Questão 3052a7a0-d5
Prova:CESMAC 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The research has revealed that

Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.

Lack of autonomy and respect threatens 'doctorness,' physicians say.
Doctors say that “doctorness”—the traditional way that physicians practice medicine—is threatened, a new study reported. These threats include the increasing complexity of the health care landscape, combined with today’s technology-enabled consumer, according to the “Truth About Doctors” study conducted by marketing services firm McCann.
The study found that the pressures of today’s world have not only stolen time and autonomy from doctors, but have simultaneously demanded they do more on someone else’s agenda.
“The autonomous, entrepreneurial role the doctor has played in the past has changed dramatically. In the last five years, doctors have gone from being the lynchpin in the health care system to a devalued cog in a larger wheel,” said co-author of the study Hilary Gentile.
The research involved interviews with 450 doctors across the United States.
Study co-author Laura Simpson added, “Modern-day doctors have become trapped in a paradoxical standard where they’re expected to forge a warm relationship with patients, yet operate with the cold precision of a machine. In our real-time, know-it-all culture, their authority and respect are eroding right under their feet.”
In addition to the physician interviews, this research revealed that nearly one-third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 think they could be doctors with little or no training.
“People think that because they can go on WebMD, they understand what we understand,” said one physician quoted in the report. “We have studied and seen so much, but people just don't value or respect that anymore.”
“Of doctors who said that, on average, technology such as WebMD and wearable devices are bad for patients, the number one risk they cited of this technology is that patients misdiagnose themselves (74%),” Ms. Simpson said. “Fiftyseven percent also said that patients don’t take the doctor’s advice because they think they know better.”

Disponível em: Acessado em 5 de maio de 2016. 

the knowledge-empowered consumer has become a challenge to doctors.
based on trustworthy sources, consumers can diagnose themselves correctly.
there is a commonsense feeling of respect and value among doctors.
people acknowledge the hardship doctors go through to major in medicine.
most patients will follow doctors’ orders on account of their sound expertise.


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