Questão 6373e7bc-0f
Prova:UFT 2011
Assunto:Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text it is CORRECT to state that:

Imagem 015.jpg

The expression "used to" in "You used to be such a good influence on me!" can be replaced by the word would without changes in the meaning.
Considering the sentence "Classes didn‘t use to be so difficult,' we can infer that Annie‘s classes now are easier than they used to be in the past.
In the sentence "I remember how you would complain about the coffee here in Canada," the word "would" indicates a hypothetical situation that has never happened.
The word "would" in "Remember the way we would sit around talking?" can be replaced by the expression used to without changing the main idea of the sentence.
In the sentences "I would see some great jacket, but you wouldn‘t let me buy it," the words "would" and "wouldn‘t" ?are used to express repeated events in Cindy`s life.


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