Questõesde UEG 2018

Foram encontradas 365 questões
UEG 2018 - Matemática - Pirâmides, Áreas e Perímetros, Geometria Plana, Geometria Espacial

Na aula de matemática, a professora mostrou um sólido no formato de uma pirâmide hexagonal regular, cuja aresta da base media l = 4 cm e a área lateral da pirâmide era de 60 cm2 . Em seguida, solicitou aos alunos que calculassem o volume dessa pirâmide. O valor encontrado foi de

V = 8√39 cm3
V = 6√39 cm3
V = √39 cm3
V = 4√39 cm3
V = 3v39 / 4 cm3
UEG 2018 - Literatura - Vanguardas Europeias, Escolas Literárias

O que a alternância de elementos visuais verticais, cujo formato lembra bumerangues, confere à pintura apresentada?

Observe a imagem a seguir para responder à questão.

UEG 2018 - Literatura - Vanguardas Europeias, Escolas Literárias

Considerando-se a configuração dos pássaros na pintura apresentada, verifica-se que sua disposição na tela plasma a imagem de um

Observe a imagem a seguir para responder à questão.

UEG 2018 - Literatura - Barroco, Escolas Literárias

Embora seja uma obra pertencente ao Barroco, a pintura apresentada possui conotação

Observe a imagem a seguir para responder às questão.

UEG 2018 - Literatura - Barroco, Escolas Literárias

A pintura apresentada filia-se ao Barroco, o que esteticamente se evidencia pelo

Observe a imagem a seguir para responder às questão.

contraste entre claro e escuro.
cuidado com detalhes minimalistas.
foco em questões ligadas ao surreal.
interesse em subtrair a alma humana.
caráter abstrato das imagens retratadas.
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

No trecho que vai da linha 5 à linha 13, o autor defende suas ideias com base em argumentos

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

científicos, porque recorre a dados da ciência especulativa, apresentando conceitos sobre os quais fundamenta suas ideias.
empíricos, já que recorre à experiência concreta de seu interlocutor para comprovar a pertinência das assertivas que apresenta.
lógicos, cujas premissas se organizam em raciocínios tão bem construídos que a conclusão se apresenta de maneira necessária.
filosóficos, pois busca questionar a essência última do ser das coisas, para além do aspecto material que aparece aos sentidos.
dogmáticos, visto que apresenta asserções com voz de autoridade, sem demonstrá-las e fechando-se ao diálogo.
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

De acordo com o autor, quando as pessoas aprendem a língua materna, aprendem a não prestar atenção às diferenças de som que não são importantes para a comunicação (linhas 26-29). No entanto, há casos em que essas diferenças não só são percebidas, mas também podem chamar bastante atenção. Isso é um dos objetos de estudo da Sociolinguística e acontece, por exemplo, quando

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

a norma-padrão escrita da língua é confrontada com os significados das palavras nos dicionários.
uma pessoa sussurra em frente ao espelho, observando os movimentos do próprio corpo.
alguém utiliza a norma-padrão prescrita pela parte da fonética na gramática normativa.
falantes de variedades linguísticas diferentes conversam entre si de forma espontânea.
o indivíduo começa a frequentar a escola, principalmente se isso ocorrer na fase adulta.
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Gêneros Textuais, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

O texto “Percepção e cognição”, de Mário Perini, apresenta elementos que o caracterizam como

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

ensaístico, pois apresenta de maneira aprofundada o ponto de vista de um autor, sem levar em conta outras opiniões.
metalinguístico, porque faz referência a elementos da própria linguagem, tomando-os como objeto de seu dizer.
poético, porque seu interesse principal está no modo como os significantes da língua se organizam.
narrativo, pois é figurativo e mostra mudanças de situação, num tempo e num espaço demarcados.
jornalístico, porque seu objetivo é informar as pessoas sobre fatos relevantes ocorridos em sociedade.
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Gêneros Textuais, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Quanto à distribuição ao longo do poema, nota-se, nas duas primeiras estrofes, respectivamente, a presença de rimas

Leia o soneto a seguir para responder à questão

Tome, Dr., esta tesoura, e... corte 
Minha singularíssima pessoa. 
Que importa a mim que a bicharia roa 
Todo o meu coração, depois da morte?!

Ah! Um urubu pousou na minha sorte! 
Também, das diatomáceas da lagoa 
A criptógama cápsula se esbroa 
Ao contacto de bronca destra forte!

Dissolva-se, portanto, minha vida 
Igualmente a uma célula caída 
Na aberração de um óvulo infecundo;

Mas o agregado abstrato das saudades 
Fique batendo nas perpétuas grades 
Do último verso que eu fizer no mundo! 

                        ANJOS, Augusto dos. Budismo moderno. In: Eu e outros poemas. 30. ed. Rio de janeiro: Livraria São José, 1965. p. 84. 

interpoladas e emparelhadas
emparelhadas e interpoladas
alternadas e emparelhadas
emparelhadas e alternadas
interpoladas e cruzadas
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Gêneros Textuais, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Em termos de genealogia literária, o fragmento apresentado pertence a uma obra do gênero narrativo. Não obstante, sua linguagem se utiliza de elementos do gênero

UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Tem-se, no soneto apresentado, uma sugestão de que

Leia o soneto a seguir para responder à questão

Tome, Dr., esta tesoura, e... corte 
Minha singularíssima pessoa. 
Que importa a mim que a bicharia roa 
Todo o meu coração, depois da morte?!

Ah! Um urubu pousou na minha sorte! 
Também, das diatomáceas da lagoa 
A criptógama cápsula se esbroa 
Ao contacto de bronca destra forte!

Dissolva-se, portanto, minha vida 
Igualmente a uma célula caída 
Na aberração de um óvulo infecundo;

Mas o agregado abstrato das saudades 
Fique batendo nas perpétuas grades 
Do último verso que eu fizer no mundo! 

                        ANJOS, Augusto dos. Budismo moderno. In: Eu e outros poemas. 30. ed. Rio de janeiro: Livraria São José, 1965. p. 84. 

há idealização da literatura, apanágio de plenitude.
há confiança na capacidade de cura do médico.
a má-sorte na vida pode provocar a morte.
a existência humana é olvidada pela arte.
a literatura é mais perene que a vida humana.
UEG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica-se que

Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons

    The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.

    The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.

    The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.

     Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.

    Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.

    Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?

    There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a more secure world.

toward the shared dream, na língua portuguesa, pode ser traduzido por “em direção ao sonho parcial”.
to support and strengthen pode ser compreendido, na língua portuguesa, como “dar suporte e fortalecer”.
are vaguely worded pode ser compreendido, em português, como “são palavras vagamente descritivas”.
Preamble’s acknowledgement pode ser traduzido, em português, como “preâmbulo de conhecimento”.
an empty shell, em português, pode ser traduzido como “um assunto temático não compreendido”.
UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

O excerto textual apresentado é plasmado por uma linguagem

Leia o fragmento a seguir para responder à questão.

UEG 2018 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Tem-se, no excerto apresentado, o retrato de uma mulher que

Leia o fragmento a seguir para responder à questão.

chora pela perda do homem amado, julgando-se deprimida e morta por dentro.
procura se enquadrar no que julga ser a expectativa das pessoas a seu respeito.
se sente senhora de si mesma, pouco se importando com a opinião da sociedade.
luta contra as adversidades da vida, relutando em abrir mão de sua individualidade.
reafirma sua singularidade ao se portar como alguém que não deve nada a outrem.
UEG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando-se os elementos de estrutura e forma da língua inglesa, constata-se que

Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons

    The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.

    The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.

    The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.

     Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.

    Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.

    Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?

    There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a more secure world.

na expressão the world’s polarization, os termos world’s apresentam a contração entre world e is.
na expressão we can do away, o termo can pode ser substituído por “should” sem alterar o sentido.
os termos disarmament e agreement são constituídos por prefixação em sua composição vocabular.
it exacerbates political tensions, na voz passiva, apresenta-se como political tensions are exacerbated.
o termo also, em We also continue our, pode ser substituído por yet sem alteração de sentido na frase.
UEG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information expressed in the text, we verify that

Thematic Discussion on Nuclear Weapons

    The United States remains committed to the goal of nuclear disarmament, and to seeking to create conditions toward that end. And history makes clear that important progress can be made when security conditions allow. The easing of Cold War rivalries allowed the United States and Russia to make significant steps toward the shared dream of eventual nuclear disarmament after decades in which such movement was impossible. Disarmament success is predicated on patience, attention to detail, effective verification, and patient attention to the challenges of effecting the changes in the security environment that are necessary for progress. This last element is critical, considering the crucial role that nuclear deterrence plays in preserving and protecting international peace and security, and the potentially catastrophic consequences were deterrence’s restraining effect to be removed while it still remains necessary.

    The “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” violates all these tenets. Its obligations are longstanding worded, imprecise, vaguely worded and sometimes internally contradictory, while offering only an empty shell for verification. Worse, it is fundamentally at odds with today’s security challenges. It is not simply an unproductive instrument; it is likely to be a counterproductive one, with the potential to cause lasting harm to the nonproliferation regime and to the cause of disarmament alike.

    The ban treaty is based on the premise that addressing crucial international security issues is not necessary for disarmament. Ban treaty proponents would have us believe that we can do away with nuclear deterrence despite - to cite just one example - the danger posed by North Korea’s relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and associated delivery systems, which stand in flagrant violation of international law.

     Furthermore, the Treaty does not contain a credible verification mechanism, demurring on the issue almost entirely. It does run counter to decades of progress in nonproliferation verification by endorsing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement as its standard for safeguarding nuclear material.

    Finally, the ban treaty has the potential to do real damage to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in other ways. It exacerbates political tensions on disarmament, dividing states into overly-simplified camps of “nuclear weapons supporters” and “nuclear weapons banners,” rather than recognizing shared interests – especially on the challenges involved in creating the conditions that would make possible further disarmament progress. Reinforcing this false dichotomy and worsening the world’s polarization on disarmament will make further progress within the institutions that have been vehicles for success, such as the NPT review process, significantly more difficult.

    Inspired by the NPT Preamble’s acknowledgement of the need to ease international tension and strengthen trust between States in order to facilitate disarmament, the United States stands ready to work with others on effective measures to create improved conditions for nuclear disarmament. This work is focused on overcoming technical challenges to make substantive progress when the security conditions improve. We also continue our longstanding work to support and strengthen the global nonproliferation regime against the many challenges it faces today, for who could deny that there can be no way to envision today’s nuclear weapons possessors ever putting down such tools without rock-solid assurances that no one else will take them up?

    There are no shortcuts to nuclear disarmament. Unrealistic attempts to skip to the finish line have the potential to undermine the institutions and standards we have worked so hard to build. Our collective experience demonstrates that inclusiveness and the search for consensus can lead to progress, while polarization is a recipe for failure. We urge all states to work with us in searching for common solutions to collective problems, pursuing a more secure world.

the nuclear disarmament is a step forward into international leaders agreement, but it is a tenue line parting catastrophic consequences and security and peace.
the politic and economic country aspects have been equally improving on the last decades, such real world situation indicates an easy understanding for disarmament.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been guiding international agreements on nuclear disarmament between countries with nuclear weapons.
the United States of America and North Korea have successfully concerned to find ways to avoid the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the last decades.
both, the United States of America and Russia, consider impossible the disarmament in order to preserve and protect to the international peace and security.
UEG 2018 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Analisando os aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Digitizing Healthcare: How Technology Is Improving Medical Care 

                                                                                                                    by Tricia Hussung

A wide variety of digital innovations are revolutionizing healthcare — and technology in medicine is here to stay. How are these changes impacting the delivery of care, and what skills are needed to succeed in this bold new world? It’s no secret that, as a society, technology has become a part of our everyday lives. In fact, almost 60 percent of American adults own a smartphone, and 42 percent of that same population (American adults) owns a tablet computer. Though technology has been permeating almost every aspect of our lives, until recent years the medical field has been largely unaffected by the rapid pace of technological innovation that is characteristic of the Digital Age. However, this is changing.

This ubiquity of technology is beginning to extend into the medical field. Advances in medical technology are changing medicine by giving physicians more information — as well as better, more specific data. 

New Medical Technology: Innovations

So just what are these new advances in technology? The following are just a few of the many innovations that have occurred in medical technology over the past year alone. Some of these leading technologies are still being developed, while others are slowly being introduced into mainstream medical practice.

  • The modern hospital experience: Several medical technology companies are looking to update hospital stays to keep pace with the needs of modern patients. To more easily integrate changing technology, these new rooms would feature interchangeable parts that are easily adapted to the specific situation of a patient. The seamless design would have a minimal impact on facility operations while increasing patient comfort and connectivity.
  • Surgery simulation: The Roswell Park Cancer Institute has partnered with the University of Buffalo’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to create the Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS). This innovation allows real-world views of surgeries while eliminating the need for a live environment to train aspiring surgeons. It gives these medical professionals the space to experiment in a simulated environment, rather than risking making mistakes on real patients.
  • Cloud-based data and software: Applications like referralMD help healthcare providers create referrals digitally and reach millions of patients and providers who are in search of treatment options. The current, paper method of referrals causes almost 50 percent of patient referrals to never actually result in doctor’s visits. This present gap in care “causes patients to lose treatment (and) the healthcare facility to lose money.” Software innovations like these are part of the relatively new field of health informatics, which aims to collect, store, analyze and present health data in a digital format. 

With widespread innovations like these affecting patient care practices, it is not surprising that the way medical records and information are stored and shared is changing as well. These technological advancements are costeffective and improve the ability of medical professionals to diagnose and treat health issues of all kinds. Two of the main changes that are revolutionizing the future of healthcare are electronic medical records and health information exchange. Future won´t be the same for medical field. Are you ready for what is coming?

Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 09 maio 2018. (Adaptado).

a sentença skills are needed to succeed apresenta-se na voz passiva no texto; na voz ativa seria “to succed they needed skills”.
a sentença medical field has been largely unaffected, na forma interrogativa, seria “does medical field have been largely unaffected?”.
o termo widespread, em with widespread innovations like these, pode ser substituído por “widely diffused” sem alterar o sentido da sentença.
o vocábulo who, na sentença providers who are in search of treatment options, exerce, na língua inglesa, a função de pronome interrogativo.
o vocábulo issues, em to diagnose and treat health issues of all kinds, pode ser substituído por “distress”, sem alteração de sentido na sentença.
UEG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considering the ideas expressed in the text, medical practice

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

Digitizing Healthcare: How Technology Is Improving Medical Care 

                                                                                                                    by Tricia Hussung

A wide variety of digital innovations are revolutionizing healthcare — and technology in medicine is here to stay. How are these changes impacting the delivery of care, and what skills are needed to succeed in this bold new world? It’s no secret that, as a society, technology has become a part of our everyday lives. In fact, almost 60 percent of American adults own a smartphone, and 42 percent of that same population (American adults) owns a tablet computer. Though technology has been permeating almost every aspect of our lives, until recent years the medical field has been largely unaffected by the rapid pace of technological innovation that is characteristic of the Digital Age. However, this is changing.

This ubiquity of technology is beginning to extend into the medical field. Advances in medical technology are changing medicine by giving physicians more information — as well as better, more specific data. 

New Medical Technology: Innovations

So just what are these new advances in technology? The following are just a few of the many innovations that have occurred in medical technology over the past year alone. Some of these leading technologies are still being developed, while others are slowly being introduced into mainstream medical practice.

  • The modern hospital experience: Several medical technology companies are looking to update hospital stays to keep pace with the needs of modern patients. To more easily integrate changing technology, these new rooms would feature interchangeable parts that are easily adapted to the specific situation of a patient. The seamless design would have a minimal impact on facility operations while increasing patient comfort and connectivity.
  • Surgery simulation: The Roswell Park Cancer Institute has partnered with the University of Buffalo’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to create the Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS). This innovation allows real-world views of surgeries while eliminating the need for a live environment to train aspiring surgeons. It gives these medical professionals the space to experiment in a simulated environment, rather than risking making mistakes on real patients.
  • Cloud-based data and software: Applications like referralMD help healthcare providers create referrals digitally and reach millions of patients and providers who are in search of treatment options. The current, paper method of referrals causes almost 50 percent of patient referrals to never actually result in doctor’s visits. This present gap in care “causes patients to lose treatment (and) the healthcare facility to lose money.” Software innovations like these are part of the relatively new field of health informatics, which aims to collect, store, analyze and present health data in a digital format. 

With widespread innovations like these affecting patient care practices, it is not surprising that the way medical records and information are stored and shared is changing as well. These technological advancements are costeffective and improve the ability of medical professionals to diagnose and treat health issues of all kinds. Two of the main changes that are revolutionizing the future of healthcare are electronic medical records and health information exchange. Future won´t be the same for medical field. Are you ready for what is coming?

Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 09 maio 2018. (Adaptado).

won´t be the same as it was on years before because physicians are going to be more linked and will face a constant updating need with technologies to pace up with leading medical upcoming.
is going to be, on surgery simulation, broadcasted through internet from the most modern hospitals and surgery practice classes are going to take advantage of this to train aspiring surgeons.
will have drastic changes in hospital which will certainly find ways to offer the newest and the best treatments combined to more comfortable and technological rooms to their patients.
is going to be changed because American adults are going to exchange personal medical data with their physicians and through that technology they are going to get individual attendance.
will be improved by the innovations in technology or by the Digital Age, making possible that physicians and patients definitely solve health problems which they couldn’t treat on the past.
UEG 2018 - Filosofia - São Tomás e a Filosofia Medieval, O Sujeito Moderno

O surgimento do pensamento moderno se dá com a mudança de paradigma. Enquanto os medievais trabalharam a filosofia a partir do teocentrismo, os modernos trabalharam a filosofia a partir do antropocentrismo; os primeiros, seguindo os gregos, se interessaram pelo ser e sua contemplação, ao passo que os segundos, ao se voltarem para o homem, se preocuparam com o conhecimento e a questão do método. Assim, nota-se que a filosofia greco-medieval tinha uma preocupação ontológica, e a filosofia moderna, gnoseológica. Frente ao exposto, verifica-se que as principais tendências em explicar o conhecimento na modernidade foram

idealismo e criticismo.
criticismo e positivismo.
marxismo e positivismo.
racionalismo e empirismo.
racionalismo e intuicionismo.
UEG 2018 - Geografia - Geografia Física, Hidrografia

Observe o mapa a seguir.

Disponível em: <> . Acesso em: 01 mar. 2018. (Adaptado).

As regiões hidrográficas representadas pelos números 1, 2 e 3 correspondem, respectivamente, às regiões

Parnaíba; Atlântico Leste e Uruguai.
Araguaia-Tocantins; Paraguai e Paraná.
Paraná; Parnaíba e Araguaia-Tocantins.
Uruguai; São Francisco e Atlântico Leste.
São Francisco; Araguaia-Tocantins e Paraguai.