Questõesde UEA sobre Inglês

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UEA 2018 - Inglês

In the excerpt from the third paragraph “The scientists also found that even the lowest impact by meat and dairy products may cause much more environmental harm”, the underlined word can be replaced, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by the word

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Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest
way to reduce your impact on Earth 

    Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet.
      The new research, published in the journal Science, shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to cattle farming is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.
     The new analysis shows that while meat and dairy products provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, they use the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produce 60% of farming greenhouse gas emissions. Other recent research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans. The scientists also found that even the lowest impact by meat and dairy products may cause much more environmental harm than the least sustainable vegetable and cereal growing.

(Damian Carrington., 31.05.2018. Adaptado.)
have to.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the third paragraph “they use the vast majority”, the underlined word refers to

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Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest
way to reduce your impact on Earth 

    Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet.
      The new research, published in the journal Science, shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to cattle farming is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.
     The new analysis shows that while meat and dairy products provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, they use the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produce 60% of farming greenhouse gas emissions. Other recent research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans. The scientists also found that even the lowest impact by meat and dairy products may cause much more environmental harm than the least sustainable vegetable and cereal growing.

(Damian Carrington., 31.05.2018. Adaptado.)
83% of farmland.
meat and dairy products.
greenhouse gas emissions.
the new analysis.
18% of calories.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, a extinção em massa da vida selvagem

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Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest
way to reduce your impact on Earth 

    Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet.
      The new research, published in the journal Science, shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to cattle farming is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.
     The new analysis shows that while meat and dairy products provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, they use the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produce 60% of farming greenhouse gas emissions. Other recent research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans. The scientists also found that even the lowest impact by meat and dairy products may cause much more environmental harm than the least sustainable vegetable and cereal growing.

(Damian Carrington., 31.05.2018. Adaptado.)
já aconteceu nos Estados Unidos, China, União Europeia e Austrália.
é causada, sobretudo, pela ocupação de áreas selvagens pela pecuária.
está aumentando e pode chegar a 75% das espécies.
foi pesquisada por cientistas que trabalham na revista Science.
ocorre, principalmente, devido à caça de animais para a alimentação.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto afirma que, para diminuir o impacto ambiental no nosso planeta, é preciso

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Avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest
way to reduce your impact on Earth 

    Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet.
      The new research, published in the journal Science, shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to cattle farming is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.
     The new analysis shows that while meat and dairy products provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, they use the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and produce 60% of farming greenhouse gas emissions. Other recent research shows 86% of all land mammals are now livestock or humans. The scientists also found that even the lowest impact by meat and dairy products may cause much more environmental harm than the least sustainable vegetable and cereal growing.

(Damian Carrington., 31.05.2018. Adaptado.)
evitar o consumo de carne e de laticínios.
equilibrar a agricultura e a pecuária.
controlar a proliferação de mamíferos.
recuperar a biodiversidade vegetal das florestas.
substituir as proteínas vegetais em nossa alimentação.
UEA 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the fourth paragraph “without penetrating them”, the underlined word refers to

Wood wide web: trees’ social networks are mapped 

    Research has shown that beneath every forest and wood there is a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria helping to connect trees and plants to one another. This subterranean social network, nearly 500 million years old, has become known as the “wood wide web”. Now, an international study has produced the first global map of the “mycorrhizal fungi networks” dominating this secretive world.

    Using machine-learning, researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Stanford University in the US used the database of the Global Forest Initiative, which covers 1.2 million forest tree plots with 28,000 species, from more than 70 countries. Using millions of direct observations of trees and their symbiotic associations on the ground, the researchers could build models from the bottom up to visualise these fungal networks for the first time. Prof Thomas Crowther, one of the authors of the report, told the BBC, “It’s the first time that we’ve been able to understand the world beneath our feet, but at a global scale.”

    The research reveals how important mycorrhizal networks are to limiting climate change — and how vulnerable they are to the effects of it. “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work,” said Prof Crowther. “What we find is that certain types of microorganisms live in certain parts of the world, and by understanding that we can figure out how to restore different types of ecosystems and also how the climate is changing.” Losing chunks of the wood wide web could well increase “the feedback loop of warming temperatures and carbon emissions.”

    Mycorrhizal fungi are those that form a symbiotic relationship with plants. There are two main groups of mycorrhizal fungi: arbuscular fungi (AM) that penetrate the host’s roots, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) which surround the tree’s roots without penetrating them.

                                                (Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

main groups.
ectomycorrhizal fungi.
arbuscular fungi.
tree’s roots.
mycorrhizal fungi.
UEA 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O trecho do terceiro parágrafo “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work” estabelece uma relação de

Wood wide web: trees’ social networks are mapped 

    Research has shown that beneath every forest and wood there is a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria helping to connect trees and plants to one another. This subterranean social network, nearly 500 million years old, has become known as the “wood wide web”. Now, an international study has produced the first global map of the “mycorrhizal fungi networks” dominating this secretive world.

    Using machine-learning, researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Stanford University in the US used the database of the Global Forest Initiative, which covers 1.2 million forest tree plots with 28,000 species, from more than 70 countries. Using millions of direct observations of trees and their symbiotic associations on the ground, the researchers could build models from the bottom up to visualise these fungal networks for the first time. Prof Thomas Crowther, one of the authors of the report, told the BBC, “It’s the first time that we’ve been able to understand the world beneath our feet, but at a global scale.”

    The research reveals how important mycorrhizal networks are to limiting climate change — and how vulnerable they are to the effects of it. “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work,” said Prof Crowther. “What we find is that certain types of microorganisms live in certain parts of the world, and by understanding that we can figure out how to restore different types of ecosystems and also how the climate is changing.” Losing chunks of the wood wide web could well increase “the feedback loop of warming temperatures and carbon emissions.”

    Mycorrhizal fungi are those that form a symbiotic relationship with plants. There are two main groups of mycorrhizal fungi: arbuscular fungi (AM) that penetrate the host’s roots, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) which surround the tree’s roots without penetrating them.

                                                (Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

causa e efeito.
UEA 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o segundo e o terceiro parágrafos, os pesquisadores

Wood wide web: trees’ social networks are mapped 

    Research has shown that beneath every forest and wood there is a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria helping to connect trees and plants to one another. This subterranean social network, nearly 500 million years old, has become known as the “wood wide web”. Now, an international study has produced the first global map of the “mycorrhizal fungi networks” dominating this secretive world.

    Using machine-learning, researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Stanford University in the US used the database of the Global Forest Initiative, which covers 1.2 million forest tree plots with 28,000 species, from more than 70 countries. Using millions of direct observations of trees and their symbiotic associations on the ground, the researchers could build models from the bottom up to visualise these fungal networks for the first time. Prof Thomas Crowther, one of the authors of the report, told the BBC, “It’s the first time that we’ve been able to understand the world beneath our feet, but at a global scale.”

    The research reveals how important mycorrhizal networks are to limiting climate change — and how vulnerable they are to the effects of it. “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work,” said Prof Crowther. “What we find is that certain types of microorganisms live in certain parts of the world, and by understanding that we can figure out how to restore different types of ecosystems and also how the climate is changing.” Losing chunks of the wood wide web could well increase “the feedback loop of warming temperatures and carbon emissions.”

    Mycorrhizal fungi are those that form a symbiotic relationship with plants. There are two main groups of mycorrhizal fungi: arbuscular fungi (AM) that penetrate the host’s roots, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) which surround the tree’s roots without penetrating them.

                                                (Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

perceberam que as espécies de animais e vegetais formam um todo simbiótico.
identificaram 28 mil espécies de fungos e bactérias nas florestas estudadas.
utilizaram informações da Global Forest Initiative, que abrange florestas de mais de 70 países.
relataram que o mundo subterrâneo de microrganismos e raízes cria grupos de árvores do mesmo tipo.
criaram um mapa das florestas, identificando as espécies de árvores e animais que se comunicam.
UEA 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, a “wood wide web”, conhecida como a “internet das florestas”, corresponde

Wood wide web: trees’ social networks are mapped 

    Research has shown that beneath every forest and wood there is a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria helping to connect trees and plants to one another. This subterranean social network, nearly 500 million years old, has become known as the “wood wide web”. Now, an international study has produced the first global map of the “mycorrhizal fungi networks” dominating this secretive world.

    Using machine-learning, researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Stanford University in the US used the database of the Global Forest Initiative, which covers 1.2 million forest tree plots with 28,000 species, from more than 70 countries. Using millions of direct observations of trees and their symbiotic associations on the ground, the researchers could build models from the bottom up to visualise these fungal networks for the first time. Prof Thomas Crowther, one of the authors of the report, told the BBC, “It’s the first time that we’ve been able to understand the world beneath our feet, but at a global scale.”

    The research reveals how important mycorrhizal networks are to limiting climate change — and how vulnerable they are to the effects of it. “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work,” said Prof Crowther. “What we find is that certain types of microorganisms live in certain parts of the world, and by understanding that we can figure out how to restore different types of ecosystems and also how the climate is changing.” Losing chunks of the wood wide web could well increase “the feedback loop of warming temperatures and carbon emissions.”

    Mycorrhizal fungi are those that form a symbiotic relationship with plants. There are two main groups of mycorrhizal fungi: arbuscular fungi (AM) that penetrate the host’s roots, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) which surround the tree’s roots without penetrating them.

                                                (Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

ao sistema de nutrição das árvores por meio da decomposição de matéria orgânica por fungos e bactérias.
ao conjunto de fungos e bactérias que se desenvolvem como parasitas das árvores.
à rede de microrganismos nocivos que pode acelerar a devastação das florestas.
à maneira secreta de sobrevivência encontrada pelos fungos e bactérias em um ambiente florestal hostil.
a uma trama entre raízes, fungos e bactérias que promove conexões entre os vegetais da floresta.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the fourth paragraph “without penetrating them”, the underlined word refers to

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(Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

main groups.
ectomycorrhizal fungi.
arbuscular fungi.
tree’s roots.
mycorrhizal fungi.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O trecho do terceiro parágrafo “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work” estabelece uma relação de

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(Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

causa e efeito.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o segundo e o terceiro parágrafos, os pesquisadores

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(Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

perceberam que as espécies de animais e vegetais formam um todo simbiótico.
identificaram 28 mil espécies de fungos e bactérias nas florestas estudadas.
utilizaram informações da Global Forest Initiative, que abrange florestas de mais de 70 países.
relataram que o mundo subterrâneo de microrganismos e raízes cria grupos de árvores do mesmo tipo.
criaram um mapa das florestas, identificando as espécies de árvores e animais que se comunicam.
UEA 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, a “wood wide web”, conhecida como a “internet das florestas”, corresponde

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(Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

ao sistema de nutrição das árvores por meio da decomposição de matéria orgânica por fungos e bactérias.
ao conjunto de fungos e bactérias que se desenvolvem como parasitas das árvores.
à rede de microrganismos nocivos que pode acelerar a devastação das florestas.
à maneira secreta de sobrevivência encontrada pelos fungos e bactérias em um ambiente florestal hostil.
a uma trama entre raízes, fungos e bactérias que promove conexões entre os vegetais da floresta.
UEA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto,

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder a questão.

    Maues – City of Guarana

    Maues is one of the most beautiful cities in the Amazon; known as the Guarana city, it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – Maues Summer Festival and The Guarana Festival. Its early inhabitants, the Mundurucus and Maues Indians, used to grow the Guarana fruit, which is the basis for the well-known Brazilian soft drink.
   The word Maues means “talking parrots” and comes from one of the Indian tribes in the region. Maues has 22,000 inhabitants, with other 20,000 natives scattered over 140 villages along rivers in the region. Maues is located on the Maues-Açu River and it can be reached 12 Manaus – 267 km away – by regional boat in 18 hours, by fast boat in 7 hours or by plane in 1 hour
    Maues is an ideal starting point for adventure, including a visit to the Amana Waterfall, or to old gold mines, caves, and the jungle – with local Indian guides. Tourists may also visit the Uraira reserve.
( Adaptado.)
o nome da cidade de Maués tem origem indígena.
Maués produz diariamente milhares de garrafas do refrigerante Guaraná.
há muitos papagaios nas praias de Maués.
no Festival de Verão de Maués, o consumo de Guaraná é imenso.
Maués é uma cidade litorânea, com belas praias.
UEA 2012 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

A lacuna do texto pode ser corretamente preenchida por

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    Maues – City of Guarana

    Maues is one of the most beautiful cities in the Amazon; known as the Guarana city, it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – Maues Summer Festival and The Guarana Festival. Its early inhabitants, the Mundurucus and Maues Indians, used to grow the Guarana fruit, which is the basis for the well-known Brazilian soft drink.
   The word Maues means “talking parrots” and comes from one of the Indian tribes in the region. Maues has 22,000 inhabitants, with other 20,000 natives scattered over 140 villages along rivers in the region. Maues is located on the Maues-Açu River and it can be reached 12 Manaus – 267 km away – by regional boat in 18 hours, by fast boat in 7 hours or by plane in 1 hour
    Maues is an ideal starting point for adventure, including a visit to the Amana Waterfall, or to old gold mines, caves, and the jungle – with local Indian guides. Tourists may also visit the Uraira reserve.
( Adaptado.)
UEA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – a palavra em destaque (it) refere-se a

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder a questão.

    Maues – City of Guarana

    Maues is one of the most beautiful cities in the Amazon; known as the Guarana city, it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – Maues Summer Festival and The Guarana Festival. Its early inhabitants, the Mundurucus and Maues Indians, used to grow the Guarana fruit, which is the basis for the well-known Brazilian soft drink.
   The word Maues means “talking parrots” and comes from one of the Indian tribes in the region. Maues has 22,000 inhabitants, with other 20,000 natives scattered over 140 villages along rivers in the region. Maues is located on the Maues-Açu River and it can be reached 12 Manaus – 267 km away – by regional boat in 18 hours, by fast boat in 7 hours or by plane in 1 hour
    Maues is an ideal starting point for adventure, including a visit to the Amana Waterfall, or to old gold mines, caves, and the jungle – with local Indian guides. Tourists may also visit the Uraira reserve.
( Adaptado.)
Summer Festival.
UEA 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto permite concluir que

Instrução: Leia o texto para responder a questão.

    Maues – City of Guarana

    Maues is one of the most beautiful cities in the Amazon; known as the Guarana city, it has beautiful sandy beaches and holds two famous festivals – Maues Summer Festival and The Guarana Festival. Its early inhabitants, the Mundurucus and Maues Indians, used to grow the Guarana fruit, which is the basis for the well-known Brazilian soft drink.
   The word Maues means “talking parrots” and comes from one of the Indian tribes in the region. Maues has 22,000 inhabitants, with other 20,000 natives scattered over 140 villages along rivers in the region. Maues is located on the Maues-Açu River and it can be reached 12 Manaus – 267 km away – by regional boat in 18 hours, by fast boat in 7 hours or by plane in 1 hour
    Maues is an ideal starting point for adventure, including a visit to the Amana Waterfall, or to old gold mines, caves, and the jungle – with local Indian guides. Tourists may also visit the Uraira reserve.
( Adaptado.)
é possível ir de Manaus a Maués de carro ou ônibus.
há diversos bairros indígenas em Maués.
a Cachoeira Amaná faz parte da reserva de Uraira.
alguns indígenas da região atuam como guias turísticos.
a mineração de ouro é uma atividade importante em Maués.
UEA 2014 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

No trecho do quarto parágrafo “When he came back a few weeks later”, a palavra “weeks” é precedida por “a few” para indicar quantidade. Uma outra palavra que também pode ser precedida por “a few”, para indicar quantidade, é

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       Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well.
       But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a
month before I go.”
       He studied very hard for a month, and then 10 holidays began and he went to Greece.
       When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
       “No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”

                                          (L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)

UEA 2014 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Presente simples | Simple present

A primeira frase do texto poderia ser expressa no presente, sem alterar o sentido do texto, como

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       Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well.
       But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a
month before I go.”
       He studied very hard for a month, and then 10 holidays began and he went to Greece.
       When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
       “No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”

                                          (L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)

Mr. Day is a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England.
Mr. Day were a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England.
Mr. Day has a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England.
Mr. Day had a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England.
Mr. Day is going to be a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England.
UEA 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O texto permite concluir que Mr. Day

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       Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well.
       But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a
month before I go.”
       He studied very hard for a month, and then 10 holidays began and he went to Greece.
       When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
       “No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”

                                          (L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)

falava grego melhor que francês ou alemão.
fez um curso noturno quando esteve em Atenas.
era professor de francês e alemão.
estudou grego durante muitos anos.
não conseguiu se fazer entender pelos gregos.
UEA 2014 - Inglês - Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing

A palavra que completa corretamente a lacuna numerada no texto é

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       Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well.
       But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a
month before I go.”
       He studied very hard for a month, and then 10 holidays began and he went to Greece.
       When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
       “No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”

                                          (L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)
