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FATEC 2015 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Leia o texto em que um termo foi retirado.

Rio 2016 unveils innovative Olympic torch

The innovative design, which is _________________ by the warmth of the Brazilian people, features moveable segments that expand vertically to reveal the colours of Brazil when the Olympic flame is passed from one torchbearer to another. The triangular shape of the torch, meanwhile, alludes to the three Olympic Values of excellence, friendship and respect, while the floating effect of its different segments represents the efforts of the athletes.

<>Acesso em: 28.07.2015. Adaptado.

A forma verbal que melhor completa o parágrafo de modo a tornar a sentença gramaticalmente correta é

not inspire.
UENP 2018 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Em relação aos recursos linguístico-semânticos do texto, relacione as colunas de modo a identificar a função dos termos em destaque.

(I) Until this changes, Gaviorno and her colleagues will have their work cut out.

(II) From the female lawyer who asks for something from the judge and gets it because she is pretty, to the woman who is murdered by her husband. . .

(III) Everyone arrested for violence against women must attend an introductory lecture.

(IV) “You can’t just wait with your arms folded while the justice system takes its time to do something,”

(V) Group sessions are run like an AA group.

(A) Demonstra obrigatoriedade de uma ação.
(B) Aponta “limite” de algo.
(C) Demonstra que duas ações acontecem ao mesmo tempo.
(D) Aponta “origem e limite” de algo.
(E) Compara duas ideias.

Assinale a alternativa que contém a associação correta.

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

’Hitting women isn’t normal’: tackling male violence in Brazil
A rehabilitation programme for violent men in Espírito Santo is cutting reoffending rates In the state of Espírito Santo, violence against women is rampant. From 2005 to 2012, the state had the highest rate of murders of women in the country. In the years since, it has been in the top five. Nationwide, almost a third of girls and women said in a 2017 survey that they had suffered violence -– ranging from threats and beatings to attempted murder – during the previous year.
The problem permeates all levels of society and it is a huge challenge, says Gracimeri Gaviorno, chief officer of the civil police in Espírito Santo. Gaviorno saw many men reoffend while they waited -– in some cases for years — for their trial, so she decided to do something about it. “You can’t just wait with your arms folded while the justice system takes its time to do something,” she says. In 2016, she worked with psychologists, social workers and other police departments to develop the Homem que é Homem programme to rehabilitate aggressive men.
The programme is voluntary and offered to all men who come into contact with the police for violence against women. For those who complete it, there is no reduction in sentencing, but it can be presented to the judge as a kind of character witness. There are seven courses a year, with four 90-minute sessions a week for five weeks. Everyone arrested for violence against women must attend an introductory lecture.
Ana Paula Milani, a police psychologist involved in running the programme, says: “I start off explaining that hitting a woman isn’t normal and is a crime, and that there is a programme to help them. The majority of men don’t know why they are there, and even after my lecture, some still think it was the woman’s fault.” For every course, around 60 men will come to the first lecture; around 20 agree to participate in the programme and 15 complete it.
Group sessions are run like an AA group. Participants sit in a circle and discussions revolve around gender roles in society. They examine the concept of masculinity -– machismo is rife in Brazil -– and talk about why men are more likely to take drugs and why the male suicide rate is higher. They then discuss how to manage and resolve conflict without resorting to violence. The last meeting is about how to return to having a relationship and how to regain trust. The programme, run by police professionals, has been successful. In its first year, 6% of attendees reoffended; the number fell to 3% in its second year and in 2017, when 73 men completed the course, 2% reoffended. The project has been replicated in three other areas of the state, and there are plans to launch it in two other municipalities.
Gaviorno, who was a finalist in the first awards in Brazil to recognise outstanding contributions to the public sector, is aware that the project plays only a small part in tackling violence against women, which she says continues to be “a huge challenge”. “From the female lawyer who asks for something from the judge and gets it because she is pretty, to the woman who is murdered by her husband, there are a lot of layers of sexism in Brazil,” she says. Until this changes, Gaviorno and her colleagues will have their work cut out.
(Adaptado de: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2018.)
I–A; II-B; III-E; IV-C; V-D.
I–B; II-A; III-D; IV-E; V-C.
I-B; II-D; III–A; IV-C; V-E.
I–C; II-D; III-E; IV-A; V-B.
I–D; II-E; III-A; IV-B; V-C.
FATEC 2013 - Inglês - Orações Relativas e pronomes relativos | Relative clauses and relative pronouns, Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Pronomes | Pronouns

No segundo parágrafo do texto, o pronome relativo which em – I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson – pode ser substituído, mantendo-se a sentença gramaticalmente correta, por

Considere o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Tooth fairy quantum mechanics

The reason I can’t show you a Higgs boson1 is also the solution to a parental dilemma.
Posted by Jon Butterworth
Sunday 23 December 2012 18.36 GMT,

   I do sometimes get asked “If you’ve found a Higgs boson, can you show me a picture of it?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But the reason for this provides a resolution to a severe parental dilemma, and explains why I am in fact sometimes the tooth fairy. Bear with me.
  I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson, but I can show evidence for it, for example in the picture below. It shows the distribution (black dots) of the mass you get when you combine the energy and momenta2 of pairs of photons (particles of light) in the ATLAS detector. The bump shows that there are more of these photon pairs at masses corresponding to around 125 GeV than would be expected from the trend. This excess implies the existence of a particle at about this mass which decays to pairs of photons.

   The bump3 in this plot would not be there unless there were a new boson (credit, ATLAS experiment and CERN). The key is that even if I show you a collision event with a pair of photons which exactly gives the “Higgs mass”, i.e. at the top of that peak, it is still not possible to be sure that this exact pair of photons came from a Higgs boson. There may be several possible ways of producing a set of new particles from the incoming ones; but if the resulting set is identical, it is not physically meaningful to say which way occurred.
     Now, to the parental dilemma. It is especially acute at this time of year, but if you have children who are losing their milk teeth, it is ever-present. Is the tooth fairy real? What about Father Christmas? Do you spoil the fun or do you lie? Something in me hates the idea of lying to my kids, and undermining4 trust. Here’s my way out. Anything which has the same initial state (tooth) and final state (money) might in fact be an event in which a tooth fairy was present. To put it another way, anything which removes the tooth and delivers money shares such an essential property with a tooth fairy that it can be said to be one (anything removing both teeth and money is probably a dentist. Or possibly a mugger5 ). 
      By now, my son doesn’t believe a word of it of course. But in the early days it was the truth. We managed this transition without lies, betrayal and tears because actually, when tiptoeing into the bedroom with a shiny pound coin, I really am the tooth fairy. I am of course also at the same time Dad. This seemed to work, and now he’s older, it’s still fun. It’s not much of stretch to extend this to Father Christmas, and it also explains why sometimes Father Christmas uses the same wrapping paper as your parents - he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process.

( Acesso em: 26.08.2013. Adaptado)

1Higgs boson: partícula subatômica teórica que ficou conhecida publicamente após ter sido divulgada como a “partícula de Deus”. Sua existência é associada a pesquisas acerca da origem do universo.
( Acesso em 02.10.2013. Adaptado)
2momenta: plural de momentum – conceito físico associado à quantidade de movimento de uma partícula.
3bump: choque ou elevação.
4undermine: tornar algo gradativamente mais fraco, especialmente a confiança ou autoridade de alguém.
5mugger: assaltante.
UNEB 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

TWERSKI, Abraham. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2017.

The ’s, in lobster’s (l. 1), is the contraction of was.
The conjunction “as” (l. 3) expresses manner.
The reflexive pronoun “itself” (l. 6) refers to “the lobster” (l. 4).
The conjunction phrase “as soon as” (l. 13) is introducing a conditional clause.
The modal “can” (l. 18) expresses necessity.
UDESC 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

The correct negative inversion of the sentence in bold is:

Text 4

Eclipse in Africa: 'Ring of Fire' eclipse wows stargazers

Stargazers in parts of Africa have been treated to a spectacular "ring of fire" in the sky as the sun was almost - but not completely - eclipsed.

An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.

The result is a bright circle of sunshine surrounding a dark, shadowy core.

The best views were seen in Tanzania, where the event lasted about three minutes.

The eclipse could also be viewed in parts of Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion.

The moon does not move in a perfect circle around the earth - instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical. That means the distance of the moon varies between around 225,000-252,000 miles (362,000-405,555 km).

When the moon is farther away from the earth, it appears smaller - and does not totally cover the sun's disc during a total eclipse. The result is also known as a "ring of fire" eclipse.

The next eclipse is due to take place in February 2017, and can be seen from parts of South America and Africa.

Avaiable at: Accessed on 02/09/16.

Answer the question below, according to the Text 4.

Never does an annular eclipse happen when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
An annular eclipse never happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
Hardly an annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
An annular eclipse doesn´t happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
In no account a total eclipse happened when the moon is closer to the Earth than during an annular eclipse.
PUC - Campinas 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Tradução | Translation

O trecho nem precisou ir em "Ele nem precisou ir a um country club hondurenho..." corresponde, em inglês, a

Instruções: Leia atentamente o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Banana, a fruta mais consumida e perigosa do mundo

(Adaptado de Sergio Augusto, O Estado de S. Paulo, 26/04/2008)

needn’t have gone.
mustn’t go.
neither had to go.
didn’t even have to go.
nor didn’t need going.
UDESC 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The underlined words refer consecutively to:


Before the wall: life along the U.S. - Mexico border

President´s Trump executive order to begin the construction of a wall between the United States and Mexico has left many wondering what it will mean for them and the future. For nearly 700 miles along the American border with Mexico, a wall already exists.

It passes through the silt deserts of Sonora, where cacti grow like organ pipes. Farther east, heavy steel X-frames cut through the flat miles of sun-bleached grass like battlefield markers. In Texas, the red-tinged beams that make up parts of the border fence are cold, hard and rough to the touch. In Tijuana, two fences – one old, the other more recent – plunge all the way into the ocean, where waves corrode the stanchioned metal.

The border spans 1,900 miles across four states – California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. Where a fence already stands, the surrounding dirt and grass tell the stories of those who try to cross it, those who patrol it and those who live next to it.

There are old cell phones between the beams. Wind-torn plastic bags with toothpaste and toothbrushes inside. Discarded clothing. Scattered sunflower seeds, spit out by Border Patrol agents sitting in their vehicles as they watch, and watch, and watch.

About 40 miles past Ciudad Juárez, the wall of metal mesh abruptly ends, like a half-finished thought. The remaining border is marked by the Rio Grande. But hundreds of miles in rural Texas, including Big Bend National Park, are unfenced and lack any man-made barriers or walls whatsoever.

by Azam Ahmed, Manny Fernandez and Paulina Villegas. Avaiable at: (accessed on March 27th, 2017)

Answer the question and, according to Text 3.

cacti, equality, patrol, vehicles
deserts, similarity, fence, agents
pipes, difference, grass, seeds
Sonora, equality, patrol, agents
deserts, alike, wall, vehicles
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

“Them”, em negrito, se refere a:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
UENP 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com relação aos recursos linguísticos utilizados no texto, atribua V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) às afirmativas a seguir.

( ) Em “Join us and help protect our blue planet”, o termo grifado tem a função de envolver o leitor.

( ) Em “that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available”, o termo grifado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por “even”.

( ) Na frase “We’re not going to let that happen.”, o termo grifado se refere a “choking to death”.

( ) O trecho “the ocean’s most deadly predator,” pode ser traduzido por “o predador mais mortal do oceano.”

( ) No trecho “Unless something changes, sharks could become a thing of the past”, o termo grifado indica uma condição.

Assinale a alternativa que contém, de cima para baixo, a sequência correta.

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

V, V, V, F, F.
V, F, F, V, V.
F, V, V, V, F.
F, V, F, F, V.
F, F, V, V, V.
UEL 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Sobre os elementos linguísticos presentes no texto, assinale a alternativa correta.

What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?

Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.

Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work: 

Give me your tired, your poor,                          

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

      The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.            

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,  

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!                 

We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.

The New Colossus as Donald Trump           

 I don’t need more tired or poor                      

              Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore

    Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve

               Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and


Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel

— John Yau                                                      

(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.

Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)

O ‘s usado em “Trump’s plan” e “CNN’s Jim Acosta” é a contração do verbo to be na 3ª pessoa do singular.
Em “Under the plan” o termo sublinhado indica a posição ocupada pelo plano.
Em “American values like equality and opportunity” o termo grifado é o verbo principal da oração. 
O trecho “Nobel prizes winners would be given preference” está na voz passiva.
No trecho “we’d like you to write” o ‘d é a contração do auxiliar “had”.
UEL 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Leia o texto a seguir.

(Funny (online) 2017. 80 Most Funny Life Memes. Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 8 ago. 2017.)

Com relação ao meme, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O efeito de humor do meme reside no uso inapropriado de expressões informais em ocasiões formais.

II. A expressão “My bad” é inadequada para o contexto, pois expressa superficialidade de sentimentos.

III. A utilização de “My bad” no contexto do funeral é uma admissão de culpa, daí o efeito cômico.

IV. O efeito cômico do meme é ressaltado pelo uso da palavra “unless” cuja função é especificar o contexto.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Somente as afirmativas I e II são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas III e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I, II e III são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV são corretas.
UEL 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com base nos termos sublinhados no texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O emprego da expressão “into force” enfatiza o caráter arbitrário do tratado assinado em 1963.

II. O uso da expressão “turning point” ressalta a importância que os acontecimentos de Hiroshima e Nagasaki tiveram sobre Linus Pauling.

III. Os termos “not only” e “but also” estão interligados e adicionam ênfase à informação sobre as aplicações da mecânica quântica também na Química.

IV. A expressão “that is” introduz uma explicação e poderia ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido por “in other words”.

Assinale a alternativa correta.


Linus Pauling was born in Portland, Oregon, in the United States. His family came from a line of Prussian farmers, and his father worked as a pharmaceuticals salesman, among other things. After first studying at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, Linus Pauling earned his PhD from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, with which he maintained ties for the rest of his career. In the 1950s, Linus Pauling’s involvement in the anti-nuclear movement led to his being labeled a suspected communist, which resulted in his passport being revoked at times. Linus and Ava Helen Pauling had four children together.


1954 Prize: The development of quantum mechanics during the 1920s had a great impact not only on the field of physics, but also on chemistry. During the 1930s Linus Pauling was among the pioneers who used quantum mechanics to understand and describe chemical bonding – that is, the way atoms join together to form molecules. Linus Pauling worked in a broad range of areas within chemistry. For example, he worked on the structures of biologically important chemical compounds. In 1951 he published the structure of the alpha helix, which is an important basic component of many proteins.

1962 Prize: The atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a turning point in Linus Pauling’s life. Together with other scientists he spoke and wrote against the nuclear arms race, and he was a driving force in the Pugwash movement. It sought to reduce the role of nuclear arms in international politics and was awarded the Peace Prize in 1995. In 1959, Linus Pauling drafted the famous “Hiroshima Appeal”, the concluding document issued after the Fifth World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. He was one of the prime movers who urged the nuclear powers the USA, the Soviet Union and Great Britain to conclude a nuclear test ban treaty, which entered into force on 10 October 1963. On the same day, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that Linus Pauling had been awarded the Peace Prize that had been held over from 1962. 

(Adaptado de: Linus Pauling - Facts. In: (web) Nobel Media AB 2014.Disponível em:< pauling-facts.html.> . Acesso em: 2 jul. 2017.)

Somente as afirmativas I e II são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas III e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I, II e III são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV são corretas.
UNICENTRO 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

BLACK, Richard. Arctic warmest in two millennia. Disponível em:< worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2009/09/090904_witn_arctic.shtml>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2010.

The verb form “they’ve been” (l. 2) describes an action dissociated from the present time.
The words “clearest” (l. 4) and “warmer” (l. 12) are in the same degree of comparison.
The word “highly” (l. 8) is functioning as an adverb.
The ’s in “Earth’s orbit’ (l. 10) is the contraction of is
The conjunction “But” (l. 11) expresses result.
UENP 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com base nas expressões retiradas do texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. A expressão “a flash of brown lightning” enfatiza a velocidade da movimentação dos esquilos.

II. A frase “I’ll have you!” indica que a personagem havia decidido previamente qual esquilo escolheria.

III. Ao utilizar a frase “You watch”, o enunciador destaca uma habilidade permanente do enunciatário, no caso, a habilidade de olhar.

IV. Em “Her head must have sounded quite hollow”, o trecho sublinhado indica que o enunciador tem certeza de que sua afirmação é a verdade.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

“All right”, said Mr Wonka, “stop here for a moment and catch your breath, and take a peek through the glass panel of this door. But don’t go in! Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the squirrels!”
“Who says I can’t!” shouted Veruca. “I’m going in to get myself one this very minute!
The moment she entered the room, one hundred squirrels stopped what they were doing and turned their heads and stared at her with small black beady eyes. Veruca Salt stopped also, and stared back at them. Then her gaze fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her at the end of the table. The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws.
“All right”, Veruca said, “I’ll have you!”
She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel... but as she did so... in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body.
Twenty-five of them caught hold of her right arm, and pinned it down.
Twenty-five more caught hold of her left arm, and pinned that down.
Twenty-five caught hold of her right leg and anchored it to the ground.
Twenty-four caught hold of her left leg.
And the one remaining squirrel (obviously the leader of them all) climbed up on to her shoulder and started tap-tap-tapping the wretched girl’s head with its knuckles.
“Save her!” screamed Mrs Salt. “Veruca! Come back! What are they doing to her?”
“They’re testing her to see if she’s a bad nut”, said Mr Wonka. “You watch”.
Veruca struggled furiously, but the squirrels held her tight and she couldn’t move. The squirrel on her shoulder went tap-tap-tapping the side of her head with his knuckles. Then all at once, the squirrels pulled Veruca to the ground and started carrying her across the floor.
My goodness, she is a bad nut after all”, said Mr Wonka. “Her head must have sounded quite hollow”.

(DAHL, R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Puffin Books, 2007. p.110.) 
Somente as afirmativas I e II são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas III e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I, II e III são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV são corretas.
UENP 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A partir da leitura dos trechos sublinhados no conto, assinale a alternativa correta.

“All right”, said Mr Wonka, “stop here for a moment and catch your breath, and take a peek through the glass panel of this door. But don’t go in! Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the squirrels!”
“Who says I can’t!” shouted Veruca. “I’m going in to get myself one this very minute!
The moment she entered the room, one hundred squirrels stopped what they were doing and turned their heads and stared at her with small black beady eyes. Veruca Salt stopped also, and stared back at them. Then her gaze fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her at the end of the table. The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws.
“All right”, Veruca said, “I’ll have you!”
She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel... but as she did so... in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body.
Twenty-five of them caught hold of her right arm, and pinned it down.
Twenty-five more caught hold of her left arm, and pinned that down.
Twenty-five caught hold of her right leg and anchored it to the ground.
Twenty-four caught hold of her left leg.
And the one remaining squirrel (obviously the leader of them all) climbed up on to her shoulder and started tap-tap-tapping the wretched girl’s head with its knuckles.
“Save her!” screamed Mrs Salt. “Veruca! Come back! What are they doing to her?”
“They’re testing her to see if she’s a bad nut”, said Mr Wonka. “You watch”.
Veruca struggled furiously, but the squirrels held her tight and she couldn’t move. The squirrel on her shoulder went tap-tap-tapping the side of her head with his knuckles. Then all at once, the squirrels pulled Veruca to the ground and started carrying her across the floor.
My goodness, she is a bad nut after all”, said Mr Wonka. “Her head must have sounded quite hollow”.

(DAHL, R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Puffin Books, 2007. p.110.) 
A linguagem presente nos trechos indica a sucessão dos acontecimentos e contextualiza a narrativa.
Nos trechos, o ponto de vista é do narrador que salienta como Veruca conseguia que sua vontade fosse atendida.
O uso alternado de linguagem coloquial e formal tem a função de reforçar o contraste entre Mr Wonka e Veruca.
Os trechos apresentam elementos gramaticais e lexicais que permitem ao leitor inferir características da personalidade de Veruca.
Os trechos evidenciam a espontaneidade de Veruca, salientando seu espírito de independência.
UENP 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Sobre os elementos linguísticos presentes no texto, assinale a alternativa correta.

“All right”, said Mr Wonka, “stop here for a moment and catch your breath, and take a peek through the glass panel of this door. But don’t go in! Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the squirrels!”
“Who says I can’t!” shouted Veruca. “I’m going in to get myself one this very minute!
The moment she entered the room, one hundred squirrels stopped what they were doing and turned their heads and stared at her with small black beady eyes. Veruca Salt stopped also, and stared back at them. Then her gaze fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her at the end of the table. The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws.
“All right”, Veruca said, “I’ll have you!”
She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel... but as she did so... in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body.
Twenty-five of them caught hold of her right arm, and pinned it down.
Twenty-five more caught hold of her left arm, and pinned that down.
Twenty-five caught hold of her right leg and anchored it to the ground.
Twenty-four caught hold of her left leg.
And the one remaining squirrel (obviously the leader of them all) climbed up on to her shoulder and started tap-tap-tapping the wretched girl’s head with its knuckles.
“Save her!” screamed Mrs Salt. “Veruca! Come back! What are they doing to her?”
“They’re testing her to see if she’s a bad nut”, said Mr Wonka. “You watch”.
Veruca struggled furiously, but the squirrels held her tight and she couldn’t move. The squirrel on her shoulder went tap-tap-tapping the side of her head with his knuckles. Then all at once, the squirrels pulled Veruca to the ground and started carrying her across the floor.
My goodness, she is a bad nut after all”, said Mr Wonka. “Her head must have sounded quite hollow”.

(DAHL, R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Puffin Books, 2007. p.110.) 
Em “a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her”, a palavra “nearest” descreve a postura do esquilo à mesa.
Na frase “The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws”, o pronome “its” refere-se a “walnuts”.
O trecho “she did so” substitui a ação expressa na frase anterior “reached out her hands to grab the squirrel”.
O “s” usado na expressão “girl’s head” é a contração da forma singular do verbo to be, “is”.
Em “Then all at once”, a palavra “then” é usada para substituir o substantivo “squirrels” no plural.
UENP 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Em relação à frase “Thai Buddhist leaders held the first ever Buddhist merit-making ceremony”, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O uso dos termos grifados demonstra que o enunciador está surpreso com a ação efetuada.

II. Os termos grifados acrescentam ênfase ao ineditismo da celebração budista e equivalem, em português, ao termo “primeiríssima”.

III. Os termos grifados modificam o grupo nominal “Buddhist merit-making cerimony”.

IV. A expressão grifada poderia ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, pela expressão “the very first”.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Leia o infográfico a seguir e responda à questão.

(EDMONDS, K. Report Back: your action against Illegal Wildlife Trade. In WWF-Canada Blog. 16 abr. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2016.)

Somente as afirmativas I e II são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas III e IV são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas I, II e III são corretas.
Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV são corretas.
UFRGS 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the alternative in which the word dare (l. 63) presents the same meaning and grammatical
function as used in the text.



REMNICK, D. Leonard Cohen makes it Darker. Available

at: www.TAGARCHIVES: Leonard Cohen – Bob Dylan

Interface. Accessed on Nov. 9th, 2016. 

You should try it if you dare.
The singer did not dare a new rendition of his famous song.
She dared the anger of her family.

She dares not let herself tamed.
He would not be so foolish to take a dare.
UFRGS 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Consider the following propositions of rewriting the segment the verses are four elemental lines which change and move at predictable intervals (l. 20-22).

I - the verses are four elemental lines, changing and moving at predictable intervals.
II - the verses are four basic lines which can change and move at predictable intervals.
III- the verses are four elemental lines, subject to be changed and moved at predictable intervals.

Which are correct?



REMNICK, D. Leonard Cohen makes it Darker. Available

at: www.TAGARCHIVES: Leonard Cohen – Bob Dylan

Interface. Accessed on Nov. 9th, 2016. 

Only I.
Only II.
Only III.
Only I and II.
I, II and III.
UFRGS 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

The words impending (l. 5), quivering (l. 31) and unhewn (l. 39) can be substituted, without change in meaning, by



REMNICK, D. Leonard Cohen makes it Darker. Available

at: www.TAGARCHIVES: Leonard Cohen – Bob Dylan

Interface. Accessed on Nov. 9th, 2016. 

upcoming – shaking – matching
upcoming – controlled – matching
recent – settled – unpolished
forthcoming – vibrating – rough
recent – trembling – uniform