Questõesde UNESP 2012 sobre Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Leia a letra da música, interpretada por Amy Winehouse, para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

Tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you,

Is a darkness that we knew

And this regret I got accustomed to

Once it was so right

When we were at our high,

Waiting for you in the hotel at night

I knew I hadn’t met my match

But every moment we could snatch

I don’t know why I got so attached

It’s my responsibility,

And you don’t owe nothing to me

But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away

The sun goes down,

He takes the day but I’m grown

And in your way

In this blue shade

My tears dry on their own.

I don’t understand

Why do I stress a man,

When there’s so many bigger things at hand

We could have never had it all

We had to hit a wall

So this is inevitable withdrawal

Even if I stopped wanting you,

A perspective pushes through

I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon


I wish I could say no regrets

And no emotional debts

’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets

So we are history

The shadow covers me

The sky above a blaze

That only lovers see

( Adaptado.)

A cantora gostaria de ter se envolvido bem mais no relacionamento.
O fim inesperado do relacionamento jamais será superado pela cantora.
A cantora gostaria que o fim do relacionamento não deixasse ressentimentos.
Uma outra mulher foi a causa do fim inesperado do relacionamento.
O fim do relacionamento aconteceu após uma noite em um quarto de hotel.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses

Em qual alternativa todas as palavras, conforme utilizadas na letra da música, são formas verbais?

Leia a letra da música, interpretada por Amy Winehouse, para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

Tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you,

Is a darkness that we knew

And this regret I got accustomed to

Once it was so right

When we were at our high,

Waiting for you in the hotel at night

I knew I hadn’t met my match

But every moment we could snatch

I don’t know why I got so attached

It’s my responsibility,

And you don’t owe nothing to me

But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away

The sun goes down,

He takes the day but I’m grown

And in your way

In this blue shade

My tears dry on their own.

I don’t understand

Why do I stress a man,

When there’s so many bigger things at hand

We could have never had it all

We had to hit a wall

So this is inevitable withdrawal

Even if I stopped wanting you,

A perspective pushes through

I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon


I wish I could say no regrets

And no emotional debts

’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets

So we are history

The shadow covers me

The sky above a blaze

That only lovers see

( Adaptado.)

Accustomed, away, knew, met, was.
Ever, hand, match, waiting, were.
Accustomed, hand, know, owe, was.
Away, ever, met, snatch, waiting.
Attached, knew, met, owe, were.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A cantora afirma que

Leia a letra da música, interpretada por Amy Winehouse, para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

Tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you,

Is a darkness that we knew

And this regret I got accustomed to

Once it was so right

When we were at our high,

Waiting for you in the hotel at night

I knew I hadn’t met my match

But every moment we could snatch

I don’t know why I got so attached

It’s my responsibility,

And you don’t owe nothing to me

But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away

The sun goes down,

He takes the day but I’m grown

And in your way

In this blue shade

My tears dry on their own.

I don’t understand

Why do I stress a man,

When there’s so many bigger things at hand

We could have never had it all

We had to hit a wall

So this is inevitable withdrawal

Even if I stopped wanting you,

A perspective pushes through

I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon


I wish I could say no regrets

And no emotional debts

’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets

So we are history

The shadow covers me

The sky above a blaze

That only lovers see

( Adaptado.)

logo estará envolvida com outra pessoa.
os homens a deixam muito estressada.
sabia que tinha encontrado a pessoa certa.
não tem capacidade para viver sozinha.
vai chorar muito pelo fim do romance.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A quem se refere o termo our, na expressão our songbird, no último parágrafo do texto?

Amy Winehouse greets Whitney Houston in heaven

(by Hideaki Tailor)

      HEAVEN – Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson.

       Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”

     “Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and… Michael Jackson.” 

      Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a better place.” 

     One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s first few months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven and feels free and happy.”

      While Americans and fans around the world mourn the terrible loss of Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice Beach.

( Adaptado.)

Aos anjos e santos.
Aos norte-americanos.
Aos fãs das cantoras.
A São Pedro.
A uma famosa vidente.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

Qual das seguintes expressões indica que um relacionamento amoroso foi bom?

Leia a letra da música, interpretada por Amy Winehouse, para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

Tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you,

Is a darkness that we knew

And this regret I got accustomed to

Once it was so right

When we were at our high,

Waiting for you in the hotel at night

I knew I hadn’t met my match

But every moment we could snatch

I don’t know why I got so attached

It’s my responsibility,

And you don’t owe nothing to me

But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away

The sun goes down,

He takes the day but I’m grown

And in your way

In this blue shade

My tears dry on their own.

I don’t understand

Why do I stress a man,

When there’s so many bigger things at hand

We could have never had it all

We had to hit a wall

So this is inevitable withdrawal

Even if I stopped wanting you,

A perspective pushes through

I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon


I wish I could say no regrets

And no emotional debts

’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets

So we are history

The shadow covers me

The sky above a blaze

That only lovers see

( Adaptado.)

In this blue shade.
[…] we were at our high.
[…] I can ever be to you.
[…] I got so attached.
We had to hit a wall.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Segundo a letra da música, qual das seguintes frases indica que um relacionamento amoroso acabou?

Leia a letra da música, interpretada por Amy Winehouse, para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

Tears dry on their own

All I can ever be to you,

Is a darkness that we knew

And this regret I got accustomed to

Once it was so right

When we were at our high,

Waiting for you in the hotel at night

I knew I hadn’t met my match

But every moment we could snatch

I don’t know why I got so attached

It’s my responsibility,

And you don’t owe nothing to me

But to walk away I have no capacity

He walks away

The sun goes down,

He takes the day but I’m grown

And in your way

In this blue shade

My tears dry on their own.

I don’t understand

Why do I stress a man,

When there’s so many bigger things at hand

We could have never had it all

We had to hit a wall

So this is inevitable withdrawal

Even if I stopped wanting you,

A perspective pushes through

I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon


I wish I could say no regrets

And no emotional debts

’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets

So we are history

The shadow covers me

The sky above a blaze

That only lovers see

( Adaptado.)

It's my responsibility.
The sun goes down.
And in your way.
I'm grown.
Tears dry on their own.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Amy Winehouse cumprimentou Whitney Houston

Amy Winehouse greets Whitney Houston in heaven

(by Hideaki Tailor)

      HEAVEN – Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson.

       Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”

     “Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and… Michael Jackson.” 

      Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a better place.” 

     One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s first few months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven and feels free and happy.”

      While Americans and fans around the world mourn the terrible loss of Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice Beach.

( Adaptado.)

porque ambas tinham os mesmos ancestrais, que viviam na cidade de Los Angeles.
em companhia do cantor Michael Jackson, que havia morrido antes das duas cantoras.
com um abraço e a acompanhou para encontrar alguns de seus parentes já falecidos.
logo após a cantora ter cumprimentado Michael Jackson com um abraço caloroso.
porque tinham se tornado grandes amigas quando se conheceram em Los Angeles.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, ambas as cantoras, Amy Winehouse e Whitney Houston,

Amy Winehouse greets Whitney Houston in heaven

(by Hideaki Tailor)

      HEAVEN – Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson.

       Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”

     “Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and… Michael Jackson.” 

      Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a better place.” 

     One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s first few months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven and feels free and happy.”

      While Americans and fans around the world mourn the terrible loss of Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice Beach.

( Adaptado.)

sempre foram muito gentis com admiradores e fãs.
além de famosas, possuíam alguns dons sobrenaturais.
merecem a paz celestial, pois sofreram bastante em vida.
prejudicaram muito seus espíritos enquanto viveram.
cantaram juntas em um concerto em Los Angeles.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Qual das seguintes expressões equivale, no texto, à ideia de Deus?

Amy Winehouse greets Whitney Houston in heaven

(by Hideaki Tailor)

      HEAVEN – Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson.

       Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”

     “Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and… Michael Jackson.” 

      Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a better place.” 

     One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s first few months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven and feels free and happy.”

      While Americans and fans around the world mourn the terrible loss of Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice Beach.

( Adaptado.)

Top psychics.
big angel hug.
gentle souls.
universal source.
St. Peter.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto trata, principalmente,

Amy Winehouse greets Whitney Houston in heaven

(by Hideaki Tailor)

      HEAVEN – Psychics are saying that Amy Winehouse was the first soul singer to greet Whitney Houston, even before Michael Jackson.

       Top psychics in Los Angeles are saying that Whitney Houston’s spirit is already “lighting up” heaven. “It’s like the universal source has called the greatest voice of all time back to heaven. It’s pure magic up there.”

     “Amy was right there. She gave Whitney a big angel hug and walked with her as she met some of her ancestors, relatives and… Michael Jackson.” 

      Both singers had trouble on earth with alcohol and drugs, but they are at peace now. “Fame was too much for their gentle souls,” said Madam Marie of Sherman Oaks. “Their voices were a gift to our world, but caused great damage to their spirits on earth. Now, they are in a better place.” 

     One psychic said that Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston are planning a “concert” together in Whitney’s first few months. “Amy’s been doing very well in heaven and feels free and happy.”

      While Americans and fans around the world mourn the terrible loss of Whitney, the angels are rejoicing. “Our songbird is home,” is what St. Peter reportedly said when greeting Whitney, according to a psychic on Venice Beach.

( Adaptado.)

de fatos memoráveis da vida de duas cantoras famosas e já falecidas, Amy Winehouse e Whitney Houston.
de um famoso concerto no qual as cantoras Amy Winehouse e Whitney Houston haviam se apresentado.
da problemática de pessoas famosas que se envolvem com álcool e drogas, que podem causar sua morte.
de alguns dons sobrenaturais que ambas as cantoras, Amy Winehouse e Whitney Houston, possuíam.
de um encontro entre Amy Winehouse e Whitney Houston, após a morte de Whitney Houston.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

A expressão none of this matters, no segundo parágrafo, refere-se

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

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às características de anúncios mencionadas no primeiro parágrafo.
à falta de coerência e de sentido que certos anúncios podem conter.
às características positivas de anúncios mencionadas no texto.
à interpretação de anúncios de acordo com uma ideologia de consumo.
aos valores culturais, morais e sociais que caracterizam um anúncio.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

O anúncio 1 refere-se

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

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a uma campanha para economia do consumo de água.
à divulgação de uma nova tinta para bancos de jardim.
a uma campanha para embelezar a cidade de Denver.
à divulgação de reformas nos jardins públicos em Denver.
a uma campanha contra a destruição de patrimônio público.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

O anúncio 2 refere-se

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

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a um incentivo para anúncios mais iluminados.
a uma empresa de eletricidade chamada Wisely.
a um incentivo ao uso de lâmpadas fluorescentes.
ao uso mais consciente de energia elétrica.
à falta de iluminação suficiente em locais públicos.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando-se o propósito do anúncio 2, a oração que poderia fazer parte de um texto a ser incluído nesse anúncio é:

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

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Turn on the lights when a room is not being used.
Turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days.
Turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room.
Turn on the tap before you take a bath or a shower.
Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Os dois anúncios têm em comum o fato de

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

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terem sido produzidos para empresas de pequeno porte.
terem sido produzidos para duas empresas concorrentes.
estimularem o uso de recursos alternativos.
terem sido produzidos pela mesma agência de publicidade.
estimularem ações embasadas na sustentabilidade.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

Nos anúncios, as palavras use, you, need, electricity e wisely são exemplos, respectivamente, de

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

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substantivo, pronome, verbo, substantivo e advérbio.
verbo, pronome, verbo, substantivo e advérbio.
substantivo, adjetivo, verbo, substantivo e adjetivo.
verbo, pronome, verbo, adjetivo e adjetivo.
substantivo, pronome, substantivo, adjetivo e advérbio.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O principal objetivo do texto é analisar

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

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como muitos anúncios deixam de cumprir seu papel.
como anúncios valorizam a imagem do consumidor.
aspectos racionais e irracionais contidos em anúncios.
anúncios e procurar entender como cumprem seu papel.
elementos linguísticos e valores sociais em anúncios.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto,

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

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alguns anúncios contêm elementos que supervalorizam o papel social da língua.
alguns anúncios contêm elementos que podem denegrir a imagem do capitalismo.
alguns anúncios possuem até mesmo um aspecto obscuro, um tanto sórdido.
anúncios devem conter um apelo irracional aos benefícios do produto anunciado.
anúncios não devem destacar benefícios ou valores sociais dos produtos anunciados.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A resposta à questão apresentada no último parágrafo do texto foi:

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

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benefícios racionais atenderão melhor às necessidades dos consumidores do produto anunciado.
não se deve pensar nos benefícios de um produto anunciado de maneira capitalista e racional.
anúncios precisam apresentar benefícios racionais, para que os consumidores possam entendê-los.
benefícios do produto anunciado devem ser compreendidos por pessoas que desconhecem o produto.
anúncios devem salientar qualidades de um produto que sejam entendidas de modo racional pelos consumidores.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun, Pronomes | Pronouns

O pronome it, utilizado na última linha do primeiro parágrafo, na frase for the products it markets, refere-se

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 26 a 30.

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à necessidade da propaganda.
à área de publicidade.
à ideologia da propaganda.
aos mercados consumidores.
à cultura do consumismo.