Questõessobre Pronomes | Pronouns

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UEM 2012 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Pronomes | Pronouns

According to the text it is correct to affirm that

the words “emissions” (line 8), “consumption” (line 9), “production” (line 16), “completion” (line 18), and “performance” (line 36) are all nouns which respectively derive from the words “emit”, “consume”, “product”, “complete”, “perform” and “maintain” which are all verbs.


When superyacht chic meets hybrid technology

By Eoghan Macguire, for CNNAutor

(Disponível em: <>. Acessado em: 16/05/2012)

UEPB 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

The pronoun ‘who’ in the last line of text A refers to:


All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
IFF 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Nas frases a seguir, observe os sujeitos em destaque. Em seguida, verifique qual a sequência correta dos pronomes pessoais que podem substituí-los.

I- My cousin and my sister are students.
II- John likes to swim.
III- Mary buys a dictionary every year.
IV- Peter and I travel to the beach.
V- My cat drinks milk every day.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

They, she, it, he, you.
He, she, it, we, they.
It, we, you, he, it.
They, he, she, we, it.
She, they, he, it, you.
IF-MT 2017 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Quanto aos referentes do texto, analise as frases e os referentes em destaque para assinalar a opção correta:



Charles Spence and Jozef Youssef

This may seem a little ridiculous [...] (L. 19) – “This” refere-se as vasilhas pequenas.
[...] try using other creative ways to enjoy interacting with your food, [...] (L. 21) – “your” refere-se à comida.
[...] we tend to find very little to agree with [...] (L.01) – “we” refere-se aos autores do texto.
[...] many people don’t even use their dining space at home, [...] (L. 27-28) - “their” refere-se as salas de jantar.
[...] even when we know they are the same. (L.12 - 13) – “they” - refere-se as pesquisas recentes.
IF-RS 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

The pronouns they (line 01), their (line 03), it (line 07) and they (line 11) respectively correspond to

 Answer questions according to the text below.

Adapted from: <>

Acessed on: August 22nd, 2017.

Terrorists – terrorists – a natural phenomenon – civilians.
Terrorists – scholars – a natural phenomenon – civilians.
The causes of terrorism – scholars – terrorism – terrorists.
Terrorists – scholars – a natural phenomenon – civilians.
The causes of terrorism – terrorists – terrorism – terrorists
UNEB 2018 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

“The increase is due in part to improved protections against poaching in some areas, although that remains an ever-present threat.” (l. 6-7)

The pronoun that in this sentence refers to

lack of effective protection measures.
poverty problems in Asian countries
uncontrolled growth of the tiger population.
illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals.
on-sustainable methods of population growth.
UFVJM-MG 2016 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

No trecho “instead of their own country´s flag or national anthem” (linhas 4 e 5), o pronome possessivo “their” refere-se

Refugee team to compete at Olympics in Rio

Fonte: Acesso: 07/03/2016

a hino nacional.
a atletas olímpicos.
a atletas refugiados.
à população brasileira.
IF-RR 2016 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Pronomes | Pronouns

O pronome THEIR destacado no terceiro parágrafo refere-se a:

Facebook and Google Are Going To War Against Hate Speech
Offending posts will be deleted within 24 hours

   Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft have agreed to work with European officials to crack down on hateful speech published on their respective platforms. Each company has agreed to review potentially problematic posts and remove offending content within 24 hours. 
   “The recent terror attacks have reminded us of the urgent need to address illegal online hate speech,” Vĕra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, said in a joint statement from the European Commission and the participating companies. “Social media is unfortunately one of the tools that terrorist groups use to radicalize young people and racist use to spread violence and hatred.”
     The new partnership comes after Facebook, Twitter, and Google agreed to erase hate speech from their platforms within 24 hours in Germany, an attempt to address racism following the refugee crisis. That agreement, which Reuters reported last year, also made it easier for individual users to report hateful speech.
     Under the new code of conduct, technology companies will have clear rules in place for reviewing content that may be deemed malicious or hateful. The document also says the companies should be responsible for educating their users on the types of content that are disallowed.
      Tech companies assure that the recently announced code of conduct won’t interfere with freedom of speech. “We remain committed to letting the Tweets flow,” Karen White, Twitter’s head of public policy for Europe, said in the statement. “However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate.”
(Time Magazine, May 31, 2016)

Glossary: hate speech – discurso de ódio; to agree: concordar; to erase: apagar; partnership – parceria. 
Facebook, Twitter and Google
24 hours
Refugee crisis
New partnership
IF-TM 2011 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Its in the sentence: “if this disease isn‟t checked in its early stages, it can be fatal”, refers to:

      There is a crippling disease that no amount of medical research can cure, no amount of fundraising can prevent – a disease most often transmitted from parent to child.
          If this disease isn‟t checked in its early stages, it can be fatal. The disease is called racism. Its early symptom is the belief that one‟s racial group is somehow superior to others. This can lead to a mentality of “we” versus “them”. In advanced stages, the symptoms of racism are violence, death and destruction. The causes are fear of the foreign (xenophobia), intolerance of diversity and negative attitudes toward Jews and other minorities.
      A cure, however, exists. It‟s a non-surgical change of heart. It takes time, effort and understanding, compassion and respect.
Institute for the Healing of Racism, Utah.
Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 83.
Unimontes - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

No trecho “They found the brains of those with psychopathic traits were wired to value immediate reward, while not considering long-term consequences.” (linhas 33-34), o pronome “they” substitui:

Psychopaths can’t tell if a person is genuinely sad or afraid, study suggests

Fonte: GANDER, Kashmira. Psychopaths can’t tell if a person is genuinely sad or afraid, study sugests. Disponível em:<>. Publicado em: 8 março 2018. Acesso em: 14 out. 2018.
Fifty prisoners.
Psychopathic traits.
Harvard University researchers.
UEFS 2011 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

“the kind of people who already buy Blackberry phones.” (l. 8)

The pronoun “who”, in this sentence, can be correctly replaced by


BlackBerry announces iPad rival
        29 September 2010

GREGORY, Mark. BlackBerry announces iPad rival. Disponível em:<>.Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.
IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

As referências dos pronomes its e which, destacados no 3º parágrafo, são, respectivamente:

Texto para a questão.

These Are The Laziest Countries In The World, According To The United Nations By Bernadette Deron Published September 6, 2018

The World Health Organization had hoped to reduce inactivity 10 percent by 2025, but these numbers don't bode well for that goal.
The World Health Organization (WHO) — the agency of the United Nations concerned with international public health — published a report in The Lancet Global Health on Sept. 5 that outlines which nations get the most (and the least) amount of exercise.

Details Of The Study
The survey of 168 nations ranked the countries by most to least active by measuring the exercise habits of a given percentage of each country’s population and then comparing that percentage with those samples of the other countries involved in the study. The WHO defines enough exercise as at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderately intense activity per week — or any combination of the two. The WHO analyzed statistics and trends across different economic backgrounds, and between genders.

The Laziest Countries
Overall, there were only four counties in the world where more than 50 percent of the population did not get enough exercise: Kuwait, Iraq, American Samoa, and Saudi Arabia. So these four countries are effectively the “laziest” in the world. Ultimately the nation with the least amount of physical activity was Kuwait, with 67 percent of its adults not exercising enough.
Other nations towards the bottom of this list were the United States, which ranked 143rd out of 168 countries. A whopping 40 percent of the U.S.’s population doesn’t get enough exercise — meaning approximately 130 million Americans can’t manage to get 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week. The U.K. also ranked fairly inactive, with only 35.9 percent of their population getting the proper amount. Other more inactive countries included Brazil, with 47 percent, the Philippines with 39.7 percent, Singapore with 36.5 percent, and India with 34 percent of the population not getting enough exercise.
The Most Active Nations
In Uganda, only about five percent of their sample population did not exercise enough. China also displayed high rates of activity, with just 14.1 percent of their sample population not getting sufficient exercise. Other fairly active countries included Mozambique, with just over five percent, as well as Myanmar, with around 10 percent of their population insufficiently active.

Surprising Trends
According to their survey results, women tended to get less exercise than men, with an overall eight percent difference between the two. The report states:
“In 159 of 168 countries, prevalence of insufficient physical activity was lower in men than in women, with a difference of at least 10 percentage points in 65 countries, and a difference of more than 20 percentage points in nine countries: Barbados, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Palau, Iraq, Bangladesh, Trinidad and Tobago, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.” 
The organization also noted some interesting trends across different economic backgrounds. Generally, people in poorer countries tended to be more than twice as active as richer ones. The report explains that this trend could be related to the fact that those with higher incomes tend to have “more sedentary occupations” and that greater access to automobile transportation results in lesser physical activity.
After pooling all of the data together, the WHO found that one in four adults the world over does not get enough exercise — which is a pretty jarring statistic. “This puts more than 1.4 billion adults at risk of developing or exacerbating diseases linked to inactivity, and needs to be urgently addressed,” the report states.
The WHO had previously outlined a goal of lowering global inactivity by 10 percent by the year 2025, but considering the fact that these statistics have not differed much since 2001, the WHO estimates that their goal will likely not be met.

Disponível em: <> Acesso em 10 set. 2018
67 percent / the United States
Kuwait / the United States
the nation / Other nations
Kuwait / list
FATEC 2015 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

O pronome relativo whose, em negrito no terceiro parágrafo, refere-se a

Learn ‘n’ go

How quickly can people learn new skills?

Jan 25th 2014 – from the print edition

      In 2012, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee took a ride in one of Google’s driverless cars. The car’s performance, they report, was flawless, boring and, above all, “weird”. Only a few years earlier, “We were sure that computers would not be able to drive cars.” Only humans, they thought, could make sense of the countless, shifting patterns of driving a car – with oncoming1 traffic, changing lights and wayward2 jaywalkers3 .

      Machines have mastered driving. And not just driving. In ways that are only now becoming apparent, the authors argue, machines can forecast home prices, design beer bottles, teach at universities, grade exams and do countless other things better and more cheaply than humans. (…)

      This will have one principal good consequence, and one bad. The good is bounty4 . Households will spend less on groceries, utilities and clothing; the deaf will be able to hear, the blind to see. The bad is spread5 . The gap is growing between the lucky few whose abilities and skills are enhanced6 by technology, and the far more numerous middle-skilled people competing for the remaining7 jobs that machines cannot do, such as folding towels and waiting at tables. (…) People should develop skills that complement, rather than compete with computers, such as idea generation and complex communication. (…)

<>Acesso em: 27.07.2015. Adaptado.


1oncoming: iminente; próximo.

2wayward: desobediente; instável.

3jaywalker: pedestre imprudente.

4bounty: recompensa.

5spread: propagação; extensão.

6enhanced: aprimorado(a).

7remaining: remanescente.

the gap.
the lucky few.
IF-PE 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

O pronome they, destacado em negrito na linha 7 do TEXTO 6, refere-se ao termo



Mauritanian girls weave a straw rug. UN Photo/Jean Pierre Laffont

1 On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

4 The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

6 Adolescent girls have the right to a safe, educated, and healthy life, not only during these critical formative years, but also as they mature into women. If effectively supported during the adolescent years, girls have the potential to change the world – both as the empowered girls of today and as tomorrow’s workers, mothers, entrepreneurs, mentors, household heads, and political leaders. An investment in realising the power of adolescent girls upholds their rights today and promises a more equitable and prosperous future, one in which half of humanity is an equal partner in solving the problems of climate change, political conflict, economic growth, disease prevention, and global sustainability.

13 Over the last 15 years, the global community has made significant progress in improving the lives of girls during early childhood. In 2015, girls in the first decade of life are more likely to enrol in primary school, receive key vaccinations, and are less likely to suffer from health and nutrition problems than were previous generations. However, there has been insufficient investment in addressing the challenges girls face when they enter the second decade of their lives. This includes obtaining quality secondary and higher education, avoiding child marriage, receiving information and services related to puberty and reproductive health, and protecting themselves against unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease and gender-based violence.

21 As the global community launches the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for implementation over the next 15 years, it is a good time to recognise the achievements made in supporting young girls, while at the same time aspiring to support the current and upcoming generation of adolescent girls, to truly fulfil their potential as key actors in achieving a sustainable and equitable world.

UNITED NATIONS. International day of the girl child – 11 october: background. Disponível em: . Acesso: 09 out. 2017. Adaptado.

adolescent girls, na linha 6.
critical formative years, nas linhas 6 e 7.
challenges, na linha 4.
women, na linha 7.
human rights, na linha 5.
FATEC 2017 - Inglês - Orações Relativas e pronomes relativos | Relative clauses and relative pronouns, Pronomes | Pronouns

O pronome relativo that, em “that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians”, pode ser corretamente substituído, sem alteração do sentido original, por

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Here’s how long you can work before your brain 1shuts down

    I’m having a hard time starting this article. According to research out of the University of Melbourne, that might be because I’m middle-aged and work too much. Economists determined that burning the midnight oil makes you, well, dumber.” Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning,” they conclude.
    Tell us something we didn’t know. Who hasn’t, at the end of a seemingly endless workweek, found themselves staring blankly at their computer screen or into space unable to remember what they had for lunch, let alone form a coherent thought about the task at hand?
      For some employees, of course – the average resident 2 physician or, these days, that “3 gig economy” worker who makes ends meet by banging away at multiple projects – long hours are a fact of modern working life. And there’s a cost. Medical researchers have shown that working too much can affect employees’ physical and mental health.
      So how much is too much? For people age 40 and older, working up to roughly 25 hours per week boosts memory, the ability to quickly process information and other aspects of cognitive function, according to the study, which drew on a longitudinal survey that tracks the well-being of 6,000 Australians. Beyond 25 hours a week, the middle-aged brain doesn’t work as well, the study indicates, noting that the findings apply to both men and women.
<> Acesso em: 24.08.2016. Adaptado.

1to shut down: parar de operar/funcionar.
2physician: médico.
3gig economy: ambiente de trabalho baseado em empregos temporários e contratos de curta duração.
IFF 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

Observe as palavras grifadas nos trechos abaixo. Releia o texto atentamente e marque a alternativa em que a referência contextual está INCORRETA:

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

“As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month…” (its = the US).
“...Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama…” (his = Barack Obama).
“ help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change.” (which = the risks of flooding).
It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.” (it = hurricane).
“...but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse.” (it = climate change).
FATEC 2013 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

Os pronomes he e they presentes no último parágrafo do texto – he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process – substituem, respectivamente, os termos

Considere o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Tooth fairy quantum mechanics

The reason I can’t show you a Higgs boson1 is also the solution to a parental dilemma.
Posted by Jon Butterworth
Sunday 23 December 2012 18.36 GMT,

   I do sometimes get asked “If you’ve found a Higgs boson, can you show me a picture of it?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But the reason for this provides a resolution to a severe parental dilemma, and explains why I am in fact sometimes the tooth fairy. Bear with me.
  I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson, but I can show evidence for it, for example in the picture below. It shows the distribution (black dots) of the mass you get when you combine the energy and momenta2 of pairs of photons (particles of light) in the ATLAS detector. The bump shows that there are more of these photon pairs at masses corresponding to around 125 GeV than would be expected from the trend. This excess implies the existence of a particle at about this mass which decays to pairs of photons.

   The bump3 in this plot would not be there unless there were a new boson (credit, ATLAS experiment and CERN). The key is that even if I show you a collision event with a pair of photons which exactly gives the “Higgs mass”, i.e. at the top of that peak, it is still not possible to be sure that this exact pair of photons came from a Higgs boson. There may be several possible ways of producing a set of new particles from the incoming ones; but if the resulting set is identical, it is not physically meaningful to say which way occurred.
     Now, to the parental dilemma. It is especially acute at this time of year, but if you have children who are losing their milk teeth, it is ever-present. Is the tooth fairy real? What about Father Christmas? Do you spoil the fun or do you lie? Something in me hates the idea of lying to my kids, and undermining4 trust. Here’s my way out. Anything which has the same initial state (tooth) and final state (money) might in fact be an event in which a tooth fairy was present. To put it another way, anything which removes the tooth and delivers money shares such an essential property with a tooth fairy that it can be said to be one (anything removing both teeth and money is probably a dentist. Or possibly a mugger5 ). 
      By now, my son doesn’t believe a word of it of course. But in the early days it was the truth. We managed this transition without lies, betrayal and tears because actually, when tiptoeing into the bedroom with a shiny pound coin, I really am the tooth fairy. I am of course also at the same time Dad. This seemed to work, and now he’s older, it’s still fun. It’s not much of stretch to extend this to Father Christmas, and it also explains why sometimes Father Christmas uses the same wrapping paper as your parents - he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process.

( Acesso em: 26.08.2013. Adaptado)

1Higgs boson: partícula subatômica teórica que ficou conhecida publicamente após ter sido divulgada como a “partícula de Deus”. Sua existência é associada a pesquisas acerca da origem do universo.
( Acesso em 02.10.2013. Adaptado)
2momenta: plural de momentum – conceito físico associado à quantidade de movimento de uma partícula.
3bump: choque ou elevação.
4undermine: tornar algo gradativamente mais fraco, especialmente a confiança ou autoridade de alguém.
5mugger: assaltante.
wrapping paper e Father Christmas.
Father Christmas e parents.
wrapping paper e parents.
Dad e Father Christmas.
Dad e wrapping paper.
FATEC 2013 - Inglês - Orações Relativas e pronomes relativos | Relative clauses and relative pronouns, Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Pronomes | Pronouns

No segundo parágrafo do texto, o pronome relativo which em – I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson – pode ser substituído, mantendo-se a sentença gramaticalmente correta, por

Considere o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Tooth fairy quantum mechanics

The reason I can’t show you a Higgs boson1 is also the solution to a parental dilemma.
Posted by Jon Butterworth
Sunday 23 December 2012 18.36 GMT,

   I do sometimes get asked “If you’ve found a Higgs boson, can you show me a picture of it?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But the reason for this provides a resolution to a severe parental dilemma, and explains why I am in fact sometimes the tooth fairy. Bear with me.
  I can’t show you something which is definitely the new boson, but I can show evidence for it, for example in the picture below. It shows the distribution (black dots) of the mass you get when you combine the energy and momenta2 of pairs of photons (particles of light) in the ATLAS detector. The bump shows that there are more of these photon pairs at masses corresponding to around 125 GeV than would be expected from the trend. This excess implies the existence of a particle at about this mass which decays to pairs of photons.

   The bump3 in this plot would not be there unless there were a new boson (credit, ATLAS experiment and CERN). The key is that even if I show you a collision event with a pair of photons which exactly gives the “Higgs mass”, i.e. at the top of that peak, it is still not possible to be sure that this exact pair of photons came from a Higgs boson. There may be several possible ways of producing a set of new particles from the incoming ones; but if the resulting set is identical, it is not physically meaningful to say which way occurred.
     Now, to the parental dilemma. It is especially acute at this time of year, but if you have children who are losing their milk teeth, it is ever-present. Is the tooth fairy real? What about Father Christmas? Do you spoil the fun or do you lie? Something in me hates the idea of lying to my kids, and undermining4 trust. Here’s my way out. Anything which has the same initial state (tooth) and final state (money) might in fact be an event in which a tooth fairy was present. To put it another way, anything which removes the tooth and delivers money shares such an essential property with a tooth fairy that it can be said to be one (anything removing both teeth and money is probably a dentist. Or possibly a mugger5 ). 
      By now, my son doesn’t believe a word of it of course. But in the early days it was the truth. We managed this transition without lies, betrayal and tears because actually, when tiptoeing into the bedroom with a shiny pound coin, I really am the tooth fairy. I am of course also at the same time Dad. This seemed to work, and now he’s older, it’s still fun. It’s not much of stretch to extend this to Father Christmas, and it also explains why sometimes Father Christmas uses the same wrapping paper as your parents - he and they are, in a sense, indistinguishable quantum possibilities for the delivery process.

( Acesso em: 26.08.2013. Adaptado)

1Higgs boson: partícula subatômica teórica que ficou conhecida publicamente após ter sido divulgada como a “partícula de Deus”. Sua existência é associada a pesquisas acerca da origem do universo.
( Acesso em 02.10.2013. Adaptado)
2momenta: plural de momentum – conceito físico associado à quantidade de movimento de uma partícula.
3bump: choque ou elevação.
4undermine: tornar algo gradativamente mais fraco, especialmente a confiança ou autoridade de alguém.
5mugger: assaltante.
UEMG 2010 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

In the sentence “Environmentalists have been working on restoring the populations of oysters by reseeding certain reefs to boost their numbers”, environmentalists and the populations of oysters can be respectively substituted by the pronouns

The Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill on the U.S. 21/06/2010

      Although the oil has been pouring into the Gulf of Mexico for months, the consequences of this larger than ever environmental disaster have yet to be fully examined and determined. Scientists and researchers have started to put together some of the puzzle pieces, and the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are likely to be big.

      North Americans will have fewer choices on the store shelves. The Gulf of Mexico is a huge shipping lane through which products of all shapes and sizes come into North America. From toys to clothes to cars to building materials, you may find that the selection at your local store begins to shrink as shipping lanes slow down as a result of the oil spill.

      Whether you’re taking a vacation or hoping to walk along the shore, you may be disappointed. Many beaches in the U.S.A. are now closing as clean-up efforts on removing oil slick from the sands. But the impact may be felt for quite some time as oil continues to wash up on shore.

      Many wildlife animals will be impacted by the oil spill. Oiled birds, otter, bald eagles, pelicans, turtles, fish, and dolphins are already washing up on shore, making the beach sights less than palatable for someone looking to see some pristine nature.

      Over time, molluscs like clams incorporate calcium into their shells throughout their lifetimes. But the heavy metals like nickel and vanadium from the petroleum industry and the resulting oil spill may be incorporated into the shells of these creatures. As other wildlife consumes these clams, they incorporate the toxins into their bodies, and on it goes as the heavy metals bio-accumulate in the food chain. This could have serious, long-term consequences for human health. 

      Environmentalists have been working on restoring the populations of oysters by reseeding certain reefs to boost their numbers. The Gulf of Mexico has been home-working on some of these projects, but with the massive oil spilling into that environment, the oysters could soon become tainted with chemicals, making them unsafe to eat.

      The Gulf of Mexico is also a nursery for species like shrimp that grow up in the estuaries. The oil that is taking over this natural environment will choke out the plants that make the estuaries so nutritious to shrimp. 

      According to the National Weather Service, a hurricane like Hurricane Katrina could have a devastating impact on New Orleans. Researchers expect 15 named storms to develop into 8 hurricanes, and with a well-placed hurricane, the oil could be pushed onto New Orleans shores, further impacting the already devastated region.

Adapted from (21/06/2010)

their and them.
they and them.
they and it.
them and they.
UFRGS 2017 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

Select the alternative to which the words this (l. 17), which (l. 21) and they (l. 39) refer, respectively,



REMNICK, D. Leonard Cohen makes it Darker. Available

at: www.TAGARCHIVES: Leonard Cohen – Bob Dylan

Interface. Accessed on Nov. 9th, 2016. 

his songs – the music of the spheres – hundreds of great lines
a celestial character and melodic lift – four elemental lines – hundreds of great lines
greatest genius – lines – hundreds of great lines
a celestial character and melodic lift – the verses – lyrics of great polish
his songs – four elemental lines – great lines