Questõesde UFAM sobre Inglês

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UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Uma das grandes vitórias do Brasil nesta Olimpíada foi:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

a medalha de ouro do judô
a medalha de ouro do vôlei de praia masculino
se classificar entre os dez primeiros lugares no quadro de medalhas
a medalha de prata na canoagem
a medalha de prata no vôlei de praia feminino
UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Um dos problemas ocorridos durante as Olimpíadas foi:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

a morte do treinador chinês
o acidente com alguns atletas no metrô
o assalto sofrido pelo Ministro de Educação de Portugal
a invasão ocorrida em um dos alojamentos
o atentado aos nadadores dos Estados Unidos
UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Os cariocas devem se congratular pela:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

segurança total
ausência de grandes despesas
venda maciça de todos os ingressos
boa organização na entrada dos estádios
receptividade e alegria em fazer uma festa tão bonita
UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A expressão “grim assessments”, na linha 28, pode ser traduzida como:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

relatórios eficazes
avaliações tenebrosas
pressupostos teóricos
conclusões sombrias
previsões otimistas
UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Tradução | Translation

O advérbio “warily” do título significa:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

UFAM 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Antes do início das Olimpíadas, havia um temor de que:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

As Games End, Rio Celebrates While Looking Warily to Future
AUG. 21, 2016

haveria pouco policiamento
a cidade não estaria preparada para o evento
os atletas estrangeiros seriam mal tratados
as condições climáticas seriam desfavoráveis
os cantores/apresentadores da Cerimônia de Abertura não estariam à altura do evento
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA, de acordo com o texto:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
Os prejuízos ocorridos no lado holandês da Ilha de St. Maarteen foram muito pequenos.
O Presidente Francês, Macron, crê que tanto St. Martin como St. Bart tenham sofrido prejuízos consideráveis.
O lado holandês da Ilha de St. Maarteen sofreu um enorme prejuízo material.
A Ministra francesa Annick Girardin está indo ao Caribe com equipes de emergência e provisões.
O número de vitimas no lado holandês da ilha é desconhecido.
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, Porto Rico:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
foi atingido pelo furacão Irma e a maioria da população ficou sem energia.
não sofreu grandes consequências com a passagem do furacão Irma, pois não houve falta de água.
foi devastado pelo furacão Irma juntamente com Guadalupe e Flórida.
não foi atingido, em 1928, pelo furacão San Felipe, ao contrário de Guadalupe e da Flórida.
sofreu mais com o furacão Irma do que com o furacão San Felipe, que atingiu a ilha em 1928.
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Tradução | Translation

O significado da palavra “wrath”, em negrito, é:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

“Them”, em negrito, se refere a:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
UFAM 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA sobre o texto anterior:

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
90% da população de Barbuda ficou desabrigada em virtude da passagem do furacão Irma.
1000 pessoas ficaram feridas em Barbuda em consequência da passagem do furacão Irma
Barbuda teve 90% de sua população morta por causa da passagem do furacão Irma
Barbuda foi a primeira ilha a sentir a força do furacão Irma, que deixou 50% da população desabrigada.
O furacão Irma quase não atingiu Barbuda, 90% da ilha ficou intacta.