“Taking small steps to help combat political
polarization in the long run will add to the trust that users
have in Facebook” means that:
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Political polarization on Facebook
Darrell M. West and Joshua Bleiberg.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Social scientists have built a large body of evidence that people tend to befriend others with similar political beliefs. The research demonstrates that the polarization phenomenon also applies to social networks, like Facebook. The study finds that a Facebook user has approximately five friends with similar political views and only one friend on the other side of the spectrum. In a democracy, to encounter a variety of political opinions is generally seen as a positive value for citizens.
Facebook is not just a social network. It’s the platform that millions of people use to learn about current events. Taking small steps to help combat political polarization in the long run will add to the trust that users have in Facebook.
Adapted from:<https://www.brookings.edu/blog/techtank/2015/05/13/political-polarization-on-facebook/>