Questõesde UEAP sobre Inglês

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UEAP 2009 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Ainda tendo o artigo como referência, pode-se afirmar que:

Earth on its way to the ICU

    There’s no way to deny it anymore. It has been proven through a report from the UN (United Nations) that, yes, it was man who made the Earth sick. And even if now the world, diagnosed, decides to reduce the damage that our presence here causes (which is not very likely) and decides to promote an extreme change in the economical structures, the Earth, still at that, will have its fever raised in 1.1◦C this century. Is that bad? But it is still bearable. Now if nothing is done, the world must prepare for a new class of refugees: the climatic. A heating of up to 6◦C would be forecasted. To have an idea, the Earth was only 5◦C colder in the Ice Age, which put an end to the Dinosaur Age. If the “dinos” couldn’t handle the shock, who’d think the humans would. Humans?

    It is most probable, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes, that the Earth will be warmed 3◦C, which will cause phenomena such as thawing, hurricanes, droughts and tempests. The sea level, according to the report, may rise between 18 and 59 centimeters, making cities below sea level disappear.

     In Brazil, the greatest impact would be on the Northeast, which could become a semi-desert. The Amazon would suffer due to lack of rain, affecting the entire rainforest, losing biodiversity. On the other hand, the intensity of the rain would impact the South-east. To the UN, The world must do the impossible to stagnate the intensity of the fever, so that the temperature increase does not exceed 2◦C. The warning has been given.

Autora: Sonia Racy
Artigo extraído da Revista, TAM magazine, Ano 4, Número 37, Março 2007. 
Os dinossauros não desapareceram em razão do advento da Era do Gelo.
A Terra, na Era do Gelo, apresentava as mesmas condições climáticas atuais.
A ONU não acredita que o homem é o responsável pela mudança climática.
Mesmo se decidirmos promover mudanças radicais em nossas culturas, ainda assim, a febre deve aumentar em 1.1°C neste século.
O nível do mar pode diminuir de 18 a 59 centímetros nos próximos anos.
UEAP 2009 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Qual o único fenômeno climático que não deve ocorrer em nosso planeta, de acordo com o relatório da Organização das Nações Unidas?

Earth on its way to the ICU

    There’s no way to deny it anymore. It has been proven through a report from the UN (United Nations) that, yes, it was man who made the Earth sick. And even if now the world, diagnosed, decides to reduce the damage that our presence here causes (which is not very likely) and decides to promote an extreme change in the economical structures, the Earth, still at that, will have its fever raised in 1.1◦C this century. Is that bad? But it is still bearable. Now if nothing is done, the world must prepare for a new class of refugees: the climatic. A heating of up to 6◦C would be forecasted. To have an idea, the Earth was only 5◦C colder in the Ice Age, which put an end to the Dinosaur Age. If the “dinos” couldn’t handle the shock, who’d think the humans would. Humans?

    It is most probable, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes, that the Earth will be warmed 3◦C, which will cause phenomena such as thawing, hurricanes, droughts and tempests. The sea level, according to the report, may rise between 18 and 59 centimeters, making cities below sea level disappear.

     In Brazil, the greatest impact would be on the Northeast, which could become a semi-desert. The Amazon would suffer due to lack of rain, affecting the entire rainforest, losing biodiversity. On the other hand, the intensity of the rain would impact the South-east. To the UN, The world must do the impossible to stagnate the intensity of the fever, so that the temperature increase does not exceed 2◦C. The warning has been given.

Autora: Sonia Racy
Artigo extraído da Revista, TAM magazine, Ano 4, Número 37, Março 2007. 
Chuvas ácidas.
UEAP 2009 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a única alternativa abaixo que não foi mencionada no artigo.

Earth on its way to the ICU

    There’s no way to deny it anymore. It has been proven through a report from the UN (United Nations) that, yes, it was man who made the Earth sick. And even if now the world, diagnosed, decides to reduce the damage that our presence here causes (which is not very likely) and decides to promote an extreme change in the economical structures, the Earth, still at that, will have its fever raised in 1.1◦C this century. Is that bad? But it is still bearable. Now if nothing is done, the world must prepare for a new class of refugees: the climatic. A heating of up to 6◦C would be forecasted. To have an idea, the Earth was only 5◦C colder in the Ice Age, which put an end to the Dinosaur Age. If the “dinos” couldn’t handle the shock, who’d think the humans would. Humans?

    It is most probable, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes, that the Earth will be warmed 3◦C, which will cause phenomena such as thawing, hurricanes, droughts and tempests. The sea level, according to the report, may rise between 18 and 59 centimeters, making cities below sea level disappear.

     In Brazil, the greatest impact would be on the Northeast, which could become a semi-desert. The Amazon would suffer due to lack of rain, affecting the entire rainforest, losing biodiversity. On the other hand, the intensity of the rain would impact the South-east. To the UN, The world must do the impossible to stagnate the intensity of the fever, so that the temperature increase does not exceed 2◦C. The warning has been given.

Autora: Sonia Racy
Artigo extraído da Revista, TAM magazine, Ano 4, Número 37, Março 2007. 
A Amazônia sofreria com o excesso de chuvas.
Haverá no mundo uma nova classe de refugiados conhecida como: “os climáticos”.
O homem fez a terra adoecer, de acordo com o relatório das Nações Unidas.
Muitas cidades podem desaparecer.
O mundo tem de fazer o impossível para parar a intensidade da febre.
UEAP 2009 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Após a leitura do título do artigo “Earth on its way to the ICU”, o leitor deve concluir que a sigla “ICU” significa:

Earth on its way to the ICU

    There’s no way to deny it anymore. It has been proven through a report from the UN (United Nations) that, yes, it was man who made the Earth sick. And even if now the world, diagnosed, decides to reduce the damage that our presence here causes (which is not very likely) and decides to promote an extreme change in the economical structures, the Earth, still at that, will have its fever raised in 1.1◦C this century. Is that bad? But it is still bearable. Now if nothing is done, the world must prepare for a new class of refugees: the climatic. A heating of up to 6◦C would be forecasted. To have an idea, the Earth was only 5◦C colder in the Ice Age, which put an end to the Dinosaur Age. If the “dinos” couldn’t handle the shock, who’d think the humans would. Humans?

    It is most probable, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes, that the Earth will be warmed 3◦C, which will cause phenomena such as thawing, hurricanes, droughts and tempests. The sea level, according to the report, may rise between 18 and 59 centimeters, making cities below sea level disappear.

     In Brazil, the greatest impact would be on the Northeast, which could become a semi-desert. The Amazon would suffer due to lack of rain, affecting the entire rainforest, losing biodiversity. On the other hand, the intensity of the rain would impact the South-east. To the UN, The world must do the impossible to stagnate the intensity of the fever, so that the temperature increase does not exceed 2◦C. The warning has been given.

Autora: Sonia Racy
Artigo extraído da Revista, TAM magazine, Ano 4, Número 37, Março 2007. 
Unidade de Controle Internacional.
Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.
Unidade de Indícios de Crises.
Unidade de Correção Climática.
Unidade de Catástrofes Iminentes.
UEAP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com a autora Elisabeth Rosenthal, é correto afirmar:


Biggest Obstacle to Global Climate Deal May Be How to Pay for It

As world leaders struggle to hash out a new global climate deal by December, they face a hurdle perhaps more formidable than getting big polluters like the United States and China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: how to pay for the new accord. That money is needed to help fast-developing countries like India and Brazil convert to costly but cleaner technologies as they industrialize, as well as to assist the poorest countries in coping with the consequences of climate change, like droughts and rising seas. This financing is an essential part of any international climate agreement, negotiators and scientists say, because developing nations must curb the growth of their emissions if the world is to limit rising temperatures.
Based on calculations by the International Energy Agency for 2005 to 2030, 75 percent of the growth in energy demand will come from the developing world. Many developing countries have made it clear that they will not sign a treaty unless they get money to help them adapt to a warmer planet. Acknowledging that a new treaty needs unanimity for success, industrialized nations like the United States and those in Europe have agreed in principle to make such payments; they have already been written into the agreed-upon structure of the treaty, to be signed in Copenhagen in December. (…) At a United Nations summit meeting in New York on climate change and at the Group of 20 meetings in Pittsburgh last month, national leaders, including President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China, stressed the urgency of combating climate change. But they offered no new proposals for financing and put no new cash on the table.
Perhaps even more troublesome, the United Nations Adaptation Fund, which officially began operating in 2008 to help poor countries finance projects to blunt the effects of global warming, remains an empty shell, largely because rich nations have failed to come through with the donations they promised.
By Elisabeth Rosenthal
Published: October 14, 2009
Muitos economistas acreditam que cem bilhões de dólares por ano, até o ano de 2020, serão suficientes para resolver todos os problemas climáticos mundiais.
Dentre muitos economistas, alguns estimam que um trilhão de dólares será o valor aproximado do custo para o novo acordo climático global.
Os países em desenvolvimento temem perder a autonomia sobre suas áreas de preservação ambiental.
Os países industrializados acreditam que o acordo climático é irrelevante para a solução dos problemas ambientais.
Os países em desenvolvimento acreditam que preservam o meio-ambiente e estão menos propensos aos efeitos do aquecimento global, como secas e inundações.
UEAP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Tendo como referência o último parágrafo do texto, pode-se afirmar que a expressão “The United Nations Adaptation Fund...remains an empty shell”, corresponde melhor à seguinte idéia:


Biggest Obstacle to Global Climate Deal May Be How to Pay for It

As world leaders struggle to hash out a new global climate deal by December, they face a hurdle perhaps more formidable than getting big polluters like the United States and China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: how to pay for the new accord. That money is needed to help fast-developing countries like India and Brazil convert to costly but cleaner technologies as they industrialize, as well as to assist the poorest countries in coping with the consequences of climate change, like droughts and rising seas. This financing is an essential part of any international climate agreement, negotiators and scientists say, because developing nations must curb the growth of their emissions if the world is to limit rising temperatures.
Based on calculations by the International Energy Agency for 2005 to 2030, 75 percent of the growth in energy demand will come from the developing world. Many developing countries have made it clear that they will not sign a treaty unless they get money to help them adapt to a warmer planet. Acknowledging that a new treaty needs unanimity for success, industrialized nations like the United States and those in Europe have agreed in principle to make such payments; they have already been written into the agreed-upon structure of the treaty, to be signed in Copenhagen in December. (…) At a United Nations summit meeting in New York on climate change and at the Group of 20 meetings in Pittsburgh last month, national leaders, including President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China, stressed the urgency of combating climate change. But they offered no new proposals for financing and put no new cash on the table.
Perhaps even more troublesome, the United Nations Adaptation Fund, which officially began operating in 2008 to help poor countries finance projects to blunt the effects of global warming, remains an empty shell, largely because rich nations have failed to come through with the donations they promised.
By Elisabeth Rosenthal
Published: October 14, 2009
Não há grandes valores depositados no Fundo de Adaptação das Nações Unidas.
Há grandes valores depositados no Fundo de Adaptação das Nações Unidas.
O Fundo de Adaptação das Nações Unidas é considerado uma colcha de retalhos pelos países pobres.
O Fundo de Adaptação das Nações Unidas foi criado e encerrado no mesmo ano.
Os países pobres são os que mais contribuíram com o Fundo de Adaptação das Nações Unidas em 2008.
UEAP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Após a leitura do texto, não se pode concluir:


Biggest Obstacle to Global Climate Deal May Be How to Pay for It

As world leaders struggle to hash out a new global climate deal by December, they face a hurdle perhaps more formidable than getting big polluters like the United States and China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: how to pay for the new accord. That money is needed to help fast-developing countries like India and Brazil convert to costly but cleaner technologies as they industrialize, as well as to assist the poorest countries in coping with the consequences of climate change, like droughts and rising seas. This financing is an essential part of any international climate agreement, negotiators and scientists say, because developing nations must curb the growth of their emissions if the world is to limit rising temperatures.
Based on calculations by the International Energy Agency for 2005 to 2030, 75 percent of the growth in energy demand will come from the developing world. Many developing countries have made it clear that they will not sign a treaty unless they get money to help them adapt to a warmer planet. Acknowledging that a new treaty needs unanimity for success, industrialized nations like the United States and those in Europe have agreed in principle to make such payments; they have already been written into the agreed-upon structure of the treaty, to be signed in Copenhagen in December. (…) At a United Nations summit meeting in New York on climate change and at the Group of 20 meetings in Pittsburgh last month, national leaders, including President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China, stressed the urgency of combating climate change. But they offered no new proposals for financing and put no new cash on the table.
Perhaps even more troublesome, the United Nations Adaptation Fund, which officially began operating in 2008 to help poor countries finance projects to blunt the effects of global warming, remains an empty shell, largely because rich nations have failed to come through with the donations they promised.
By Elisabeth Rosenthal
Published: October 14, 2009
Negociadores e cientistas reforçam que o financiamento é uma parte essencial de qualquer acordo climático internacional.
Os países mais pobres necessitam de assistência para lidar com as conseqüências das mudanças climáticas.
O novo acordo climático global deverá ser assinado em Copenhague, até dezembro, pelos principais líderes mundiais.
Os presidentes Obama e Hu Jintao concordam com a urgente necessidade de combater as mudanças climáticas.
No período de 2005 a 2030, cálculos estimam que haverá um crescimento de 75% na demanda energética proveniente do mundo desenvolvido.
UEAP 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marque a alternativa que confirma a idéia principal do texto.


Biggest Obstacle to Global Climate Deal May Be How to Pay for It

As world leaders struggle to hash out a new global climate deal by December, they face a hurdle perhaps more formidable than getting big polluters like the United States and China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: how to pay for the new accord. That money is needed to help fast-developing countries like India and Brazil convert to costly but cleaner technologies as they industrialize, as well as to assist the poorest countries in coping with the consequences of climate change, like droughts and rising seas. This financing is an essential part of any international climate agreement, negotiators and scientists say, because developing nations must curb the growth of their emissions if the world is to limit rising temperatures.
Based on calculations by the International Energy Agency for 2005 to 2030, 75 percent of the growth in energy demand will come from the developing world. Many developing countries have made it clear that they will not sign a treaty unless they get money to help them adapt to a warmer planet. Acknowledging that a new treaty needs unanimity for success, industrialized nations like the United States and those in Europe have agreed in principle to make such payments; they have already been written into the agreed-upon structure of the treaty, to be signed in Copenhagen in December. (…) At a United Nations summit meeting in New York on climate change and at the Group of 20 meetings in Pittsburgh last month, national leaders, including President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China, stressed the urgency of combating climate change. But they offered no new proposals for financing and put no new cash on the table.
Perhaps even more troublesome, the United Nations Adaptation Fund, which officially began operating in 2008 to help poor countries finance projects to blunt the effects of global warming, remains an empty shell, largely because rich nations have failed to come through with the donations they promised.
By Elisabeth Rosenthal
Published: October 14, 2009
Devido à urgência em combater as mudanças climáticas, os países industrializados apressaram-se em propor ajuda financeira aos países em desenvolvimento para que seja possível a diminuição de gases causadores do efeito estufa.
Os países industrializados afirmaram que não irão assinar o acordo sobre mudanças climáticas, uma vez que os países em desenvolvimento ainda não deixaram clara sua posição em relação ao acordo.
Muitos países em desenvolvimento afirmaram que não irão assinar o acordo sobre mudanças climáticas, a não ser que recebam ajuda financeira dos países industrializados.
Apesar da urgência em combater as mudanças climáticas, os países industrializados descartaram a idéia de ajudar financeiramente os países em desenvolvimento, pois não consideram justo arcar com os altos custos do acordo para reduzir a emissão de gases causadores do efeito estufa.
Os países em desenvolvimento aceitaram assinar o acordo sobre mudanças climáticas, uma vez que os países industrializados honraram o compromisso firmado e realizaram as doações financeiras prometidas.