is argued.
is made up of more than human cells.
is composed of human cells alone.
CESMAC 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Loneliness and poor sleep quality

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Loneliness may harm sleep quality for young adults

Researchers from King's College London have found that young adults who reported feeling lonely were more likely to experience poor sleep quality, daytime tiredness, and poor concentration than their non-lonely counterparts.
Although loneliness is often perceived as a problem that primarily affects older adults, recent research has suggested that this is not the case.
However, according to the researchers of the new study, less is known about how loneliness affects the health of young adults - in particular, how it impacts sleep quality.
"In the present study, we tested associations between loneliness and sleep quality in a nationally representative sample of young adults," say Prof. Louise Arseneault, of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's, and colleagues.
The researchers analyzed the data of 2,232 young adults aged 18 to 19 years. They asked the participants four questions to measure their feelings of loneliness, including, "How often do you feel that you lack companionship?" and "How often do you feel alone?"
Additionally, the researchers gathered information on the participants' sleep quality over the past month, including sleep duration, sleep disturbances, and how long it takes them to fall asleep.
The analysis revealed that the lonely participants were 10 percent more likely to have poor sleep quality than subjects who did not report loneliness, and they were 24 percent more likely to experience daytime tiredness and problems with concentration.
These findings remained after accounting for a number of possible confounding factors, including symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.
Although the study was not designed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the link between loneliness and poor sleep quality, the researchers have some theories.
For example, they point to previous studies that have identified a link between loneliness and an increase in the "stress hormone" cortisol, which could lead to sleep disruption.
Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 02 de abril de 2018. 
seem to have a somewhat close relationship.
only affects middle aged people and older.
bear little, if any, relationship to one another.
is by no means experienced by non-lonely people.
in young adults has been exhaustively studied.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the comic strip below and answer the following question based on it.

Disponível em:<> Acessado em 25 de abril de 2016.

The message above implies that health insurance companies

avoid spending money on their clients all they can.
make precise evaluations of their clients’ health status.
will care for their clients no matter how much it costs.
have very good doctors who make unbiased assessments.
dodge their doctors’ evaluation and do the best for clients.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The research study on global sleeping patterns

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Global sleeping patterns revealed by app data.
It showed the Dutch have nearly an hour more in bed every night than people in Singapore or Japan.
The study, published in Science Advances, also found women routinely get more sleep than men, with middle-aged men getting the least of all.
The researchers say the findings could be used to deal with the "global sleep crisis".
The study found people in Japan and Singapore had an average of seven hours and 24 minutes sleep while the people in the Netherlands had eight hours and 12 minutes.
People in the UK averaged just under eight hours - a smidgen less than the French.
The later a country stays up into the night, the less sleep it gets. But what time a country wakes up seems to have little effect on sleep duration.
Prof Daniel Forger, one of the researchers, said there was a conflict between our desire to stay up late and our bodies urging us to get up in the morning.
The study also showed women had about 30 minutes more per night in bed than men, particularly between the ages of 30 and 60.
And that people who spend the most time in natural sunlight tended to go to bed earlier. A strong effect of age on sleep was also detected. A wide range of sleep and wake-up times was found in young people but "that really narrows in old age," said Prof Forger.
"It highlights that although our body clocks are programming us to do certain things, we can't as we're ruled by social circumstances.
"We won't know the long-term consequences of this for many years."

Adaptado de:<> Acessado em 7 de maio de 2016.
shows that people in Holland get less sleep than the Japanese.
shows that the British and the French sleep just about the same.
revealed that males on a regular basis get more sleep than females.
cannot shed light on the understanding of the world sleeping crisis.
found that among men, the middle-aged ones sleep the most.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Among other findings, it is true to say that

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Global sleeping patterns revealed by app data.
It showed the Dutch have nearly an hour more in bed every night than people in Singapore or Japan.
The study, published in Science Advances, also found women routinely get more sleep than men, with middle-aged men getting the least of all.
The researchers say the findings could be used to deal with the "global sleep crisis".
The study found people in Japan and Singapore had an average of seven hours and 24 minutes sleep while the people in the Netherlands had eight hours and 12 minutes.
People in the UK averaged just under eight hours - a smidgen less than the French.
The later a country stays up into the night, the less sleep it gets. But what time a country wakes up seems to have little effect on sleep duration.
Prof Daniel Forger, one of the researchers, said there was a conflict between our desire to stay up late and our bodies urging us to get up in the morning.
The study also showed women had about 30 minutes more per night in bed than men, particularly between the ages of 30 and 60.
And that people who spend the most time in natural sunlight tended to go to bed earlier. A strong effect of age on sleep was also detected. A wide range of sleep and wake-up times was found in young people but "that really narrows in old age," said Prof Forger.
"It highlights that although our body clocks are programming us to do certain things, we can't as we're ruled by social circumstances.
"We won't know the long-term consequences of this for many years."

Adaptado de:<> Acessado em 7 de maio de 2016.
people who use artificial light a lot don’t usually stay up late.
there is no conflict between our body clocks and social practices.
sleep and wake-up times vary less frequently among young people.
on average, middle-aged women sleep in a bed more than men.
the time we go to bed is directly related to how much sleep we get.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the sentence: “The researchers say the findings could be used to deal with the "global sleep crisis". the modal verb could expresses:

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Global sleeping patterns revealed by app data.
It showed the Dutch have nearly an hour more in bed every night than people in Singapore or Japan.
The study, published in Science Advances, also found women routinely get more sleep than men, with middle-aged men getting the least of all.
The researchers say the findings could be used to deal with the "global sleep crisis".
The study found people in Japan and Singapore had an average of seven hours and 24 minutes sleep while the people in the Netherlands had eight hours and 12 minutes.
People in the UK averaged just under eight hours - a smidgen less than the French.
The later a country stays up into the night, the less sleep it gets. But what time a country wakes up seems to have little effect on sleep duration.
Prof Daniel Forger, one of the researchers, said there was a conflict between our desire to stay up late and our bodies urging us to get up in the morning.
The study also showed women had about 30 minutes more per night in bed than men, particularly between the ages of 30 and 60.
And that people who spend the most time in natural sunlight tended to go to bed earlier. A strong effect of age on sleep was also detected. A wide range of sleep and wake-up times was found in young people but "that really narrows in old age," said Prof Forger.
"It highlights that although our body clocks are programming us to do certain things, we can't as we're ruled by social circumstances.
"We won't know the long-term consequences of this for many years."

Adaptado de:<> Acessado em 7 de maio de 2016.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

It is true to affirm that

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

An accident took her sight 21 years ago; another just gave it back
After a car accident injured her spine in 1995, Mary Ann Franco lost her vision. But after being blind for 21 years, the Florida woman fell in her home and hurt her neck ... and woke up from the ensuing spinal surgery on April 6 with the ability to see. "Out the window, I could see the trees. I could see the houses and stuff," Franco tells WPBF. Oddly, Franco was colorblind before her car accident, and now she can also see colors. The neurosurgeon who operated on her says he has no scientific explanation for what happened— Dr. John Afshar tells ABC News it's a "true miracle"—but he has an idea. If an artery in Franco's spine was "kinked" in the car accident, restricting the flow of blood to the part of her brain that handles vision, he may have inadvertently "unkinked" the same artery during the recent surgery, he theorizes. "And when we gave that extra amount of blood flow by unkinking the vessel, it could have reestablished the blood flow," he tells WPBF, though he notes that none of this is certain. But an explanation doesn't matter much to Franco: "The sun is coming through the trees," she said on a recent morning. "Oh God, it’s so wonderful to see." Nature isn't the only sight for her to behold: Franco has seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren who WPBF notes she has hugged and kissed but never seen.

Adaptado de:<>  Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
Dr. Afshar knows exactly what happened to Ann Franco.
she probably recovered vision due to an unkinked artery.
Ann Franco wants a scientific explanation of her case.
Ann Franco was always able to see all her grandchildren.
Dr. Afshar intended to give her vision back to her.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The research has revealed that

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Lack of autonomy and respect threatens 'doctorness,' physicians say.
Doctors say that “doctorness”—the traditional way that physicians practice medicine—is threatened, a new study reported. These threats include the increasing complexity of the health care landscape, combined with today’s technology-enabled consumer, according to the “Truth About Doctors” study conducted by marketing services firm McCann.
The study found that the pressures of today’s world have not only stolen time and autonomy from doctors, but have simultaneously demanded they do more on someone else’s agenda.
“The autonomous, entrepreneurial role the doctor has played in the past has changed dramatically. In the last five years, doctors have gone from being the lynchpin in the health care system to a devalued cog in a larger wheel,” said co-author of the study Hilary Gentile.
The research involved interviews with 450 doctors across the United States.
Study co-author Laura Simpson added, “Modern-day doctors have become trapped in a paradoxical standard where they’re expected to forge a warm relationship with patients, yet operate with the cold precision of a machine. In our real-time, know-it-all culture, their authority and respect are eroding right under their feet.”
In addition to the physician interviews, this research revealed that nearly one-third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 think they could be doctors with little or no training.
“People think that because they can go on WebMD, they understand what we understand,” said one physician quoted in the report. “We have studied and seen so much, but people just don't value or respect that anymore.”
“Of doctors who said that, on average, technology such as WebMD and wearable devices are bad for patients, the number one risk they cited of this technology is that patients misdiagnose themselves (74%),” Ms. Simpson said. “Fiftyseven percent also said that patients don’t take the doctor’s advice because they think they know better.”

Disponível em: Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
the knowledge-empowered consumer has become a challenge to doctors.
based on trustworthy sources, consumers can diagnose themselves correctly.
there is a commonsense feeling of respect and value among doctors.
people acknowledge the hardship doctors go through to major in medicine.
most patients will follow doctors’ orders on account of their sound expertise.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Mary Ann Franco

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

An accident took her sight 21 years ago; another just gave it back
After a car accident injured her spine in 1995, Mary Ann Franco lost her vision. But after being blind for 21 years, the Florida woman fell in her home and hurt her neck ... and woke up from the ensuing spinal surgery on April 6 with the ability to see. "Out the window, I could see the trees. I could see the houses and stuff," Franco tells WPBF. Oddly, Franco was colorblind before her car accident, and now she can also see colors. The neurosurgeon who operated on her says he has no scientific explanation for what happened— Dr. John Afshar tells ABC News it's a "true miracle"—but he has an idea. If an artery in Franco's spine was "kinked" in the car accident, restricting the flow of blood to the part of her brain that handles vision, he may have inadvertently "unkinked" the same artery during the recent surgery, he theorizes. "And when we gave that extra amount of blood flow by unkinking the vessel, it could have reestablished the blood flow," he tells WPBF, though he notes that none of this is certain. But an explanation doesn't matter much to Franco: "The sun is coming through the trees," she said on a recent morning. "Oh God, it’s so wonderful to see." Nature isn't the only sight for her to behold: Franco has seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren who WPBF notes she has hugged and kissed but never seen.

Adaptado de:<>  Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
was in a car accident twice in her lifetime.
got blind after falling and hurting her neck.
could see colors before the car accident.
was not able to see for more than two decades.
was sad she could only see trees and houses.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

It is true to say that

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Lack of autonomy and respect threatens 'doctorness,' physicians say.
Doctors say that “doctorness”—the traditional way that physicians practice medicine—is threatened, a new study reported. These threats include the increasing complexity of the health care landscape, combined with today’s technology-enabled consumer, according to the “Truth About Doctors” study conducted by marketing services firm McCann.
The study found that the pressures of today’s world have not only stolen time and autonomy from doctors, but have simultaneously demanded they do more on someone else’s agenda.
“The autonomous, entrepreneurial role the doctor has played in the past has changed dramatically. In the last five years, doctors have gone from being the lynchpin in the health care system to a devalued cog in a larger wheel,” said co-author of the study Hilary Gentile.
The research involved interviews with 450 doctors across the United States.
Study co-author Laura Simpson added, “Modern-day doctors have become trapped in a paradoxical standard where they’re expected to forge a warm relationship with patients, yet operate with the cold precision of a machine. In our real-time, know-it-all culture, their authority and respect are eroding right under their feet.”
In addition to the physician interviews, this research revealed that nearly one-third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 think they could be doctors with little or no training.
“People think that because they can go on WebMD, they understand what we understand,” said one physician quoted in the report. “We have studied and seen so much, but people just don't value or respect that anymore.”
“Of doctors who said that, on average, technology such as WebMD and wearable devices are bad for patients, the number one risk they cited of this technology is that patients misdiagnose themselves (74%),” Ms. Simpson said. “Fiftyseven percent also said that patients don’t take the doctor’s advice because they think they know better.”

Disponível em: Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 
the study reveals doctors are still the backbone in the health system.
“doctorness” has already experienced changes over the last few years.
the current health care panorama is much the same as it was before.
threats to “doctorness” ignore the technologyenabled consumer.
doctors’ autonomy has been kept intact and so has their agenda.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the graph below and answer the next question based on it.

According to the graph above we can assert that

few people die of respiratory illnesses.
liver disease kills more than car accidents.
Cancer is the disease that kills the least.
cardiovascular diseases kill the most.
Dementia kills less than neonatal deaths.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Read the cartoon below and answer the next questions based on it.

Disponível em: <> Acessado em 27 de fevereiro de 2019.

According to the cartoon above it is true to assert that the doctor

discloses the bad news without hesitation.
is reluctant to give away the bad news.
wants to keep the patient from knowing about the truth.
has news that needs to be kept secret at all costs.
wants to procrastinate briefing the patient on his health.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Many people do nothing regarding getting more sleep

How Sleep Strengthens Your Immune System

Numerous studies have reported the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and now researchers from Germany have found that sound sleep improves immune cells known as T cells.

“T cells are a type of… immune cells that fight against intracellular pathogens, for example virus-infected cells such as flu, HIV, herpes, and cancer cells,” Stoyan Dimitrov, PhD, told Healthline.

The study found a new mechanism through which sleep can assist the immune system.

“We show that the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline and pro-inflammatory molecules prostaglandins inhibit the stickiness of a class of adhesion molecules called integrins,” Dr. Dimitrov said. “Because the levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and prostaglandins are low during sleep time, the stickiness of the integrins is stronger. This stickiness is important because in order for T cells to kill virus-infected cells or cancer cells, they need to get in direct contact with them, and the integrin stickiness is known to promote this contact.”

When cells in the body recognize a virally infected cell, they activate integrins, a sticky type of protein, that then allows them to attach to and kill infected cells.

The researchers compared T cells from healthy volunteers who either slept or stayed awake all night.

They found that in the study participants who slept, their T cells showed higher levels of integrin activation than in the T cells of those who were awake.

The findings indicate that sleep has the potential to improve T cell functioning. For people who get poor sleep, stress hormones may inhibit the ability of T cells to function as effectively.

Less than five hours sleep per night on a regular basis is associated with higher mortality, and having less than seven hours sleep for three nights in a row has the same effect on the body as missing one full night of sleep.

Poor sleep can increase inflammation, blood pressure, insulin resistance, cortisol, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease, as well as decrease blood sugar regulation.

Despite numerous studies proving the negative health impacts of poor sleep, experts say many people still don’t prioritize getting enough sleep.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 21 de fevereiro de 2019.

because they don’t know about its pros and cons.
due to the fact that they need more information.
in spite of knowing about its evident benefits.
but they promise things will change in the future.
even though every disease is directly related to that.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

T cells activities

How Sleep Strengthens Your Immune System

Numerous studies have reported the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and now researchers from Germany have found that sound sleep improves immune cells known as T cells.

“T cells are a type of… immune cells that fight against intracellular pathogens, for example virus-infected cells such as flu, HIV, herpes, and cancer cells,” Stoyan Dimitrov, PhD, told Healthline.

The study found a new mechanism through which sleep can assist the immune system.

“We show that the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline and pro-inflammatory molecules prostaglandins inhibit the stickiness of a class of adhesion molecules called integrins,” Dr. Dimitrov said. “Because the levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and prostaglandins are low during sleep time, the stickiness of the integrins is stronger. This stickiness is important because in order for T cells to kill virus-infected cells or cancer cells, they need to get in direct contact with them, and the integrin stickiness is known to promote this contact.”

When cells in the body recognize a virally infected cell, they activate integrins, a sticky type of protein, that then allows them to attach to and kill infected cells.

The researchers compared T cells from healthy volunteers who either slept or stayed awake all night.

They found that in the study participants who slept, their T cells showed higher levels of integrin activation than in the T cells of those who were awake.

The findings indicate that sleep has the potential to improve T cell functioning. For people who get poor sleep, stress hormones may inhibit the ability of T cells to function as effectively.

Less than five hours sleep per night on a regular basis is associated with higher mortality, and having less than seven hours sleep for three nights in a row has the same effect on the body as missing one full night of sleep.

Poor sleep can increase inflammation, blood pressure, insulin resistance, cortisol, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease, as well as decrease blood sugar regulation.

Despite numerous studies proving the negative health impacts of poor sleep, experts say many people still don’t prioritize getting enough sleep.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 21 de fevereiro de 2019.

increase and improve as the level of stress rises.
hardly get any support from the integrin molecules.
can only be effective when one is fast asleep.
occur if those cells are detached from the bad cells.
are impaired when one gets little or no sleep at all.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A new research study has found that

How Sleep Strengthens Your Immune System

Numerous studies have reported the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and now researchers from Germany have found that sound sleep improves immune cells known as T cells.

“T cells are a type of… immune cells that fight against intracellular pathogens, for example virus-infected cells such as flu, HIV, herpes, and cancer cells,” Stoyan Dimitrov, PhD, told Healthline.

The study found a new mechanism through which sleep can assist the immune system.

“We show that the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline and pro-inflammatory molecules prostaglandins inhibit the stickiness of a class of adhesion molecules called integrins,” Dr. Dimitrov said. “Because the levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and prostaglandins are low during sleep time, the stickiness of the integrins is stronger. This stickiness is important because in order for T cells to kill virus-infected cells or cancer cells, they need to get in direct contact with them, and the integrin stickiness is known to promote this contact.”

When cells in the body recognize a virally infected cell, they activate integrins, a sticky type of protein, that then allows them to attach to and kill infected cells.

The researchers compared T cells from healthy volunteers who either slept or stayed awake all night.

They found that in the study participants who slept, their T cells showed higher levels of integrin activation than in the T cells of those who were awake.

The findings indicate that sleep has the potential to improve T cell functioning. For people who get poor sleep, stress hormones may inhibit the ability of T cells to function as effectively.

Less than five hours sleep per night on a regular basis is associated with higher mortality, and having less than seven hours sleep for three nights in a row has the same effect on the body as missing one full night of sleep.

Poor sleep can increase inflammation, blood pressure, insulin resistance, cortisol, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease, as well as decrease blood sugar regulation.

Despite numerous studies proving the negative health impacts of poor sleep, experts say many people still don’t prioritize getting enough sleep.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 21 de fevereiro de 2019.

T cells are brought about by HIV, herpes and cancer tumors.
a good night’s sleep helps us strengthen our immune system.
listening to sounds improves one’s sleep quality and duration.
our immune system slows down work when one is fast asleep.
to boost one’s immune system one has go to bed very early
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

As for sleep deprivation after childbirth, one can assert that

New Parents Don’t Get Enough Sleep for Six Years After a Child Is Born

Those first three months with a newborn can be rough, but researchers say sleep deprivation is an issue with parents for years. New parents are sometimes shocked to discover how little sleep they get in the first six months after a baby is born. They might also be discouraged to learn that their sleep patterns might not return to normal until that newborn is ready for kindergarten.

A new study published in the journal Sleep found that both parental sleep satisfaction and sleep duration sharply declined after childbirth, hitting their lowest point when a baby is 3 months old.

Women’s sleep duration and quality were far more affected than men, whether or not they breastfed their child. Women lost an average of one hour of sleep nightly compared to what they got prior to pregnancy, while men lost about 15 minutes of sleep per night.

Even four to six years after childbirth, mothers were getting 20 minutes less sleep per night than before they became pregnant, while fathers were still getting 15 minutes less sleep.

“The short-term effects of childbirth on parental sleep is well known. Our study just confirmed these effects,” Lemola told Healthline. “However, it was largely unexpected to find decreased sleep duration and sleep satisfaction six years after birth.”

Sleep was more affected among first-time parents than among parents with more than one child.

The findings were based on interviews of 4,659 parents who had a child between 2008 and 2015.

“While having children is a major source of joy for most parents, it is possible that increased demands and responsibilities associated with the role as a parent lead to shorter sleep and decreased sleep quality even up to six years after birth of the first child,” said Lemola.

Lemola said that future research would be required to determine how parents can cope with sleep loss and regain their sleep patterns sooner.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 04 de março de 2019

mothers who do not breastfeed babies suffer much less.
it remains level throughout the very first six months.
parents with more than one child face a worse ordeal.
both parents’ sleep quality and duration are affected.
only first-time parents are likely experience hardship.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Researchers have found that sleep deprivation

New Parents Don’t Get Enough Sleep for Six Years After a Child Is Born

Those first three months with a newborn can be rough, but researchers say sleep deprivation is an issue with parents for years. New parents are sometimes shocked to discover how little sleep they get in the first six months after a baby is born. They might also be discouraged to learn that their sleep patterns might not return to normal until that newborn is ready for kindergarten.

A new study published in the journal Sleep found that both parental sleep satisfaction and sleep duration sharply declined after childbirth, hitting their lowest point when a baby is 3 months old.

Women’s sleep duration and quality were far more affected than men, whether or not they breastfed their child. Women lost an average of one hour of sleep nightly compared to what they got prior to pregnancy, while men lost about 15 minutes of sleep per night.

Even four to six years after childbirth, mothers were getting 20 minutes less sleep per night than before they became pregnant, while fathers were still getting 15 minutes less sleep.

“The short-term effects of childbirth on parental sleep is well known. Our study just confirmed these effects,” Lemola told Healthline. “However, it was largely unexpected to find decreased sleep duration and sleep satisfaction six years after birth.”

Sleep was more affected among first-time parents than among parents with more than one child.

The findings were based on interviews of 4,659 parents who had a child between 2008 and 2015.

“While having children is a major source of joy for most parents, it is possible that increased demands and responsibilities associated with the role as a parent lead to shorter sleep and decreased sleep quality even up to six years after birth of the first child,” said Lemola.

Lemola said that future research would be required to determine how parents can cope with sleep loss and regain their sleep patterns sooner.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 04 de março de 2019

is an issue that might last for quite a long time.
should not bother parents so much after all.
must be experienced more intensely by men.
will make couples give up having children.
ought to be endured by parents all their lives.
CESMAC 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The finding that sleep deprivation six years after birth is common

New Parents Don’t Get Enough Sleep for Six Years After a Child Is Born

Those first three months with a newborn can be rough, but researchers say sleep deprivation is an issue with parents for years. New parents are sometimes shocked to discover how little sleep they get in the first six months after a baby is born. They might also be discouraged to learn that their sleep patterns might not return to normal until that newborn is ready for kindergarten.

A new study published in the journal Sleep found that both parental sleep satisfaction and sleep duration sharply declined after childbirth, hitting their lowest point when a baby is 3 months old.

Women’s sleep duration and quality were far more affected than men, whether or not they breastfed their child. Women lost an average of one hour of sleep nightly compared to what they got prior to pregnancy, while men lost about 15 minutes of sleep per night.

Even four to six years after childbirth, mothers were getting 20 minutes less sleep per night than before they became pregnant, while fathers were still getting 15 minutes less sleep.

“The short-term effects of childbirth on parental sleep is well known. Our study just confirmed these effects,” Lemola told Healthline. “However, it was largely unexpected to find decreased sleep duration and sleep satisfaction six years after birth.”

Sleep was more affected among first-time parents than among parents with more than one child.

The findings were based on interviews of 4,659 parents who had a child between 2008 and 2015.

“While having children is a major source of joy for most parents, it is possible that increased demands and responsibilities associated with the role as a parent lead to shorter sleep and decreased sleep quality even up to six years after birth of the first child,” said Lemola.

Lemola said that future research would be required to determine how parents can cope with sleep loss and regain their sleep patterns sooner.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 04 de março de 2019

was thought to be normal by the researchers.
came to the researchers as a complete surprise.
provoked no bewilderment in the researchers.
terrified scientists willing to becoming parents.
totally wrecked the researchers in the project.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The impact of low-dose hormonal contraception on mood and possibly depression

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Women taking pill more likely to be treated for depression, study finds
Millions of women worldwide use hormonal contraceptives, and there have long been reports that they can affect mood. A research project was launched in Denmark to look at the scale of the problem, involving the medical records of more than a million women and adolescent girls.

It found that those on the combined pill were 23% more likely to be prescribed an antidepressant by their doctor, most commonly in the first six months after starting on the pill. Women on the progestin-only pills, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, were 34% more likely to take antidepressants or get a first diagnosis of depression than those not on hormonal contraception.

The study found that not only women taking pills but also those with implants, patches and intrauterine devices were affected.

Adolescent girls appeared to be at highest risk. Those taking combined pills were 80% more likely and those on progestin-only pills more than twice as likely to be prescribed an antidepressant than their peers who were not on the pill.

The researchers, Øjvind Lidegaard of the University of Copenhagen and colleagues, point out that women are twice as likely to suffer from depression in their lifetime as men, though rates are equal before puberty. The fluctuating levels of the two female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, have been implicated. Studies have suggested raised progesterone levels in particular may lower mood.

The impact of low-dose hormonal contraception on mood and possibly depression has not been fully studied, the authors say. They used registry data in Denmark on more than a million women and adolescent girls aged between 15 and 34. They were followed up from 2000 until 2013 with an average follow-up of 6.4 years.

The authors call for more studies to investigate this possible side-effect of the pill.

Adaptado de: <> Acessado em 29 de setembro de 2016.

has been fully researched and tackled.
is yet to be comprehensibly grasped.
is well known and wholly understood.
has been conclusively figured out.
has always been completely ignored.
CESMAC 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The message above suggests that

Read the comic strip below and answer the following question based on it.

Disponível em: <> Acessado em 15 de setembro de 2016.
it is useless to keep the respirator on since the man is so very sick.
the respirator actually depends on the cell phone to work properly.
technology gadgets have been given more importance than people.
cell phone batteries need to be charged regardless of the situation.
the patient needs to make a phone call and is helped by the woman.